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The source code
package org.apache.lucene.search;
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.BitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
/** Implements search over a single IndexReader.
* Applications usually need only call the inherited {@link #search(Query)}
* or {@link #search(Query,Filter)} methods.
public class IndexSearcher extends Searcher {
IndexReader reader;
private boolean closeReader;
/** Creates a searcher searching the index in the named directory. */
public IndexSearcher(String path) throws IOException {
this(IndexReader.open(path), true);
/** Creates a searcher searching the index in the provided directory. */
public IndexSearcher(Directory directory) throws IOException {
this(IndexReader.open(directory), true);
/** Creates a searcher searching the provided index. */
public IndexSearcher(IndexReader r) {
this(r, false);
private IndexSearcher(IndexReader r, boolean closeReader) {
reader = r;
this.closeReader = closeReader;
* Note that the underlying IndexReader is not closed, if
* IndexSearcher was constructed with IndexSearcher(IndexReader r).
* If the IndexReader was supplied implicitly by specifying a directory, then
* the IndexReader gets closed.
public void close() throws IOException {
// inherit javadoc
public int docFreq(Term term) throws IOException {
return reader.docFreq(term);
// inherit javadoc
public Document doc(int i) throws IOException {
return reader.document(i);
// inherit javadoc
public int maxDoc() throws IOException {
return reader.maxDoc();
// inherit javadoc
public TopDocs search(Query query, Filter filter, final int nDocs)
throws IOException {
Scorer scorer = query.weight(this).scorer(reader);
if (scorer == null)
return new TopDocs(0, new ScoreDoc[0]);
final BitSet bits = filter != null ? filter.bits(reader) : null;
final HitQueue hq = new HitQueue(nDocs);
final int[] totalHits = new int[1];
scorer.score(new HitCollector() {
public final void collect(int doc, float score) {
if (score > 0.0f && // ignore zeroed buckets
(bits==null || bits.get(doc))) { // skip docs not in bits
hq.insert(new ScoreDoc(doc, score));
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[hq.size()];
for (int i = hq.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) // put docs in array
scoreDocs[i] = (ScoreDoc)hq.pop();
return new TopDocs(totalHits[0], scoreDocs);
// inherit javadoc
public TopFieldDocs search(Query query, Filter filter, final int nDocs,
Sort sort)
throws IOException {
Scorer scorer = query.weight(this).scorer(reader);
if (scorer == null)
return new TopFieldDocs(0, new ScoreDoc[0], sort.fields);
final BitSet bits = filter != null ? filter.bits(reader) : null;
final FieldSortedHitQueue hq =
new FieldSortedHitQueue(reader, sort.fields, nDocs);
final int[] totalHits = new int[1];
scorer.score(new HitCollector() {
public final void collect(int doc, float score) {
if (score > 0.0f && // ignore zeroed buckets
(bits==null || bits.get(doc))) { // skip docs not in bits
hq.insert(new FieldDoc(doc, score));
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[hq.size()];
for (int i = hq.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) // put docs in array
scoreDocs[i] = hq.fillFields ((FieldDoc) hq.pop());
return new TopFieldDocs(totalHits[0], scoreDocs, hq.getFields());
// inherit javadoc
public void search(Query query, Filter filter,
final HitCollector results) throws IOException {
HitCollector collector = results;
if (filter != null) {
final BitSet bits = filter.bits(reader);
collector = new HitCollector() {
public final void collect(int doc, float score) {
if (bits.get(doc)) { // skip docs not in bits
results.collect(doc, score);
Scorer scorer = query.weight(this).scorer(reader);
if (scorer == null)
public Query rewrite(Query original) throws IOException {
Query query = original;
for (Query rewrittenQuery = query.rewrite(reader); rewrittenQuery != query;
rewrittenQuery = query.rewrite(reader)) {
query = rewrittenQuery;
return query;
public Explanation explain(Query query, int doc) throws IOException {
return query.weight(this).explain(reader, doc);