Lift Framework example source code file (Record.scala)
The Lift Framework Record.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package record import common._ import http.js.{JsExp, JsObj} import http.{Req, SHtml} import json.JsonAST._ import util._ import field._ import scala.xml._ import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException trait Record[MyType <: Record[MyType]] extends FieldContainer { self: MyType => /** * A unique identifier for this record... used for access control */ private val secure_# = Safe.next /** * Get the fields defined on the meta object for this record instance */ def fields() = meta.fields(this) def allFields = fields() /** * The meta record (the object that contains the meta result for this type) */ def meta: MetaRecord[MyType] /** * Is it safe to make changes to the record (or should we check access control?) */ final def safe_? : Boolean = { Safe.safe_?(secure_#) } def runSafe[T](f : => T) : T = { Safe.runSafe(secure_#)(f) } /** * Returns the HTML representation ofthis Record */ def toXHtml: NodeSeq = { meta.toXHtml(this) } /** * Validates this Record by calling validators for each field * * @return a List of FieldError. If this list is empty you can assume that record was validated successfully */ def validate : List[FieldError] = { runSafe { meta.validate(this) } } /** * Retuns the JSON representation of this record * * @return a JsObj */ def asJSON: JsExp = meta.asJSON(this) /** * Save the instance and return the instance */ def saveTheRecord(): Box[MyType] = throw new BackingStoreException("Raw Records don't save themselves") /** * Retuns the JSON representation of this record, converts asJValue to JsObj * * @return a JsObj */ def asJsExp: JsExp = meta.asJsExp(this) /** * Sets the fields of this Record from the given JSON. */ def setFieldsFromJSON(json: String): Box[Unit] = meta.setFieldsFromJSON(this, json) /** Encode this record instance as a JObject */ def asJValue: JObject = meta.asJValue(this) /** Set the fields of this record from the given JValue */ def setFieldsFromJValue(jvalue: JValue): Box[Unit] = meta.setFieldsFromJValue(this, jvalue) /** * Sets the fields of this Record from the given JSON. */ def setFieldsFromJsonString(json: String): Box[Unit] = meta.setFieldsFromJsonString(this, json) /** * Sets the fields of this Record from the given Req. */ def setFieldsFromReq(req: Req){ meta.setFieldsFromReq(this, req) } /** * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form * * @param button - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter * @param f - the function to execute on form submission * * @return the form */ def toForm(button: Box[String])(f: MyType => Unit): NodeSeq = { meta.toForm(this) ++ (SHtml.hidden(() => f(this))) ++ ((button.map(b => (<input type="submit" value={b}/>)) openOr scala.xml.Text(""))) } /** * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form * * @param f - the function to execute on form submission * * @return the form */ def toForm(f: MyType => Unit): NodeSeq = meta.toForm(this) ++ (SHtml.hidden(() => f(this))) /** * Find the field by name * @param fieldName -- the name of the field to find * * @return Box[MappedField] */ def fieldByName(fieldName: String): Box[Field[_, MyType]] = meta.fieldByName(fieldName, this) } trait ExpandoRecord[MyType <: Record[MyType] with ExpandoRecord[MyType]] { self: MyType => /** * If there's a field in this record that defines the locale, return it */ def localeField: Box[LocaleField[MyType]] = Empty def timeZoneField: Box[TimeZoneField[MyType]] = Empty def countryField: Box[CountryField[MyType]] = Empty } trait KeyedRecord[MyType <: KeyedRecord[MyType, KeyType], KeyType] extends Record[MyType] { self: MyType => def primaryKey: KeyField[KeyType, MyType] def comparePrimaryKeys(other: MyType) = primaryKey === other.primaryKey } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Record.scala source code file: |
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