Lift Framework example source code file (HTTPRequestServlet.scala)
The Lift Framework HTTPRequestServlet.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http package provider package servlet import java.io.{InputStream} import java.util.{Locale} import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletRequest} import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet._ import org.apache.commons.fileupload.ProgressListener import net.liftweb.common._ import net.liftweb.util._ import Helpers._ class HTTPRequestServlet(val req: HttpServletRequest, val provider: HTTPProvider) extends HTTPRequest { private lazy val ctx = { new HTTPServletContext(req.getSession.getServletContext) } lazy val cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = { req.getSession(false) // do this to make sure we capture the JSESSIONID cookie (Box !! req.getCookies).map(_.toList.map(c => HTTPCookie(c.getName, Box !! (c.getValue), Box !! (c.getDomain), Box !! (c.getPath), Box !! (c.getMaxAge), Box !! (c.getVersion), Box !! (c.getSecure)))) openOr Nil } lazy val authType: Box[String] = Box !! req.getAuthType def headers(name: String): List[String] = enumToList[String](req.getHeaders(name).asInstanceOf[java.util.Enumeration[String]]) lazy val headers: List[HTTPParam] = enumToList[String](req.getHeaderNames.asInstanceOf[java.util.Enumeration[String]]). map(n => HTTPParam(n, headers(n))) def contextPath: String = req.getContextPath def context: HTTPContext = ctx def contentType = Box !! req.getContentType // don't cache... allow multiple sessions for the request // necessary for session destruction on login def session = new HTTPServletSession(req getSession) def uri = req.getRequestURI def url = req.getRequestURL.toString lazy val queryString: Box[String] = Box !! req.getQueryString def param(name: String): List[String] = req.getParameterValues(name) match {case null => Nil case x => x.toList} lazy val params: List[HTTPParam] = enumToList[String](req.getParameterNames.asInstanceOf[java.util.Enumeration[String]]). map(n => HTTPParam(n, param(n))) lazy val paramNames: List[String] = params map (_.name) def remoteAddress: String = req.getRemoteAddr /** * The User-Agent of the request */ lazy val userAgent: Box[String] = headers find (_.name equalsIgnoreCase "user-agent") flatMap (_.values.headOption) def remotePort: Int = req.getRemotePort def remoteHost: String = req.getRemoteHost def serverName = req getServerName def scheme: String = req getScheme def serverPort = req getServerPort def method: String = req.getMethod def locale: Box[Locale] = Box !! req.getLocale def inputStream: InputStream = req.getInputStream def multipartContent_? = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req) /** * Destroy the underlying servlet session */ def destroyServletSession() { for{ httpSession <- Box !! req.getSession(false) } yield httpSession.invalidate() } /** * @return the sessionID (if there is one) for this request. This will *NOT* create * a new session if one does not already exist */ def sessionId: Box[String] = for{ httpSession <- Box !! req.getSession(false) id <- Box !! httpSession.getId } yield id def extractFiles: List[ParamHolder] = (new Iterator[ParamHolder] { val mimeUpload = (new ServletFileUpload) mimeUpload.setProgressListener(new ProgressListener { lazy val progList: (Long, Long, Int) => Unit = S.session.flatMap(_.progressListener) openOr LiftRules.progressListener def update(a: Long, b: Long, c: Int) {progList(a, b, c)} }) mimeUpload.setSizeMax(LiftRules.maxMimeSize) mimeUpload.setFileSizeMax(LiftRules.maxMimeFileSize) val what = mimeUpload.getItemIterator(req) def hasNext = what.hasNext import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ def next = what.next match { case f if (f.isFormField) => NormalParamHolder(f.getFieldName, new String(readWholeStream(f.openStream), "UTF-8")) case f => { val headers = f.getHeaders() val names: List[String] = if (headers eq null) Nil else headers.getHeaderNames().asInstanceOf[java.util.Iterator[String]].toList val map: Map[String, List[String]] = Map(names.map(n => n -> headers.getHeaders(n).asInstanceOf[java.util.Iterator[String]].toList) :_*) LiftRules.withMimeHeaders(map) { LiftRules.handleMimeFile(f.getFieldName, f.getContentType, f.getName, f.openStream) } } } }).toList def setCharacterEncoding(encoding: String) = req.setCharacterEncoding(encoding) def snapshot: HTTPRequest = new OfflineRequestSnapshot(this, provider) private lazy val asyncProvider: Box[ServletAsyncProvider] = LiftRules.theServletAsyncProvider.map(_(this)) def resumeInfo : Option[(Req, LiftResponse)] = asyncProvider.flatMap(_.resumeInfo) def suspend(timeout: Long): RetryState.Value = asyncProvider.open_!.suspend(timeout) // open_! is bad, but presumably, the suspendResume support was checked def resume(what: (Req, LiftResponse)): Boolean = asyncProvider.open_!.resume(what) lazy val suspendResumeSupport_? = { LiftRules.asyncProviderMeta. map(_.suspendResumeSupport_? && (asyncProvider.map(_.suspendResumeSupport_?) openOr false)) openOr false } } private class OfflineRequestSnapshot(req: HTTPRequest, val provider: HTTPProvider) extends HTTPRequest { private val _cookies = List(req.cookies :_*) private val _headers = List(req.headers :_*) private val _params = List(req.params :_*) def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = _cookies val authType: Box[String] = req.authType def headers(name: String): List[String] = _headers.filter(_.name == name).map(_.name) def headers: List[HTTPParam] = _headers val contextPath: String = req.contextPath val context: HTTPContext = req.context val contentType: Box[String] = req.contentType val uri: String = req.uri val url: String = req.url val queryString: Box[String] = req.queryString def param(name: String): List[String] = _params.filter(_.name == name).map(_.name) def params: List[HTTPParam] = _params def paramNames: List[String] = _params.map(_.name) /** * Destroy the underlying servlet session... null for offline requests */ def destroyServletSession() { // do nothing here } val session: HTTPSession = req.session val sessionId: Box[String] = req.sessionId val remoteAddress: String = req.remoteAddress val remotePort: Int = req.remotePort val remoteHost: String = req.remoteHost val serverName: String = req.serverName val scheme: String = req.scheme val serverPort: Int = req.serverPort val method: String = req.method val resumeInfo : Option[(Req, LiftResponse)] = req resumeInfo def suspend(timeout: Long): RetryState.Value = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot suspend a snapshot") def resume(what: (Req, LiftResponse)): Boolean = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot resume a snapshot") def suspendResumeSupport_? = false def inputStream: InputStream = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("InputStream is not available") val multipartContent_? : Boolean = req.multipartContent_? def extractFiles: List[ParamHolder] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("It is unsafe to extract files") val locale: Box[Locale] = req.locale def setCharacterEncoding(encoding: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("It is unsafe to set the character encoding ") def snapshot = this /** * The User-Agent of the request */ lazy val userAgent: Box[String] = headers find (_.name equalsIgnoreCase "user-agent") flatMap (_.values.headOption) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework HTTPRequestServlet.scala source code file: |
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