Lift Framework example source code file (Wizard.scala)
The Lift Framework Wizard.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package wizard import net.liftweb._ import http._ import js._ import JsCmds._ import common._ import util._ import db._ import Helpers._ import scala.xml._ import scala.reflect.Manifest object WizardRules extends Factory with FormVendor { val dbConnectionsForTransaction: FactoryMaker[List[ConnectionIdentifier]] = new FactoryMaker[List[ConnectionIdentifier]](() => Nil) {} private def m[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Manifest[T] = man val allTemplatePath: FactoryMaker[List[String]] = new FactoryMaker[List[String]](() => List("templates-hidden", "wizard-all")) {} private object currentWizards extends SessionVar[Set[String]](Set()) private[wizard] def registerWizardSession(): String = { S.synchronizeForSession { val ret = Helpers.nextFuncName currentWizards.set(currentWizards.is + ret) ret } } private[wizard] def isValidWizardSession(id: String): Boolean = S.synchronizeForSession { currentWizards.is.contains(id) } private[wizard] def deregisterWizardSession(id: String) { S.synchronizeForSession { currentWizards.set(currentWizards.is - id) } } } /** * A wizard allows you to create a multi-screen set of input forms * with back-button support and state support */ trait Wizard extends StatefulSnippet with Factory with ScreenWizardRendered { def dispatch = { case _ => template => { _defaultXml.set(template) this.toForm } } /** * Holds the template passed via the snippet for the duration * of the request */ protected object _defaultXml extends TransientRequestVar[NodeSeq](NodeSeq.Empty) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * the NodeSeq passed as a parameter when the snippet was invoked */ protected def defaultXml: NodeSeq = _defaultXml.get implicit def elemInABox(in: Elem): Box[Elem] = Full(in) @volatile private[this] var _screenList: List[Screen] = Nil private object ScreenVars extends TransientRequestVar[Map[String, (NonCleanAnyVar[_], Any)]](Map()) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object CurrentScreen extends WizardVar[Box[Screen]]({ val screen = calcFirstScreen screen.foreach(_.transitionIntoFrom(Empty)) screen.foreach(_.enterScreen()) screen }) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private object PrevSnapshot extends TransientRequestVar[Box[WizardSnapshot]](Empty) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object Referer extends WizardVar[String](calcReferer) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object Ajax_? extends WizardVar[Boolean](calcAjax) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * A unique GUID for the form... this allows us to do an Ajax SetHtml * to replace the form */ protected object FormGUID extends WizardVar[String](Helpers.nextFuncName) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * What to do when the Screen is done. By default, will * do a redirect back to Whence, but you can change this behavior, * for example, put up some other Ajax thing or alternatively, * remove the form from the screen. */ protected object AjaxOnDone extends WizardVar[JsCmd](calcAjaxOnDone) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object OnFirstScreen extends TransientRequestVar[Boolean](true) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private object FirstTime extends WizardVar[Boolean](true) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private object CurrentSession extends WizardVar[String](WizardRules.registerWizardSession()) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object VisitedScreens extends WizardVar[Vector[Screen]](Vector()) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } def noticeTypeToAttr(screen: AbstractScreen): Box[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] = { screen.inject[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] or inject[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] or WizardRules.inject[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] or screen.noticeTypeToAttr(screen) } /** * Override this method to do setup the first time the * screen is entered */ protected def localSetup() { } def toForm: NodeSeq = { ScreenVars.is // initialize Referer.is // touch to capture the referer Ajax_?.is // capture the Ajax state CurrentSession.is FormGUID.is if (FirstTime) { FirstTime.set(false) localSetup() if (!ajaxForms_?) { val localSnapshot = createSnapshot // val notices = S.getAllNotices S.seeOther(S.uri, () => { // S.appendNotices(notices) localSnapshot.restore }) } } val form = renderHtml() if (ajaxForms_?) wrapInDiv(form) else form } protected def submitOrAjax(id: String): String = (if (ajaxForms_?) { SHtml.makeAjaxCall(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(id)).toJsCmd } else { "document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").submit()" }) protected def renderHtml(): NodeSeq = { val nextId = Helpers.nextFuncName val prevId = Helpers.nextFuncName val cancelId = Helpers.nextFuncName val theScreen: Screen = currentScreen openOr { WizardRules.deregisterWizardSession(CurrentSession.is) S.seeOther(Referer.is) // this should never happen } val (nextButton, finishButton) = if (!theScreen.isLastScreen) (Full(theScreen.nextButton % ("onclick" -> submitOrAjax(nextId))), Empty) else (Empty, Full(theScreen.finishButton % ("onclick" -> submitOrAjax(nextId)))) val prevButton: Box[Elem] = if (OnFirstScreen) Empty else Full(theScreen.prevButton % ("onclick" -> submitOrAjax(prevId))) val cancelButton: Elem = theScreen.cancelButton % ("onclick" -> submitOrAjax(cancelId)) val url = S.uri val extraFields: List[ScreenFieldInfo] = if (theScreen.confirmScreen_?) { for { screen <- VisitedScreens.is.toList field <- screen.screenFields.collect { case c: ConfirmField => c } if field.show_? && field.onConfirm_? } yield ScreenFieldInfo(field, field.displayHtml, Empty, Full(field.asHtml)) } else Nil renderAll( CurrentScreen.is.map(s => Text((s.myScreenNum + 1).toString)), //currentScreenNumber: Box[NodeSeq], Full(Text(screenCount.toString)), //screenCount: Box[NodeSeq], wizardTop, // wizardTop: Box[Elem], theScreen.screenTop, //screenTop: Box[Elem], extraFields ::: theScreen.screenFields.flatMap(f => if (f.show_?) List(ScreenFieldInfo(f, f.displayHtml, f.helpAsHtml, f.toForm)) else Nil), //fields: List[ScreenFieldInfo], prevButton, // prev: Box[Elem], Full(cancelButton), // cancel: Box[Elem], nextButton, // next: Box[Elem], finishButton, //finish: Box[Elem], theScreen.screenBottom, // screenBottom: Box[Elem], wizardBottom, //wizardBottom: Box[Elem], nextId -> (() => { this.nextScreen() // if (currentScreen.isEmpty) S.seeOther(Referer.is) }), // nextId: (String, () => Unit), Full(prevId -> (() => { this.prevScreen })), // prevId: Box[(String, () => Unit)], cancelId -> (() => { WizardRules.deregisterWizardSession(CurrentSession.is); redirectBack() }), //cancelId: (String, () => Unit), theScreen, ajaxForms_?) } protected def allTemplatePath: List[String] = WizardRules.allTemplatePath.vend protected def allTemplate: NodeSeq = TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate(allTemplatePath) openOr allTemplateNodeSeq /** * What additional attributes should be put on the */ protected def formAttrs: MetaData = scala.xml.Null protected def wizardTop: Box[Elem] = None protected def wizardBottom: Box[Elem] = None private def doTransition(from: Box[Screen], to: Box[Screen]) { to.foreach(_.enterScreen()) (from, to) match { case (Full(old), Full(cur)) if old eq cur => { /* do nothing */ } case (Full(old), Full(cur)) => { old.transitionOutOfTo(Full(cur)) cur.transitionIntoFrom(Full(old)) } case (Full(old), _) => old.transitionOutOfTo(Empty) case (_, Full(cur)) => cur.transitionIntoFrom(Empty) case _ => } } class WizardSnapshot(private[wizard] val screenVars: Map[String, (NonCleanAnyVar[_], Any)], val currentScreen: Box[Screen], private[wizard] val snapshot: Box[WizardSnapshot], private val firstScreen: Boolean) extends Snapshot { def restore() { registerThisSnippet(); ScreenVars.set(screenVars) if (CurrentScreen.set_?) { doTransition(CurrentScreen.get, currentScreen) } else { currentScreen.foreach(_.transitionIntoFrom(Empty)) currentScreen.foreach(_.enterScreen()) } CurrentScreen.set(currentScreen) PrevSnapshot.set(snapshot) OnFirstScreen.set(firstScreen) if (!WizardRules.isValidWizardSession(CurrentSession.is)) { S.seeOther(Referer.is) // FIXME Wizard } } } private def _register(screen: Screen) { _screenList = _screenList ::: List(screen) } def dbConnections: List[ConnectionIdentifier] = WizardRules.dbConnectionsForTransaction.vend /** * The ordered list of Screens */ def screens: List[Screen] = _screenList /** * Total number of screens in the wizard */ lazy val screenCount = screens.size /** * Given the current screen, what's the next screen? */ def calcScreenAfter(which: Screen): Box[Screen] = screens.dropWhile(_ ne which).drop(1).headOption /** * What's the first screen in this wizard */ def calcFirstScreen: Box[Screen] = screens.headOption def nextButton: Elem = <button> {S.??("Next")} </button> def prevButton: Elem = <button> {S.??("Previous")} </button> def cancelButton: Elem = <button> {S.??("Cancel")} </button> def finishButton: Elem = <button> {S.??("Finish")} </button> def currentScreen: Box[Screen] = CurrentScreen.is def createSnapshot = { val cs = CurrentScreen.is val prev = PrevSnapshot.is val onFirst = OnFirstScreen.is new WizardSnapshot(ScreenVars.is, cs, prev, onFirst) } /** * This method will be called within a transactional block when the last screen is completed */ protected def finish(): Unit def nextScreen(): JsCmd = { (for { screen <- CurrentScreen.is } yield { screen.validate match { case Nil => { val snapshot = createSnapshot PrevSnapshot.set(Full(snapshot)) val nextScreen = screen.nextScreen CurrentScreen.is.foreach { s => VisitedScreens.set(VisitedScreens :+ s) } doTransition(CurrentScreen.get, nextScreen) CurrentScreen.set(nextScreen) OnFirstScreen.set(false) nextScreen match { case Empty => def useAndFinish(in: List[ConnectionIdentifier]) { in match { case Nil => { WizardRules.deregisterWizardSession(CurrentSession.is) VisitedScreens.foreach { s => s.finish() } finish() VisitedScreens.foreach { s => s.postFinish() } } case x :: xs => DB.use(x) { conn => useAndFinish(xs) } } } useAndFinish(dbConnections) if (ajaxForms_?) { AjaxOnDone.is } else { Noop } case _ => SetHtml(FormGUID, renderHtml()) } } case xs => { S.error(xs) SetHtml(FormGUID, renderHtml()) } } }) openOr AjaxOnDone.is } def prevScreen(): JsCmd = { (for { snapshot <- PrevSnapshot.is } yield { val cur = if (CurrentScreen.set_?) CurrentScreen.get else Empty snapshot.restore() if (CurrentScreen.set_?) { doTransition(cur, CurrentScreen.get) } else { cur.foreach(_.transitionIntoFrom(Empty)) cur.foreach(_.enterScreen()) } SetHtml(FormGUID, renderHtml()) }) openOr AjaxOnDone.is } protected def vendForm[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Box[(T, T => Any) => NodeSeq] = Empty /** * By default, are all the fields on all the screen in this wizard on the confirm screen? */ def onConfirm_? = true /** * Define a screen within this wizard */ trait Screen extends AbstractScreen { val myScreenNum = screens.length /** * The name of the screen. Override this to change the screen name */ override def screenName: String = "Screen " + (myScreenNum + 1) def nextButton: Elem = Wizard.this.nextButton def prevButton: Elem = Wizard.this.prevButton override def cancelButton: Elem = Wizard.this.cancelButton override def finishButton: Elem = Wizard.this.finishButton def nextScreen: Box[Screen] = calcScreenAfter(this) def isLastScreen = nextScreen.isEmpty /** * A notification that we are transitioning into * this screen. Override this method to perform * some screen-specific actions * * @param from the screen we're coming from */ def transitionIntoFrom(from: Box[Screen]) { } /** * A notification that we are transitioning out of * this screen. Override this method to perform * some screen-specific actions * * @param to the screen we're transitioning to */ def transitionOutOfTo(to: Box[Screen]) { } /** * By default, are all the fields on this screen on the confirm screen? */ def onConfirm_? = Wizard.this.onConfirm_? /** * Is this screen a confirm screen? */ def confirmScreen_? = false /** * Define a field within the screen */ trait Field extends super.Field with ConfirmField { /** * Is this field on the confirm screen */ override def onConfirm_? = Screen.this.onConfirm_? override protected def otherFuncVendors(what: Manifest[ValueType]): Box[(ValueType, ValueType => Any) => NodeSeq] = Wizard.this.vendForm(manifest) or WizardRules.vendForm(manifest) } Wizard.this._register(this) private object _touched extends WizardVar(false) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * override this method if there's a screen-specific thing * to do on finish. This method is called before the main Wizard's * finish method */ def finish() { } /** * override this method if there's a screen-specific thing * to do on finish. This method is executed after the main Wizards * finish() method. */ def postFinish() { } private[wizard] def enterScreen() { if (!_touched) { _touched.set(true) localSetup() } } protected def vendAVar[T](dflt: => T): NonCleanAnyVar[T] = Wizard.this.vendAVar[T](dflt) } protected def vendAVar[T](dflt: => T): NonCleanAnyVar[T] = new WizardVar[T](dflt) { override protected def __nameSalt = randomString(20) } /** * Keep request-local information around without the nastiness of naming session variables * or the type-unsafety of casting the results. * RequestVars share their value through the scope of the current HTTP * request. They have no value at the beginning of request servicing * and their value is discarded at the end of request processing. They * are helpful to share values across many snippets. * * @param dflt - the default value of the session variable */ abstract class WizardVar[T](dflt: => T) extends NonCleanAnyVar[T](dflt) { override protected def findFunc(name: String): Box[T] = WizardVarHandler.get(name) override protected def setFunc(name: String, value: T): Unit = WizardVarHandler.set(name, this, value) override protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit = WizardVarHandler.clear(name) override protected def wasInitialized(name: String): Boolean = { val bn = name + "_inited_?" val old: Boolean = WizardVarHandler.get(bn) openOr false WizardVarHandler.set(bn, this, true) old } override protected def testWasSet(name: String): Boolean = { val bn = name + "_inited_?" WizardVarHandler.get(name).isDefined || (WizardVarHandler.get(bn) openOr false) } /** * Different Vars require different mechanisms for synchronization. This method implements * the Var specific synchronization mechanism */ def doSync[F](f: => F): F = f // no sync necessary for RequestVars... always on the same thread } private[wizard] object WizardVarHandler { def get[T](name: String): Box[T] = ScreenVars.is.get(name).map(_._2.asInstanceOf[T]) def set[T](name: String, from: WizardVar[_], value: T): Unit = ScreenVars.set(ScreenVars.is + (name -> (from, value))) def clear(name: String): Unit = ScreenVars.set(ScreenVars.is - name) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Wizard.scala source code file: |
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