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The source code

 * $Header: /cvsroot/mvnforum/myvietnam/src/net/myvietnam/mvncore/filter/,v 1.13 2005/01/18 12:16:40 minhnn Exp $
 * $Author: minhnn $
 * $Revision: 1.13 $
 * $Date: 2005/01/18 12:16:40 $
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 by
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or any later version.
 * All copyright notices regarding MyVietnam and MyVietnam CoreLib
 * MUST remain intact in the scripts and source code.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to:
 * @author: Minh Nguyen
 * @author: Mai  Nguyen
package net.myvietnam.mvncore.filter;

public final class EnableMVNCodeFilter {

    private EnableMVNCodeFilter() { //prevent instantiation

    static String[][] mvnCode = {
        { "[b]",    "<b>"  },
        { "[/b]",   "</b>" },
        { "[i]",    "<i>"  },
        { "[/i]",   "</i>" },
        { "[u]",    "<u>"  },
        { "[/u]",   "</u>" },
        { "[s]",    "<s>"  },
        { "[/s]",   "</s>" },

        { "[hr]",   "<hr>" },
        { "[br]",   "<br>" },
        { "[p]",    "<p>" },

        { "[h1]",   "<h1>" },
        { "[/h1]",  "</h1>" },
        { "[h2]",   "<h2>" },
        { "[/h2]",  "</h2>" },
        { "[h3]",   "<h3>" },
        { "[/h3]",  "</h3>" },
        { "[h4]",   "<h4>" },
        { "[/h4]",  "</h4>" },
        { "[h5]",   "<h5>" },
        { "[/h5]",  "</h5>" },
        { "[h6]",   "<h6>" },
        { "[/h6]",  "</h6>" },

        { "[/size]",  "</font>" },
        { "[size=+1]",  "<font size=\"+1\">" },
        { "[size=+2]",  "<font size=\"+2\">" },
        { "[size=+3]",  "<font size=\"+3\">" },
        { "[size=+4]",  "<font size=\"+4\">" },
        { "[size=+5]",  "<font size=\"+5\">" },
        { "[size=+6]",  "<font size=\"+6\">" },

        { "[size=1]",  "<font size=\"1\">" },
        { "[size=2]",  "<font size=\"2\">" },
        { "[size=3]",  "<font size=\"3\">" },
        { "[size=4]",  "<font size=\"4\">" },
        { "[size=5]",  "<font size=\"5\">" },
        { "[size=6]",  "<font size=\"6\">" },

        { "[size=-1]",  "<font size=\"-1\">" },
        { "[size=-2]",  "<font size=\"-2\">" },
        { "[size=-3]",  "<font size=\"-3\">" },
        { "[size=-4]",  "<font size=\"-4\">" },
        { "[size=-5]",  "<font size=\"-5\">" },
        { "[size=-6]",  "<font size=\"-6\">" },

        { "[/font]",  "</font>" },
        { "[font=arial]",  "<font face=\"arial\">" },
        { "[font=times new roman]",  "<font face=\"times new roman\">" },
        { "[font=courier new]",  "<font face=\"courier new\">" },
        { "[font=century gothic]",  "<font face=\"Century Gothic\">" },

        { "[/color]",           "</span>" },
        { "[color=skyblue]",    "<span style=\"color: skyblue\">" },
        { "[color=royalblue]",  "<span style=\"color: royalblue\">" },
        { "[color=blue]",       "<span style=\"color: blue\">" },
        { "[color=darkblue]",   "<span style=\"color: darkblue\">" },
        { "[color=orange]",     "<span style=\"color: orange\">" },
        { "[color=orangered]",  "<span style=\"color: orangered\">" },
        { "[color=crimson]",    "<span style=\"color: crimson\">" },
        { "[color=red]",        "<span style=\"color: red\">" },
        { "[color=firebrick]",  "<span style=\"color: firebrick\">" },
        { "[color=darkred]",    "<span style=\"color: darkred\">" },
        { "[color=green]",      "<span style=\"color: green\">" },
        { "[color=limegreen]",  "<span style=\"color: limegreen\">" },
        { "[color=seagreen]",   "<span style=\"color: seagreen\">" },
        { "[color=deeppink]",   "<span style=\"color: deeppink\">" },
        { "[color=tomato]",     "<span style=\"color: tomato\">" },
        { "[color=coral]",      "<span style=\"color: coral\">" },
        { "[color=purple]",     "<span style=\"color: purple\">" },
        { "[color=indigo]",     "<span style=\"color: indigo\">" },
        { "[color=burlywood]",  "<span style=\"color: burlywood\">" },
        { "[color=sandybrown]", "<span style=\"color: sandybrown\">" },
        { "[color=sienna]",     "<span style=\"color: sienna\">" },
        { "[color=chocolate]",  "<span style=\"color: chocolate\">" },
        { "[color=teal]",       "<span style=\"color: teal\">" },
        { "[color=silver]",     "<span style=\"color: silver\">" },
        { "[color=brown]",      "<span style=\"color: brown\">" },
        { "[color=yellow]",     "<span style=\"color: yellow\">" },
        { "[color=olive]",      "<span style=\"color: olive\">" },
        { "[color=cyan]",       "<span style=\"color: cyan\">" },
        { "[color=violet]",     "<span style=\"color: violet\">" },
        { "[color=white]",      "<span style=\"color: white\">" },
        { "[color=black]",      "<span style=\"color: black\">" },
        { "[color=pink]",       "<span style=\"color: pink\">" },
        { "[color=purple]",     "<span style=\"color: purple\">" },
        { "[color=navy]",       "<span style=\"color: navy\">" },
        { "[color=beige]",      "<span style=\"color: beige\">" },

        { "[list]",             "<ul>" },
        { "[/list]",            "</ul>" },

        { "[list=1]",           "<ul type=\"1\">" },
        { "[/list=1]",          "</ul>" },

        { "[list=a]",           "<ul type=\"a\">" },
        { "[/list=a]",          "</ul>" },

        { "[list=A]",           "<ul type=\"A\">" },
        { "[/list=A]",          "</ul>" },

        { "[list=i]",           "<ul type=\"i\">" },
        { "[/list=i]",          "</ul>" },

        { "[list=I]",           "<ul type=\"I\">" },
        { "[/list=I]",          "</ul>" },

        { "[*]",                "<li>" },

        { "[code]",             "<pre>" },
        { "[/code]",            "</pre>" },

        { "[quote]"      ,      "<table width='96%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' border='0' align='center'>
" + // "<span class='genmed'>##### wrote:" + There can be something like 'wassup on Mon 12 Jan 2003 wrote:' " "+ "</td>
"}, { "[/quote]" , "</td>
"}, }; public static String filter(String input) { int beginIndex = 0; int currentBracketIndex = 0; int inputLength = input.length(); int mvnCodeLength = mvnCode.length; StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(inputLength * 2);// is it the best init value ? while(beginIndex < inputLength) { currentBracketIndex = input.indexOf('[', beginIndex); if (currentBracketIndex == -1) { // cannot find bracket String remain = input.substring(beginIndex, inputLength);// slow here ! output.append(remain); break; } // now it means we found the bracket String remain = input.substring(beginIndex, currentBracketIndex);// slow here ! output.append(remain); boolean matchFound = false; // try to find if it matchs any mvnCode for (int i = 0; i < mvnCodeLength; i++) { String currentEmotion = mvnCode[i][0]; int endIndex = currentBracketIndex + currentEmotion.length(); if (endIndex > inputLength) continue; String match = input.substring(currentBracketIndex, endIndex);// too slow here !!! if (currentEmotion.equals(match)) { output.append(mvnCode[i][1]); beginIndex = currentBracketIndex + currentEmotion.length(); matchFound = true; break; } }// for if (matchFound == false) { beginIndex = currentBracketIndex + 1; output.append('['); } }// while return output.toString(); } /* public static void main(String[] args) { String input = " [][b]smile[/b] [ib][/i]]/b]) grin[)) sad = -[(cry[((minh[[>[)bdfdfc["; System.out.println("input = '" + input + "' length = " + input.length()); EnableMVNCodeFilter enableMVNCodeFilter = new EnableMVNCodeFilter(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String output = null; for (int i = 0; i <10000; i++) { output = enableMVNCodeFilter.filter(input); } long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("total time = " + time); System.out.println("output= '" + output + "'"); } */ }
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