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The source code
package org.apache.lucene.index;
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.lucene.store.OutputStream;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper;
/** This stores a monotonically increasing set of pairs in a
Directory. A TermInfos can be written once, in order. */
final class TermInfosWriter {
/** The file format version, a negative number. */
public static final int FORMAT = -2;
private FieldInfos fieldInfos;
private OutputStream output;
private Term lastTerm = new Term("", "");
private TermInfo lastTi = new TermInfo();
private long size = 0;
// TODO: the default values for these two parameters should be settable from
// IndexWriter. However, once that's done, folks will start setting them to
// ridiculous values and complaining that things don't work well, as with
// mergeFactor. So, let's wait until a number of folks find that alternate
// values work better. Note that both of these values are stored in the
// segment, so that it's safe to change these w/o rebuilding all indexes.
/** Expert: The fraction of terms in the "dictionary" which should be stored
* in RAM. Smaller values use more memory, but make searching slightly
* faster, while larger values use less memory and make searching slightly
* slower. Searching is typically not dominated by dictionary lookup, so
* tweaking this is rarely useful.*/
int indexInterval = 128;
/** Expert: The fraction of {@link TermDocs} entries stored in skip tables,
* used to accellerate {@link TermDocs#skipTo(int)}. Larger values result in
* smaller indexes, greater acceleration, but fewer accelerable cases, while
* smaller values result in bigger indexes, less acceleration and more
* accelerable cases. More detailed experiments would be useful here. */
int skipInterval = 16;
private long lastIndexPointer = 0;
private boolean isIndex = false;
private TermInfosWriter other = null;
TermInfosWriter(Directory directory, String segment, FieldInfos fis)
throws IOException {
initialize(directory, segment, fis, false);
other = new TermInfosWriter(directory, segment, fis, true);
other.other = this;
private TermInfosWriter(Directory directory, String segment, FieldInfos fis,
boolean isIndex) throws IOException {
initialize(directory, segment, fis, isIndex);
private void initialize(Directory directory, String segment, FieldInfos fis,
boolean isi) throws IOException {
fieldInfos = fis;
isIndex = isi;
output = directory.createFile(segment + (isIndex ? ".tii" : ".tis"));
output.writeInt(FORMAT); // write format
output.writeLong(0); // leave space for size
output.writeInt(indexInterval); // write indexInterval
output.writeInt(skipInterval); // write skipInterval
/** Adds a new pair to the set.
Term must be lexicographically greater than all previous Terms added.
TermInfo pointers must be positive and greater than all previous.*/
final void add(Term term, TermInfo ti)
throws IOException {
if (!isIndex && term.compareTo(lastTerm) <= 0)
throw new IOException("term out of order");
if (ti.freqPointer < lastTi.freqPointer)
throw new IOException("freqPointer out of order");
if (ti.proxPointer < lastTi.proxPointer)
throw new IOException("proxPointer out of order");
if (!isIndex && size % indexInterval == 0)
other.add(lastTerm, lastTi); // add an index term
writeTerm(term); // write term
output.writeVInt(ti.docFreq); // write doc freq
output.writeVLong(ti.freqPointer - lastTi.freqPointer); // write pointers
output.writeVLong(ti.proxPointer - lastTi.proxPointer);
if (ti.docFreq >= skipInterval) {
if (isIndex) {
output.writeVLong(other.output.getFilePointer() - lastIndexPointer);
lastIndexPointer = other.output.getFilePointer(); // write pointer
private final void writeTerm(Term term)
throws IOException {
int start = StringHelper.stringDifference(lastTerm.text, term.text);
int length = term.text.length() - start;
output.writeVInt(start); // write shared prefix length
output.writeVInt(length); // write delta length
output.writeChars(term.text, start, length); // write delta chars
output.writeVInt(fieldInfos.fieldNumber(term.field)); // write field num
lastTerm = term;
/** Called to complete TermInfos creation. */
final void close() throws IOException {
output.seek(4); // write size after format
if (!isIndex)