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Lift Framework example source code file (MongoMeta.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (MongoMeta.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

basicdbobject, db, dbobject, dbobject, findoption, formats, int, jobject, jobject, jsonformats, string, string, updateoption, updateoption

The Lift Framework MongoMeta.scala source code

* Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package mongodb

import org.bson.types.ObjectId

import json.{DefaultFormats, Formats}
import json.JsonAST.JObject

import com.mongodb.{BasicDBObject, DB, DBObject}

trait JsonFormats {
  // override this for custom Formats
  def formats: Formats = DefaultFormats.lossless

  implicit lazy val _formats: Formats = formats

  lazy val allFormats = DefaultFormats.lossless + new ObjectIdSerializer + new DateSerializer + new PatternSerializer + new UUIDSerializer

* This is used by both MongoDocumentMeta and MongoMetaRecord
trait MongoMeta[BaseDocument] extends JsonFormats {

  // class name has a $ at the end.
  private lazy val _collectionName = {
    getClass.getName.split("\\.").toList.last.replace("$", "")+"s"

  * Collection names should begin with letters or an underscore and may include
  * numbers; $ is reserved. Collections can be organized in namespaces; these
  * are named groups of collections defined using a dot notation. For example,
  * you could define collections blog.posts and blog.authors, both reside under
  * "blog". Note that this is simply an organizational mechanism for the user
  * -- the collection namespace is flat from the database's perspective.
  * From:
  def fixCollectionName = _collectionName.toLowerCase match {
    case name if (name.contains("$")) => name.replace("$", "_d_")
    case name => name

  * The name of the database collection.  Override this method if you
  * want to change the collection to something other than the name of
  * the class with an 's' appended to the end.
  def collectionName: String = fixCollectionName

  // override this to specify a MongoIdentifier for this MongoDocument type
  def mongoIdentifier: MongoIdentifier = DefaultMongoIdentifier

  * Count all documents
  def count: Long = {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll =>

  * Count documents by DBObject query
  def count(qry: DBObject):Long = {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll =>

  * Count documents by JObject query
  def count(qry: JObject):Long = count(JObjectParser.parse(qry))

  * Count distinct records on a given field
  def countDistinct(key: String, query: DBObject): Long = {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll =>
      coll.distinct(key, query).size

  * Delete documents by a DBObject query
  def delete(qry: DBObject) {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll =>

  // delete a document
  def delete(k: String, v: Any) {
    delete(new BasicDBObject(k, v match {
      case s: String if (ObjectId.isValid(s)) => new ObjectId(s)
      case _ => v

  * Delete documents by a JObject query
  def delete(qry: JObject) {

  /* drop this document collection */
  def drop {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll =>

  * Ensure an index exists
  def ensureIndex(keys: JObject) {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll => {

  * Ensure an index exists and make unique
  def ensureIndex(keys: JObject, unique: Boolean) {
    val options = new BasicDBObject
    if (unique) options.put("unique", true)
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll => {
      coll.ensureIndex(JObjectParser.parse(keys), options)

  * Ensure an index exists with options
  def ensureIndex(keys: JObject, opts: JObject) {
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName) ( coll => {
      coll.ensureIndex(JObjectParser.parse(keys), JObjectParser.parse(opts))

  * Update document with a DBObject query using the given Mongo instance.
  def update(qry: DBObject, newobj: DBObject, db: DB, opts: UpdateOption*) {
    val dboOpts = opts.toList
      dboOpts.find(_ == Upsert).map(x => true).getOrElse(false),
      dboOpts.find(_ == Multi).map(x => true).getOrElse(false)

  * Update document with a JObject query using the given Mongo instance.
  def update(qry: JObject, newobj: JObject, db: DB, opts: UpdateOption*) {
      opts :_*

  * Update document with a JObject query.
  def update(qry: JObject, newobj: JObject, opts: UpdateOption*) {
    MongoDB.use(mongoIdentifier) ( db => {
      update(qry, newobj, db, opts :_*)

* For passing in options to the find function
abstract sealed class FindOption {
  def value: Int
case class Limit(value: Int) extends FindOption
case class Skip(value: Int) extends FindOption

* For passing in options to the update function
abstract sealed class UpdateOption
case object Upsert extends UpdateOption
case object Multi extends UpdateOption

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MongoMeta.scala source code file:

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