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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.ui;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
import org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.FreeformProjectGenerator;

 * Tests for ProjectModel.
 * @author David Konecny
public class ProjectModelTest extends NbTestCase {
    public ProjectModelTest(String testName) {
    public void testCreateEmptyModel() throws Exception {
        File baseFolder = new File(getWorkDir(), "somefolder/");
        File nbProjectFolder = new File(getWorkDir(), "nbprojfolder/");
        Properties p = new Properties();
        p.setProperty("key", "value");
        PropertyEvaluator evaluator = PropertyUtils.sequentialPropertyEvaluator(null, new PropertyProvider[]{PropertyUtils.fixedPropertyProvider(p)});
        ProjectModel pm = ProjectModel.createEmptyModel(baseFolder, nbProjectFolder, evaluator);
        assertEquals("Base folder incorrect", baseFolder, pm.getBaseFolder());
        assertEquals("NB project folder incorrect", nbProjectFolder, pm.getNBProjectFolder());
        assertEquals("Evaluator incorrect", evaluator, pm.getEvaluator());
        assertEquals("Evaluator is different", 1, pm.getEvaluator().getProperties().keySet().size());

    // tests: addSourceFolder, removeSourceFolder, setSourceLevel, getCompilationUnit
    public void testBasicFunctionality() throws Exception {
        ProjectModel pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "loc1";
        sf.label = "label_loc1";
        sf.type = "java";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 1, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        List keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc1"}, new String[]{"label_loc1"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());
        FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit cu1 = (FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit)pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().get(0);
        FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit cu2 = pm.getCompilationUnit((ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey)keys.get(0));
        assertEquals("Must be the same instance", cu1, cu2);

        sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "loc2";
        sf.label = "label_loc2";
        sf.type = "java";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 2, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 2, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 2, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc1", "loc2"}, new String[]{"label_loc1", "label_loc2"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());
        cu1 = (FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit)pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().get(0);
        cu2 = pm.getCompilationUnit((ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey)keys.get(0));
        assertEquals("Must be the same instance", cu1, cu2);
        cu1 = (FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit)pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().get(1);
        cu2 = pm.getCompilationUnit((ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey)keys.get(1));
        assertEquals("Must be the same instance", cu1, cu2);
        assertEquals("Source level does not match", "custom_source_level", 
        assertEquals("Source level does not match", "custom_source_level", 
        assertEquals("Source level does not match", "jdk15", 
        assertEquals("Source level does not match", "jdk15", 
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 1, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc2"}, new String[]{"label_loc2"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());

    public void testAdvancedAddSourceFolder() throws Exception {
        ProjectModel pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "loc1";
        sf.label = "label_loc1";
        sf.type = "java";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 1, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        List keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc1"}, new String[]{"label_loc1"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());

        sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "loc2";
        sf.label = "label_loc2";
        sf.type = "java";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 2, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 2, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 2, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc1", "loc2"}, new String[]{"label_loc1", "label_loc2"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());

        sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "locWEB";
        sf.label = "label_locWEB";
        sf.type = "web";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 3, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 2, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 2, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc1", "loc2"}, new String[]{"label_loc1", "label_loc2"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());

        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 2, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 2, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 2, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc1", "loc2"}, new String[]{"label_loc1", "label_loc2"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 2, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"loc1", "loc2"})}, new String[]{null});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());
        sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "loc3";
        sf.label = "label_loc3";
        sf.type = "java";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 3, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"loc1", "loc2", "loc3"})}, new String[]{null});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());
        sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "locWEB";
        sf.label = "label_locWEB";
        sf.type = "web";
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 4, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"loc1", "loc2", "loc3"})}, new String[]{null});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());
        assertEquals("Number of source folders does not match", 2, pm.getSourceFoldersCount());
        assertEquals("Number of comp units does not match", 1, pm.getJavaCompilationUnits().size());
        assertEquals("Number of comp unit keys does not match", 1, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys().size());
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"loc3"}, new String[]{"label_loc3"});
        assertKeyEquals(keys, pm.createCompilationUnitKeys());

    public void testCreateCompilationUnitKeys() throws Exception {
        List sources;
        List units;
        List keys;
        List createdKeys;
        ProjectModel pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        // case: some source folders; no comp unit
        // expected result: one key for each source folder
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1", "src2", "src3"});
        units = new ArrayList();
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"src1", "src2", "src3"}, new String[]{"src1", "src2", "src3"});
        createdKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
        assertKeyEquals(keys, createdKeys);
        // case: one source folder; one comp unit for the source
        // expected result: one key
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1"});
        units = generateUnits(new Object[]{"src1"});
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"src1"}, new String[]{"src1"});
        createdKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
        assertKeyEquals(keys, createdKeys);
        // case: two source folders; two comp unit for the sources
        // expected result: two key
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1", "src2"});
        units = generateUnits(new Object[]{"src1", "src2"});
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"src1", "src2"}, new String[]{"src1", "src2"});
        createdKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
        assertKeyEquals(keys, createdKeys);
        // case: two source folders; one comp unit for both sources
        // expected result: one key with null as location
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1", "src2"});
        units = generateUnits(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"src1", "src2"})});
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"src1", "src2"})}, new String[]{null});
        createdKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
        assertKeyEquals(keys, createdKeys);
        // case: mixed source folders; mixed comp units
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1", "src2"});
        units = generateUnits(new Object[]{"src3", "src4"});
        // XXX: impl dependency: the result will first contain comp units and then source folders:
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{"src3", "src4", "src1", "src2"}, new String[]{null, null, "src1", "src2"});
        createdKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
        assertKeyEquals(keys, createdKeys);
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1", "src2"});
        units = generateUnits(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"src2", "src3"})});
        // XXX: impl dependency: the result will first contain comp units and then source folders:
        keys = generateKeys(new Object[]{Arrays.asList(new String[]{"src2", "src3"}), "src1"}, new String[]{null, "src1"});
        createdKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
        assertKeyEquals(keys, createdKeys);
    public void testUpdateCompilationUnits() throws Exception {
        List sources;
        List units = new ArrayList();
        List expectedUnits;
        ProjectModel pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        sources = generateSources(new String[]{"src1", "src2"});
        FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit cu = new FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit();
        cu.packageRoots = Collections.singletonList("src1");
        FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit.CP cp = new FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit.CP();
        cp.classpath = "cp1"+File.pathSeparatorChar+"cp2";
        cp.mode = "compile";
        cu.classpath = Collections.singletonList(cp);
        cu.output = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"out1", "out2"});
        cu = new FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit();
        cu.packageRoots = Collections.singletonList("src2");
        cp = new FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit.CP();
        cp.classpath = "cp2"+File.pathSeparatorChar+"cp3";
        cp.mode = "compile";
        cu.classpath = Collections.singletonList(cp);
        cu.output = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"out3"});
        assertEquals("Compilation units has to be merged into one", 1, units.size());
        cu = (FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit)units.get(0);
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have two package roots", 2, cu.packageRoots.size());
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: src1", cu.packageRoots.contains("src1"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: src2", cu.packageRoots.contains("src2"));
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have three classpath items", 
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have three output items", 3, cu.output.size());
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out1", cu.output.contains("out1"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out2", cu.output.contains("out2"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out2", cu.output.contains("out2"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected source level: S_L_14", cu.sourceLevel.equals("S_L_14"));
        assertEquals("Compilation units has to be cloned into two", 2, units.size());
        cu = (FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit)units.get(0);
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have one package root", 1, cu.packageRoots.size());
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root", cu.packageRoots.contains("src1"));
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have three classpath items", 
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have three output items", 3, cu.output.size());
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out1", cu.output.contains("out1"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out2", cu.output.contains("out2"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out2", cu.output.contains("out2"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected source level: S_L_14", cu.sourceLevel.equals("S_L_15"));
        cu = (FreeformProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit)units.get(1);
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have one package root", 1, cu.packageRoots.size());
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root", cu.packageRoots.contains("src2"));
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have three classpath items", 
        assertEquals("Compilation unit has to have three output items", 3, cu.output.size());
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out1", cu.output.contains("out1"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out2", cu.output.contains("out2"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected package root: out2", cu.output.contains("out2"));
        assertTrue("Missing expected source level: S_L_14", cu.sourceLevel.equals("S_L_15"));
    public void testUpdatePrincipalSourceFolders() throws Exception {
        ProjectModel pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        List l = pm.getSourceFolders();
        // base folder and proj folder are different
        List l2 = pm.updatePrincipalSourceFolders(l, true);
        assertEquals("Principal source for base directory must be added", 1, l2.size());
        l2 = pm.updatePrincipalSourceFolders(l, false);
        assertEquals("There are no external java source folders", 0, l2.size());
        pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder sf = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf.location = "..\\something";
        sf.label = "something";
        sf.type = "java";
        l = pm.getSourceFolders();
        l2 = pm.updatePrincipalSourceFolders(l, false);
        assertEquals("One principal source must be added", 2, l2.size());
        pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder sf2 = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf2.location = "..\\something2";
        sf2.label = "something2";
        sf2.type = "java";
        l = pm.getSourceFolders();
        l2 = pm.updatePrincipalSourceFolders(l, false);
        assertEquals("Two principal sources must be added", 4, l2.size());
        FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder addedSF = (FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder)l2.get(2);
        assertEquals("Added principal source must have the same label", addedSF.label, sf.label);
        assertEquals("Added principal source must have the same location", addedSF.location, sf.location);
        assertNull("Added principal source must have type==null", addedSF.type);
        addedSF = (FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder)l2.get(3);
        assertEquals("Added principal source must have the same label", addedSF.label, sf2.label);
        assertEquals("Added principal source must have the same location", addedSF.location, sf2.location);
        assertNull("Added principal source must have type==null", addedSF.type);
        l = pm.getSourceFolders();
        l2 = pm.updatePrincipalSourceFolders(l, false);
        assertEquals("One principal source must be removed", 2, l2.size());

        FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder sf2_ = new FreeformProjectGenerator.SourceFolder();
        sf2_.location = "..\\something2";
        sf2_.label = "something2";
        sf2_.type = null;
        pm = createEmptyProjectModel();
        l = pm.getSourceFolders();
        l2 = pm.updatePrincipalSourceFolders(l, false);
        assertEquals("No principal sources added in this case because it already exist", l.size(), l2.size());
    private List generateSources(String[] locations) {
        List l = new ArrayList(locations.length);
        for (int i=0; i
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