Lift Framework example source code file (JqJsCmds.scala)
The Lift Framework JqJsCmds.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http package js package jquery import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Group, Elem, Node, SpecialNode} import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._ import net.liftweb.util.Helpers import net.liftweb.util.TimeHelpers import net.liftweb.common._ import net.liftweb.util._ import net.liftweb.http.js.{JsExp, JE} import JE._ import JsCmds._ /** * Classes mixing JQueryRight are also mixing JsMember. As JQueryRight * is deprecated clases mixing this trait with stop doing so soon and they * will mixin JsMember instead. */ @deprecated(""" As JQueryRight is deprecated clases mixing this trait with stop doing so soon and they will mixin JsMember instead.""") trait JQueryRight { this: JsExp => def toJsCmd: String } /** * Classes mixing JQuryLeft will soon stop doing so. Extending/Mixing JsExp will be enough */ @deprecated("Classes mixing JQuryLeft will soon stop doing so. Extending/Mixing JsExp will be enough") trait JQueryLeft { this: JsExp => } /** * A singleton that vends various different functions for WiringUI support */ object JqWiringSupport { import js.JsCmds._ /** * Fade out the old value and fade in the new value * using jQuery fast fade. */ def fade: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = { (id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => { if (first) cmd else { val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")" Run(sel+".fadeOut('fast', function() {"+ cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".fadeIn('fast');})") } } } /** * Hide the old value, set to new value and slide down. */ def slideDown: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = { (id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => { if (first) cmd else { val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")" Run(sel+".hide(); "+cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".slideDown('fast')") } } } /** * Hide the old value, set to new value and slide down. */ def slideUp: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = { (id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => { if (first) cmd else { val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")" Run(sel+".hide(); "+cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".slideUp('fast')") } } } /** * Takes two sequences, the id of a containing component and a couple of * functions and generates the jQuery-based JavaScript to update the browser * DOM with the deltas between the old list and the new list. */ def calculateDeltas[T](oldList: Seq[T], newList: Seq[T],id: String)(calcId: T => String, calcNodeSeq: T => NodeSeq): JsCmd = calculateDeltas[T](Full(oldList), newList, id)(calcId, calcNodeSeq) /** * Takes two sequences, the id of a containing component and a couple of * functions and generates the jQuery-based JavaScript to update the browser * DOM with the deltas between the old list and the new list. * * @param oldList -- the old list. If it is Empty, then it is treated as Nil * @param newList -- the new version of the list of items * @param id -- the id of the enclosing DOM node. Used for appending and inserting DOM nodes * @param calcId -- given a T, calculate the id of the DOM node for the T * @param calcNodeSeq -- given a T, calculate the DOM that represents the T * * @return the JsCmd that inserts, appends, removes, etc. the DOM so that * the DOM represents the new List */ def calculateDeltas[T](oldList: Box[Seq[T]], newList: Seq[T],id: String)(calcId: T => String, calcNodeSeq: T => NodeSeq): JsCmd = { Helpers.delta(oldList, newList) { case RemoveDelta(ci) => new JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "jQuery('#'+"+calcId(ci).encJs+").remove();" } case AppendDelta(ci) => new JsCmd { val toJsCmd = fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) { "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+").append("+ _+ ");"} } case InsertAtStartDelta(ci) => new JsCmd { val toJsCmd = fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) { "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+").prepend("+ _+ ");"} } case InsertAfterDelta(ci, prior) => new JsCmd { val toJsCmd = fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) { "jQuery('#'+"+calcId(prior).encJs+").after("+ _+ ");"} } } } } object JqJE { case object JqScrollToBottom extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { def toJsCmd = "each(function(i) {this.scrollTop=this.scrollHeight;})" } case class JqClick(exp: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryLeft with JQueryRight { def toJsCmd = "click(" + exp.toJsCmd + ")" } case class JqGetAttr(key: String) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { def toJsCmd = "attr(" + key.encJs + ")" } /** * A JQuery query */ case class Jq(query: JsExp) extends JsExp with JQueryLeft { override def toJsCmd = "jQuery(" + query.toJsCmd + ")" } case object JqDoc extends JsExp with JQueryLeft { override def toJsCmd = "jQuery(document)" } case class JqKeypress(what: (Char, JsCmd)*) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight { override def toJsCmd = "keypress(function(e) {" + what.map { case (chr, cmd) => "if (e.which == " + chr.toInt + ") {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "}" }.mkString(" else \n") + "})" } /** * A JQuery query for an element based on the id of the element */ case class JqId(id: JsExp) extends JsExp with JQueryLeft { override def toJsCmd = "jQuery('#'+" + id.toJsCmd + ")" } case class JqAttr(key: String, value: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { def toJsCmd = "attr(" + key.encJs + ", " + value.toJsCmd + ")" } /** * Append content to a JQuery */ case class JqAppend(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override val toJsCmd = "append("+fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){a => a}+")" } /** * Remove JQuery */ case class JqRemove() extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override def toJsCmd = "remove()" } /** * AppendTo content to a JQuery */ case class JqAppendTo(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override val toJsCmd = "appendTo("+fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str}+ ")" } /** * Prepend content to a JQuery */ case class JqPrepend(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override val toJsCmd = "prepend(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str }+ ")" } /** * PrependTo content to a JQuery */ case class JqPrependTo(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override val toJsCmd = "prependTo(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")" } case class JqCss (name: JsExp, value: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override def toJsCmd = "css(" + name.toJsCmd + "," + value.toJsCmd + ")" } /** * EmptyAfter will empty the node at the given uid and stick the given content behind it. Like * a cleaner innerHTML. */ case class JqEmptyAfter(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { override val toJsCmd = "empty().after(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")" } object JqHtml { def apply(): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight { def toJsCmd = "html()" } def apply(content: NodeSeq): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { val toJsCmd = "html(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")" } } object JqText { def apply(): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight { def toJsCmd = "text()" } def apply(content: String): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { def toJsCmd = "text(" + content.encJs + ")" } } /** * Serialize input elements intoa string data. ALso works for serializing forms */ case object JqSerialize extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight { def toJsCmd = "serialize()" } /** * Serialize the jquery into a JSON array */ case object JsonSerialize extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight { def toJsCmd = "serializeArray()" } case object JqTabsSelected extends JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight { def toJsCmd = "tabsSelected()" } object JqTabsClick { def apply(tab: JsExp): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { def toJsCmd = "tabsClick(" + tab.toJsCmd + ")" } def apply(tab: Int): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = apply(Num(tab)) } object JqTabs { def apply(in: JsExp): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = new JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft { def toJsCmd = "tabs(" + in.toJsCmd + ")" } def apply(): JsExp with JsMember with JQueryRight with JQueryLeft = apply(JsRaw("")) } } object JqJsCmds { implicit def jsExpToJsCmd(in: JsExp) = in.cmd case class JqOnLoad(cmd: JsCmd) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "jQuery(document).ready(function() {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "});" } /** * Append a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's append() method. */ object AppendHtml { def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd = JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqAppend(content) } /** * AppendTo a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's appendTo() method. */ object AppendToHtml { def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd = JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqAppendTo(content) } /** * Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's prepend() method. */ object PrependHtml { def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd = JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqPrepend(content) } /** * Replaces the children of the node at { @code uid } with { @code content } */ object EmptyAfter { def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd = JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqEmptyAfter(content) } /** * Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery prependTo() method. */ object PrependToHtml { def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd = JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqPrependTo(content) } case class JqSetHtml(uid: String, content: NodeSeq) extends JsCmd { /** * Eagerly evaluate */ val toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc(uid, content){"try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").each(function(i) {this.innerHTML = " + _ + ";});} catch (e) {}"} } object Show { def apply(uid: String) = new Show(uid, Empty) def apply(uid: String, time: TimeSpan) = new Show(uid, Full(time)) } class Show(val uid: String, val time: Box[TimeSpan]) extends JsCmd with HasTime { def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").show(" + timeStr + ");} catch (e) {}" } object Hide { def apply(uid: String) = new Hide(uid, Empty) def apply(uid: String, time: TimeSpan) = new Hide(uid, Full(time)) } class Hide(val uid: String, val time: Box[TimeSpan]) extends JsCmd with HasTime { def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").hide(" + timeStr + ");} catch (e) {}" } case class DisplayMessage(where: String, msg: NodeSeq, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = (Show(where) & JqSetHtml(where, msg) & After(duration, Hide(where, fadeTime))).toJsCmd } /** * The companion object to FadeOut that provides an alternative factory */ object FadeOut { /** * Fade Out with the default duration and fadeTime provided by JsRules */ def apply(id: String) = new FadeOut(id, JsRules.prefadeDuration, JsRules.fadeTime) } case class FadeOut(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = (After(duration, JqJE.JqId(id) ~> (new JsRaw("fadeOut(" + fadeTime.millis + ")") with JsMember))).toJsCmd } /** * The companion object to FadeIn that provides an alternative factory */ object FadeIn { /** * Fade In with the default duration and fadeTime provided by JsRules */ def apply(id: String) = new FadeIn(id, JsRules.prefadeDuration, JsRules.fadeTime) } case class FadeIn(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = (After(duration, JqJE.JqId(id) ~> (new JsRaw("fadeIn(" + fadeTime.millis + ")") with JsMember))).toJsCmd } object ModalDialog { def apply(html: NodeSeq) = new ModalDialog(html, Empty) def apply(html: NodeSeq, css: JsObj) = new ModalDialog(html, Full(css)) } class ModalDialog(html: NodeSeq, css: Box[JsObj]) extends JsCmd { /* private def contentAsJsStr = { val w = new java.io.StringWriter S.htmlProperties. htmlWriter(Group(S.session. map(s => s.fixHtml(s.processSurroundAndInclude("Modal Dialog", html))). openOr(html)), w) w.toString.encJs } */ val toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc("inline", html){str => "jQuery.blockUI({ message: " + str + (css.map(", css: " + _.toJsCmd + " ").openOr("")) + "});"} } case object Unblock extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "jQuery.unblockUI();" } /** * Use SetValueAndFocus from JsCmds */ @deprecated("Use SetValueAndFocus from JsCmds") case class SetValueAndFocus(id: String, value: String) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").value = " + value.encJs + "; document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").focus();" } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework JqJsCmds.scala source code file: |
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