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The source code

 * $Header: /cvsroot/mvnforum/mvnforum/src/com/mvnforum/user/,v 2005/05/20 08:52:56 minhnn Exp $
 * $Author: minhnn $
 * $Revision: $
 * $Date: 2005/05/20 08:52:56 $
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 by
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or any later version.
 * All copyright notices regarding mvnForum MUST remain intact
 * in the scripts and in the outputted HTML.
 * The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to
 * and in the
 * footer of the pages MUST remain visible when the pages
 * are viewed on the internet or intranet.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * Support can be obtained from support forums at:
 * Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to:
 * @author: Minh Nguyen
 * @author: Mai  Nguyen
package com.mvnforum.user;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.*;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.mvnforum.*;
import com.mvnforum.auth.*;
import com.mvnforum.common.StatisticsUtil;
import com.mvnforum.db.*;
import net.myvietnam.mvncore.exception.*;
import net.myvietnam.mvncore.filter.DisableHtmlTagFilter;
import net.myvietnam.mvncore.interceptor.InterceptorService;
import net.myvietnam.mvncore.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

class PostWebHandler {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PostWebHandler.class);

    private OnlineUserManager onlineUserManager = OnlineUserManager.getInstance();

    PostWebHandler() {

     * This method is for addpost page
    void prepareAdd(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, DatabaseException, BadInputException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException {

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        if (MVNForumConfig.getEnableNewPost() == false) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_create_new_post.new_post_is_disabled");
            throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
            //throw new AssertionException("Cannot create new post because NEW_POST feature is disabled by administrator.");
        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        if (MVNForumConfig.isGuestUserInDatabase() == false) {

        // we set this action attribute first because the return below can make method return prematurely
        request.setAttribute("action", "addnew");

        int parentPostID    = 0;
        try {
            // neu co parent thi` khong co forum !!!
            parentPostID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "parent");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // do nothing
            // NOTE: we cannot return here since user can have a parameter parent = 0

        if (parentPostID == 0) {// new thread
            int forumID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "forum");

            ForumBean forumBean = null;
            try {
                forumBean = ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        } else {// reply to a post
            // this is a parent post
            PostBean postBean = null;
            try {
                postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(parentPostID);// can throw DatabaseException
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(parentPostID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

            // check permission
            int forumID  = postBean.getForumID();

            ForumBean forumBean = null;
            try {
                forumBean = ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);


            // now we prepare to list lastest post in the thread
            int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();

            // now check if thread is closed or locked, if it is, then cannot reply to a post
            ThreadBean threadBean = null;
            try {
                threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
            } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);


            Collection postBeans = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getLastEnablePosts_inThread_limit(threadID, MVNForumConfig.ROWS_IN_LAST_REPLIES);
            request.setAttribute("ParentPostBean", postBean);
            request.setAttribute("PostBeans", postBeans);

        boolean isPreviewing = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "preview");
        if (isPreviewing) {
            MyUtil.saveVNTyperMode(request, response);

            // Check if user enter some text or not
            ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "PostTopic", true);
            ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "message", true);// use message instead of MessageBody
            MemberBean memberBean = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMember_forPublic(onlineUser.getMemberID());
            request.setAttribute("MemberBean", memberBean);

    void processAdd(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, AssertionException, DatabaseException, CreateException,
        BadInputException, ForeignKeyNotFoundException, AuthenticationException, FloodException, InterceptorException {

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);
        if (MVNForumConfig.getEnableNewPost() == false) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_create_new_post.new_post_is_disabled");
            throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
            //throw new AssertionException("Cannot create new post because NEW_POST feature is disabled by administrator.");

        String currentIP = request.getRemoteAddr();
        try {
            FloodControl.ensureNotReachMaximum(MVNForumGlobal.FLOOD_ID_NEW_POST, currentIP);
        } catch (FloodException fe) {
            //throw new FloodException("You have reached the maximum number of the post adding actions for this page. Please try this page later. This is to prevent forum from being flooded.");
            Integer maxPosts = new Integer(FloodControl.getActionsPerHour(MVNForumGlobal.FLOOD_ID_NEW_POST));
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.FloodException.add_post_too_many_times", new Object[] {maxPosts});
            throw new FloodException(localizedMessage);
        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        MyUtil.saveVNTyperMode(request, response);

        int memberID      = onlineUser.getMemberID();
        String memberName = onlineUser.getMemberName();

        Timestamp now     = DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp();

        int parentPostID  = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "parent");

        boolean attachMore  = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "AttachMore");
        boolean addFavoriteThread = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "AddFavoriteParentThread");
        boolean addWatchThread    = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "AddWatchParentThread");

        String postTopic = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "PostTopic", true);
        postTopic = DisableHtmlTagFilter.filter(postTopic);// always disable HTML

        String postBody = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "message", true); // use message instead of MessageBody
        postBody = DisableHtmlTagFilter.filter(postBody);// always disable HTML

        String postIcon = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "PostIcon");
        postIcon = DisableHtmlTagFilter.filter(postIcon);// always disable HTML

        int forumID = 0;
        int threadID= 0;
        boolean isPendingThread = false;
        boolean isForumModerator = false;
        if (parentPostID == 0) {// new thread

            forumID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "forum");
            ForumBean forumBean = null;
            try {
                forumBean = ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

            // check permission
            isForumModerator = permission.canModerateThread(forumID);

            String lastPostMemberName = memberName;

            int threadType = ParamUtil.getParameterUnsignedInt(request, "ThreadType", ThreadBean.THREAD_TYPE_DEFAULT);
            if ( threadType > ThreadBean.THREAD_TYPE_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT /* 3 */) {
                //threadType = 0;
                throw new BadInputException("Not support this thread type");

            if (threadType == ThreadBean.THREAD_TYPE_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT) {
                //forumID = -1; // this thread not belongs to any forum
            } else if (threadType != ThreadBean.THREAD_TYPE_DEFAULT ) {

            int threadOption = 0; //@todo review and support it later
            int threadStatus = ThreadBean.THREAD_STATUS_DEFAULT;

            // Ensure that moderator dont have to moderate the thread to enable it
            if (forumBean.shouldModerateThread() && !isForumModerator) {
                threadStatus = ThreadBean.THREAD_STATUS_DISABLED;
                isPendingThread = true;

            int threadHasPoll     = 0;//@todo review and support it later
            int threadDuration    = 0;//@todo review and support it later
            int threadAttachCount = 0;
            threadID = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().createThread(forumID, memberName, lastPostMemberName,
                                   postTopic, postBody, 0/*threadVoteCount*/,
                                   0/*threadVoteTotalStars*/, now/*threadCreationDate*/, now/*threadLastPostDate*/,
                                   threadType, threadOption, threadStatus,
                                   threadHasPoll, 0/*threadViewCount*/, 0/*threadReplyCount*/,
                                   postIcon, threadDuration, threadAttachCount);
        } else {// reply to a post
            PostBean parentPostBean = null;
            try {
                parentPostBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(parentPostID);// can throw DatabaseException
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(parentPostID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
            forumID = parentPostBean.getForumID();
            threadID = parentPostBean.getThreadID();

            ForumBean forumBean = null;
            try {
                forumBean = ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

            // check permission
            isForumModerator = permission.canModerateThread(forumID);

            // now check if thread is closed or locked, if it is, then cannot reply to a post
            ThreadBean threadBean = null;
            try {
                threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        //Timestamp postLastEditDate = now;
        String postCreationIP       = currentIP;
        String postLastEditIP       = "";// should we init it to postCreationIP ???
        int postFormatOption        = 0;
        int postOption              = 0;
        int postStatus              = PostBean.POST_STATUS_DEFAULT;

        try {
            // Ensure that moderator dont have to moderate the thread to enable it
            if (ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID).shouldModeratePost() && !isForumModerator) {
                // we will not disble post that is a thread (parentPostID == 0)
                if (parentPostID != 0) {// replied post
                    postStatus = PostBean.POST_STATUS_DISABLED;
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        int postAttachCount = 0;

        int postID = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().createPost(parentPostID, forumID, threadID,
                             memberID, memberName, ""/*lastEditMemberName*/,
                             postTopic, postBody, now/*postCreationDate*/,
                             now/*postLastEditDate*/, postCreationIP, postLastEditIP,
                             0/*postEditCount*/, postFormatOption, postOption,
                             postStatus, postIcon, postAttachCount);


        /** @todo Update PostEditLog table here */

        //add favorite thread if user checked it
        if (addFavoriteThread) {
            //@todo: add checking of MVNForumConfig.getEnableFavoriteThread()
            // check to make sure that this user doesnt exceed his favorite max
            int currentFavoriteCount = DAOFactory.getFavoriteThreadDAO().getNumberOfFavoriteThreads_inMember(memberID);
            int maxFavorites = MVNForumConfig.getMaxFavoriteThread();
            if (currentFavoriteCount < maxFavorites) {
                Timestamp favoriteCreationDate = now;
                int favoriteType = 0; //@todo implement it later
                int favoriteOption = 0; //@todo implement it later
                int favoriteStatus = 0; //@todo implement it later

                // now check permission the this user have the readPost permission

                // has the permission now, then insert to database
                try {
                    DAOFactory.getFavoriteThreadDAO().create(memberID, threadID, forumID,
                        favoriteCreationDate, favoriteType, favoriteOption,
                } catch (DuplicateKeyException ex) {
                    // already add favorite thread, just ignore

        //add watch if user checked it
        if (addWatchThread) {
            if (MVNForumConfig.getEnableWatch() == false) {
                // should never happen, because if it happen, then the whole process is broken
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_add_watch.watch_is_disabled");
                throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new AssertionException("Cannot add Watch because Watch feature is disabled by administrator.");

            int watchType               = 0;//ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "WatchType");
            int watchOption             = 0;//ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "WatchOption");
            int watchStatus             = 0;//ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "WatchStatus");
            Timestamp watchCreationDate = now;
            Timestamp watchLastSentDate = now;
            Timestamp watchEndDate      = now;// @todo: check it !!!

            try {
                DAOFactory.getWatchDAO().create(memberID, 0/*watchCategoryID*/, 0/*watchForumID*/,
                                           threadID, watchType, watchOption,
                                           watchStatus, watchCreationDate, watchLastSentDate,
            } catch (DuplicateKeyException ex) {
                // User try to create a duplicate watch, just ignore

        // now, update the Search Index
        //@todo check the performance here
        PostBean justAddedPostBean = null;
        try {
            justAddedPostBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        request.setAttribute("PostBean", justAddedPostBean);
        request.setAttribute("ForumID", String.valueOf(forumID));
        request.setAttribute("ThreadID", String.valueOf(threadID));
        request.setAttribute("PostID", String.valueOf(postID));
        request.setAttribute("AttachMore", new Boolean(attachMore));
        request.setAttribute("AddFavoriteParentThread", new Boolean(addFavoriteThread));
        request.setAttribute("AddWatchParentThread", new Boolean(addWatchThread));
        request.setAttribute("IsPendingThread", new Boolean(isPendingThread));
        /**@todo: review, this variable is still reserved*/
        //request.setAttribute("ParentPostID", String.valueOf(parentPostID));

        FloodControl.increaseCount(MVNForumGlobal.FLOOD_ID_NEW_POST, currentIP);

    void preparePrintPost(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, DatabaseException, BadInputException,
        AuthenticationException, AssertionException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        int postID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "post");
        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        PostBean postBean = null;
        try {
            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
        int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();
        int forumID = postBean.getForumID();

        try {
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);


        // to show the thread topic
        ThreadBean threadBean = null;
        try {
            threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
        } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        MemberBean memberBean = null;
        if (postBean.getMemberID() > 0) {
            memberBean = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMember_forPublic(postBean.getMemberID());

        int postAttachCount = postBean.getPostAttachCount();
        if ( (postAttachCount > 0) && MVNForumConfig.getEnableAttachment()) {
            Collection attachBeans = DAOFactory.getAttachmentDAO().getAttachments_inPost(postID);
            int actualAttachCount = attachBeans.size();

            // now check if the attachCount in talbe Post equals to the actual attachCount in table Attachment
            if (postAttachCount != actualAttachCount) {
                if (actualAttachCount != DAOFactory.getAttachmentDAO().getNumberOfAttachments_inPost(postID)) {
                    String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.serious_error.cannot_process_attachment_count");
                    throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
                    //throw new AssertionException("AssertionException: Serious error: cannot process Attachment Count in table Attachment");
                log.warn("The attachment count in table Post and Attachment are not synchronized. In table Post = " + postAttachCount + " and in table Attachment = " + actualAttachCount + ". Synchronize to " + actualAttachCount);
                DAOFactory.getPostDAO().updateAttachCount(postID, actualAttachCount);
            if (actualAttachCount > 0) {

        request.setAttribute("PostBean", postBean);
        request.setAttribute("ThreadBean", threadBean);

     * then, it will be forward to addpost.jsp
     * NOTE: This method MUST NOT use parameter MessageParent (need some process to figure out)
    void prepareEdit(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, DatabaseException, BadInputException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        // a guest CANNOT edit a post, because it need Authenticated Permission
        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        int postID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "post");
        PostBean postBean = null;
        try {
            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
        int forumID = postBean.getForumID();

        ForumBean forumBean = null;
        try {
            forumBean = ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID);
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        // now check if thread is closed or locked, if it is, then cannot reply to a post
        int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();
        ThreadBean threadBean = null;
        try {
            threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
        } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        int logonMemberID = onlineUser.getMemberID();
        int authorID      = postBean.getMemberID();

        // check constraint
        if (permission.canEditPost(forumID)) {
            // have permission, just do nothing, that is dont check the max day contraint
        } else if (logonMemberID == authorID) {// same author
            // check date here, usually must not older than 7 days
            Timestamp now = DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp();
            Timestamp postDate = postBean.getPostCreationDate();
            int maxDays = MVNForumConfig.getMaxEditDays();
            if ( (now.getTime() - postDate.getTime()) > (DateUtil.DAY * maxDays) ) {
                /** @todo choose a better Exception here */
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_edit.post_is_too_old", new Object[] {new Integer(maxDays)});
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("You cannot edit a post which is older than " + maxDays + " days.");
            /** @todo check status of this post */
            if (postBean.getPostStatus() == ?) {
                throw new BadInputException("Cannot edit message which is disable.");
        } else {//not an author, so this user must have Edit Permission
            permission.ensureCanEditPost(forumID);// this method ALWAYS throws AuthenticationException

        request.setAttribute("PostToEdit", postBean);
        request.setAttribute("action", "update");

        boolean isPreviewing = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "preview");
        if (isPreviewing) {
            // Check if user enter some text or not
            ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "PostTopic", true);
            ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "message", true);// use message instead of MessageBody

            MemberBean memberBean = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMember_forPublic(onlineUser.getMemberID());
            request.setAttribute("MemberBean", memberBean);

     * @todo: log the modification
     * @todo: check the comment below, it's obsolete now :(
     * @todo: check coi messageTopic co the la optional khi reply
     * NOTE: This method MUST NOT get parameter MessageParent (need some process to figure out)
     *      so it needs to call setAttribute with messageParent for page updatepostsuccess.jsp
    void processUpdate(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, BadInputException, DatabaseException, CreateException,
               ForeignKeyNotFoundException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException, InterceptorException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        // a guest CANNOT edit a post, because it need Authenticated Permission
        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        Timestamp now   = DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp();

        int postID      = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "post");// dont change

        // check constraint
        PostBean postBean = null;
        try {
            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
        int forumID = postBean.getForumID();
        int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();

        ForumBean forumBean = ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(forumID);

        // now check if thread is locked, if it is, then cannot reply to a post
        // Please note that if the threadStatus is closed, post can still be edited
        ThreadBean threadBean = null;
        try {
            threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
        } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        String postTopic  = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "PostTopic", true);
        postTopic = DisableHtmlTagFilter.filter(postTopic);// always disable HTML

        String postBody   = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "message", true);// use message instead of PostBody
        postBody = DisableHtmlTagFilter.filter(postBody);// always disable HTML

        int    logonMemberID    = onlineUser.getMemberID();
        String logonMemberName  = onlineUser.getMemberName();
        int    authorID         = postBean.getMemberID();

        // check constraint
        if (permission.canEditPost(forumID)) {
            // have permission, just do nothing, that is dont check the max day contraint
        } else if (logonMemberID == authorID) {// same author
            // check date here, usually must not older than 7 days
            Timestamp postDate = postBean.getPostCreationDate();
            int maxDays = MVNForumConfig.getMaxEditDays();
            if ( (now.getTime() - postDate.getTime()) > (DateUtil.DAY * maxDays) ) {
                /** @todo choose a better Exception here */
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_edit.post_is_too_old", new Object[] {new Integer(maxDays)});
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("You cannot edit a post which is older than " + maxDays + " days.");
            /** @todo check status of this post */
            if (postBean.getPostStatus() == ?) {
                throw new BadInputException("Cannot edit a post which is disable.");
        } else {//not an author, so this user must have Edit Permission
            permission.ensureCanEditPost(forumID);// this method ALWAYS throws AuthenticationException

        String postLastEditIP       = request.getRemoteAddr();
        int postFormatOption        = 0;//@todo review and support it later
        int postOption              = 0;//@todo review and support it later
        int postStatus              = postBean.getPostStatus();// use old post status
        String postIcon = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "PostIcon");
        postIcon = DisableHtmlTagFilter.filter(postIcon);// always disable HTML

         * Note that although the 2 methods below can be combined,
         * I dont do that for clearness
        /** @todo log the modification here */
        DAOFactory.getPostDAO().update(postID, // primary key
                             logonMemberName, postTopic, postBody,
                             now/*postLastEditDate*/, postLastEditIP, postFormatOption,
                             postOption, postStatus, postIcon);

        if (postBean.getParentPostID() == 0) {//edit a top post ( thread )
            String threadIcon = postIcon;
            DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().updateTopic_Body_Icon(threadID, postTopic, postBody, threadIcon);

        boolean attachMore  = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "AttachMore");
        boolean addFavoriteThread = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "AddFavoriteParentThread");
        boolean addWatchThread    = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "AddWatchParentThread");
        //add favorite thread if user checked it
        if (addFavoriteThread) {
            //@todo: add checking of MVNForumConfig.getEnableFavoriteThread()
            // check to make sure that this user doesnt exceed his favorite max
            int currentFavoriteCount = DAOFactory.getFavoriteThreadDAO().getNumberOfFavoriteThreads_inMember(logonMemberID);
            int maxFavorites = MVNForumConfig.getMaxFavoriteThread();
            if (currentFavoriteCount < maxFavorites) {
                Timestamp favoriteCreationDate = now;
                int favoriteType = 0; //@todo implement it later
                int favoriteOption = 0; //@todo implement it later
                int favoriteStatus = 0; //@todo implement it later

                // now check permission the this user have the readPost permission

                // has the permission now, then insert to database
                try {
                    DAOFactory.getFavoriteThreadDAO().create(logonMemberID, threadID, forumID,
                        favoriteCreationDate, favoriteType, favoriteOption, favoriteStatus);
                } catch (DuplicateKeyException ex) {
                    // already add favorite thread, just ignore

        //add watch if user checked it
        if (addWatchThread) {
            if (MVNForumConfig.getEnableWatch() == false) {
                // should never happen, because if it happen, then the whole process is broken
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_add_watch.watch_is_disabled");
                throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new AssertionException("Cannot add Watch because Watch feature is disabled by administrator.");

            int watchType               = 0;//ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "WatchType");
            int watchOption             = 0;//ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "WatchOption");
            int watchStatus             = 0;//ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "WatchStatus");
            Timestamp watchCreationDate = now;
            Timestamp watchLastSentDate = now;
            Timestamp watchEndDate      = now;// @todo: check it !!!

            try {
                DAOFactory.getWatchDAO().create(logonMemberID, 0/*watchCategoryID*/, 0/*watchForumID*/,
                                           threadID, watchType, watchOption,
                                           watchStatus, watchCreationDate, watchLastSentDate,
            } catch (DuplicateKeyException ex) {
                // User try to create a duplicate watch, just ignore

        request.setAttribute("ForumID", String.valueOf(forumID));
        request.setAttribute("ThreadID", String.valueOf(threadID));
        request.setAttribute("AttachMore", new Boolean(attachMore));
        request.setAttribute("PostBean", postBean);

        // now update the search index
        //@todo : modify for better performance here

    void prepareDelete(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, BadInputException, DatabaseException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        // user must have been authenticated before he can delete
        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        // primary key column(s)
        int postID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "post");

        PostBean postBean = null;
        try {
            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
        int forumID = postBean.getForumID();

        try {
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        if (postBean.getParentPostID() == 0) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_root_post");
            throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
            //throw new BadInputException("Cannot delete a root post. Use delete thread instead.");

        // check constraint
        int logonMemberID   = onlineUser.getMemberID();
        int authorID        = postBean.getMemberID();
        if (permission.canDeletePost(forumID)) {
            // have permission, just do nothing, that is dont check the max day contraint
        } else if (logonMemberID == authorID) {// same author
            // check date here, usually must not older than 7 days
            Timestamp now = DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp();
            Timestamp postDate = postBean.getPostCreationDate();
            int maxDays = MVNForumConfig.getMaxDeleteDays();
            if ( (now.getTime() - postDate.getTime()) > (DateUtil.DAY * maxDays) ) {
                /** @todo choose a better Exception here */
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete.post_is_too_old");
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("You cannot delete a post which is older than " + maxDays + " days.");

            //Check to make sure that "no reply" for this post
            int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();
            Collection postBeans = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getEnablePosts_inThread_limit(threadID, 0, 10000);
            boolean foundReply = false;
            for (Iterator ite = postBeans.iterator(); ite.hasNext(); ) {
                PostBean tPostBean = (PostBean);
                if (tPostBean.getParentPostID() == postBean.getPostID()) {
                    foundReply = true;
            if (foundReply) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_post.post_has_reply");
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("Cannot delete a post that has reply!");

            if (postBean.getPostStatus() == PostBean.POST_STATUS_DISABLED) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_your_own_post.post_is_in_pending_status");
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("Cannot delete your own post in pending status.");
        } else {//not an author, so this user must have Edit Permission
            permission.ensureCanDeletePost(forumID);// this method ALWAYS throws AuthenticationException

        request.setAttribute("PostBean", postBean);

    void processDelete(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws BadInputException, DatabaseException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException, ObjectNotFoundException {

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        // primary key column(s)
        int postID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "post");
        PostBean postBean = null;
        try {
            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        // now check the password


        // delete the post and children attachments
        deletePost(request, postBean);

        int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();
        int forumID = postBean.getForumID();

        // now update the forum and thread statistics

        request.setAttribute("ForumID", String.valueOf(forumID));
        request.setAttribute("ThreadID", String.valueOf(threadID));

    // Note that this method does not update the forum statistics and thread statistics
    private void deletePost(HttpServletRequest request, PostBean postBean)
        throws AssertionException, DatabaseException, AuthenticationException,
        BadInputException, ObjectNotFoundException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        // user must have been authenticated before he can delete

        int parentPostID = postBean.getParentPostID();

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        if (parentPostID == 0) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_root_post");
            throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
            //throw new BadInputException("Cannot delete a root post. Use delete thread instead.");

        int forumID = postBean.getForumID();

        // check constraint
        int logonMemberID   = onlineUser.getMemberID();
        int authorID        = postBean.getMemberID();
        if (permission.canDeletePost(forumID)) {
            // have permission, just do nothing, that is dont check the max day contraint
        } else if (logonMemberID == authorID) {// same author
            // check date here, usually must not older than 7 days
            Timestamp now = DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp();
            Timestamp postDate = postBean.getPostCreationDate();
            int maxDays = MVNForumConfig.getMaxDeleteDays();
            if ( (now.getTime() - postDate.getTime()) > (DateUtil.DAY * maxDays) ) {
                /** @todo choose a better Exception here */
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete.post_is_too_old", new Object[] {new Integer(maxDays)});
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("You cannot delete a post which is older than " + maxDays + " days.");

            //Check to make sure that "no reply" for this post
            int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();
            Collection postBeans = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getEnablePosts_inThread_limit(threadID, 0, 10000);
            boolean foundReply = false;
            for (Iterator ite = postBeans.iterator(); ite.hasNext(); ) {
                PostBean tPostBean = (PostBean);
                if (tPostBean.getParentPostID() == postBean.getPostID()) {
                    foundReply = true;
            if (foundReply) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_post.post_has_reply");
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("Cannot delete a post that has reply!");

            if (postBean.getPostStatus() == PostBean.POST_STATUS_DISABLED) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_your_own_post.post_is_in_pending_status");
                throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
                //throw new BadInputException("Cannot delete your own disabled post.");
        } else {//not an author, so this user must have Edit Permission
            permission.ensureCanDeletePost(forumID);// this method ALWAYS throws AuthenticationException

        int postID = postBean.getPostID();

        // Delete all attachments in this post,
        // we must call this before any attempt to delete the post

        // now delete the post, note that we delete it after delete all child objects (attachment)

        try {
            DAOFactory.getPostDAO().updateParentPostID(postID, parentPostID);
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
            // we just ignore if no post is affect by this method

        int memberID = postBean.getMemberID();

        // now update the search index
        PostIndexer.scheduleDeletePostTask(postID, DeletePostIndexTask.OBJECT_TYPE_POST);

    void prepareModeratePendingPosts_limit(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws AssertionException, DatabaseException, AuthenticationException, BadInputException,
        DatabaseException, ObjectNotFoundException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        int threadID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "thread");
        ThreadBean threadBean = null;
        try {
            threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
        } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
        int forumID = threadBean.getForumID();

        try {
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        int numberOfPosts = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getNumberOfDisablePosts_inThread(threadID);

        // user must have been authenticated before he can view pending/disabled threads

        // check normal permission

        int postsPerPage = 10000;
        int offset = 0;

        Collection postBeans = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getDisablePosts_inThread_limit(threadID, offset, postsPerPage);

        Iterator iterator = postBeans.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            PostBean postBean = (PostBean);
            // very slow here
            /** @todo find a better solution */
            MemberBean memberBean = null;
            if (postBean.getMemberID() != 0 && postBean.getMemberID() != MVNForumConstant.MEMBER_ID_OF_GUEST) {
                memberBean = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMember_forPublic(postBean.getMemberID());

            int postAttachCount = postBean.getPostAttachCount();
            if ((postAttachCount > 0) && MVNForumConfig.getEnableAttachment()) {
                int postID = postBean.getPostID();
                Collection attachBeans = DAOFactory.getAttachmentDAO().getAttachments_inPost(postID);
                int actualAttachCount = attachBeans.size();

                // now check if the attachCount in talbe Post equals to the actual attachCount in table Attachment
                if (postAttachCount != actualAttachCount) {
                    if (actualAttachCount != DAOFactory.getAttachmentDAO().getNumberOfAttachments_inPost(postID)) {
                        String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.serious_error.cannot_process_attachment_count");
                        throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
                        //throw new AssertionException("AssertionException: Serious error: cannot process Attachment Count in table Attachment");
                    log.warn("The attachment count in table Post and Attachment are not synchronized. In table Post = " +
                            postAttachCount + " and in table Attachment = " + actualAttachCount + ". Synchronize to " + actualAttachCount);
                    DAOFactory.getPostDAO().updateAttachCount(postID, actualAttachCount);
                if (actualAttachCount > 0) {

        PostBean firstPostBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getFirstPost_inThread(threadID);
        if (firstPostBean.getMemberID() != 0 && firstPostBean.getMemberID() != MVNForumConstant.MEMBER_ID_OF_GUEST) {
            MemberBean memberBean = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMember_forPublic(firstPostBean.getMemberID());

        request.setAttribute("ThreadBean", threadBean);
        request.setAttribute("FirstPostBean", firstPostBean);
        request.setAttribute("PostBeans", postBeans);
        request.setAttribute("NumberOfPosts", new Integer(numberOfPosts));

    void processModeratePendingPosts(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws AssertionException, DatabaseException, AuthenticationException,
        BadInputException, DatabaseException, ObjectNotFoundException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();
        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        // user must have been authenticated before he can moderate pending/disabled posts

        // check normal permission, note that we dont check
        // permission on a forumID because we allow moderate posts
        // in multiple forums even if the web interface does not support it
        int threadID = -1;
        int forumID = -1;
        try {
            threadID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "thread");
            ThreadBean threadBean = null;
            try {
                threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
            } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
            forumID = threadBean.getForumID();
        } catch (BadInputException ex) {
            // just ignore, in case of use customized client

        try {
            String prefix = "modpostaction_";
            for (Enumeration enumeration = request.getParameterNames(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                String param = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
                if (param.startsWith(prefix)) {
                    String modValue = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, param, true);
                    String strPostID = param.substring(prefix.length());
                    int postID = Integer.parseInt(strPostID);
                    if (modValue.equals("approve")) {
                        PostBean postBean = null;
                        try {
                            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
                        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
                            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
                        int currentForumID = postBean.getForumID();
                        DAOFactory.getPostDAO().updateStatus(postID, PostBean.POST_STATUS_DEFAULT);
                    } else if (modValue.equals("delete")) {
                        PostBean postBean = null;
                        try {
                            postBean = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getPost(postID);
                        } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(postID)});
                            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
                        deletePost(request, postBean);
                    } else {
                        // it means ignore, do nothing
        } finally {
            // now update the forum statistics
            if (forumID != -1) {

            // now update the thread statistics
            if (threadID != -1) {

        request.setAttribute("ForumID", String.valueOf(forumID));
        request.setAttribute("ThreadID", String.valueOf(threadID));

     * This method is for viewthread page and printthread page
    void prepareViewThread(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws DatabaseException, ObjectNotFoundException, BadInputException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        int threadID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "thread");
        boolean printAll = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "printall");
        ThreadBean threadBean = null;
        try {
            threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
        } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
        int forumID = threadBean.getForumID();
        int numberOfPosts = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getNumberOfEnablePosts_inThread(threadID);

        // check normal permission

        //ForumBean forumBean = null;
        try {
        } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(forumID)});
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        // Only moderator can view disable threads
        if (threadBean.getThreadStatus() == ThreadBean.THREAD_STATUS_DISABLED) {

        int postsPerPage = onlineUser.getPostsPerPage();
        int offset = 0;
        boolean lastPage = ParamUtil.getParameterBoolean(request, "lastpage");
        if (lastPage) {
            // note that in the worst case, numberOfPosts could equals 0 (bad database)
            int pageCount = numberOfPosts / postsPerPage;
            int odd = numberOfPosts % postsPerPage;
            if (odd > 0) {
            if (pageCount < 1) {
                pageCount = 1;// at least, there is one page
            offset = (pageCount-1) * postsPerPage;
        } else {
            try {
                offset = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "offset");
            } catch (BadInputException e) {
                // do nothing
        if (printAll) {
            postsPerPage = 10000; //We assume that big number
            offset = 0;

        Collection postBeans = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getEnablePosts_inThread_limit(threadID, offset, postsPerPage);

        Iterator iterator = postBeans.iterator();
        while(iterator.hasNext()) {
            PostBean postBean = (PostBean);
            // very slow here
            /** @todo find a better solution */
            MemberBean memberBean = null;
            if (postBean.getMemberID() != 0 && postBean.getMemberID() != MVNForumConstant.MEMBER_ID_OF_GUEST) {
                memberBean = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMember_forPublic(postBean.getMemberID());

            int postAttachCount = postBean.getPostAttachCount();
            if ( (postAttachCount > 0) && MVNForumConfig.getEnableAttachment()) {
                int postID = postBean.getPostID();
                Collection attachBeans = DAOFactory.getAttachmentDAO().getAttachments_inPost(postID);
                int actualAttachCount = attachBeans.size();

                // now check if the attachCount in talbe Post equals to the actual attachCount in table Attachment
                if (postAttachCount != actualAttachCount) {
                    if (actualAttachCount != DAOFactory.getAttachmentDAO().getNumberOfAttachments_inPost(postID)) {
                        String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.serious_error.cannot_process_attachment_count");
                        throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);
                        //throw new AssertionException("AssertionException: Serious error: cannot process Attachment Count in table Attachment");
                    log.warn("The attachment count in table Post and Attachment are not synchronized. In table Post = " + postAttachCount + " and in table Attachment = " + actualAttachCount + ". Synchronize to " + actualAttachCount);
                    DAOFactory.getPostDAO().updateAttachCount(postID, actualAttachCount);
                if (actualAttachCount > 0) {

        int previousTopic = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getPreviousEnableThread(forumID, threadID);// can throw AssertionException
        int nextTopic     = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getNextEnableThread(forumID, threadID);// can throw AssertionException

        int pendingPostCount = 0;
        if (permission.canModerateThread(forumID)) {
            pendingPostCount = DAOFactory.getPostDAO().getNumberOfDisablePosts_inThread(threadID);


        request.setAttribute("ThreadBean", threadBean);
        request.setAttribute("PostBeans", postBeans);
        request.setAttribute("NumberOfPosts", new Integer(numberOfPosts));
        request.setAttribute("PreviousTopic", new Integer(previousTopic));
        request.setAttribute("NextTopic", new Integer(nextTopic));
        request.setAttribute("PendingPostCount", new Integer(pendingPostCount));

    void prepareSearch(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws AssertionException {

        if (!MVNForumConfig.getEnableSearch()) {
            Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.search_disabled");
            throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);

    void processSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws BadInputException, IOException, DatabaseException,
        ObjectNotFoundException, AuthenticationException, AssertionException {

        OnlineUser onlineUser = onlineUserManager.getOnlineUser(request);
        MVNForumPermission permission = onlineUser.getPermission();

        Locale locale = I18nUtil.getLocaleInRequest(request);

        if (!MVNForumConfig.getEnableSearch()) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.AssertionException.search_disabled");
            throw new AssertionException(localizedMessage);

        MyUtil.saveVNTyperMode(request, response);

        String memberName = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "member");

        int minAttachmentCount = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "minattach", 0);

        // if user does not enter MemberName or attachment, then user must enter "key"
        boolean requireKey = ((memberName.length() == 0) && (minAttachmentCount == 0));
        String key  = ParamUtil.getParameter(request, "key", requireKey);

        int forumID = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "forum", 0);//negative means category
        int offset  = ParamUtil.getParameterUnsignedInt(request, "offset", 0);
        int rows    = ParamUtil.getParameterUnsignedInt(request, "rows", 20);
        if (rows == 0) {
            rows = 20;// fix NullPointerException when rows = 0

        // offset should be even when divide with rowsToReturn
        offset = (offset / rows) * rows;

        PostSearchQuery query = new PostSearchQuery();

        if (key.length() > 0) {
            int scopeInPost = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "scopeinpost", PostSearchQuery.SEARCH_ONLY_BODY|PostSearchQuery.SEARCH_ONLY_TITLE);

        if (memberName.length() > 0) {
            try {
                int memberID = DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().getMemberIDFromMemberName(memberName);
            } catch(ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.membername_not_exists", new Object[] {memberName});
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);

        if (minAttachmentCount > 0) {

        int searchDate        = ParamUtil.getParameterUnsignedInt(request, "date", PostSearchQuery.SEARCH_ANY_DATE);
        int searchBeforeAfter = ParamUtil.getParameterInt(request, "beforeafter", PostSearchQuery.SEARCH_NEWER);

        if ((searchDate != PostSearchQuery.SEARCH_ANY_DATE) && (searchDate < 365 * 10)) { // 10 years
            long deltaTime = DateUtil.DAY * searchDate;

            Timestamp now = DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp();
            Timestamp from = null;
            Timestamp to = null;

            long currentTime = now.getTime();

            if (searchBeforeAfter == PostSearchQuery.SEARCH_NEWER) {
                from = new Timestamp(currentTime - deltaTime);
            } else {// older
                to = new Timestamp(currentTime - deltaTime);


        if (forumID > 0) {
        } else if (forumID < 0) {
            // choose to search in a category
        } else {
            // forumID equals to 0, it mean global searching
            // just do nothing, lucene will search all forums (globally)

        query.searchDocuments(offset, rows, permission);
        int hitCount = query.getHitCount();
        Collection result = query.getPostResult();

        // Remove postd that current user dont have permission
        // NOTE: these below code does not remove the enable posts in
        // a disabled thread. This is not usually the case because
        // normally we will delete the thread instead of change it
        // from Enable to Disabled
        for (Iterator iter = result.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            PostBean postBean = (PostBean);
            int currentForumID = postBean.getForumID();
            if (ForumCache.getInstance().getBean(currentForumID).getForumStatus() == ForumBean.FORUM_STATUS_DISABLED) {
            } else if ( (permission.canReadPost(currentForumID) == false) ||
                 (postBean.getPostStatus() == PostBean.POST_STATUS_DISABLED)) {
            else if (postBean.getParentPostID() == 0) {// first post
                // Please note that the first post is always Enable even if
                // the thread is Disable. In this case always show result
                // if the current user is moderator
                if (permission.canModerateThread(currentForumID) == false) {
                    int threadID = postBean.getThreadID();
                    ThreadBean threadBean = null;
                    try {
                        threadBean = DAOFactory.getThreadDAO().getThread(threadID);
                    } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException ex ) {
                        String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists", new Object[] {new Integer(threadID)});
                        throw new ObjectNotFoundException(localizedMessage);
                    if (threadBean.getThreadStatus() == ThreadBean.THREAD_STATUS_DISABLED) {

        if (offset > hitCount) {
            String localizedMessage = MVNForumResourceBundle.getString(locale, "mvncore.exception.BadInputException.offset_greater_than_total_rows");
            throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage);
            //throw new BadInputException("Cannot search with offset > total posts");

//        request.setAttribute("key", Encoder.encodeURL(key));
//        request.setAttribute("member", memberName);
//        request.setAttribute("forum", new Integer(forumID));
//        request.setAttribute("offset", new Integer(offset));
//        request.setAttribute("attachment", new Boolean(withAttachment));
        request.setAttribute("rows", new Integer(rows));
        request.setAttribute("TotalPosts", new Integer(hitCount));
        request.setAttribute("PostBeans", result);
        request.setAttribute("SearchQuery", query);

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