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 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


final class BooleanScorer extends Scorer {
  private SubScorer scorers = null;
  private BucketTable bucketTable = new BucketTable(this);

  private int maxCoord = 1;
  private float[] coordFactors = null;

  private int requiredMask = 0;
  private int prohibitedMask = 0;
  private int nextMask = 1;

  BooleanScorer(Similarity similarity) {

  static final class SubScorer {
    public Scorer scorer;
    public boolean done;
    public boolean required = false;
    public boolean prohibited = false;
    public HitCollector collector;
    public SubScorer next;

    public SubScorer(Scorer scorer, boolean required, boolean prohibited,
		     HitCollector collector, SubScorer next)
      throws IOException {
      this.scorer = scorer;
      this.done = !;
      this.required = required;
      this.prohibited = prohibited;
      this.collector = collector; = next;

  final void add(Scorer scorer, boolean required, boolean prohibited)
    throws IOException {
    int mask = 0;
    if (required || prohibited) {
      if (nextMask == 0)
	throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
	  ("More than 32 required/prohibited clauses in query.");
      mask = nextMask;
      nextMask = nextMask << 1;
    } else
      mask = 0;

    if (!prohibited)

    if (prohibited)
      prohibitedMask |= mask;			  // update prohibited mask
    else if (required)
      requiredMask |= mask;			  // update required mask

    scorers = new SubScorer(scorer, required, prohibited,
			    bucketTable.newCollector(mask), scorers);

  private final void computeCoordFactors() throws IOException {
    coordFactors = new float[maxCoord];
    for (int i = 0; i < maxCoord; i++)
      coordFactors[i] = getSimilarity().coord(i, maxCoord-1);

  private int end;
  private Bucket current;

  public int doc() { return current.doc; }

  public boolean next() throws IOException {
    boolean more;
    do {
      while (bucketTable.first != null) {         // more queued
        current = bucketTable.first;
        bucketTable.first =;         // pop the queue

        // check prohibited & required
        if ((current.bits & prohibitedMask) == 0 && 
            (current.bits & requiredMask) == requiredMask) {
          return true;

      // refill the queue
      more = false;
      end += BucketTable.SIZE;
      for (SubScorer sub = scorers; sub != null; sub = {
        Scorer scorer = sub.scorer;
        while (!sub.done && scorer.doc() < end) {
          sub.collector.collect(scorer.doc(), scorer.score());
          sub.done = !;
        if (!sub.done) {
          more = true;
    } while (bucketTable.first != null | more);

    return false;

  public float score() throws IOException {
    if (coordFactors == null)
    return current.score * coordFactors[current.coord];

  static final class Bucket {
    int	doc = -1;				  // tells if bucket is valid
    float	score;				  // incremental score
    int	bits;					  // used for bool constraints
    int	coord;					  // count of terms in score
    Bucket 	next;				  // next valid bucket

  /** A simple hash table of document scores within a range. */
  static final class BucketTable {
    public static final int SIZE = 1 << 10;
    public static final int MASK = SIZE - 1;

    final Bucket[] buckets = new Bucket[SIZE];
    Bucket first = null;			  // head of valid list
    private BooleanScorer scorer;

    public BucketTable(BooleanScorer scorer) {
      this.scorer = scorer;

    public final int size() { return SIZE; }

    public HitCollector newCollector(int mask) {
      return new Collector(mask, this);

  static final class Collector extends HitCollector {
    private BucketTable bucketTable;
    private int mask;
    public Collector(int mask, BucketTable bucketTable) {
      this.mask = mask;
      this.bucketTable = bucketTable;
    public final void collect(final int doc, final float score) {
      final BucketTable table = bucketTable;
      final int i = doc & BucketTable.MASK;
      Bucket bucket = table.buckets[i];
      if (bucket == null)
	table.buckets[i] = bucket = new Bucket();
      if (bucket.doc != doc) {			  // invalid bucket
	bucket.doc = doc;			  // set doc
	bucket.score = score;			  // initialize score
	bucket.bits = mask;			  // initialize mask
	bucket.coord = 1;			  // initialize coord = table.first;		  // push onto valid list
	table.first = bucket;
      } else {					  // valid bucket
	bucket.score += score;			  // increment score
	bucket.bits |= mask;			  // add bits in mask
	bucket.coord++;				  // increment coord

  public boolean skipTo(int target) throws IOException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public Explanation explain(int doc) throws IOException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (SubScorer sub = scorers; sub != null; sub = {
      buffer.append(" ");
    return buffer.toString();

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