Lift Framework example source code file (MetaRecord.scala)
The Lift Framework MetaRecord.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package record import java.lang.reflect.Modifier import net.liftweb._ import util._ import common._ import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer} import scala.xml._ import net.liftweb.http.js.{JsExp, JE, JsObj} import net.liftweb.http.{SHtml, Req, LiftResponse, LiftRules} import net.liftweb.json.{JsonParser, Printer} import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._ import net.liftweb.record.FieldHelpers.expectedA import java.lang.reflect.Method import field._ import Box._ import JE._ import Helpers._ /** * Holds meta information and operations on a record */ trait MetaRecord[BaseRecord <: Record[BaseRecord]] { self: BaseRecord => private var fieldList: List[FieldHolder] = Nil private var fieldMap: Map[String, FieldHolder] = Map.empty private var lifecycleCallbacks: List[(String, Method)] = Nil /** * Set this to use your own form template when rendering a Record to a form. * * This template is any given XHtml that contains three nodes acting as placeholders such as: * * <pre> * * <lift:field_label name="firstName"/> - the label for firstName field will be rendered here * <lift:field name="firstName"/> - the firstName field will be rendered here (typically an input field) * <lift:field_msg name="firstName"/> - the <lift:msg> will be rendered here hafing the id given by * uniqueFieldId of the firstName field. * * * Example. * * Having: * * class MyRecord extends Record[MyRecord] { * * def meta = MyRecordMeta * * object firstName extends StringField(this, "John") * * } * * object MyRecordMeta extends MyRecord with MetaRecord[MyRecord] { * override def mutable_? = false * } * * ... * * val rec = MyRecordMeta.createRecord.firstName("McLoud") * * val template = * <div> * <div> * <div><lift:field_label name="firstName"/></div> * <div><lift:field name="firstName"/></div> * <div><lift:field_msg name="firstName"/></div> * </div> * </div> * * MyRecordMeta.formTemplate = Full(template) * rec.toForm((r:MyRecord) => println(r)); * * </pre> * */ var formTemplate: Box[NodeSeq] = Empty protected val rootClass = this.getClass.getSuperclass private def isLifecycle(m: Method) = classOf[LifecycleCallbacks].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType) private def isField(m: Method) = { val ret = !m.isSynthetic && classOf[Field[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType) ret } def introspect(rec: BaseRecord, methods: Array[Method])(f: (Method, Field[_, BaseRecord]) => Any): Unit = { // find all the potential fields val potentialFields = methods.toList.filter(isField) // any fields with duplicate names get put into a List val map: Map[String, List[Method]] = potentialFields.foldLeft[Map[String, List[Method]]](Map()){ case (map, method) => val name = method.getName map + (name -> (method :: map.getOrElse(name, Nil))) } // sort each list based on having the most specific type and use that method val realMeth = map.values.map(_.sortWith { case (a, b) => !a.getReturnType.isAssignableFrom(b.getReturnType) }).map(_.head) for (v <- realMeth) { v.invoke(rec) match { case mf: Field[_, BaseRecord] if !mf.ignoreField_? => mf.setName_!(v.getName) f(v, mf) case _ => } } } this.runSafe { val tArray = new ListBuffer[FieldHolder] val methods = rootClass.getMethods lifecycleCallbacks = (for (v <- methods if v.getName != "meta" && isLifecycle(v)) yield (v.getName, v)).toList introspect(this, methods) { case (v, mf) => tArray += FieldHolder(mf.name, v, mf) } fieldList = { val ordered = fieldOrder.flatMap(f => tArray.find(_.metaField == f)) ordered ++ (tArray -- ordered) } fieldMap = Map() ++ fieldList.map(i => (i.name, i)) } /** * Specifies if this Record is mutable or not */ def mutable_? = true /** * Creates a new record */ def createRecord: BaseRecord = { val rec = instantiateRecord rec runSafe { fieldList.foreach(fh => fh.field(rec).setName_!(fh.name)) } rec } /** Make a new record instance. This method can be overridden to provide caching behavior or what have you. */ protected def instantiateRecord: BaseRecord = rootClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[BaseRecord] /** * Creates a new record setting the value of the fields from the original object but * apply the new value for the specific field * * @param - original the initial record * @param - field the new mutated field * @param - the new value of the field */ def createWithMutableField[FieldType](original: BaseRecord, field: Field[FieldType, BaseRecord], newValue: Box[FieldType]): BaseRecord = { val rec = createRecord for (fh <- fieldList) { val recField = fh.field(rec) if (fh.name == field.name) recField.asInstanceOf[Field[FieldType, BaseRecord]].setBox(newValue) else recField.setFromAny(fh.field(original).valueBox) } rec } /** * Returns the HTML representation of inst Record. * * @param inst - th designated Record * @return a NodeSeq */ def toXHtml(inst: BaseRecord): NodeSeq = fieldList.flatMap(_.field(inst).toXHtml ++ Text("\n")) /** * Validates the inst Record by calling validators for each field * * @pram inst - the Record tobe validated * @return a List of FieldError. If this list is empty you can assume that record was validated successfully */ def validate(inst: BaseRecord): List[FieldError] = { foreachCallback(inst, _.beforeValidation) try{ fieldList.flatMap(_.field(inst).validate) } finally { foreachCallback(inst, _.afterValidation) } } /** * Returns the JSON representation of <i>inst record * * @param inst: BaseRecord * @return JsObj */ def asJSON(inst: BaseRecord): JsObj = { val tups = fieldList.map{ fh => val field = fh.field(inst) field.name -> field.asJs } JsObj(tups:_*) } /** * Retuns the JSON representation of <i>inst record, converts asJValue to JsObj * * @return a JsObj */ def asJsExp(inst: BaseRecord): JsExp = new JsExp { lazy val toJsCmd = Printer.compact(render(asJValue(inst))) } /** * Create a record with fields populated with values from the JSON construct * * @param json - The stringified JSON object * @return Box[BaseRecord] */ def fromJSON(json: String): Box[BaseRecord] = { val inst = createRecord setFieldsFromJSON(inst, json) map (_ => inst) } /** * Populate the fields of the record instance with values from the JSON construct * * @param inst - The record to populate * @param json - The stringified JSON object * @return - Full(()) on success, other on failure */ def setFieldsFromJSON(inst: BaseRecord, json: String): Box[Unit] = JSONParser.parse(json) match { case Full(nvp : Map[_, _]) => for ((k, v) <- nvp; field <- inst.fieldByName(k.toString)) yield field.setFromAny(v) Full(inst) case Full(_) => Empty case failure => failure.asA[Unit] } /** Encode a record instance into a JValue */ def asJValue(rec: BaseRecord): JObject = { JObject(fields(rec).map(f => JField(f.name, f.asJValue))) } /** Create a record by decoding a JValue which must be a JObject */ def fromJValue(jvalue: JValue): Box[BaseRecord] = { val inst = createRecord setFieldsFromJValue(inst, jvalue) map (_ => inst) } /** Attempt to decode a JValue, which must be a JObject, into a record instance */ def setFieldsFromJValue(rec: BaseRecord, jvalue: JValue): Box[Unit] = { def fromJFields(jfields: List[JField]): Box[Unit] = { for { jfield <- jfields field <- rec.fieldByName(jfield.name) } field.setFromJValue(jfield.value) Full(()) } jvalue match { case JObject(jfields) => fromJFields(jfields) case other => expectedA("JObject", other) } } /** * Create a record with fields populated with values from the JSON construct * * @param json - The stringified JSON object * @return Box[BaseRecord] */ def fromJsonString(json: String): Box[BaseRecord] = { val inst = createRecord setFieldsFromJsonString(inst, json) map (_ => inst) } /** * Set from a Json String using the lift-json parser */ def setFieldsFromJsonString(inst: BaseRecord, json: String): Box[Unit] = setFieldsFromJValue(inst, JsonParser.parse(json)) def foreachCallback(inst: BaseRecord, f: LifecycleCallbacks => Any) { lifecycleCallbacks.foreach(m => f(m._2.invoke(inst).asInstanceOf[LifecycleCallbacks])) } /** * Returns the XHTML representation of inst Record. If formTemplate is set, * this template will be used otherwise a default template is considered. * * @param inst - the record to be rendered * @return the XHTML content as a NodeSeq */ def toForm(inst: BaseRecord): NodeSeq = { formTemplate match { case Full(template) => toForm(inst, template) case _ => fieldList.flatMap(_.field(inst).toForm.openOr(NodeSeq.Empty) ++ Text("\n")) } } /** * Returns the XHTML representation of inst Record. You must provide the Node template * to represent this record in the proprietary layout. * * @param inst - the record to be rendered * @param template - The markup template forthe form. See also the formTemplate variable * @return the XHTML content as a NodeSeq */ def toForm(inst: BaseRecord, template: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { template match { case e @ <lift:field_label>{_*} => e.attribute("name") match { case Some(name) => fieldByName(name.toString, inst).map(_.label).openOr(NodeSeq.Empty) case _ => NodeSeq.Empty } case e @ <lift:field>{_*} => e.attribute("name") match { case Some(name) => fieldByName(name.toString, inst).flatMap(_.toForm).openOr(NodeSeq.Empty) case _ => NodeSeq.Empty } case e @ <lift:field_msg>{_*} => e.attribute("name") match { case Some(name) => fieldByName(name.toString, inst).map(_.uniqueFieldId match { case Full(id) => <lift:msg id={id}/> case _ => NodeSeq.Empty }).openOr(NodeSeq.Empty) case _ => NodeSeq.Empty } case Elem(namespace, label, attrs, scp, ns @ _*) => Elem(namespace, label, attrs, scp, toForm(inst, ns.flatMap(n => toForm(inst, n))):_* ) case s : Seq[_] => s.flatMap(e => e match { case Elem(namespace, label, attrs, scp, ns @ _*) => Elem(namespace, label, attrs, scp, toForm(inst, ns.flatMap(n => toForm(inst, n))):_* ) case x => x }) } } /** * Get a field by the field name * @param fieldName -- the name of the field to get * @param actual -- the instance to get the field on * * @return Box[The Field] (Empty if the field is not found) */ def fieldByName(fieldName: String, inst: BaseRecord): Box[Field[_, BaseRecord]] = { Box(fieldMap.get(fieldName).map(_.field(inst))) } /** * Prepend a DispatchPF function to LiftRules.dispatch. If the partial function id defined for a give Req * it will construct a new Record based on the HTTP query string parameters * and will pass this Record to the function returned by func parameter. * * @param func - a PartialFunction for associating a request with a user provided function and the proper Record */ def prependDispatch(func: PartialFunction[Req, BaseRecord => Box[LiftResponse]])= { LiftRules.dispatch.prepend (makeFunc(func)) } /** * Append a DispatchPF function to LiftRules.dispatch. If the partial function id defined for a give Req * it will construct a new Record based on the HTTP query string parameters * and will pass this Record to the function returned by func parameter. * * @param func - a PartialFunction for associating a request with a user provided function and the proper Record */ def appendDispatch(func: PartialFunction[Req, BaseRecord => Box[LiftResponse]])= { LiftRules.dispatch.append (makeFunc(func)) } private def makeFunc(func: PartialFunction[Req, BaseRecord => Box[LiftResponse]]) = new PartialFunction[Req, () => Box[LiftResponse]] { def isDefinedAt(r: Req): Boolean = func.isDefinedAt(r) def apply(r: Req): () => Box[LiftResponse] = { val rec = fromReq(r) () => func(r)(rec) } } /** * Create a record with fields populated with values from the request * * @param req - The Req to read from * @return the created record */ def fromReq(r: Req): BaseRecord = { val inst = createRecord setFieldsFromReq(inst, r) inst } /** * Populate the fields of the record with values from the request * * @param inst - The record to populate * @param req - The Req to read from */ def setFieldsFromReq(inst: BaseRecord, req: Req) { for(fh <- fieldList){ fh.field(inst).setFromAny(req.param(fh.name)) } } /** * Defined the order of the fields in this record * * @return a List of Field */ def fieldOrder: List[Field[_, BaseRecord]] = Nil /** * Renamed from fields() due to a clash with fields() in Record. Use this method * to obtain a list of fields defined in the meta companion objects. Possibly a * breaking change? (added 14th August 2009, Tim Perrett) * * @see Record */ def metaFields() : List[Field[_, BaseRecord]] = fieldList.map(_.metaField) /** * Obtain the fields for a particlar Record or subclass instance by passing * the instance itself. * (added 14th August 2009, Tim Perrett) */ def fields(rec: BaseRecord) : List[Field[_, BaseRecord]] = fieldList.map(_.field(rec)) case class FieldHolder(name: String, method: Method, metaField: Field[_, BaseRecord]) { def field(inst: BaseRecord): Field[_, BaseRecord] = method.invoke(inst).asInstanceOf[Field[_, BaseRecord]] } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MetaRecord.scala source code file: |
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