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Lift Framework example source code file (ie.css)

This example Lift Framework source code file (ie.css) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

The Lift Framework ie.css source code

/* --------------------------------------------------------------


   Contains every hack for Internet Explorer,
   so that our core files stay sweet and nimble.

-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Make sure the layout is centered in IE5 */
body { text-align: center; }
.container { text-align: left; }

/* Fixes IE margin bugs */
* html .column, * html .span-1, * html .span-2,
* html .span-3, * html .span-4, * html .span-5,
* html .span-6, * html .span-7, * html .span-8,
* html .span-9, * html .span-10, * html .span-11,
* html .span-12, * html .span-13, * html .span-14,
* html .span-15, * html .span-16, * html .span-17,
* html .span-18, * html .span-19, * html .span-20,
* html .span-21, * html .span-22, * html .span-23,
* html .span-24 { display:inline; overflow-x: hidden; }

/* Elements
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Fixes incorrect styling of legend in IE6. */
* html legend { margin:0px -8px 16px 0; padding:0; }

/* Fixes wrong line-height on sup/sub in IE. */
sup { vertical-align:text-top; }
sub { vertical-align:text-bottom; }

/* Fixes IE7 missing wrapping of code elements. */
html>body p code { *white-space: normal; }

/* IE 6&7 has problems with setting proper <hr> margins. */
hr  { margin:-8px auto 11px; }

/* Explicitly set interpolation, allowing dynamically resized images to not look horrible */
img { -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; }

/* Clearing
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Makes clearfix actually work in IE */
.clearfix, .container { display:inline-block; }
* html .clearfix,
* html .container { height:1%; }

/* Forms
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Fixes padding on fieldset */
fieldset { padding-top:0; }
legend { margin-top:-0.2em; margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:-0.5em; }

/* Makes classic textareas in IE 6 resemble other browsers */
textarea { overflow:auto; }

/* Makes labels behave correctly in IE 6 and 7 */
label { vertical-align:middle; position:relative; top:-0.25em; }

/* Fixes rule that IE 6 ignores */
input.text, input.title, textarea { background-color:#fff; border:1px solid #bbb; }
input.text:focus, input.title:focus { border-color:#666; }
input.text, input.title, textarea, select { margin:0.5em 0; }
input.checkbox, { position:relative; top:.25em; }

/* Fixes alignment of inline form elements */
form.inline div, form.inline p { vertical-align:middle; }
form.inline input.checkbox, form.inline,
form.inline input.button, form.inline button {
  margin:0.5em 0;
button, input.button { position:relative;top:0.25em; }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework ie.css source code file:

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