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Lift Framework example source code file (RecordSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (RecordSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The Lift Framework RecordSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package record

import java.util.Calendar

import org.specs.Specification

import json.JsonAST._
import util._
import http.js.JE._
import field.Countries

import fixtures._

 * Systems under specification for Record.
object RecordSpec extends Specification("Record Specification") {
  "Record field introspection" should {
    val rec = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord
    val allExpectedFieldNames: List[String] = (for {
      typeName <- "Binary Boolean Country DateTime Decimal Double Email Enum Int Locale Long PostalCode String Textarea TimeZone".split(" ")
      flavor <- "mandatory legacyOptional optional".split(" ")
    } yield flavor + typeName + "Field").toList

    "introspect only the expected fields" in {
      rec.fields().map( < _) must_== allExpectedFieldNames.sortWith(_ < _)

    "correctly look up fields by name" in {
      for (name <- allExpectedFieldNames) {
        rec.fieldByName(name) must verify(_.isDefined)

    "not look up fields by bogus names" in {
      for (name <- allExpectedFieldNames) {
        rec.fieldByName("x" + name + "y") must not(verify(_.isDefined))

    "ignore synthetic methods" in {
      SyntheticTestRecord.metaFields.size must_== 1


  "Record lifecycle callbacks" should {
    def testOneHarness(scope: String, f: LifecycleTestRecord => HarnessedLifecycleCallbacks): Unit = {
      ("be called before validation when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).beforeValidationHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called after validation when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).afterValidationHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called around validate when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggeredBefore = false
        var triggeredAfter = false
        f(rec).beforeValidationHarness = () => triggeredBefore = true
        f(rec).afterValidationHarness = () => triggeredAfter = true
        rec.validate must_== Nil
        triggeredBefore must_== true
        triggeredAfter must_== true

      ("be called before save when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).beforeSaveHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called before create when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).beforeCreateHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called before update when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).beforeUpdateHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called after save when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).afterSaveHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called after create when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).afterCreateHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called after update when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).afterUpdateHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called before delete when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).beforeDeleteHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

      ("be called after delete when specified at " + scope) in {
        val rec = LifecycleTestRecord.createRecord
        var triggered = false
        f(rec).afterDeleteHarness = () => triggered = true
        triggered must_== true

    testOneHarness("the field level", rec => rec.stringFieldWithCallbacks: HarnessedLifecycleCallbacks)

  "Record" should {
    val gu: Array[Byte] = Array(18, 19, 20)
    val cal = Calendar.getInstance
    val fttr = FieldTypeTestRecord.createRecord

    val json = "{\"mandatoryBooleanField\": false, \"mandatoryCountryField\": 1, \"mandatoryDateTimeField\": \""+Helpers.toInternetDate(cal.getTime)+"\",\"mandatoryDecimalField\": \"3.14\", \"mandatoryDoubleField\": 1999.0,\"mandatoryEmailField\":\"\",\"mandatoryEnumField\":0,\"mandatoryIntField\":99,\"mandatoryLocaleField\":\"en_US\",\"mandatoryLongField\":100,\"mandatoryPostalCodeField\":\"55401\",\"mandatoryStringField\":\"foobar\",\"mandatoryTextareaField\":\"foobar\",\"mandatoryTimeZoneField\":\"America/Chicago\",\"mandatoryBinaryField\":\"EhMU\"}"

    val fttrAsJsObj = JsObj(
      ("mandatoryBooleanField", JsFalse),
      ("legacyOptionalBooleanField", JsNull),
      ("optionalBooleanField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryCountryField", Str(Countries.USA.toString)),
      ("legacyOptionalCountryField", JsNull),
      ("optionalCountryField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryDateTimeField", Str(Helpers.toInternetDate(cal.getTime))),
      ("legacyOptionalDateTimeField", JsNull),
      ("optionalDateTimeField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryDecimalField", Num(3.14)),
      ("legacyOptionalDecimalField", JsNull),
      ("optionalDecimalField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryDoubleField", Num(1999.0)),
      ("legacyOptionalDoubleField", JsNull),
      ("optionalDoubleField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryEmailField", Str("")),
      ("legacyOptionalEmailField", JsNull),
      ("optionalEmailField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryEnumField", Str(MyTestEnum.ONE.toString)),
      ("legacyOptionalEnumField", JsNull),
      ("optionalEnumField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryIntField", Num(99)),
      ("legacyOptionalIntField", JsNull),
      ("optionalIntField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryLocaleField", Str("en_US")),
      ("legacyOptionalLocaleField", JsNull),
      ("optionalLocaleField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryLongField", Num(100)),
      ("legacyOptionalLongField", JsNull),
      ("optionalLongField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryPostalCodeField", Str("55401")),
      ("legacyOptionalPostalCodeField", JsNull),
      ("optionalPostalCodeField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryStringField", Str("foobar")),
      ("legacyOptionalStringField", JsNull),
      ("optionalStringField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryTextareaField", Str("foobar")),
      ("legacyOptionalTextareaField", JsNull),
      ("optionalTextareaField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryTimeZoneField", Str("America/Chicago")),
      ("legacyOptionalTimeZoneField", JsNull),
      ("optionalTimeZoneField", JsNull),
      ("optionalBinaryField", JsNull),
      ("legacyOptionalBinaryField", JsNull),
      ("mandatoryBinaryField", Str("121314"))

    "convert to JsExp (via asJSON)" in {
      fttr.asJSON mustEqual fttrAsJsObj

    /*  Test broken
    "convert to JsExp (via asJsExp)" in {
      fttr.asJsExp mustEqual fttrAsJsObj

    "convert to JValue" in {
      fttr.asJValue mustEqual JObject(List(
        JField("mandatoryBooleanField", JBool(false)),
        JField("legacyOptionalBooleanField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalBooleanField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryCountryField", JInt(,
        JField("legacyOptionalCountryField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalCountryField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryDateTimeField", JString(Helpers.toInternetDate(cal.getTime))),
        JField("legacyOptionalDateTimeField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalDateTimeField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryDecimalField", JString("3.14")),
        JField("legacyOptionalDecimalField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalDecimalField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryDoubleField", JDouble(1999.0)),
        JField("legacyOptionalDoubleField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalDoubleField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryEmailField", JString("")),
        JField("legacyOptionalEmailField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalEmailField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryEnumField", JInt(,
        JField("legacyOptionalEnumField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalEnumField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryIntField", JInt(99)),
        JField("legacyOptionalIntField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalIntField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryLocaleField", JString("en_US")),
        JField("legacyOptionalLocaleField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalLocaleField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryLongField", JInt(100)),
        JField("legacyOptionalLongField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalLongField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryPostalCodeField", JString("55401")),
        JField("legacyOptionalPostalCodeField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalPostalCodeField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryStringField", JString("foobar")),
        JField("legacyOptionalStringField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalStringField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryTextareaField", JString("foobar")),
        JField("legacyOptionalTextareaField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalTextareaField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryTimeZoneField", JString("America/Chicago")),
        JField("legacyOptionalTimeZoneField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalTimeZoneField", JNothing),
        JField("mandatoryBinaryField", JString("EhMU")),
        JField("legacyOptionalBinaryField", JNothing),
        JField("optionalBinaryField", JNothing)

    "get set from json string using lift-json parser" in {
      val fttrFromJson = FieldTypeTestRecord.fromJsonString(json)
      fttrFromJson must notBeEmpty
      fttrFromJson foreach { r =>
        r.mandatoryDecimalField.value mustEqual fttr.mandatoryDecimalField.value
        r mustEqual fttr

    "get set from json string using util.JSONParser" in {
      val fttrFromJSON = FieldTypeTestRecord.fromJSON(json)
      fttrFromJSON must notBeEmpty
      fttrFromJSON foreach { r =>
        r mustEqual fttr
  "basic record" should {
    "order fields according to fieldOrder" in {
      BasicTestRecord.metaFields must_==  List(BasicTestRecord.field2, BasicTestRecord.field1, BasicTestRecord.field3)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework RecordSpec.scala source code file:

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