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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.AuxiliaryConfiguration;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 * Handle classpaths for the freeform project.
 * Keeps three caches:
  1. Classpaths registered when the project is opened. The same are unregistered * when it is closed again, regardless of what might have changed since. *
  2. A map from abstract compilation units (keyed by the literal text of the * <package-root> elements) to implementations which do the * actual listening and (re-)computation of roots. *
  3. A map from actual package roots to the matching classpath. *
* The complexity here is needed because *
  1. It is necessary to always unregister the exact same set of ClassPath objects * you initially registered (even if some have since become invalid, etc.). * Ideally, adding or removing whole paths would dynamically register or unregister * them (if the project is currently open); the current code does not do this. *
  2. A given ClassPath object must fire changes if its list of roots changes. *
  3. It is necessary to return the same ClassPath object for the same FileObject. *
* @author Jesse Glick */ final class Classpaths implements ClassPathProvider, AntProjectListener, PropertyChangeListener { private final FreeformProject project; /** * Map from classpath types to maps from package roots to classpaths. */ private final Map/*>*/ classpaths = new HashMap(); /** * Map from classpath types to maps from lists of package root names to classpath impls. */ private final Map/*,MutableClassPathImplementation>>*/ mutablePathImpls = new HashMap(); /** * Map from classpath types to sets of classpaths we last registered to GlobalPathRegistry. */ private Map/*>*/ registeredClasspaths = null; public Classpaths(FreeformProject project) { this.project = project; project.helper().addAntProjectListener(this); project.evaluator().addPropertyChangeListener(this); } public synchronized ClassPath findClassPath(FileObject file, String type) { Map/**/ classpathsByType = (Map)classpaths.get(type); if (classpathsByType == null) { classpathsByType = new WeakHashMap(); classpaths.put(type, classpathsByType); } // Check for cached value. Iterator it = classpathsByType.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); FileObject root = (FileObject)entry.getKey(); if (root == file || FileUtil.isParentOf(root, file)) { // Already have it. return (ClassPath)entry.getValue(); } } // Need to create it. AuxiliaryConfiguration aux = (AuxiliaryConfiguration)project.getLookup().lookup(AuxiliaryConfiguration.class); assert aux != null; Element java = aux.getConfigurationFragment("java-data", FreeformProjectType.NS_JAVA, true); // NOI18N if (java == null) { return null; } List/**/ compilationUnits = Util.findSubElements(java); it = compilationUnits.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element compilationUnitEl = (Element); assert compilationUnitEl.getLocalName().equals("compilation-unit") : compilationUnitEl; List/**/ packageRoots = findPackageRoots(project, compilationUnitEl); Iterator it2 = packageRoots.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { FileObject root = (FileObject); if (root == file || FileUtil.isParentOf(root, file)) { // Got it. Compute classpath and cache it (for each root). ClassPath cp = createPath(compilationUnitEl, packageRoots, type); it2 = packageRoots.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { FileObject root2 = (FileObject); classpathsByType.put(root2, cp); } return cp; } } } //WebModule classpath WebModules wms = (WebModules) project.getLookup ().lookup (WebModules.class); if (wms != null) { return wms.findClassPath (file, type); } // Didn't find anything. return null; } /** All classpath types we handle. */ private static final String[] TYPES = { ClassPath.SOURCE, ClassPath.BOOT, ClassPath.EXECUTE, ClassPath.COMPILE, }; /** * Called when project is opened. * Tries to find all compilation units and calculate all the paths needed * for each of them and register them all. */ public synchronized void opened() { if (registeredClasspaths != null) { return; } Map/*>*/ _registeredClasspaths = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < TYPES.length; i++) { String type = TYPES[i]; _registeredClasspaths.put(type, new HashSet()); } AuxiliaryConfiguration aux = (AuxiliaryConfiguration)project.getLookup().lookup(AuxiliaryConfiguration.class); assert aux != null; Element java = aux.getConfigurationFragment("java-data", FreeformProjectType.NS_JAVA, true); // NOI18N if (java == null) { return; } List/**/ compilationUnits = Util.findSubElements(java); Iterator it = compilationUnits.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element compilationUnitEl = (Element); assert compilationUnitEl.getLocalName().equals("compilation-unit") : compilationUnitEl; // For each compilation unit, find the package roots first. List/**/ packageRoots = findPackageRoots(project, compilationUnitEl); for (int i = 0; i < TYPES.length; i++) { String type = TYPES[i]; // Then for each type, collect the classpath (creating it as needed). Map/**/ classpathsByType = (Map)classpaths.get(type); if (classpathsByType == null) { classpathsByType = new WeakHashMap(); classpaths.put(type, classpathsByType); } Set/**/ registeredClasspathsOfType = (Set) _registeredClasspaths.get(type); assert registeredClasspathsOfType != null; // Check if there is already a ClassPath registered to one of these roots. ClassPath cp = null; Iterator it2 = packageRoots.iterator(); while (cp == null && it2.hasNext()) { FileObject root = (FileObject); cp = (ClassPath)classpathsByType.get(root); } if (cp == null) { // Nope. Calculate and register it now. cp = createPath(compilationUnitEl, packageRoots, type); it2 = packageRoots.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { FileObject root = (FileObject); classpathsByType.put(root, cp); } } assert cp != null; registeredClasspathsOfType.add(cp); } } if (Util.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { Util.err.log("classpaths for " + project.getProjectDirectory() + ": " + classpaths); } // Don't do this before it is calculated, or a runtime error above might corrupt state: this.registeredClasspaths = _registeredClasspaths; // Register all of the classpaths we found. GlobalPathRegistry gpr = GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault(); for (int i = 0; i < TYPES.length; i++) { String type = TYPES[i]; Set/**/ registeredClasspathsOfType = (Set)registeredClasspaths.get(type); gpr.register(type, (ClassPath[])registeredClasspathsOfType.toArray(new ClassPath[registeredClasspathsOfType.size()])); } } /** * Called when project is closed. * Unregisters any previously registered classpaths. */ public synchronized void closed() { if (registeredClasspaths == null) { return; } GlobalPathRegistry gpr = GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault(); for (int i = 0; i < TYPES.length; i++) { String type = TYPES[i]; Set/**/ registeredClasspathsOfType = (Set)registeredClasspaths.get(type); gpr.unregister(type, (ClassPath[])registeredClasspathsOfType.toArray(new ClassPath[registeredClasspathsOfType.size()])); } registeredClasspaths = null; } private static List/**/ findPackageRootNames(Element compilationUnitEl) { List/**/ names = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = Util.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (!e.getLocalName().equals("package-root")) { // NOI18N continue; } String location = Util.findText(e); names.add(location); } return names; } private static List/**/ findPackageRoots(FreeformProject project, List/**/ packageRootNames) { List/**/ roots = new ArrayList(packageRootNames.size()); Iterator it = packageRootNames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String location = (String); String locationEval = project.evaluator().evaluate(location); if (locationEval != null) { File locationFile = project.helper().resolveFile(locationEval); FileObject locationFileObject = FileUtil.toFileObject(locationFile); if (locationFileObject != null) { if (FileUtil.isArchiveFile(locationFileObject)) { locationFileObject = FileUtil.getArchiveRoot(locationFileObject); } roots.add(locationFileObject); } } } return roots; } public static List/**/ findPackageRoots(FreeformProject project, Element compilationUnitEl) { return findPackageRoots(project, findPackageRootNames(compilationUnitEl)); } private ClassPath createPath(Element compilationUnitEl, List/**/ packageRoots, String type) { if (type.equals(ClassPath.SOURCE) || type.equals(ClassPath.COMPILE) || type.equals(ClassPath.EXECUTE) || type.equals(ClassPath.BOOT)) { List/**/ packageRootNames = findPackageRootNames(compilationUnitEl); Map/*,MutableClassPathImplementation>*/ mutablePathImplsByType = (Map) mutablePathImpls.get(type); if (mutablePathImplsByType == null) { mutablePathImplsByType = new HashMap(); mutablePathImpls.put(type, mutablePathImplsByType); } MutableClassPathImplementation impl = (MutableClassPathImplementation) mutablePathImplsByType.get(packageRootNames); if (impl == null) { // XXX will it ever not be null? impl = new MutableClassPathImplementation(packageRootNames, type, compilationUnitEl); mutablePathImplsByType.put(packageRootNames, impl); } return ClassPathFactory.createClassPath(impl); } else { // Unknown. return null; } } private List/**/ createSourcePath(List/**/ packageRootNames) { List/**/ roots = new ArrayList(packageRootNames.size()); Iterator it = packageRootNames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String location = (String); String locationEval = project.evaluator().evaluate(location); if (locationEval != null) { File locationFile = project.helper().resolveFile(locationEval); URL root; try { root = locationFile.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Util.err.notify(e); continue; } if (FileUtil.isArchiveFile(root)) { root = FileUtil.getArchiveRoot(root); } roots.add(root); } } return roots; } private List/**/ createCompileClasspath(Element compilationUnitEl) { Iterator/**/ it = Util.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (e.getLocalName().equals("classpath") && e.getAttribute("mode").equals("compile")) { // NOI18N return createClasspath(e); } } // None specified; assume it is empty. return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /** * Create a classpath from a <classpath> element. */ private List/**/ createClasspath(Element classpathEl) { String cp = Util.findText(classpathEl); if (cp == null) { cp = ""; } String cpEval = project.evaluator().evaluate(cp); if (cpEval == null) { return null; } String[] path = PropertyUtils.tokenizePath(cpEval); URL[] pathURL = new URL[path.length]; for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { File entryFile = project.helper().resolveFile(path[i]); URL entry; try { entry = entryFile.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } if (FileUtil.isArchiveFile(entry)) { entry = FileUtil.getArchiveRoot(entry); } else { String entryS = entry.toExternalForm(); if (!entryS.endsWith("/")) { // NOI18N // A nonexistent dir. Have to add trailing slash ourselves. try { entry = new URL(entryS + '/'); } catch (MalformedURLException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } } } pathURL[i] = entry; } return Arrays.asList(pathURL); } private List/**/ createExecuteClasspath(Element compilationUnitEl) { Iterator/**/ it = Util.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (e.getLocalName().equals("classpath") && e.getAttribute("mode").equals("execute")) { // NOI18N return createClasspath(e); } } // None specified; assume it is same as compile classpath. // XXX but add built-to dirs return createCompileClasspath(compilationUnitEl); } private List/**/ createBootClasspath(Element compilationUnitEl) { Iterator/**/ it = Util.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (e.getLocalName().equals("classpath") && e.getAttribute("mode").equals("boot")) { // NOI18N return createClasspath(e); } } // None specified; try to find a matching Java platform. JavaPlatformManager jpm = JavaPlatformManager.getDefault(); JavaPlatform platform = jpm.getDefaultPlatform(); // fallback it = Util.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (e.getLocalName().equals("source-level")) { // NOI18N String level = Util.findText(e); Specification spec = new Specification("j2se", new SpecificationVersion(level)); // NOI18N JavaPlatform[] matchingPlatforms = jpm.getPlatforms(null, spec); if (matchingPlatforms.length > 0) { // Pick one. platform = matchingPlatforms[0]; } break; } } if (platform != null) { // XXX this is not ideal; should try to reuse the ClassPath as is? // The current impl will not listen to changes in the platform classpath correctly. List/**/ entries = platform.getBootstrapLibraries().entries(); List/**/ urls = new ArrayList(entries.size()); Iterator it2 = entries.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { ClassPath.Entry entry = (ClassPath.Entry); urls.add(entry.getURL()); } return urls; } else { assert false : "JavaPlatformManager has no default platform"; return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } public void configurationXmlChanged(AntProjectEvent ev) { pathsChanged(); } public void propertiesChanged(AntProjectEvent ev) { // ignore } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { pathsChanged(); } private void pathsChanged() { // Not safe, since need to return same ClassPath's where possible. // But might need to check for now-ignored roots? //classpaths.clear(); //System.err.println("pathsChanged: " + mutablePathImpls); Iterator/*,MutableClassPathImplementation>>*/ it1 = mutablePathImpls.values().iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Map/*,MutableClassPathImplementation>*/ m = (Map); Iterator/**/ it2 = m.values().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { MutableClassPathImplementation impl = (MutableClassPathImplementation); impl.change(); } } } /** * Representation of one path. * Listens to changes in project.xml and/or evaluator and responds. */ private final class MutableClassPathImplementation implements ClassPathImplementation { private final List/**/ packageRootNames; private final String type; private final PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private List/**/ roots; // should always be non-null public MutableClassPathImplementation(List/**/ packageRootNames, String type, Element initialCompilationUnit) { this.packageRootNames = packageRootNames; this.type = type; initRoots(initialCompilationUnit); } private Element findCompilationUnit() { AuxiliaryConfiguration aux = (AuxiliaryConfiguration) project.getLookup().lookup(AuxiliaryConfiguration.class); assert aux != null; Element java = aux.getConfigurationFragment("java-data", FreeformProjectType.NS_JAVA, true); // NOI18N if (java == null) { return null; } List/**/ compilationUnits = Util.findSubElements(java); Iterator it = compilationUnits.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element compilationUnitEl = (Element); assert compilationUnitEl.getLocalName().equals("compilation-unit") : compilationUnitEl; if (packageRootNames.equals(findPackageRootNames(compilationUnitEl))) { // Found a matching compilation unit. return compilationUnitEl; } } // Did not find it. return null; } /** * Initialize list of URL roots. */ private void initRoots(Element compilationUnitEl) { if (compilationUnitEl == null) { // Dead. roots = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; return; } if (type.equals(ClassPath.SOURCE)) { roots = createSourcePath(packageRootNames); } else if (type.equals(ClassPath.COMPILE)) { roots = createCompileClasspath(compilationUnitEl); } else if (type.equals(ClassPath.EXECUTE)) { roots = createExecuteClasspath(compilationUnitEl); } else { assert type.equals(ClassPath.BOOT) : type; roots = createBootClasspath(compilationUnitEl); } assert roots != null; } public List/**/ getResources() { List/**/ impls = new ArrayList(roots.size()); Iterator it = roots.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { URL root = (URL); impls.add(ClassPathSupport.createResource(root)); } return impls; } /** * Notify impl of a possible change in data. */ public void change() { List/**/ oldRoots = roots; initRoots(findCompilationUnit()); if (Util.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { Util.err.log("MutableClassPathImplementation.change: packageRootNames=" + packageRootNames + " type=" + type + " oldRoots=" + oldRoots + " roots=" + roots); } if (!roots.equals(oldRoots)) { pcs.firePropertyChange(ClassPathImplementation.PROP_RESOURCES, null, null); } } public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } } }
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