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The source codepackage org.apache.lucene.index; import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory; import org.apache.lucene.store.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; /** TODO: relax synchro! */ class TermVectorsReader { private FieldInfos fieldInfos; private InputStream tvx; private InputStream tvd; private InputStream tvf; private int size; TermVectorsReader(Directory d, String segment, FieldInfos fieldInfos) throws IOException { if (d.fileExists(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVX_EXTENSION)) { tvx = d.openFile(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVX_EXTENSION); checkValidFormat(tvx); tvd = d.openFile(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVD_EXTENSION); checkValidFormat(tvd); tvf = d.openFile(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVF_EXTENSION); checkValidFormat(tvf); size = (int) tvx.length() / 8; } this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos; } private void checkValidFormat(InputStream in) throws IOException { int format = in.readInt(); if (format > TermVectorsWriter.FORMAT_VERSION) { throw new IOException("Incompatible format version: " + format + " expected " + TermVectorsWriter.FORMAT_VERSION + " or less"); } } synchronized void close() throws IOException { // why don't we trap the exception and at least make sure that // all streams that we can close are closed? if (tvx != null) tvx.close(); if (tvd != null) tvd.close(); if (tvf != null) tvf.close(); } /** * * @return The number of documents in the reader */ int size() { return size; } /** * Retrieve the term vector for the given document and field * @param docNum The document number to retrieve the vector for * @param field The field within the document to retrieve * @return The TermFreqVector for the document and field or null */ synchronized TermFreqVector get(int docNum, String field) { // Check if no term vectors are available for this segment at all int fieldNumber = fieldInfos.fieldNumber(field); TermFreqVector result = null; if (tvx != null) { try { //We need to account for the FORMAT_SIZE at when seeking in the tvx //We don't need to do this in other seeks because we already have the file pointer //that was written in another file tvx.seek((docNum * 8L) + TermVectorsWriter.FORMAT_SIZE); //System.out.println("TVX Pointer: " + tvx.getFilePointer()); long position = tvx.readLong(); tvd.seek(position); int fieldCount = tvd.readVInt(); //System.out.println("Num Fields: " + fieldCount); // There are only a few fields per document. We opt for a full scan // rather then requiring that they be ordered. We need to read through // all of the fields anyway to get to the tvf pointers. int number = 0; int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { number += tvd.readVInt(); if (number == fieldNumber) found = i; } // This field, although valid in the segment, was not found in this document if (found != -1) { // Compute position in the tvf file position = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= found; i++) { position += tvd.readVLong(); } result = readTermVector(field, position); } else { //System.out.println("Field not found"); } } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.out.println("No tvx file"); } return result; } /** Return all term vectors stored for this document or null if the could not be read in. */ synchronized TermFreqVector[] get(int docNum) { TermFreqVector[] result = null; // Check if no term vectors are available for this segment at all if (tvx != null) { try { //We need to offset by tvx.seek((docNum * 8L) + TermVectorsWriter.FORMAT_SIZE); long position = tvx.readLong(); tvd.seek(position); int fieldCount = tvd.readVInt(); // No fields are vectorized for this document if (fieldCount != 0) { int number = 0; String[] fields = new String[fieldCount]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { number += tvd.readVInt(); fields[i] = fieldInfos.fieldName(number); } // Compute position in the tvf file position = 0; long[] tvfPointers = new long[fieldCount]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { position += tvd.readVLong(); tvfPointers[i] = position; } result = readTermVectors(fields, tvfPointers); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.out.println("No tvx file"); } return result; } private SegmentTermVector[] readTermVectors(String fields[], long tvfPointers[]) throws IOException { SegmentTermVector res[] = new SegmentTermVector[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { res[i] = readTermVector(fields[i], tvfPointers[i]); } return res; } /** * * @param fieldNum The field to read in * @param tvfPointer The pointer within the tvf file where we should start reading * @return The TermVector located at that position * @throws IOException */ private SegmentTermVector readTermVector(String field, long tvfPointer) throws IOException { // Now read the data from specified position //We don't need to offset by the FORMAT here since the pointer already includes the offset tvf.seek(tvfPointer); int numTerms = tvf.readVInt(); //System.out.println("Num Terms: " + numTerms); // If no terms - return a constant empty termvector if (numTerms == 0) return new SegmentTermVector(field, null, null); int length = numTerms + tvf.readVInt(); String terms[] = new String[numTerms]; int termFreqs[] = new int[numTerms]; int start = 0; int deltaLength = 0; int totalLength = 0; char [] buffer = {}; String previousString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; i++) { start = tvf.readVInt(); deltaLength = tvf.readVInt(); totalLength = start + deltaLength; if (buffer.length < totalLength) { buffer = new char[totalLength]; for (int j = 0; j < previousString.length(); j++) // copy contents buffer[j] = previousString.charAt(j); } tvf.readChars(buffer, start, deltaLength); terms[i] = new String(buffer, 0, totalLength); previousString = terms[i]; termFreqs[i] = tvf.readVInt(); } SegmentTermVector tv = new SegmentTermVector(field, terms, termFreqs); return tv; } } |
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