Lift Framework example source code file (MongoDocument.scala)
The Lift Framework MongoDocument.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mongodb import json.JsonAST.JObject import java.util.UUID import com.mongodb._ import org.bson.types.ObjectId /* * extend case class with this trait */ trait MongoDocument[BaseDocument] extends JsonObject[BaseDocument] { self: BaseDocument => def _id: Any def meta: MongoDocumentMeta[BaseDocument] def delete { meta.delete("_id", _id) } def save = meta.save(this) def getRef: Option[MongoRef] = _id match { case oid: ObjectId => Some(MongoRef(meta.collectionName, oid)) case _ => None } } /* * extend case class companion objects with this trait */ trait MongoDocumentMeta[BaseDocument] extends JsonObjectMeta[BaseDocument] with MongoMeta[BaseDocument] { def create(dbo: DBObject): BaseDocument = { create(JObjectParser.serialize(dbo).asInstanceOf[JObject]) } /** * Find a single row by a qry, using a DBObject. */ def find(qry: DBObject): Option[BaseDocument] = { MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll => coll.findOne(qry) match { case null => None case dbo => { Some(create(dbo)) } } ) } /** * Find a single document by _id using a String. */ def find(s: String): Option[BaseDocument] = if (ObjectId.isValid(s)) find(new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(s))) else find(new BasicDBObject("_id", s)) /** * Find a single document by _id using an ObjectId. */ def find(oid: ObjectId): Option[BaseDocument] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", oid)) /** * Find a single document by _id using a UUID. */ def find(uuid: UUID): Option[BaseDocument] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", uuid)) /** * Find a single document by a qry using String, Any inputs */ def find(k: String, v: Any): Option[BaseDocument] = find(new BasicDBObject(k, v)) /** * Find a single document by a qry using a json query */ def find(json: JObject): Option[BaseDocument] = find(JObjectParser.parse(json)) /** * Find all documents in this collection */ def findAll: List[BaseDocument] = { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName)(coll => { /** Mongo Cursors are both Iterable and Iterator, * so we need to reduce ambiguity for implicits */ (coll.find: Iterator[DBObject]).map(create).toList }) } /** * Find all documents using a DBObject query. */ def findAll(qry: DBObject, sort: Option[DBObject], opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ val findOpts = opts.toList MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll => { val cur = coll.find(qry).limit( findOpts.find(_.isInstanceOf[Limit]).map(x => x.value).getOrElse(0) ).skip( findOpts.find(_.isInstanceOf[Skip]).map(x => x.value).getOrElse(0) ) sort.foreach( s => cur.sort(s)) /** Mongo Cursors are both Iterable and Iterator, * so we need to reduce ambiguity for implicits */ (cur: Iterator[DBObject]).map(create).toList }) } /** * Find all documents using a DBObject query. */ def findAll(qry: DBObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = findAll(qry, None, opts :_*) /** * Find all documents using a DBObject query with sort */ def findAll(qry: DBObject, sort: DBObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = findAll(qry, Some(sort), opts :_*) /** * Find all documents using a JObject query */ def findAll(qry: JObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = findAll(JObjectParser.parse(qry), None, opts :_*) /** * Find all documents using a JObject query with sort */ def findAll(qry: JObject, sort: JObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = findAll(JObjectParser.parse(qry), Some(JObjectParser.parse(sort)), opts :_*) /** * Find all documents using a k, v query */ def findAll(k: String, o: Any, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = findAll(new BasicDBObject(k, o), None, opts :_*) /** * Find all documents using a k, v query with JObject sort */ def findAll(k: String, o: Any, sort: JObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseDocument] = findAll(new BasicDBObject(k, o), Some(JObjectParser.parse(sort)), opts :_*) /* * Save a document to the db */ def save(in: BaseDocument) { MongoDB.use(mongoIdentifier) ( db => { save(in, db) }) } /* * Save a document to the db using the given Mongo instance */ def save(in: BaseDocument, db: DB) { db.getCollection(collectionName).save(JObjectParser.parse(toJObject(in))) } /* * Update document with a JObject query using the given Mongo instance */ def update(qry: JObject, newbd: BaseDocument, db: DB, opts: UpdateOption*) { update(qry, toJObject(newbd), db, opts :_*) } /* * Update document with a JObject query */ def update(qry: JObject, newbd: BaseDocument, opts: UpdateOption*) { MongoDB.use(mongoIdentifier) ( db => { update(qry, newbd, db, opts :_*) }) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MongoDocument.scala source code file: |
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