| career | drupal | java | mac | mysql | perl | scala | uml | unix  
<tr> <tr> </table> </form>) } def passwordResetMailBody(user: TheUserType, resetLink: String): Elem = { (<html> <head> <title>{S.??("reset.password.confirmation")} </head> <body> <p>{S.??("dear")} {user.getFirstName}, <br/> <br/> {S.??("")} <br/>{resetLink} <br/> <br/> {S.??("")} </p> </body> </html>) } /** * Generate the mail bodies to send with the password reset link. * By default, just an HTML mail body is generated by calling * passwordResetMailBody * but you can send additional or alternative mail by overriding this method. */ protected def generateResetEmailBodies(user: TheUserType, resetLink: String): List[MailBodyType] = List(xmlToMailBodyType(passwordResetMailBody(user, resetLink))) def passwordResetEmailSubject = S.??("reset.password.request") /** * Send password reset email to the user. The XHTML version of the mail * body is generated by calling passwordResetMailBody. You can customize the * mail sent to users by overriding generateResetEmailBodies to * send non-HTML mail or alternative mail bodies. */ def sendPasswordReset(email: String) { findUserByUserName(email) match { case Full(user) if user.validated_? => user.resetUniqueId().save val resetLink = S.hostAndPath+ passwordResetPath.mkString("/", "/", "/")+urlEncode(user.getUniqueId()) val email: String = user.getEmail Mailer.sendMail(From(emailFrom),Subject(passwordResetEmailSubject), (To(user.getEmail) :: generateResetEmailBodies(user, resetLink) ::: ( :_*) S.notice(S.??("")) S.redirectTo(homePage) case Full(user) => sendValidationEmail(user) S.notice(S.??("account.validation.resent")) S.redirectTo(homePage) case _ => S.error(userNameNotFoundString) } } def lostPassword = { bind("user", lostPasswordXhtml, "email" -> SHtml.text("", sendPasswordReset _), "submit" -> <input type="submit" value={S.??("")} />) } def passwordResetXhtml = { (<form method="post" action={S.uri}> <table> <tr> <tr> <tr> </table> </form>) } def passwordReset(id: String) = findUserByUniqueId(id) match { case Full(user) => def finishSet() { user.validate match { case Nil => S.notice(S.??("password.changed")) logUserIn(user, () => S.redirectTo(homePage)) case xs => S.error(xs) } } user.resetUniqueId().save bind("user", passwordResetXhtml, "pwd" -> SHtml.password_*("",(p: List[String]) => user.setPasswordFromListString(p)), "submit" -> SHtml.submit(S.??("set.password"), finishSet _)) case _ => S.error(S.??("")); S.redirectTo(homePage) } def changePasswordXhtml = { (<form method="post" action={S.uri}> <table> <tr> <tr> <tr> <tr> </table> </form>) } def changePassword = { val user = currentUser.open_! // we can do this because the logged in test has happened var oldPassword = "" var newPassword: List[String] = Nil def testAndSet() { if (!user.testPassword(Full(oldPassword))) S.error(S.??("wrong.old.password")) else { user.setPasswordFromListString(newPassword) user.validate match { case Nil =>; S.notice(S.??("password.changed")); S.redirectTo(homePage) case xs => S.error(xs) } } } bind("user", changePasswordXhtml, "old_pwd" -> SHtml.password("", s => oldPassword = s), "new_pwd" -> SHtml.password_*("", LFuncHolder(s => newPassword = s)), "submit" -> SHtml.submit(S.??("change"), testAndSet _)) } def editXhtml(user: TheUserType) = { (<form method="post" action={S.uri}> <table> {localForm(user, true, editFields)} <tr> </table> </form>) } object editFunc extends RequestVar[Box[() => NodeSeq]](Empty) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * If there's any mutation to do to the user on retrieval for * editting, override this method and mutate the user. This can * be used to pull query parameters from the request and assign * certain fields. Issue #722 * * @param user the user to mutate * @return the mutated user */ protected def mutateUserOnEdit(user: TheUserType): TheUserType = user def edit = { val theUser: TheUserType = mutateUserOnEdit(currentUser.open_!) // we know we're logged in val theName = editPath.mkString("") def testEdit() { theUser.validate match { case Nil => S.notice(S.??("profile.updated")) S.redirectTo(homePage) case xs => S.error(xs) ; editFunc(Full(innerEdit _)) } } def innerEdit = bind("user", editXhtml(theUser), "submit" -> SHtml.submit(S.??("edit"), testEdit _)) innerEdit } def logout = { logoutCurrentUser S.redirectTo(homePage) } /** * Given an instance of TheCrudType and FieldPointerType, convert * that to an actual instance of a BaseField on the instance of TheCrudType */ protected def computeFieldFromPointer(instance: TheUserType, pointer: FieldPointerType): Box[BaseField] protected def localForm(user: TheUserType, ignorePassword: Boolean, fields: List[FieldPointerType]): NodeSeq = { for { pointer <- fields field <- computeFieldFromPointer(user, pointer).toList if field.show_? && (!ignorePassword || !pointer.isPasswordField_?) form <- field.toForm.toList } yield <tr> } protected def wrapIt(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = RuleTransformer(new RewriteRule { override def transform(n: Node) = n match { case e: Elem if "bind" == e.label && "lift" == e.prefix => in case _ => n } })) openOr in }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework ProtoUser.scala source code file:

Lift Framework example source code file (ProtoUser.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (ProtoUser.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, box, full, if, list, list, nil, s, s, string, string, template, theusertype, theusertype

The Lift Framework ProtoUser.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package proto

import net.liftweb.http._
import js._
import JsCmds._
import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Node, Text, Elem}
import scala.xml.transform._
import net.liftweb.sitemap._
import net.liftweb.sitemap.Loc._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.util.Mailer._
import S._

 * A prototypical user class with abstractions to the underlying storage
trait ProtoUser {
   * The underlying record for the User
  type TheUserType

   * Bridges from TheUserType to methods used in this class
  protected trait UserBridge {
     * Convert the user's primary key to a String
    def userIdAsString: String

     * Return the user's first name
    def getFirstName: String

     * Return the user's last name
    def getLastName: String

     * Get the user's email
    def getEmail: String

     * Is the user a superuser
    def superUser_? : Boolean

     * Has the user been validated?
    def validated_? : Boolean

     * Does the supplied password match the actual password?
    def testPassword(toTest: Box[String]): Boolean

     * Set the validation flag on the user and return the user
    def setValidated(validation: Boolean): TheUserType

     * Set the unique ID for this user to a new value
    def resetUniqueId(): TheUserType

     * Return the unique ID for the user
    def getUniqueId(): String

     * Validate the user
    def validate: List[FieldError]

     * Given a list of string, set the password
    def setPasswordFromListString(in: List[String]): TheUserType

     * Save the user to backing store
    def save: Boolean

     * Get a nice name for the user
    def niceName: String = (getFirstName, getLastName, getEmail) match {
      case (f, l, e) if f.length > 1 && l.length > 1 => f+" "+l+" ("+e+")"
      case (f, _, e) if f.length > 1 => f+" ("+e+")"
      case (_, l, e) if l.length > 1 => l+" ("+e+")"
      case (_, _, e) => e
     * Get a short name for the user
    def shortName: String = (getFirstName, getLastName) match {
      case (f, l) if f.length > 1 && l.length > 1 => f+" "+l
      case (f, _) if f.length > 1 => f
      case (_, l) if l.length > 1 => l
      case _ => getEmail
     * Get an email link
    def niceNameWEmailLink = <a href={"mailto:"+urlEncode(getEmail)}>{niceName}


   * Convert an instance of TheUserType to the Bridge trait
  protected implicit def typeToBridge(in: TheUserType): UserBridge

   * Get a nice name for the user
  def niceName(inst: TheUserType): String = inst.niceName

   * Get a nice name for the user
  def shortName(inst: TheUserType): String = inst.shortName

   * Get an email link for the user
  def niceNameWEmailLink(inst: TheUserType): Elem = inst.niceNameWEmailLink

   * A generic representation of a field.  For example, this represents the
   * abstract "name" field and is used along with an instance of TheCrudType
   * to compute the BaseField that is the "name" field on the specific instance
   * of TheCrudType
  type FieldPointerType

   * Based on a FieldPointer, build a FieldPointerBridge
  protected implicit def buildFieldBridge(from: FieldPointerType): FieldPointerBridge
  protected trait FieldPointerBridge {
     * What is the display name of this field?
    def displayHtml: NodeSeq

     * Does this represent a pointer to a Password field
    def isPasswordField_? : Boolean

   * The list of fields presented to the user at sign-up
  def signupFields: List[FieldPointerType]

   * The list of fields presented to the user for editing
  def editFields: List[FieldPointerType]

   * What template are you going to wrap the various nodes in
  def screenWrap: Box[Node] = Empty

   * The base path for the user related URLs.  Override this
   * method to change the base path
  def basePath: List[String] = "user_mgt" :: Nil

   * The path suffix for the sign up screen
  def signUpSuffix: String = "sign_up"

   * The computed path for the sign up screen
  lazy val signUpPath = thePath(signUpSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the login screen
  def loginSuffix = "login"

   * The computed path for the login screen
  lazy val loginPath = thePath(loginSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the lost password screen
  def lostPasswordSuffix = "lost_password"

   * The computed path for the lost password screen
  lazy val lostPasswordPath = thePath(lostPasswordSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the reset password screen
  def passwordResetSuffix = "reset_password"

   * The computed path for the reset password screen
  lazy val passwordResetPath = thePath(passwordResetSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the change password screen
  def changePasswordSuffix = "change_password"

   * The computed path for change password screen
  lazy val changePasswordPath = thePath(changePasswordSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the logout screen
  def logoutSuffix = "logout"

   * The computed pat for logout
  lazy val logoutPath = thePath(logoutSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the edit screen
  def editSuffix = "edit"

   * The computed path for the edit screen
  lazy val editPath = thePath(editSuffix)

   * The path suffix for the validate user screen
  def validateUserSuffix = "validate_user"

   * The calculated path to the user validation screen
  lazy val validateUserPath = thePath(validateUserSuffix)

   * The application's home page
  def homePage = "/"

   * If you want to redirect a user to a different page after login,
   * put the page here
  object loginRedirect extends SessionVar[Box[String]](Empty) {
    override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName

   * A helper class that holds menu items for the path
  case class MenuItem(name: String, path: List[String],
                      loggedIn: Boolean) {
    lazy val endOfPath = path.last
    lazy val pathStr: String = path.mkString("/", "/", "")
    lazy val display = name match {
      case null | "" => false
      case _ => true

   * Calculate the path given a suffix by prepending the basePath to the suffix
  protected def thePath(end: String): List[String] = basePath ::: List(end)

   * Return the URL of the "login" page
  def loginPageURL = loginPath.mkString("/","/", "")

   * Inverted loggedIn_?
  def notLoggedIn_? = !loggedIn_?

   * A Menu.LocParam to test if the user is logged in
  lazy val testLogginIn = If(loggedIn_? _, S.??("")) ;

   * A Menu.LocParam to test if the user is a super user
  lazy val testSuperUser = If(superUser_? _, S.??(""))

   * A Menu.LocParam for testing if the user is logged in and if they're not,
   * redirect them to the login page
  def loginFirst = If(
    loggedIn_? _,
    () => {
      import net.liftweb.http.{RedirectWithState, RedirectState}
      val uri = S.uriAndQueryString
        RedirectState( ()=>{loginRedirect.set(uri)})

   * Is there a user logged in and are they a superUser?
  def superUser_? : Boolean = openOr false

   * The menu item for login (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def loginMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("Login" + menuNameSuffix, loginPath, S.??("login"), loginMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams)))

   * If you want to include a LocParam (e.g. LocGroup) on all the
   * User menus, add them here
  protected def globalUserLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] = Nil

   * The LocParams for the menu item for login.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def loginMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    If(notLoggedIn_? _, S.??("")) ::
    Template(() => wrapIt(login)) ::

   * If you have more than 1 ProtoUser in your application, you'll need to distinguish the menu names.
   * Do so by changing the menu name suffix so that there are no name clashes
  protected def menuNameSuffix: String = ""

   * The menu item for logout (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def logoutMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("Logout" + menuNameSuffix, logoutPath, S.??("logout"), logoutMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams)))

   * The LocParams for the menu item for logout.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def logoutMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Template(() => wrapIt(logout)) ::
    testLogginIn ::

   * The menu item for creating the user/sign up (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def createUserMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("CreateUser" + menuNameSuffix, signUpPath, S.??("sign.up"), createUserMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams)))

   * The LocParams for the menu item for creating the user/sign up.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def createUserMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Template(() => wrapIt( openOr signup)) ::
    If(notLoggedIn_? _, S.??("logout.first")) ::

   * The menu item for lost password (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def lostPasswordMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("LostPassword" + menuNameSuffix, lostPasswordPath, S.??("lost.password"), lostPasswordMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams))) // not logged in

   * The LocParams for the menu item for lost password.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def lostPasswordMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Template(() => wrapIt(lostPassword)) ::
    If(notLoggedIn_? _, S.??("logout.first")) ::

   * The menu item for resetting the password (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def resetPasswordMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("ResetPassword" + menuNameSuffix, (passwordResetPath, true), S.??("reset.password"), resetPasswordMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams))) //not Logged in

   * The LocParams for the menu item for resetting the password.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def resetPasswordMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Hidden ::
    Template(() => wrapIt(passwordReset(snarfLastItem))) ::
    If(notLoggedIn_? _, S.??("logout.first")) ::

   * The menu item for editing the user (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def editUserMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("EditUser" + menuNameSuffix, editPath, S.??("edit.user"), editUserMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams)))

   * The LocParams for the menu item for editing the user.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def editUserMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Template(() => wrapIt( openOr edit)) ::
    testLogginIn ::

   * The menu item for changing password (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def changePasswordMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("ChangePassword" + menuNameSuffix, changePasswordPath, S.??("change.password"), changePasswordMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams)))

   * The LocParams for the menu item for changing password.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def changePasswordMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Template(() => wrapIt(changePassword)) ::
    testLogginIn ::

   * The menu item for validating a user (make this "Empty" to disable)
  def validateUserMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
    Full(Menu(Loc("ValidateUser" + menuNameSuffix, (validateUserPath, true), S.??("validate.user"), validateUserMenuLocParams ::: globalUserLocParams)))

   * The LocParams for the menu item for validating a user.
   * Overwrite in order to add custom LocParams. Attention: Not calling super will change the default behavior!
  protected def validateUserMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
    Hidden ::
    Template(() => wrapIt(validateUser(snarfLastItem))) ::
    If(notLoggedIn_? _, S.??("logout.first")) ::

   * An alias for the sitemap property
  def menus: List[Menu] = sitemap // issue 182

   * Insert this LocParam into your menu if you want the
   * User's menu items to be inserted at the same level
   * and after the item
  final case object AddUserMenusAfter extends Loc.LocParam[Any]

   * replace the menu that has this LocParam with the User's menu
   * items
  final case object AddUserMenusHere extends Loc.LocParam[Any]

   * Insert this LocParam into your menu if you want the
   * User's menu items to be children of that menu
  final case object AddUserMenusUnder extends Loc.LocParam[Any]

  private lazy val AfterUnapply = SiteMap.buildMenuMatcher(_ == AddUserMenusAfter)
  private lazy val HereUnapply = SiteMap.buildMenuMatcher(_ == AddUserMenusHere)
  private lazy val UnderUnapply = SiteMap.buildMenuMatcher(_ == AddUserMenusUnder)

   * The SiteMap mutator function
  def sitemapMutator: SiteMap => SiteMap = SiteMap.sitemapMutator {
    case AfterUnapply(menu) => menu :: sitemap
    case HereUnapply(_) => sitemap
    case UnderUnapply(menu) => List(menu.rebuild(_ ::: sitemap))

  lazy val sitemap: List[Menu] =
  List(loginMenuLoc, logoutMenuLoc, createUserMenuLoc,
       lostPasswordMenuLoc, resetPasswordMenuLoc,
       editUserMenuLoc, changePasswordMenuLoc,
       validateUserMenuLoc).flatten(a => a)

  def skipEmailValidation = false

  def userMenu: List[Node] = {
    val li = loggedIn_?
    filter(i => i.display && i.loggedIn == li).
    map(i => (<a href={i.pathStr}>{}))

  protected def snarfLastItem: String =
  (for (r <- S.request) yield r.path.wholePath.last) openOr ""

  lazy val ItemList: List[MenuItem] =
  List(MenuItem(S.??("sign.up"), signUpPath, false),
       MenuItem(S.??(""), loginPath, false),
       MenuItem(S.??("lost.password"), lostPasswordPath, false),
       MenuItem("", passwordResetPath, false),
       MenuItem(S.??("change.password"), changePasswordPath, true),
       MenuItem(S.??("log.out"), logoutPath, true),
       MenuItem(S.??("edit.profile"), editPath, true),
       MenuItem("", validateUserPath, false))

  var onLogIn: List[TheUserType => Unit] = Nil

  var onLogOut: List[Box[TheUserType] => Unit] = Nil

   * This function is given a chance to log in a user
   * programmatically when needed
  var autologinFunc: Box[()=>Unit] = Empty

  def loggedIn_? = {
      for(f <- autologinFunc) f()

  def logUserIdIn(id: String) {

  def logUserIn(who: TheUserType, postLogin: () => Nothing): Nothing = {
    if (destroySessionOnLogin) {
      S.session.open_!.destroySessionAndContinueInNewSession(() => {
    } else {

  def logUserIn(who: TheUserType) {

  def logoutCurrentUser = logUserOut()

  def logUserOut() {

  private object curUserId extends SessionVar[Box[String]](Empty) {
    override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName

  def currentUserId: Box[String] =

  private object curUser extends RequestVar[Box[TheUserType]](currentUserId.flatMap(userFromStringId))  with CleanRequestVarOnSessionTransition  {
    override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName

   * Given a String representing the User ID, find the user
  protected def userFromStringId(id: String): Box[TheUserType]

  def currentUser: Box[TheUserType] =

  def signupXhtml(user: TheUserType) = {
    (<form method="post" action={S.uri}>
          {localForm(user, false, signupFields)}

  def signupMailBody(user: TheUserType, validationLink: String): Elem = {
          <p>{S.??("dear")} {user.getFirstName},

  def signupMailSubject = S.??("sign.up.confirmation")

   * Send validation email to the user.  The XHTML version of the mail
   * body is generated by calling signupMailBody.  You can customize the
   * mail sent to users by override generateValidationEmailBodies to
   * send non-HTML mail or alternative mail bodies.
  def sendValidationEmail(user: TheUserType) {
    val resetLink = S.hostAndPath+"/"+validateUserPath.mkString("/")+

    val email: String = user.getEmail

    val msgXml = signupMailBody(user, resetLink)

                    (To(user.getEmail) :: 
                     generateValidationEmailBodies(user, resetLink) :::
                     ( :_* )

   * Generate the mail bodies to send with the valdiation link.
   * By default, just an HTML mail body is generated by calling signupMailBody
   * but you can send additional or alternative mail by override this method.
  protected def generateValidationEmailBodies(user: TheUserType,
                                              resetLink: String):
  List[MailBodyType] = List(xmlToMailBodyType(signupMailBody(user, resetLink)))

  protected object signupFunc extends RequestVar[Box[() => NodeSeq]](Empty) {
    override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName

   * Override this method to do something else after the user signs up
  protected def actionsAfterSignup(theUser: TheUserType, func: () => Nothing): Nothing = {
    if (!skipEmailValidation) {
    } else {
      logUserIn(theUser, () => {      

   * Override this method to validate the user signup (eg by adding captcha verification)
  def validateSignup(user: TheUserType): List[FieldError] = user.validate

   * Create a new instance of the User
  protected def createNewUserInstance(): TheUserType

   * If there's any mutation to do to the user on creation for
   * signup, override this method and mutate the user.  This can
   * be used to pull query parameters from the request and assign
   * certain fields. . Issue #722
   * @param user the user to mutate
   * @return the mutated user
  protected def mutateUserOnSignup(user: TheUserType): TheUserType = user
  def signup = {
    val theUser: TheUserType = mutateUserOnSignup(createNewUserInstance())
    val theName = signUpPath.mkString("")

    def testSignup() {
      validateSignup(theUser) match {
        case Nil =>
          actionsAfterSignup(theUser, () => S.redirectTo(homePage))

        case xs => S.error(xs) ; signupFunc(Full(innerSignup _))

    def innerSignup = bind("user",
                           "submit" -> SHtml.submit(S.??("sign.up"), testSignup _))


  def emailFrom = "noreply@"+S.hostName

  def bccEmail: Box[String] = Empty

  def testLoggedIn(page: String): Boolean =
  ItemList.filter(_.endOfPath == page) match {
    case x :: xs if x.loggedIn == loggedIn_? => true
    case _ => false

  def validateUser(id: String): NodeSeq = findUserByUniqueId(id) match {
    case Full(user) if !user.validated_? =>
      logUserIn(user, () => {

    case _ => S.error(S.??("")); S.redirectTo(homePage)

   * How do we prompt the user for the username.  By default,
   * it's S.??("email.address"), you can can change it to something else
  def userNameFieldString: String = S.??("email.address")

   * The string that's generated when the user name is not found.  By
   * default: S.??("email.address.not.found")
  def userNameNotFoundString: String = S.??("email.address.not.found")

  def loginXhtml = {
    (<form method="post" action={S.uri}>
<tr> <tr> <tr>
</form>) } /** * Given an username (probably email address), find the user */ protected def findUserByUserName(username: String): Box[TheUserType] /** * Given a unique id, find the user */ protected def findUserByUniqueId(id: String): Box[TheUserType] /** * By default, destroy the session on login. * Change this is some of the session information needs to * be preserved. */ protected def destroySessionOnLogin = true /** * If there's any state that you want to capture pre-login * to be set post-login (the session is destroyed), * then set the state here. Just make a function * that captures the state... that function will be applied * post login. */ protected def capturePreLoginState(): () => Unit = () => {} def login = { if (S.post_?) { S.param("username"). flatMap(username => findUserByUserName(username)) match { case Full(user) if user.validated_? && user.testPassword(S.param("password")) => { val preLoginState = capturePreLoginState() val redir = match { case Full(url) => loginRedirect(Empty) url case _ => homePage } logUserIn(user, () => { S.notice(S.??("")) preLoginState() S.redirectTo(redir) }) } case Full(user) if !user.validated_? => S.error(S.??("account.validation.error")) case _ => S.error(S.??("invalid.credentials")) } } bind("user", loginXhtml, "email" -> (FocusOnLoad(<input type="text" name="username"/>)), "password" -> (<input type="password" name="password"/>), "submit" -> (<input type="submit" value={S.??("")}/>)) } def lostPasswordXhtml = { (<form method="post" action={S.uri}> <table>
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