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The source code

package org.apache.lucene.index;

import org.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper;

import java.util.Vector;

 * Writer works by opening a document and then opening the fields within the document and then
 * writing out the vectors for each field.
 * Rough usage:
 for each document
 for each field on the document
 for all of the terms
final class TermVectorsWriter {
  public static final int FORMAT_VERSION = 1;
  //The size in bytes that the FORMAT_VERSION will take up at the beginning of each file 
  public static final int FORMAT_SIZE = 4;
  //TODO: Figure out how to write with or w/o position information and read back in
  public static final String TVX_EXTENSION = ".tvx";
  public static final String TVD_EXTENSION = ".tvd";
  public static final String TVF_EXTENSION = ".tvf";
  private OutputStream tvx = null, tvd = null, tvf = null;
  private Vector fields = null;
  private Vector terms = null;
  private FieldInfos fieldInfos;

  private TVField currentField = null;
  private long currentDocPointer = -1;

  /** Create term vectors writer for the specified segment in specified
   *  directory.  A new TermVectorsWriter should be created for each
   *  segment. The parameter maxFields indicates how many total
   *  fields are found in this document. Not all of these fields may require
   *  termvectors to be stored, so the number of calls to
   *  openField is less or equal to this number.
  public TermVectorsWriter(Directory directory, String segment,
                           FieldInfos fieldInfos)
    throws IOException {
    // Open files for TermVector storage
    tvx = directory.createFile(segment + TVX_EXTENSION);
    tvd = directory.createFile(segment + TVD_EXTENSION);
    tvf = directory.createFile(segment + TVF_EXTENSION);

    this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
    fields = new Vector(fieldInfos.size());
    terms = new Vector();

  public final void openDocument()
          throws IOException {

    currentDocPointer = tvd.getFilePointer();

  public final void closeDocument()
          throws IOException {
    if (isDocumentOpen()) {
      currentDocPointer = -1;

  public final boolean isDocumentOpen() {
    return currentDocPointer != -1;

  /** Start processing a field. This can be followed by a number of calls to
   *  addTerm, and a final call to closeField to indicate the end of
   *  processing of this field. If a field was previously open, it is
   *  closed automatically.
  public final void openField(String field)
          throws IOException {
    if (!isDocumentOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot open field when no document is open.");

    currentField = new TVField(fieldInfos.fieldNumber(field));

  /** Finished processing current field. This should be followed by a call to
   *  openField before future calls to addTerm.
  public final void closeField()
          throws IOException {
    if (isFieldOpen()) {
      /* DEBUG */
      /* DEBUG */

      // save field and terms
      currentField = null;

  /** Return true if a field is currently open. */
  public final boolean isFieldOpen() {
    return currentField != null;

  /** Add term to the field's term vector. Field must already be open
   *  of NullPointerException is thrown. Terms should be added in
   *  increasing order of terms, one call per unique termNum. ProxPointer
   *  is a pointer into the TermPosition file (prx). Freq is the number of
   *  times this term appears in this field, in this document.
  public final void addTerm(String termText, int freq) {
    if (!isDocumentOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add terms when document is not open");
    if (!isFieldOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add terms when field is not open");

    addTermInternal(termText, freq);

  private final void addTermInternal(String termText, int freq) {
    currentField.length += freq;
    TVTerm term = new TVTerm();
    term.termText = termText;
    term.freq = freq;

  /** Add specified vectors to the document.
  public final void addVectors(TermFreqVector[] vectors)
          throws IOException {
    if (!isDocumentOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add term vectors when document is not open");
    if (isFieldOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add term vectors when field is open");

    for (int i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) {

  /** Add specified vector to the document. Document must be open but no field
   *  should be open or exception is thrown. The same document can have addTerm
   *  and addVectors calls mixed, however a given field must either be
   *  populated with addTerm or with addVector.     *
  public final void addTermFreqVector(TermFreqVector vector)
          throws IOException {
    if (!isDocumentOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add term vector when document is not open");
    if (isFieldOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add term vector when field is open");

  private final void addTermFreqVectorInternal(TermFreqVector vector)
          throws IOException {
    for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) {
      addTermInternal(vector.getTerms()[i], vector.getTermFrequencies()[i]);

  /** Close all streams. */
  final void close() throws IOException {
    try {
    } finally {
      // make an effort to close all streams we can but remember and re-throw
      // the first exception encountered in this process
      IOException keep = null;
      if (tvx != null)
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          if (keep == null) keep = e;
      if (tvd != null)
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          if (keep == null) keep = e;
      if (tvf != null)
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          if (keep == null) keep = e;
      if (keep != null) throw (IOException) keep.fillInStackTrace();


  private void writeField() throws IOException {
    // remember where this field is written
    currentField.tvfPointer = tvf.getFilePointer();
    //System.out.println("Field Pointer: " + currentField.tvfPointer);
    final int size;

    tvf.writeVInt(size = terms.size());
    tvf.writeVInt(currentField.length - size);
    String lastTermText = "";
    // write term ids and positions
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      TVTerm term = (TVTerm) terms.elementAt(i);
      int start = StringHelper.stringDifference(lastTermText, term.termText);
      int length = term.termText.length() - start;
      tvf.writeVInt(start);			  // write shared prefix length
      tvf.writeVInt(length);			  // write delta length
      tvf.writeChars(term.termText, start, length);  // write delta chars
      lastTermText = term.termText;

  private void writeDoc() throws IOException {
    if (isFieldOpen()) throw new IllegalStateException("Field is still open while writing document");
    //System.out.println("Writing doc pointer: " + currentDocPointer);
    // write document index record

    // write document data record
    final int size;

    // write the number of fields
    tvd.writeVInt(size = fields.size());

    // write field numbers
    int lastFieldNumber = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      TVField field = (TVField) fields.elementAt(i);
      tvd.writeVInt(field.number - lastFieldNumber);

      lastFieldNumber = field.number;

    // write field pointers
    long lastFieldPointer = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      TVField field = (TVField) fields.elementAt(i);
      tvd.writeVLong(field.tvfPointer - lastFieldPointer);

      lastFieldPointer = field.tvfPointer;
    //System.out.println("After writing doc pointer: " + tvx.getFilePointer());

  private static class TVField {
    int number;
    long tvfPointer = 0;
    int length = 0;   // number of distinct term positions

    TVField(int number) {
      this.number = number;

  private static class TVTerm {
    String termText;
    int freq = 0;
    //int positions[] = null;

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