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package org.apache.lucene.search;
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import java.io.IOException;
* Expert: Maintains caches of term values.
* Created: May 19, 2004 11:13:14 AM
* @author Tim Jones (Nacimiento Software)
* @since lucene 1.4
* @version $Id: FieldCache.java,v 1.1 2004/05/19 23:05:27 tjones Exp $
public interface FieldCache {
/** Indicator for StringIndex values in the cache. */
// NOTE: the value assigned to this constant must not be
// the same as any of those in SortField!!
public static final int STRING_INDEX = -1;
/** Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data. */
public static class StringIndex {
/** All the term values, in natural order. */
public final String[] lookup;
/** For each document, an index into the lookup array. */
public final int[] order;
/** Creates one of these objects */
public StringIndex (int[] values, String[] lookup) {
this.order = values;
this.lookup = lookup;
/** Expert: The cache used internally by sorting and range query classes. */
public static FieldCache DEFAULT = new FieldCacheImpl();
/** Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is
* found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array
* of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document
* has in the given field.
* @param reader Used to get field values.
* @param field Which field contains the integers.
* @return The values in the given field for each document.
* @throws IOException If any error occurs.
public int[] getInts (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException;
/** Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if
* none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array
* of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document
* has in the given field.
* @param reader Used to get field values.
* @param field Which field contains the floats.
* @return The values in the given field for each document.
* @throws IOException If any error occurs.
public float[] getFloats (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException;
/** Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none
* is found, reads the term values in field and returns an array
* of size reader.maxDoc() containing the value each document
* has in the given field.
* @param reader Used to get field values.
* @param field Which field contains the strings.
* @return The values in the given field for each document.
* @throws IOException If any error occurs.
public String[] getStrings (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException;
/** Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none
* is found reads the term values in field and returns
* an array of them in natural order, along with an array telling
* which element in the term array each document uses.
* @param reader Used to get field values.
* @param field Which field contains the strings.
* @return Array of terms and index into the array for each document.
* @throws IOException If any error occurs.
public StringIndex getStringIndex (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException;
/** Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if
* none is found reads field to see if it contains integers, floats
* or strings, and then calls one of the other methods in this class to get the
* values. For string values, a StringIndex is returned. After
* calling this method, there is an entry in the cache for both
* type AUTO and the actual found type.
* @param reader Used to get field values.
* @param field Which field contains the values.
* @return int[], float[] or StringIndex.
* @throws IOException If any error occurs.
public Object getAuto (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException;
/** Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none
* is found reads the terms out of field and calls the given SortComparator
* to get the sort values. A hit in the cache will happen if reader ,
* field , and comparator are the same (using equals() )
* as a previous call to this method.
* @param reader Used to get field values.
* @param field Which field contains the values.
* @param comparator Used to convert terms into something to sort by.
* @return Array of sort objects, one for each document.
* @throws IOException If any error occurs.
public Comparable[] getCustom (IndexReader reader, String field, SortComparator comparator)
throws IOException;