Lift Framework example source code file (TableEditor.scala)
The Lift Framework TableEditor.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mapper package view import xml.{NodeSeq, Text} import common.{Box, Full, Empty} import util.BindPlus._ import util.{Helpers, BindHelpers} import Helpers._ import http.{SHtml, S, DispatchSnippet, js} import S.? import js.JsCmds.{Script, Run} import mapper.{Mapper, MetaMapper, LongKeyedMetaMapper, MappedField} import Util._ /** * Keeps track of pending adds to and removes from a list of mappers. * Supports in-memory sorting by a field. * Usage: override metaMapper with a MetaMapper instance, call sortBy * to specify the field to sort by. If it is already sorted by that * field it will sort descending, otherwise ascending. * Call save to actualize changes. * @author nafg */ trait ItemsList[T <: Mapper[T]] { /** * The MetaMapper that provides create and findAll functionality etc. * Must itself be a T (the mapper type it represents) */ def metaMapper: T with MetaMapper[T] /** * Whether the sorting algorithm should put null first or last */ var sortNullFirst = true /** * The list of items that correspond to items in the database */ var current: List[T] = Nil /** * The list of items pending to be added to the database */ var added: List[T] = Nil /** * The list of items to be deleted from current */ var removed: List[T] = Nil /** * The field to sort by, if any */ var sortField: Option[MappedField[_, T]] = None /** * The sort direction */ var ascending = true /** * Returns the items (current + added - removed), sorted. * Sorting sorts strings case-insensitive, as well as Ordered and java.lang.Comparable. * Anything else where both values are nonnull are sorted via their toString method (case sensitive) */ def items: Seq[T] = { import scala.util.Sorting._ val unsorted: List[T] = current.filterNot(removed.contains) ++ added sortField match { case None => unsorted case Some(field) => unsorted.sortWith { (a, b) => ((field.actualField(a).is: Any, field.actualField(b).is: Any) match { case (aval: String, bval: String) => aval.toLowerCase < bval.toLowerCase case (aval: Ordered[Any], bval: Ordered[Any]) => aval < bval case (aval: java.lang.Comparable[Any], bval: java.lang.Comparable[Any]) => (aval compareTo bval) < 0 case (null, _) => sortNullFirst case (_, null) => !sortNullFirst case (aval, bval) => aval.toString < bval.toString }) match { case cmp => if(ascending) cmp else !cmp } } } } /** * Adds a new, unsaved item */ def add { added ::= metaMapper.create } /** * Marks an item pending for removal */ def remove(i: T) { if(added.exists(i.eq)) added = added.filter(i.ne) else if(current.contains(i)) removed ::= i } /** * Reset the ItemsList from the database: calls refresh, and 'added' and 'removed' are cleared. */ def reload { refresh added = Nil removed = Nil } /** * Reloads the contents of 'current' from the database */ def refresh { current = metaMapper.findAll } /** * Sends to the database: * added is saved * removed is deleted * (current - removed) is saved */ def save { val (successAdd, failAdd) = added.partition(_.save) added = failAdd val (successRemove, failRemove) = removed.partition(_.delete_!) current = current.filterNot(successRemove.contains) removed = failRemove for(c <- current if c.validate.isEmpty) c.save current ++= successAdd } def sortBy(field: MappedField[_, T]) = (sortField, ascending) match { case (Some(f), true) if f eq field => ascending = false case _ | null => sortField = Some(field) ascending = true } def sortFn(field: MappedField[_, T]) = (sortField, ascending) match { case (Some(f), true) if f eq field => () => ascending = false case _ | null => () => { sortField = Some(field) ascending = true } } reload } /** * Holds a registry of TableEditor delegates * Call TableEditor.registerTable(name_to_use_in_view, meta_mapper_for_the_table, display_title) * in Boot after DB.defineConnectionManager. * Referencing TableEditor triggers registering its snippet package and enabling * the provided template, /tableeditor/default. * @author nafg */ object TableEditor { net.liftweb.http.LiftRules.addToPackages("net.liftweb.mapper.view") private[view] val map = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, TableEditorImpl[_]] def registerTable[T<:Mapper[T]](name: String, meta: T with MetaMapper[T], title: String) = map(name) = new TableEditorImpl(title, meta) } package snippet { /** * This is the snippet that the view references. * It requires the following contents: * table:title - the title registered in Boot * header:fields - repeated for every field of the MetaMapper, for the header. * field:name - the displayName of the field, capified. Links to sort by the field. * table:items - repeated for each record * item:fields - repeated for each field of the current record * field:form - the result of toForm on the field * item:removeBtn - a button to remove the current item * table:insertBtn - a button to insert another item * For a default layout, use lift:embed what="/tableeditor/default", with * @author nafg */ class TableEditor extends DispatchSnippet { private def getInstance: Box[TableEditorImpl[_]] = S.attr("table").map(TableEditor.map(_)) def dispatch = { case "edit" => val o = getInstance.open_! o.edit _ } } } /** * This class does the actual view binding against a ItemsList. * The implementation is in the base trait ItemsListEditor * @author nafg */ protected class TableEditorImpl[T <: Mapper[T]](val title: String, meta: T with MetaMapper[T]) extends ItemsListEditor[T] { var items = new ItemsList[T] { def metaMapper = meta } } /** * General trait to edit an ItemsList. * @author nafg */ trait ItemsListEditor[T<:Mapper[T]] { def items: ItemsList[T] def title: String def onInsert: Unit = items.add def onRemove(item: T): Unit = items.remove(item) def onSubmit: Unit = try { items.save } catch { case e: java.sql.SQLException => S.error("Not all items could be saved!") } def sortFn(f: MappedField[_, T]): ()=>Unit = items.sortFn(f) val fieldFilter: MappedField[_,T]=>Boolean = (f: MappedField[_,T])=>true def customBind(item: T): NodeSeq=>NodeSeq = (ns: NodeSeq) => ns def edit(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { def unsavedScript = (<head>{Script(Run(""" var safeToContinue = false window.onbeforeunload = function(evt) {{ // thanks Tim! if(!safeToContinue) {{ var reply = "You have unsaved changes!"; if(typeof evt == 'undefined') evt = window.event; if(evt) evt.returnValue = reply; return reply; }} }} """))}</head>) val noPrompt = "onclick" -> "safeToContinue=true" val optScript = if( (items.added.length + items.removed.length == 0) && items.current.forall(!_.dirty_?) ) { NodeSeq.Empty } else { unsavedScript } optScript ++ xhtml.bind("header", "fields" -> eachField[T]( items.metaMapper, (f: MappedField[_,T]) => Seq( "name" -> SHtml.link(S.uri, sortFn(f), Text(capify(f.displayName))) ), fieldFilter ) ).bind("table", "title" -> title, "insertBtn" -> SHtml.submit(?("Insert"), onInsert _, noPrompt), "items" -> {ns:NodeSeq => items.items.flatMap {i => bind("item", customBind(i)(ns), "fields" -> eachField( i, (f: MappedField[_,T]) => Seq("form" -> f.toForm), fieldFilter ), "removeBtn" -> SHtml.submit(?("Remove"), ()=>onRemove(i), noPrompt), "msg" -> ((i.validate match { case Nil => if(!i.saved_?) Text(?("New")) else if(i.dirty_?) Text(?("Unsaved")) else NodeSeq.Empty case errors => (<ul>{errors.flatMap(e => Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework TableEditor.scala source code file: |
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