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The source code/* * $Header: /cvsroot/mvnforum/mvnforum/src/com/mvnforum/admin/importexport/XMLWriter.java,v 1.3 2005/01/18 11:52:13 minhnn Exp $ * $Author: minhnn $ * $Revision: 1.3 $ * $Date: 2005/01/18 11:52:13 $ * * ==================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 by MyVietnam.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * All copyright notices regarding mvnForum MUST remain intact * in the scripts and in the outputted HTML. * The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to * http://www.mvnForum.com and http://www.MyVietnam.net in the * footer of the pages MUST remain visible when the pages * are viewed on the internet or intranet. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Support can be obtained from support forums at: * http://www.mvnForum.com/mvnforum/index * * Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to: * info@MyVietnam.net * * @author: Igor Manic imanic@users.sourceforge.net */ package com.mvnforum.admin.importexport; import java.io.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import net.myvietnam.mvncore.exception.ExportException; /** * @author <a href="mailto:imanic@users.sourceforge.net">Igor Manic * @version $Revision: 1.3 $, $Date: 2005/01/18 11:52:13 $ * <br/> * <code>XMLWriter class encapsulates methods for creating and writing * data to XML files with automatic indentation and special characters encoding. */ public class XMLWriter { /** Message log. */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XMLWriter.class); private static String lineSeparator=System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); private StringBuffer textBuffer; private int indentLevel=0; //current XML element level private String indentString=""; //indent string for each next level of XML output private OutputStreamWriter outWriter=null; private boolean startedNewElement=false; private XMLWriter() { super(); textBuffer=null; indentLevel=0; indentString=""; outWriter=null; startedNewElement=false; } public XMLWriter(String indentString, OutputStreamWriter outWriter) { this(); this.indentString=indentString; this.outWriter=outWriter; } public XMLWriter(String indentString, File outputFile) throws ExportException { this(); this.indentString=indentString; log.debug("Setting output to file \""+outputFile.getAbsolutePath()+"\""); if (!outputFile.exists()) try { outputFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("XML output could not be created."); throw new ExportException("Error on server: "+ "Can't make XML output file.", e); } else if (!outputFile.isFile()) { log.error("XML output is not a file (it's probably directory)."); throw new ExportException("Error on server: "+ "XML output is not a file (it's probably directory)."); } if (!outputFile.canWrite()) { log.error("XML output file can't be written to."); throw new ExportException("Error on server: "+ "XML output file can't be written to."); } else { try { java.io.OutputStream outStream=new FileOutputStream(outputFile); this.outWriter=new OutputStreamWriter(outStream, "UTF8"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("XML output file can't be found."); throw new ExportException("Error on server: "+ "XML output file can't be found.", e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("UTF8 is unsupported encoding for XML output."); throw new ExportException("Error on server: "+ "Can't make XML output file.", e); } } } public XMLWriter(String indentString, String fileName) throws ExportException { this(indentString, new File(fileName)); } public void close() throws IOException { outputFlush(); if (outWriter!=null) outWriter.close(); } public void startDocument(String dtdschemaDecl) throws IOException { String xmlDecl="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; startedNewElement=false; outputText(xmlDecl); outputNewLine(); outputText(dtdschemaDecl); outputNewLine(); } public void endDocument() throws IOException { processBufferedData(); outputNewLine(); outputFlush(); } public void startElement(String elementName) throws IOException { startElement(elementName, null); } public void startElement(String elementName, String[] attrNameValue) throws IOException { processBufferedData(); outputNewLine(); outputText("<"+elementName); if (attrNameValue!=null) for (int i=0; i<attrNameValue.length-1; i+=2) { String attrName=attrNameValue[i]; String attrValue=attrNameValue[i+1]; outputText(" "); outputText(attrName+"=\""+attrValue+"\""); } outputText(">"); indentLevel++; //outputNewLine(); startedNewElement=true; } public void endElement(String elementName) throws IOException { processBufferedData(); indentLevel--; if (!startedNewElement) outputNewLine(); outputText("</"+elementName+">"); //outputNewLine(); startedNewElement=false; } public void writeNewLine() throws IOException { outputNewLine(); } public void writeComment(String comment) throws IOException { processBufferedData(); /*if (startedNewElement)*/ outputNewLine(); outputText("<!-- "+comment+" -->"); //startedNewElement=false; I should leave this variable, otherwise, if //I have more comments one behind another, they'll all be output in //one row, one to another, which is bad } public void writeData(String data) throws IOException { if (textBuffer==null) { textBuffer=new StringBuffer(data); } else { textBuffer.append(data); } } public void encodeAndWriteData(String data) throws IOException { //we should encode all '<' and '&' int amp=data.indexOf('&'); int lt=data.indexOf('<'); int i=-1; if ((amp>=0) && (lt>=0)) i=(amp<lt)?amp:lt; else if (amp>=0) i=amp; else i=lt; while ((i<data.length()) && (i>=0)) { if (i==amp) { data=data.substring(0, i)+"&"+data.substring(i+1); amp=data.indexOf('&', i+4); lt=data.indexOf('<', i+4); i+=4; //it should be 5, but nevermind } else if (i==lt) { data=data.substring(0, i)+"<"+data.substring(i+1); amp=data.indexOf('&', i+3); lt=data.indexOf('<', i+3); i+=3; //it should be 5, but nevermind } else { log.error("processBufferedRawText(): i=="+i+ " is different than both amp=="+amp+" and lt=="+lt+"?!"); i++; amp=data.indexOf('&', i); lt=data.indexOf('<', i); } if ((amp>=0) && (lt>=0)) i=(amp<lt)?amp:lt; else if (amp>=0) i=amp; else i=lt; } writeData(data); } // ======================================================== // =================== RAW TEXT OUTPUT ==================== // ======================================================== private void processBufferedData() throws IOException { if (textBuffer==null) return; String s=""+textBuffer; if (!s.trim().equals("")) textBuffer=null; if (s.equals("")) return; if (startedNewElement) outputNewLine(); startedNewElement=false; String padding=""; for (int i=0; i<indentLevel; i++) padding=padding+indentString; int pos=s.indexOf(lineSeparator); while ((pos<s.length()) && (pos>=0)) { s=s.substring(0, pos)+ lineSeparator+ padding+ s.substring(pos+lineSeparator.length()); pos=s.indexOf(lineSeparator, pos+lineSeparator.length()); } outputText(s); } private void outputText(String s) throws IOException { if (outWriter==null) { log.error("outputText(): outWriter==null."); } else { outWriter.write(s); } } private void outputFlush() throws IOException { if (outWriter==null) { log.error("outputFlush(): outWriter==null."); } else { outWriter.flush(); } } private void outputNewLine() throws IOException { if (outWriter==null) { log.error("outputNewLine(): outWriter==null."); } else { outWriter.write(lineSeparator); for (int i=0; i<indentLevel; i++) outWriter.write(indentString); } } } |
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