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Lift Framework example source code file (Record.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Record.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

box, box, empty, jsexp, keyedrecord, keytype, mytype, mytype, nodeseq, nodeseq, preferences, record, record, string, t

The Lift Framework Record.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package record 

import common._
import http.js.{JsExp, JsObj}
import http.{Req, SHtml}
import json.JsonAST._
import util._
import field._

import scala.xml._
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException

trait Record[MyType <: Record[MyType]] extends FieldContainer {
  self: MyType =>

   * A unique identifier for this record... used for access control
  private val secure_# =

   * Get the fields defined on the meta object for this record instance
  def fields() = meta.fields(this)

  def allFields = fields()

   * The meta record (the object that contains the meta result for this type)
  def meta: MetaRecord[MyType]

   * Is it safe to make changes to the record (or should we check access control?)
  final def safe_? : Boolean = {

  def runSafe[T](f : => T) : T = {

   * Returns the HTML representation ofthis Record
  def toXHtml: NodeSeq = {

   * Validates this Record by calling validators for each field
   * @return a List of FieldError. If this list is empty you can assume that record was validated successfully
  def validate : List[FieldError] = {
    runSafe {

   * Retuns the JSON representation of this record
   * @return a JsObj
  def asJSON: JsExp = meta.asJSON(this)

  * Save the instance and return the instance
  def saveTheRecord(): Box[MyType] = throw new BackingStoreException("Raw Records don't save themselves")
   * Retuns the JSON representation of this record, converts asJValue to JsObj
   * @return a JsObj
  def asJsExp: JsExp = meta.asJsExp(this)

   * Sets the fields of this Record from the given JSON.
  def setFieldsFromJSON(json: String): Box[Unit] = meta.setFieldsFromJSON(this, json)

  /** Encode this record instance as a JObject */
  def asJValue: JObject = meta.asJValue(this)

  /** Set the fields of this record from the given JValue */
  def setFieldsFromJValue(jvalue: JValue): Box[Unit] = meta.setFieldsFromJValue(this, jvalue)

   * Sets the fields of this Record from the given JSON.
  def setFieldsFromJsonString(json: String): Box[Unit] = meta.setFieldsFromJsonString(this, json)

   * Sets the fields of this Record from the given Req.
  def setFieldsFromReq(req: Req){ meta.setFieldsFromReq(this, req) }

   * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form
   * @param button - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter
   * @param f - the function to execute on form submission
   * @return the form
  def toForm(button: Box[String])(f: MyType => Unit): NodeSeq = {
    meta.toForm(this) ++
    (SHtml.hidden(() => f(this))) ++
    (( => (<input type="submit" value={b}/>)) openOr scala.xml.Text("")))

   * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form
   * @param f - the function to execute on form submission
   * @return the form
  def toForm(f: MyType => Unit): NodeSeq = meta.toForm(this) ++ (SHtml.hidden(() => f(this)))

   * Find the field by name
   * @param fieldName -- the name of the field to find
   * @return Box[MappedField]
  def fieldByName(fieldName: String): Box[Field[_, MyType]] = meta.fieldByName(fieldName, this)

trait ExpandoRecord[MyType <: Record[MyType] with ExpandoRecord[MyType]] {
  self: MyType =>

   * If there's a field in this record that defines the locale, return it
  def localeField: Box[LocaleField[MyType]] = Empty

  def timeZoneField: Box[TimeZoneField[MyType]] = Empty

  def countryField: Box[CountryField[MyType]] = Empty

trait KeyedRecord[MyType <: KeyedRecord[MyType, KeyType], KeyType] extends Record[MyType] {
  self: MyType =>

  def primaryKey: KeyField[KeyType, MyType]

  def comparePrimaryKeys(other: MyType) = primaryKey === other.primaryKey

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Record.scala source code file:

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