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 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
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import java.util.Locale;

 * Stores information about how to sort documents by terms in an individual
 * field.  Fields must be indexed in order to sort by them.

Created: Feb 11, 2004 1:25:29 PM * * @author Tim Jones (Nacimiento Software) * @since lucene 1.4 * @version $Id:,v 1.9 2004/05/24 22:51:42 tjones Exp $ * @see Sort */ public class SortField implements Serializable { /** Sort by document score (relevancy). Sort values are Float and higher * values are at the front. */ public static final int SCORE = 0; /** Sort by document number (index order). Sort values are Integer and lower * values are at the front. */ public static final int DOC = 1; /** Guess type of sort based on field contents. A regular expression is used * to look at the first term indexed for the field and determine if it * represents an integer number, a floating point number, or just arbitrary * string characters. */ public static final int AUTO = 2; /** Sort using term values as Strings. Sort values are String and lower * values are at the front. */ public static final int STRING = 3; /** Sort using term values as encoded Integers. Sort values are Integer and * lower values are at the front. */ public static final int INT = 4; /** Sort using term values as encoded Floats. Sort values are Float and * lower values are at the front. */ public static final int FLOAT = 5; /** Sort using a custom Comparator. Sort values are any Comparable and * sorting is done according to natural order. */ public static final int CUSTOM = 9; // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: the FieldCache.STRING_INDEX is in the same "namespace" // as the above static int values. Any new values must not have the same value // as FieldCache.STRING_INDEX. /** Represents sorting by document score (relevancy). */ public static final SortField FIELD_SCORE = new SortField (null, SCORE); /** Represents sorting by document number (index order). */ public static final SortField FIELD_DOC = new SortField (null, DOC); private String field; private int type = AUTO; // defaults to determining type dynamically private Locale locale; // defaults to "natural order" (no Locale) boolean reverse = false; // defaults to natural order private SortComparatorSource factory; /** Creates a sort by terms in the given field where the type of term value * is determined dynamically ({@link #AUTO AUTO}). * @param field Name of field to sort by, cannot be null. */ public SortField (String field) { this.field = field.intern(); } /** Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field where * the type of term value is determined dynamically ({@link #AUTO AUTO}). * @param field Name of field to sort by, cannot be null. * @param reverse True if natural order should be reversed. */ public SortField (String field, boolean reverse) { this.field = field.intern(); this.reverse = reverse; } /** Creates a sort by terms in the given field with the type of term * values explicitly given. * @param field Name of field to sort by. Can be null if * type is SCORE or DOC. * @param type Type of values in the terms. */ public SortField (String field, int type) { this.field = (field != null) ? field.intern() : field; this.type = type; } /** Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field with the * type of term values explicitly given. * @param field Name of field to sort by. Can be null if * type is SCORE or DOC. * @param type Type of values in the terms. * @param reverse True if natural order should be reversed. */ public SortField (String field, int type, boolean reverse) { this.field = (field != null) ? field.intern() : field; this.type = type; this.reverse = reverse; } /** Creates a sort by terms in the given field sorted * according to the given locale. * @param field Name of field to sort by, cannot be null. * @param locale Locale of values in the field. */ public SortField (String field, Locale locale) { this.field = field.intern(); this.type = STRING; this.locale = locale; } /** Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field sorted * according to the given locale. * @param field Name of field to sort by, cannot be null. * @param locale Locale of values in the field. */ public SortField (String field, Locale locale, boolean reverse) { this.field = field.intern(); this.type = STRING; this.locale = locale; this.reverse = reverse; } /** Creates a sort with a custom comparison function. * @param field Name of field to sort by; cannot be null. * @param comparator Returns a comparator for sorting hits. */ public SortField (String field, SortComparatorSource comparator) { this.field = (field != null) ? field.intern() : field; this.type = CUSTOM; this.factory = comparator; } /** Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, with a custom comparison function. * @param field Name of field to sort by; cannot be null. * @param comparator Returns a comparator for sorting hits. * @param reverse True if natural order should be reversed. */ public SortField (String field, SortComparatorSource comparator, boolean reverse) { this.field = (field != null) ? field.intern() : field; this.type = CUSTOM; this.reverse = reverse; this.factory = comparator; } /** Returns the name of the field. Could return null * if the sort is by SCORE or DOC. * @return Name of field, possibly null. */ public String getField() { return field; } /** Returns the type of contents in the field. * @return One of the constants SCORE, DOC, AUTO, STRING, INT or FLOAT. */ public int getType() { return type; } /** Returns the Locale by which term values are interpreted. * May return null if no Locale was specified. * @return Locale, or null. */ public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } /** Returns whether the sort should be reversed. * @return True if natural order should be reversed. */ public boolean getReverse() { return reverse; } public SortComparatorSource getFactory() { return factory; } public String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); switch (type) { case SCORE: buffer.append(""); break; case DOC: buffer.append(""); break; case CUSTOM: buffer.append (""); break; default: buffer.append("\"" + field + "\""); break; } if (locale != null) buffer.append ("("+locale+")"); if (reverse) buffer.append('!'); return buffer.toString(); } }

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