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Lift Framework example source code file (JqJsCmds.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (JqJsCmds.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, jqueryleft, jqueryright, jqueryright, jscmd, jscmd, jsexp, jsexp, jsmember, nodeseq, show, string, string, timespan

The Lift Framework JqJsCmds.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb 
package http 
package js 
package jquery 

import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Group, Elem, Node, SpecialNode}
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers
import net.liftweb.util.TimeHelpers
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.util._

import net.liftweb.http.js.{JsExp, JE}
import JE._
import JsCmds._

 * Classes mixing JQueryRight are also mixing JsMember. As JQueryRight
 * is deprecated clases mixing this trait with stop doing so soon and they
 * will mixin JsMember instead.
@deprecated(""" As JQueryRight
is deprecated clases mixing this trait with stop doing so soon and they
will mixin JsMember instead.""")
trait JQueryRight {
  this: JsExp =>
  def toJsCmd: String
 * Classes mixing JQuryLeft will soon stop doing so. Extending/Mixing JsExp will be enough
@deprecated("Classes mixing JQuryLeft will soon stop doing so. Extending/Mixing JsExp will be enough")
trait JQueryLeft {
  this: JsExp =>

 * A singleton that vends various different functions for WiringUI support
object JqWiringSupport {
  import js.JsCmds._
   * Fade out the old value and fade in the new value
   * using jQuery fast fade.
  def fade: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = {
    (id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => {
      if (first) cmd
      else {
        val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")"
        Run(sel+".fadeOut('fast', function() {"+
            cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".fadeIn('fast');})")

   * Hide the old value, set to new value and slide down.
  def slideDown: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = {
    (id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => {
      if (first) cmd
      else {
        val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")"
        Run(sel+".hide(); "+cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".slideDown('fast')")

   * Hide the old value, set to new value and slide down.
  def slideUp: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = {
    (id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => {
      if (first) cmd
      else {
        val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")"
        Run(sel+".hide(); "+cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".slideUp('fast')")

   * Takes two sequences, the id of a containing component and a couple of
   * functions and generates the jQuery-based JavaScript to update the browser
   * DOM with the deltas between the old list and the new list.
  def calculateDeltas[T](oldList: Seq[T], newList: Seq[T],id: String)(calcId: T => String, calcNodeSeq: T => NodeSeq): JsCmd = 
    calculateDeltas[T](Full(oldList), newList, id)(calcId, calcNodeSeq)

   * Takes two sequences, the id of a containing component and a couple of
   * functions and generates the jQuery-based JavaScript to update the browser
   * DOM with the deltas between the old list and the new list.
   * @param oldList -- the old list.  If it is Empty, then it is treated as Nil
   * @param newList -- the new version of the list of items
   * @param id -- the id of the enclosing DOM node.  Used for appending and inserting DOM nodes
   * @param calcId -- given a T, calculate the id of the DOM node for the T
   * @param calcNodeSeq -- given a T, calculate the DOM that represents the T
   * @return the JsCmd that inserts, appends, removes, etc. the DOM so that
   * the DOM represents the new List
  def calculateDeltas[T](oldList: Box[Seq[T]], newList: Seq[T],id: String)(calcId: T => String, calcNodeSeq: T => NodeSeq): JsCmd = {, newList) {
      case RemoveDelta(ci) => new JsCmd {
        def toJsCmd = "jQuery('#'+"+calcId(ci).encJs+").remove();"
      case AppendDelta(ci) => 
        new JsCmd {
          val toJsCmd = 
            fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) {

      case InsertAtStartDelta(ci) => 
        new JsCmd {
          val toJsCmd = 
            fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) {

      case InsertAfterDelta(ci, prior) => 
        new JsCmd {
          val toJsCmd = 
            fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) {

object JqJE {
  case object JqScrollToBottom extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    def toJsCmd = "each(function(i) {this.scrollTop=this.scrollHeight;})"

  case class JqClick(exp: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryLeft with JQueryRight {
    def toJsCmd = "click(" + exp.toJsCmd + ")"

  case class JqGetAttr(key: String) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    def toJsCmd = "attr(" + key.encJs + ")"

   * A JQuery query
  case class Jq(query: JsExp) extends JsExp with JQueryLeft {
    override def toJsCmd = "jQuery(" + query.toJsCmd + ")"

  case object JqDoc extends JsExp with JQueryLeft {
    override def toJsCmd = "jQuery(document)"

  case class JqKeypress(what: (Char, JsCmd)*) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight {
    override def toJsCmd = "keypress(function(e) {" +
              case (chr, cmd) =>
                "if (e.which == " + chr.toInt + ") {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "}"
            }.mkString(" else \n") +

   * A JQuery query for an element based on the id of the element
  case class JqId(id: JsExp) extends JsExp with JQueryLeft {
    override def toJsCmd = "jQuery('#'+" + id.toJsCmd + ")"

  case class JqAttr(key: String, value: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    def toJsCmd = "attr(" + key.encJs + ", " + value.toJsCmd + ")"

   * Append content to a JQuery
  case class JqAppend(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override val toJsCmd = 
      "append("+fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){a => a}+")"      

   * Remove JQuery
  case class JqRemove() extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override def toJsCmd = "remove()"

   * AppendTo content to a JQuery
  case class JqAppendTo(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override val toJsCmd =       
      "appendTo("+fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str}+ ")"

   * Prepend content to a JQuery
  case class JqPrepend(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override val toJsCmd = 
    "prepend(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str }+ ")"

   * PrependTo content to a JQuery
  case class JqPrependTo(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override val toJsCmd = 
    "prependTo(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")"

  case class JqCss (name: JsExp, value: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override def toJsCmd = "css(" + name.toJsCmd + "," + value.toJsCmd + ")"

   * EmptyAfter will empty the node at the given uid and stick the given content behind it. Like
   * a cleaner innerHTML.
  case class JqEmptyAfter(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
    override val toJsCmd = 
    "empty().after(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")"

  object JqHtml {
    def apply(): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight {
      def toJsCmd = "html()"

    def apply(content: NodeSeq): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
      val toJsCmd = 
      "html(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")"

  object JqText {
    def apply(): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight {
      def toJsCmd = "text()"

    def apply(content: String): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
      def toJsCmd = "text(" + content.encJs + ")"

   * Serialize input elements intoa string data. ALso works for serializing forms
  case object JqSerialize extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight {
    def toJsCmd = "serialize()"

   * Serialize the jquery into a JSON array
  case object JsonSerialize extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight {
    def toJsCmd = "serializeArray()"

  case object JqTabsSelected extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight {
    def toJsCmd = "tabsSelected()"

  object JqTabsClick {
    def apply(tab: JsExp): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft =
      new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
        def toJsCmd = "tabsClick(" + tab.toJsCmd + ")"

    def apply(tab: Int): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft =

  object JqTabs {
    def apply(in: JsExp): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft =
      new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft {
        def toJsCmd = "tabs(" + in.toJsCmd + ")"

    def apply(): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft =


object JqJsCmds {
  implicit def jsExpToJsCmd(in: JsExp) = in.cmd

  case class JqOnLoad(cmd: JsCmd) extends JsCmd {
    def toJsCmd = "jQuery(document).ready(function() {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "});"

   * Append a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's append() method.
  object AppendHtml {
    def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
      JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqAppend(content)

   * AppendTo a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's appendTo() method.
  object AppendToHtml {
    def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
      JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqAppendTo(content)

   * Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's prepend() method.
  object PrependHtml {
    def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
      JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqPrepend(content)

   * Replaces the children of the node at  { @code uid } with  { @code content }
  object EmptyAfter {
    def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
      JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqEmptyAfter(content)

   * Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery prependTo() method.
  object PrependToHtml {
    def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
      JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqPrependTo(content)

  case class JqSetHtml(uid: String, content: NodeSeq) extends JsCmd {
     * Eagerly evaluate
    val toJsCmd =
    fixHtmlCmdFunc(uid, content){"try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").each(function(i) {this.innerHTML = " + _ + ";});} catch (e) {}"}

  object Show {
    def apply(uid: String) = new Show(uid, Empty)

    def apply(uid: String, time: TimeSpan) = new Show(uid, Full(time))

  class Show(val uid: String, val time: Box[TimeSpan]) extends JsCmd with HasTime {
    def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").show(" + timeStr + ");} catch (e) {}"

  object Hide {
    def apply(uid: String) = new Hide(uid, Empty)

    def apply(uid: String, time: TimeSpan) = new Hide(uid, Full(time))

  class Hide(val uid: String, val time: Box[TimeSpan]) extends JsCmd with HasTime {
    def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").hide(" + timeStr + ");} catch (e) {}"

  case class DisplayMessage(where: String, msg: NodeSeq, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd {
    def toJsCmd = (Show(where) & JqSetHtml(where, msg) & After(duration, Hide(where, fadeTime))).toJsCmd

  * The companion object to FadeOut that provides an alternative factory
  object FadeOut {
    * Fade Out with the default duration and fadeTime provided by JsRules
    def apply(id: String) = new FadeOut(id, JsRules.prefadeDuration, JsRules.fadeTime)

  case class FadeOut(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd {
    def toJsCmd = (After(duration, JqJE.JqId(id) ~> (new JsRaw("fadeOut(" + fadeTime.millis + ")") with JsMember))).toJsCmd

  * The companion object to FadeIn that provides an alternative factory
  object FadeIn {
    * Fade In with the default duration and fadeTime provided by JsRules
    def apply(id: String) = new FadeIn(id, JsRules.prefadeDuration, JsRules.fadeTime)

  case class FadeIn(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd {
    def toJsCmd = (After(duration, JqJE.JqId(id) ~> (new JsRaw("fadeIn(" + fadeTime.millis + ")") with JsMember))).toJsCmd

  object ModalDialog {
    def apply(html: NodeSeq) = new ModalDialog(html, Empty)

    def apply(html: NodeSeq, css: JsObj) = new ModalDialog(html, Full(css))

  class ModalDialog(html: NodeSeq, css: Box[JsObj]) extends JsCmd {
    private def contentAsJsStr = {
    val w = new
                     map(s =>
                       s.fixHtml(s.processSurroundAndInclude("Modal Dialog",

    val toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc("inline", html){str => 
      "jQuery.blockUI({ message: " + str +
      (",  css: " + _.toJsCmd + " ").openOr("")) + "});"}

  case object Unblock extends JsCmd {
    def toJsCmd = "jQuery.unblockUI();"

   * Use SetValueAndFocus from JsCmds
  @deprecated("Use SetValueAndFocus from JsCmds")
  case class SetValueAndFocus(id: String, value: String) extends JsCmd {
    def toJsCmd = "document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").value = " +
            value.encJs +
            "; document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").focus();"


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework JqJsCmds.scala source code file:

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