Lift Framework example source code file (FieldSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework FieldSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package record import field.{Countries, PasswordField, StringField} import common.{Box, Empty, Failure, Full} import http.{LiftSession, S} import http.js.JE._ import http.js.JsExp import json.JsonAST._ import util.Helpers._ import java.util.Calendar import org.specs._ import org.specs.runner.{ConsoleRunner, JUnit3} import fixtures._ import net.liftweb.util.{Helpers, FieldError} import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Elem, Node, Text} /** * Systems under specification for RecordField. */ object FieldSpec extends Specification("Record Field Specification") { def passBasicTests[A](example: A, mandatory: MandatoryTypedField[A], legacyOptional: MandatoryTypedField[A], optional: OptionalTypedField[A])(implicit m: scala.reflect.Manifest[A]): Unit = { val canCheckDefaultValues = !mandatory.defaultValue.isInstanceOf[Calendar] // don't try to use the default value of date/time typed fields, because it changes from moment to moment! def commonBehaviorsForAllFlavors(in: TypedField[A]): Unit = { if (canCheckDefaultValues) { "which have the correct initial value" in { mandatory.value must_== mandatory.defaultValue mandatory.valueBox must_== mandatory.defaultValueBox } } "which are readable and writable" in { mandatory.valueBox must verify(_.isDefined) mandatory.set(example) mandatory.value must_== example mandatory.valueBox must_== Full(example) mandatory.clear mandatory.value must_!= example mandatory.valueBox must_!= Full(example) mandatory.setBox(Full(example)) mandatory.value must_== example mandatory.valueBox must_== Full(example) } if (canCheckDefaultValues) { "which correctly clear back to the default" in { mandatory.valueBox must verify(_.isDefined) mandatory.clear mandatory.valueBox must_== mandatory.defaultValueBox } } "which capture error conditions set in" in { mandatory.setBox(Failure("my failure")) mandatory.valueBox must_== Failure("my failure") } } "support mandatory fields" in { commonBehaviorsForAllFlavors(mandatory) "which are configured correctly" in { mandatory.optional_? must_== false } "which initialize to some value" in { mandatory.valueBox must verify(_.isDefined) } "which correctly fail to be set to Empty" in { mandatory.valueBox must verify(_.isDefined) mandatory.setBox(Empty) mandatory.valueBox must beLike { case Failure(s, _, _) if s == mandatory.notOptionalErrorMessage => true } } } "support 'legacy' optional fields (override optional_?)" in { commonBehaviorsForAllFlavors(legacyOptional) "which are configured correctly" in { legacyOptional.optional_? must_== true } "which initialize to Empty" in { legacyOptional.valueBox must_== Empty } "which do not fail when set to Empty" in { legacyOptional.set(example) legacyOptional.value must_== example legacyOptional.valueBox must_== Full(example) legacyOptional.clear if (canCheckDefaultValues) { legacyOptional.value must_== legacyOptional.defaultValue legacyOptional.valueBox must_== legacyOptional.defaultValueBox } legacyOptional.set(example) legacyOptional.value must_== example legacyOptional.valueBox must_== Full(example) legacyOptional.setBox(Empty) if (canCheckDefaultValues) { legacyOptional.value must_== legacyOptional.defaultValue legacyOptional.valueBox must_== legacyOptional.defaultValueBox } } } "support optional fields" in { commonBehaviorsForAllFlavors(optional) "which are configured correctly" in { optional.optional_? must_== true } "which initialize to Empty" in { optional.valueBox must_== Empty } "which do not fail when set to Empty" in { optional.set(Some(example)) optional.value must_== Some(example) optional.valueBox must_== Full(example) optional.set(None) optional.value must_== None optional.valueBox must_== Empty optional.set(Some(example)) optional.value must_== Some(example) optional.valueBox must_== Full(example) optional.setBox(Empty) optional.value must_== None optional.valueBox must_== Empty } } } def passConversionTests[A](example: A, mandatory: MandatoryTypedField[A], jsexp: JsExp, jvalue: JValue, formPattern: Box[NodeSeq]): Unit = { "convert to JsExp" in { mandatory.set(example) mandatory.asJs mustEqual jsexp } "convert to JValue" in { mandatory.set(example) mandatory.asJValue mustEqual jvalue } // toInternetDate doesn't retain millisecond data so, dates can't be compared accurately. if (!mandatory.defaultValue.isInstanceOf[Calendar]) { "get set from JValue" in { mandatory.setFromJValue(jvalue) mustEqual Full(example) mandatory.value mustEqual example () // does not compile without this: no implicit argument matching parameter type scala.reflect.Manifest[org.specs.specification.Result[mandatory.MyType]] } } formPattern foreach { fp => "convert to form XML" in { mandatory.set(example) val session = new LiftSession("", randomString(20), Empty) S.initIfUninitted(session) { val formXml = mandatory.toForm formXml must notBeEmpty formXml foreach { fprime => val f = ("* [name]" #> ".*" & "select *" #> (((ns: NodeSeq) => ns.filter { case e: Elem => e.attribute("selected").map(_.text) == Some("selected") case _ => false }) andThen "* [value]" #> ".*"))(fprime) val ret: Boolean = Helpers.compareXml(f, fp) ret must_== true } } } } } /* Since Array[Byte]s cannot be compared, commenting out this test for now "BinaryField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val a = new Array[Byte](3) a(0) = 1 a(1) = 2 a(2) = 3 passBasicTests(a, rec.mandatoryBinaryField, rec.legacyOptionalBinaryField, rec.optionalBinaryField) } */ "BooleanField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val bool = true passBasicTests(bool, rec.mandatoryBooleanField, rec.legacyOptionalBooleanField, rec.optionalBooleanField) passConversionTests( bool, rec.mandatoryBooleanField, JsTrue, JBool(bool), Full(<input checked="checked" tabIndex="1" value="true" type="checkbox" name=".*" id="mandatoryBooleanField_id">) ) "support java.lang.Boolean" in { rec.mandatoryBooleanField.setFromAny(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE) rec.optionalBooleanField.setFromAny(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE) (rec.mandatoryBooleanField.is && (rec.optionalBooleanField.is getOrElse false)) must_== true } "support Full(java.lang.Boolean)" in { rec.mandatoryBooleanField.setFromAny(Full(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)) rec.optionalBooleanField.setFromAny(Full(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)) (rec.mandatoryBooleanField.is && (rec.optionalBooleanField.is getOrElse false)) must_== true } "support Some(java.lang.Boolean)" in { rec.mandatoryBooleanField.setFromAny(Some(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)) rec.optionalBooleanField.setFromAny(Some(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)) (rec.mandatoryBooleanField.is && (rec.optionalBooleanField.is getOrElse false)) must_== true } } "CountryField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val country = Countries.Canada passBasicTests(country, rec.mandatoryCountryField, rec.legacyOptionalCountryField, rec.optionalCountryField) passConversionTests( country, rec.mandatoryCountryField, Str(country.toString), JInt(country.id), Full(<select tabindex="1" name=".*" id="mandatoryCountryField_id">) ) } "DateTimeField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val dt = Calendar.getInstance val dtStr = toInternetDate(dt.getTime) passBasicTests(dt, rec.mandatoryDateTimeField, rec.legacyOptionalDateTimeField, rec.optionalDateTimeField) passConversionTests( dt, rec.mandatoryDateTimeField, Str(dtStr), JString(dtStr), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" tabindex="1" value={dtStr} id="mandatoryDateTimeField_id">) ) } "DecimalField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val bd = BigDecimal("12.34") passBasicTests(bd, rec.mandatoryDecimalField, rec.legacyOptionalDecimalField, rec.optionalDecimalField) passConversionTests( bd, rec.mandatoryDecimalField, JsRaw(bd.toString), JString(bd.toString), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" tabindex="1" value={bd.toString} id="mandatoryDecimalField_id">) ) } "DoubleField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val d = 12.34 passBasicTests(d, rec.mandatoryDoubleField, rec.legacyOptionalDoubleField, rec.optionalDoubleField) passConversionTests( d, rec.mandatoryDoubleField, JsRaw(d.toString), JDouble(d), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" tabindex="1" value={d.toString} id="mandatoryDoubleField_id">) ) } "EmailField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val email = "foo@bar.baz" passBasicTests(email, rec.mandatoryEmailField, rec.legacyOptionalEmailField, rec.optionalEmailField) passConversionTests( email, rec.mandatoryEmailField, Str(email), JString(email), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" maxlength="100" tabindex="1" value={email} id="mandatoryEmailField_id">) ) } "EnumField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val ev = MyTestEnum.TWO passBasicTests(ev, rec.mandatoryEnumField, rec.legacyOptionalEnumField, rec.optionalEnumField) passConversionTests( ev, rec.mandatoryEnumField, Str(ev.toString), JInt(ev.id), Full(<select tabindex="1" name=".*" id="mandatoryEnumField_id">) ) } "IntField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val num = 123 passBasicTests(num, rec.mandatoryIntField, rec.legacyOptionalIntField, rec.optionalIntField) passConversionTests( num, rec.mandatoryIntField, JsRaw(num.toString), JInt(num), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" tabindex="1" value={num.toString} id="mandatoryIntField_id">) ) } "LocaleField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val example = java.util.Locale.getDefault.toString match { case "en_US" => "en_GB" case _ => "en_US" } passBasicTests(example, rec.mandatoryLocaleField, rec.legacyOptionalLocaleField, rec.optionalLocaleField) } "LongField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val lng = 1234L passBasicTests(lng, rec.mandatoryLongField, rec.legacyOptionalLongField, rec.optionalLongField) passConversionTests( lng, rec.mandatoryLongField, JsRaw(lng.toString), JInt(lng), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" tabindex="1" value={lng.toString} id="mandatoryLongField_id">) ) } "PasswordField" should { "require a nonempty password" in { val rec = PasswordTestRecord.createRecord.password("") rec.validate must_== ( FieldError(rec.password, Text(S.??("password.must.be.set"))) :: Nil ) } "validate the unencrypted value" in { val rec = PasswordTestRecord.createRecord.password("testvalue") rec.validate must_== ( FieldError(rec.password, Text("no way!")) :: Nil ) } } "PostalCodeField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val zip = "02452" rec.mandatoryCountryField.set(Countries.USA) passBasicTests(zip, rec.mandatoryPostalCodeField, rec.legacyOptionalPostalCodeField, rec.optionalPostalCodeField) passConversionTests( zip, rec.mandatoryPostalCodeField, Str(zip), JString(zip), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" maxlength="32" tabindex="1" value={zip} id="mandatoryPostalCodeField_id">) ) } "StringField" should { { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val str = "foobar" passBasicTests(str, rec.mandatoryStringField, rec.legacyOptionalStringField, rec.optionalStringField) passConversionTests( str, rec.mandatoryStringField, Str(str), JString(str), Full(<input name=".*" type="text" maxlength="100" tabindex="1" value={str} id="mandatoryStringField_id">) ) } "honor validators configured in the usual way" in { val rec = StringTestRecord.createRecord rec.validate must_== ( FieldError(rec.string, Text("String field name must be at least 3 characters.")) :: Nil ) } "honor harnessed validators" in { val rec = ValidationTestRecord.createRecord val field = rec.stringFieldWithValidation "which always succeed" in { field.validationHarness = _ => Nil rec.validate must_== Nil } "which always fail" in { val fieldError = FieldError(field, Text("failed")) field.validationHarness = s => FieldError(rec.stringFieldWithValidation, Text("failed")) :: Nil rec.validate must_== (fieldError :: Nil) } "which receive the value" in { var received: String = null field.set("foobar") field.validationHarness = s => { received = s; Nil } rec.validate must_== Nil received must_== "foobar" } } "support filtering" in { val rec = FilterTestRecord.createRecord val field = rec.stringFieldWithFiltering "which does nothing" in { field.set("foobar") field.value must_== "foobar" field.valueBox must_== Full("foobar") } "which trims the input at the value level" in { field.setFilterHarness = _.trim field.set(" foobar ") field.value must_== "foobar" field.valueBox must_== Full("foobar") } "which trims the input at the box level" in { field.setFilterBoxHarness = _.map(_.trim) field.set(" foobar ") field.value must_== "foobar" field.valueBox must_== Full("foobar") } "which Empties the box" in { field.setFilterBoxHarness = s => Empty field.set("foobar") field.value must_== field.defaultValue field.valueBox must_== Empty } "which Fails" in { field.setFilterBoxHarness = s => Failure("my failure") field.set("foobar") field.value must_== field.defaultValue field.valueBox must_== Failure("my failure") } } } "TextareaField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val txt = "foobar" passBasicTests(txt, rec.mandatoryTextareaField, rec.legacyOptionalTextareaField, rec.optionalTextareaField) passConversionTests( txt, rec.mandatoryTextareaField, Str(txt), JString(txt), Full(<textarea name=".*" rows="8" tabindex="1" cols="20" id="mandatoryTextareaField_id">{txt}) ) } "TimeZoneField" should { val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord val example = java.util.TimeZone.getDefault.getID match { case "America/New_York" => "Europe/London" case _ => "America/New_York" } passBasicTests(example, rec.mandatoryTimeZoneField, rec.legacyOptionalTimeZoneField, rec.optionalTimeZoneField) passConversionTests( example, rec.mandatoryTimeZoneField, Str(example), JString(example), Full(<select tabindex="1" name=".*" id="mandatoryTimeZoneField_id">) ) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework FieldSpec.scala source code file: |
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