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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map; // override
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;

import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;

import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;

// XXX in order to support Ant 1.6 interface addition types, need to keep
// track of which classes implement a given interface

/** Represents Ant-style introspection info for a set of classes.
 * There should be one instance which is loaded automatically
 * from files, i.e. standard tasks/datatypes.
 * A second is loaded from settings and represents custom tasks/datatypes.
 * Uses Ant's IntrospectionHelper for the actual work, but manages the results
 * and makes them safely serializable (stores only classnames, etc.).

* All task and type names may be namespace-qualified for use * in Ant 1.6: a name of the form nsuri:localname refers to * an XML element with namespace nsuri and local name localname. * Attribute names could also be similarly qualified, but in practice attributes * used in Ant never have a defined namespace. The prefix * is implied, not expressed, on Ant core element names (for backwards compatibility). * Subelement names are *not* namespace-qualified here, even though in the script * they would be - because the namespace used in the script will actually vary * according to how an antlib is imported and used. An unqualified subelement name * should be understood to inherit a namespace from its parent element. * (Namespace support since 3.6) */ public final class IntrospectedInfo implements Serializable { private static IntrospectedInfo defaults = null; private static boolean defaultsInited = false; private static boolean defaultsEverInited = false; /** Get default definitions specified by Ant's * @return the singleton defaults */ public static synchronized IntrospectedInfo getDefaults() { if (defaults == null) { defaults = new IntrospectedInfo(); } return defaults; } private static final long serialVersionUID = -2290064038236292995L; private Map clazzes = Collections.synchronizedMap (new HashMap ()); // Map /** definitions first by kind then by name to class name */ private Map namedefs = new HashMap(); // Map> private transient Set listeners = new HashSet(5); // Set private transient Set tonotify = new HashSet(5); // Set private transient ChangeListener antBridgeListener = new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev) { clearDefs(); fireStateChanged(); } }; /** Make new empty set of info. */ public IntrospectedInfo () { } private void init() { synchronized (IntrospectedInfo.class) { if (!defaultsInited && this == defaults) { AntModule.err.log("IntrospectedInfo.getDefaults: loading..."); defaultsInited = true; loadDefaults(!defaultsEverInited); defaultsEverInited = true; } } } private void clearDefs() { clazzes.clear(); namedefs.clear(); defaultsInited = false; } private void loadDefaults(boolean listen) { ClassLoader cl = AntBridge.getMainClassLoader(); InputStream taskDefaults = cl.getResourceAsStream("org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/"); if (taskDefaults != null) { try { defaults.load(taskDefaults, "task", cl); // NOI18N } catch (IOException ioe) { AntModule.err.log("Could not load default taskdefs"); AntModule.err.notify(ioe); } } else { AntModule.err.log("Could not open default taskdefs"); } InputStream typeDefaults = cl.getResourceAsStream("org/apache/tools/ant/types/"); if (typeDefaults != null) { try { defaults.load(typeDefaults, "type", cl); // NOI18N } catch (IOException ioe) { AntModule.err.log("Could not load default typedefs"); AntModule.err.notify(ioe); } } else { AntModule.err.log("Could not open default typedefs"); } defaults.loadNetBeansSpecificDefinitions(); if (listen) { AntBridge.addChangeListener(WeakListeners.change(antBridgeListener, AntBridge.class)); } if (AntModule.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { AntModule.err.log("IntrospectedInfo.defaults=" + defaults); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { listeners = new HashSet(5); tonotify = new HashSet(5); //is.defaultReadObject(); ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = is.readFields(); clazzes = (Map)fields.get("clazzes", null); // NOI18N namedefs = (Map)fields.get("namedefs", null); // NOI18n if (namedefs == null) { // Compatibility with older versions of this class. AntModule.err.log("#15739: reading old version of IntrospectedInfo"); namedefs = new HashMap(); Object tasks_ = fields.get("tasks", null); // NOI18N if (tasks_ == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (! (tasks_ instanceof Map)) throw new ClassCastException(tasks_.toString()); namedefs.put("task", tasks_); // NOI18N Map types = (Map)fields.get("types", null); // NOI18N if (types == null) throw new NullPointerException(); namedefs.put("type", types); // NOI18N } // #15739 sanity check: Iterator it = namedefs.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String)entry.getKey(); Map value = (Map)entry.getValue(); Iterator it2 = value.entrySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry2 = (Map.Entry); String key2 = (String)entry2.getKey(); String value2 = (String)entry2.getValue(); // that's all, just checking for ClassCastException's } } Iterator it2 = clazzes.entrySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry2 = (Map.Entry); String key2 = (String)entry2.getKey(); IntrospectedClass value2 = (IntrospectedClass)entry2.getValue(); // again } } /** Add a listener to changes in the definition set. * @param l the listener to add * @since 2.6 */ public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.add(l); } } /** Remove a listener to changes in the definition set. * @param l the listener to remove * @since 2.6 */ public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.remove(l); } } private class ChangeTask implements Runnable { public void run() { ChangeListener[] listeners2; synchronized (listeners) { if (tonotify.isEmpty()) return; listeners2 = (ChangeListener[])tonotify.toArray(new ChangeListener[tonotify.size()]); tonotify.clear(); } ChangeEvent ev = new ChangeEvent(IntrospectedInfo.this); for (int i = 0; i < listeners2.length; i++) { listeners2[i].stateChanged(ev); } } } private void fireStateChanged() { if (AntModule.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { AntModule.err.log("IntrospectedInfo.fireStateChanged"); } synchronized (listeners) { if (listeners.isEmpty()) return; if (tonotify.isEmpty()) { RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new ChangeTask()); } tonotify.addAll(listeners); } } /** Get definitions. * @param kind the kind of definition, e.g. task * @return an immutable map from definition names to class names */ public Map getDefs(String kind) { init(); synchronized (namedefs) { Map m = (Map)namedefs.get(kind); if (m != null) { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(m); } else { return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } } } private IntrospectedClass getData (String clazz) throws IllegalArgumentException { IntrospectedClass data = (IntrospectedClass) clazzes.get (clazz); if (data == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown class: " + clazz); // NOI18N } return data; } /** Is anything known about this class? * @param clazz the class name * @return true if it is known, false if never encountered */ public boolean isKnown (String clazz) { init(); return clazzes.get (clazz) != null; } /** Does this class support inserting text data? * @param clazz the class name * @return true if so * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class is unknown */ public boolean supportsText (String clazz) throws IllegalArgumentException { init(); return getData (clazz).supportsText; } /** Get all attributes supported by this class. * @param clazz the class name * @return an immutable map from attribute name to type (class name) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class is unknown */ public Map getAttributes (String clazz) throws IllegalArgumentException { init(); Map map = getData (clazz).attrs; if (map == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } else { return Collections.unmodifiableMap (map); } } /** Get all subelements supported by this class. * @param clazz the class name * @return an immutable map from element name to type (class name) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class is unknown */ public Map getElements (String clazz) throws IllegalArgumentException { init(); Map map = getData (clazz).subs; if (map == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } else { return Collections.unmodifiableMap (map); } } /** * Get tags represented by this class if it is an EnumeratedAttribute. * @param clazz the class name * @return a list of tag names, or null if the class is not a subclass of EnumeratedAttribute * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class is unknown * @since 3.3 */ public String[] getTags(String clazz) throws IllegalArgumentException { init(); return getData(clazz).enumTags; } /** Load defs from a properties file. */ private void load (InputStream is, String kind, ClassLoader cl) throws IOException { Properties p = new Properties (); try { p.load (is); } finally { is.close (); } Iterator it = p.entrySet ().iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); String name = (String) entry.getKey (); if (kind.equals("type") && name.equals("description")) { // NOI18N // Not a real data type; handled specially. AntModule.err.log("Skipping pseudodef of "); continue; } String clazzname = (String) entry.getValue (); try { Class clazz = cl.loadClass (clazzname); register(name, clazz, kind, false); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // This is normal, e.g. Ant's taskdefs include optional tasks we don't have. AntModule.err.log ("IntrospectedInfo: skipping " + clazzname + ": " + cnfe); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) { // Normal for e.g. optional tasks which we cannot resolve against. AntModule.err.log ("IntrospectedInfo: skipping " + clazzname + ": " + ncdfe); } catch (LinkageError e) { // Not normal; if it is there it ought to be resolvable etc. IOException ioe = new IOException ("Could not load class " + clazzname + ": " + e); // NOI18N AntModule.err.annotate (ioe, e); throw ioe; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // SecurityException etc. Not normal. IOException ioe = new IOException ("Could not load class " + clazzname + ": " + e); // NOI18N AntModule.err.annotate (ioe, e); throw ioe; } } } private void loadNetBeansSpecificDefinitions() { loadNetBeansSpecificDefinitions0(AntBridge.getCustomDefsNoNamespace()); if (AntBridge.getInterface().isAnt16()) { // Define both. loadNetBeansSpecificDefinitions0(AntBridge.getCustomDefsWithNamespace()); } } private void loadNetBeansSpecificDefinitions0(Map defsByKind) { Iterator kindIt = defsByKind.entrySet().iterator(); while (kindIt.hasNext()) { Map.Entry kindE = (Map.Entry); String kind = (String)kindE.getKey(); Map defs = (Map)kindE.getValue(); Iterator defsIt = defs.entrySet().iterator(); while (defsIt.hasNext()) { Map.Entry defsE = (Map.Entry); String name = (String)defsE.getKey(); Class clazz = (Class)defsE.getValue(); register(name, clazz, kind); } } } /** Register a new definition. * May change the defined task/type for a given name, but * will not redefine structure if classes are modified. * Also any class definitions contained in the default map (if not this one) * are just ignored; you should refer to the default map for info on them. * Throws various errors if the class could not be resolved, e.g. NoClassDefFoundError. * @param name name of the task or type as it appears in scripts * @param clazz the implementing class * @param kind the kind of definition to register (task or type currently) * @since 2.4 */ public synchronized void register(String name, Class clazz, String kind) { register(name, clazz, kind, true); } private void register(String name, Class clazz, String kind, boolean fire) { init(); synchronized (namedefs) { Map m = (Map)namedefs.get(kind); if (m == null) { m = new HashMap(); // Map namedefs.put(kind, m); } m.put(name, clazz.getName()); } boolean changed = analyze(clazz, null, false); if (changed && fire) { fireStateChanged(); } } /** Unregister a definition. * Removes it from the definition mapping, though structural * information about the implementing class (and classes referenced * by that class) will not be removed. * If the definition was not registered before, does nothing. * @param name the definition name * @param kind the kind of definition (task etc.) * @since 2.4 */ public synchronized void unregister(String name, String kind) { init(); synchronized (namedefs) { Map m = (Map)namedefs.get(kind); if (m != null) { m.remove(name); } } fireStateChanged(); } /** * Analyze a particular class and other classes recursively. * Will never try to redefine anything in the default IntrospectedInfo. * For custom IntrospectedInfo's, will never try to redefine anything * if skipReanalysis is null. If not null, will not redefine anything * in that set - so start recursion by passing an empty set, if you wish * to redefine anything you come across recursively that is not in the * default IntrospectedInfo, without causing loops. * Attribute classes are examined just in case they are EnumeratedAttribute * subclasses; they are not checked for subelements etc. * Does not itself fire changes - you should do this if the return value is true. * @param clazz the class to look at * @param skipReanalysis null to do not redefs, or a set of already redef'd classes * @param isAttrType false for an element class, true for an attribute class * @return true if something changed */ private boolean analyze(Class clazz, Set/**/ skipReanalysis, boolean isAttrType) { String n = clazz.getName(); /* if (AntModule.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { AntModule.err.log("IntrospectedInfo.analyze: " + n + " skipping=" + skipReanalysis + " attrType=" + isAttrType); } */ if (getDefaults().isKnown(n)) { // Never try to redefine anything in the default IntrospectedInfo. return false; } if ((skipReanalysis == null || !skipReanalysis.add(clazz)) && /* #23630 */isKnown(n)) { // Either we are not redefining anything; or we are, but this class // has already been in the list. Skip it. If we are continuing, make // sure to add this class to the skip list so we do not loop. return false; } //AntModule.err.log ("IntrospectedInfo.analyze: clazz=" + clazz.getName ()); //boolean dbg = (clazz ==; //if (! dbg && clazz.getName ().equals ("")) { // NOI18N // AntModule.err.log ("Classloader mismatch: cl1=" + clazz.getClassLoader () + " cl2=" + ()); //} //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("Analyzing attrs..."); IntrospectedClass info = new IntrospectedClass (); if (isAttrType) { String[] enumTags = AntBridge.getInterface().getEnumeratedValues(clazz); if (enumTags != null) { info.enumTags = enumTags; return !info.equals(clazzes.put(clazz.getName(), info)); } else { // Do not store attr clazzes unless they are interesting: EnumAttr. return clazzes.remove(clazz.getName()) != null; } // That's all we do - no subelements etc. } IntrospectionHelperProxy helper = AntBridge.getInterface().getIntrospectionHelper(clazz); info.supportsText = helper.supportsCharacters (); Enumeration e = helper.getAttributes (); Set/**/ nueAttrTypeClazzes = new HashSet(); //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("Analyzing attrs..."); if (e.hasMoreElements ()) { info.attrs = new HashMap (); while (e.hasMoreElements ()) { String name = (String) e.nextElement (); //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("\tname=" + name); try { Class attrType = helper.getAttributeType(name); String type = attrType.getName(); //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("\ttype=" + type); if (hasSuperclass(clazz, "") && // NOI18N ((name.equals ("location") && type.equals ("")) || // NOI18N (name.equals ("taskname") && type.equals ("java.lang.String")) || // NOI18N (name.equals ("description") && type.equals ("java.lang.String")))) { // NOI18N // IntrospectionHelper is supposed to exclude such things, but I guess not. // Or it excludes location & taskType. // description may be OK to actually show on nodes, but since it is common // to all tasks it should not be stored as such. Ditto taskname. continue; } // XXX also handle subclasses of DataType and its standard attrs // incl. creating nicely-named node props for description, refid, etc. info.attrs.put (name, type); nueAttrTypeClazzes.add(attrType); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // i.e. BuildException; but avoid loading this class AntModule.err.notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, re); } } } else { info.attrs = null; } Set nueClazzes = new HashSet (); // Set e = helper.getNestedElements (); //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("Analyzing subels..."); if (e.hasMoreElements ()) { info.subs = new HashMap (); while (e.hasMoreElements ()) { String name = (String) e.nextElement (); //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("\tname=" + name); try { Class subclazz = helper.getElementType (name); //if (dbg) AntModule.err.log ("\ttype=" + subclazz.getName ()); info.subs.put (name, subclazz.getName ()); nueClazzes.add (subclazz); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // i.e. BuildException; but avoid loading this class AntModule.err.notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, re); } } } else { info.subs = null; } boolean changed = !info.equals(clazzes.put(clazz.getName(), info)); // And recursively analyze reachable classes for subelements... // (usually these will already be known, and analyze will return at once) Iterator it = nueClazzes.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { changed |= analyze((Class), skipReanalysis, false); } it = nueAttrTypeClazzes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { changed |= analyze((Class), skipReanalysis, true); } return changed; } private static boolean hasSuperclass(Class subclass, String superclass) { for (Class c = subclass; c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) { if (c.getName().equals(superclass)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Scan an existing (already-run) project to see if it has any new tasks/types. * Any new definitions found will automatically be added to the known list. * This will try to change existing definitions in the custom set, i.e. * if a task is defined to be implemented with a different class, or if a * class changes structure. * Will not try to define anything contained in the defaults list. * @param defs map from kinds to maps from names to classes */ public void scanProject (Map defs) { init(); Iterator it = defs.entrySet().iterator(); Set skipReanalysis = new HashSet(); boolean changed = false; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); changed |= scanMap((Map)e.getValue(), (String)e.getKey(), skipReanalysis); } if (AntModule.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { AntModule.err.log("IntrospectedInfo.scanProject: " + this); } if (changed) { fireStateChanged(); } } private boolean scanMap(Map/**/ m, String kind, Set/**/ skipReanalysis) { if (kind == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); boolean changed = false; Iterator it = m.entrySet ().iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); String name = (String) entry.getKey (); if (kind.equals("type") && name.equals("description")) { // NOI18N // Not a real data type; handled specially. AntModule.err.log("Skipping pseudodef of "); continue; } Class clazz = (Class) entry.getValue (); Map registry = (Map)namedefs.get(kind); // Map if (registry == null) { registry = new HashMap(); namedefs.put(kind, registry); } synchronized (this) { Map defaults = getDefaults ().getDefs (kind); // Map if (defaults.get(name) == null) { changed |= !clazz.getName().equals(registry.put(name, clazz.getName())); } if (! getDefaults ().isKnown (clazz.getName ())) { try { changed |= analyze(clazz, skipReanalysis, false); } catch (ThreadDeath td) { throw td; } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) { // Reasonably normal. AntModule.err.log ("Skipping " + clazz.getName () + ": " + ncdfe); } catch (LinkageError e) { // Not so normal. AntModule.err.annotate (e, ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "Cannot scan class " + clazz.getName (), null, null, null); // NOI18N AntModule.err.notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } } } return changed; } public String toString () { return "IntrospectedInfo[namedefs=" + namedefs + ",clazzes=" + clazzes + "]"; // NOI18N } private static final class IntrospectedClass implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4039297397834774403L; //public String clazz; public boolean supportsText; public Map attrs; // null or name -> class; Map public Map subs; // null or name -> class; Map public String[] enumTags; // null or list of tags public String toString () { String tags; if (enumTags != null) { tags = Arrays.asList((Object[])enumTags).toString(); } else { tags = "null"; // NOI18N } return "IntrospectedClass[text=" + supportsText + ",attrs=" + attrs + ",subs=" + subs + ",enumTags=" + tags + "]"; // NOI18N } public int hashCode() { // XXX return 0; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof IntrospectedClass)) { return false; } IntrospectedClass other = (IntrospectedClass)o; return supportsText == other.supportsText && Utilities.compareObjects(attrs, other.attrs) && Utilities.compareObjects(subs, other.subs) && Utilities.compareObjects(enumTags, other.enumTags); } } // merging and including custom defs: /** only used to permit use of WeakListener */ private transient ChangeListener holder; /** * Merge several IntrospectedInfo instances together. * Responds live to updates. */ private static IntrospectedInfo merge(IntrospectedInfo[] proxied) { final IntrospectedInfo ii = new IntrospectedInfo(); ChangeListener l = new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev) { IntrospectedInfo ii2 = (IntrospectedInfo)ev.getSource(); ii2.init(); ii.clazzes.putAll(ii2.clazzes); Iterator it = ii2.namedefs.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); String kind = (String)e.getKey(); Map entries = (Map)e.getValue(); if (ii.namedefs.containsKey(kind)) { ((Map)ii.namedefs.get(kind)).putAll(entries); } else { ii.namedefs.put(kind, new HashMap(entries)); } } ii.fireStateChanged(); } }; ii.holder = l; for (int i = 0; i < proxied.length; i++) { proxied[i].addChangeListener(WeakListeners.change(l, proxied[i])); l.stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(proxied[i])); } return ii; } /** defaults + custom defs */ private static IntrospectedInfo merged; /** * Get all known introspected definitions. * Includes all those in {@link #getDefaults} plus custom definitions * encountered in actual build scripts (details unspecified). * @return a set of all known definitions, e.g. of tasks and types * @since 2.14 */ public static synchronized IntrospectedInfo getKnownInfo() { if (merged == null) { merged = merge(new IntrospectedInfo[] { getDefaults(), AntSettings.getDefault().getCustomDefs(), }); } return merged; } }

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