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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 2000-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): Thomas Ball
 * Version: $Revision: 1.19 $

package org.netbeans.modules.classfile;

import java.util.*;

 * Class representing a Java class file.
 * @author Thomas Ball
public class ClassFile {

    ConstantPool constantPool; 
    int classAccess;
    CPClassInfo classInfo;
    CPClassInfo superClassInfo;
    CPClassInfo[] interfaces;
    Variable[] variables;
    Method[] methods;
    String sourceFileName;
    InnerClass[] innerClasses;
    private AttributeMap attributes;
    private Map annotations;
    short majorVersion;
    short minorVersion;
    String typeSignature;
    EnclosingMethod enclosingMethod;
    private boolean includeCode = false;
    private byte[] laterBytes;
    /** size of buffer in buffered input streams */
    private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
     * Create a new ClassFile object.
     * @param classData   an InputStream from which the defining bytes of this
     *                    class or interface are read.
     * @throws IOException if InputStream can't be read, or if the class data
     *         is malformed.
    public ClassFile(InputStream classData) throws IOException {
	this(classData, true);
     * Create a new ClassFile object.
     * @param classFileName the path of a class file.
     * @throws IOException if file cannot be opened or read.
    public ClassFile(String classFileName) throws IOException {
	this(classFileName, true);
     * Create a new ClassFile object.
     * @param file a File instance of a class file.
     * @param includeCode true if this classfile should support operations
     *                    at the bytecode level.  Specify false to conserve
     *                    memory if code access isn't needed.
     * @throws IOException if file cannot be opened or read.
    public ClassFile(File file, boolean  includeCode) throws IOException {
	InputStream is = null;
	this.includeCode = includeCode;
        if( file == null || !file.exists() )
            throw new IOException("File name is invalid or file not exists");
        try {
            is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( file ), BUFFER_SIZE);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IOException("Invalid classfile format in " + file.getName());
        } finally {
            if (is != null)

     * Create a new ClassFile object.
     * @param classData  an InputStream from which the defining bytes of this
     * class or interface are read.
     * @param includeCode true if this classfile should support operations
     *                    at the bytecode level.  Specify false to conserve
     *                    memory if code access isn't needed.
     * @throws IOException if InputStream can't be read, or if the class data
     * is malformed.
    public ClassFile(InputStream classData, boolean includeCode) throws IOException {
        if (classData == null)
            throw new IOException("input stream not specified");
	this.includeCode = includeCode;
     * Create a new ClassFile object.
     * @param classFileName the path of a class file.
     * @param includeCode true if this classfile should support operations
     *                    at the bytecode level.  Specify false to conserve
     *                    memory if code access isn't needed.
     * @throws IOException if file cannot be opened or read.
    public ClassFile(String classFileName, boolean includeCode) throws IOException {
        InputStream in = null;
	this.includeCode = includeCode;
        try {
            if (classFileName == null)
                throw new IOException("input stream not specified");
            in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(classFileName), BUFFER_SIZE);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IOException("Invalid classfile format in " + classFileName);
        } finally {
            if (in != null)
    /** Returns the ConstantPool object associated with this ClassFile.
     * @return the constant pool object
    public final ConstantPool getConstantPool() {
        return constantPool;

    private void load(InputStream classData) throws IOException {
        try {
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(classData);
            if (in == null)
                throw new IOException("invalid class format");
            constantPool = loadClassHeader(in);
            interfaces = getCPClassList(in, constantPool);

	    // Cache remaining bytes to delay loading.
	    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	    byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
	    int c;
	    while ((c = > 0)
		baos.write(buf, 0, c);
	    laterBytes = baos.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
	    throw new IOException(makeErrorMsg(ioe));

    private void finishLoading() {
	if (laterBytes == null)
        try {
	    DataInputStream in = 
		new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(laterBytes));
            variables = Variable.loadFields(in, constantPool, this);
            methods = Method.loadMethods(in, constantPool, this, includeCode);
            attributes = AttributeMap.load(in, constantPool);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
	    throw new InternalError(makeErrorMsg(ioe));
        } finally {
	    laterBytes = null;

    private String makeErrorMsg(IOException ioe) {
	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("invalid class format");
	if (sourceFileName != null) {
	    sb.append(": ");
	return sb.toString();

    private ConstantPool loadClassHeader(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
        int magic = in.readInt();
        if (magic != 0xCAFEBABE) {
            throw new IOException("invalid class format");
        minorVersion = in.readShort();
        majorVersion = in.readShort();
        int count = in.readUnsignedShort();
        ConstantPool pool = new ConstantPool(count, in);
        classAccess = in.readUnsignedShort();
        classInfo = pool.getClass(in.readUnsignedShort());
        if (classInfo == null)
            throw new IOException("invalid class format");
        int index = in.readUnsignedShort();
        if (index != 0) // true for java.lang.Object
            superClassInfo = pool.getClass(index);
        return pool;

    static CPClassInfo[] getCPClassList(DataInputStream in, ConstantPool pool)
      throws IOException {
        int count = in.readUnsignedShort();
        CPClassInfo[] classes = new CPClassInfo[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            classes[i] = pool.getClass(in.readUnsignedShort());
        return classes;
     * Returns the access permissions of this class or interface.
     * @return a mask of access flags.
     * @see org.netbeans.modules.classfile.Access
    public final int getAccess() {
        return classAccess;
    /** Returns the name of this class.
     * @return the name of this class.
    public final ClassName getName() {
        return classInfo.getClassName();

    /** Returns the name of this class's superclass.  A string is returned
     * instead of a ClassFile object to reduce object creation.
     * @return the name of the superclass of this class.
    public final ClassName getSuperClass() {
        if (superClassInfo == null)
            return null;
	return superClassInfo.getClassName();
     * @return a collection of Strings describing this class's interfaces.
    public final Collection getInterfaces() {
        List l = new ArrayList();
        int n = interfaces.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        return l;
     * Looks up a variable by its name.
     * NOTE: this method only looks up variables defined by this class,
     * and not inherited from its superclass.
     * @param name the name of the variable
     * @return the variable,or null if no such variable in this class.
    public final Variable getVariable(String name) {
        int n = variables.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Variable v = variables[i];
            if (v.getName().equals(name))
                return v;
        return null;
     * @return a Collection of Variable objects representing the fields 
     *         defined by this class.
    public final Collection getVariables() {
        return Arrays.asList(variables);

     * @return the number of variables defined by this class.
    public final int getVariableCount() {
        return variables.length;
     * Looks up a method by its name and type signature, as defined
     * by the Java Virtual Machine Specification, section 4.3.3.
     * NOTE: this method only looks up methods defined by this class,
     * and not methods inherited from its superclass.
     * @param name the name of the method
     * @param signature the method's type signature
     * @return the method, or null if no such method in this class.
    public final Method getMethod(String name, String signature) {
        int n = methods.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Method m = methods[i];
            if (m.getName().equals(name) && m.getDescriptor().equals(signature))
                return m;
        return null;
     * @return a Collection of Method objects representing the methods 
     *         defined by this class.
    public final Collection getMethods() {
        return Arrays.asList(methods);
     * @return the number of methods defined by this class.
    public final int getMethodCount() {
        return methods.length;
     * @return the name of the source file the compiler used to create this class.
    public final String getSourceFileName() {
	if (sourceFileName == null) {
	    DataInputStream in = attributes.getStream("SourceFile"); // NOI18N
	    if (in != null) {
		try {
		    int ipool = in.readUnsignedShort();
		    CPUTF8Info entry = (CPUTF8Info)constantPool.get(ipool);
		    sourceFileName = entry.getName();
		} catch (IOException e) {
		    System.err.println("invalid SourceFile attribute");
        return sourceFileName;
    public final boolean isDeprecated() {
	return attributes.get("Deprecated") != null;

    public final boolean isSynthetic() {
        return (classAccess & Access.SYNTHETIC) == Access.SYNTHETIC ||
	    attributes.get("Synthetic") != null;

     * Returns true if this class is an annotation type.
    public final boolean isAnnotation() {
	return (classAccess & Access.ANNOTATION) == Access.ANNOTATION;
     * Returns true if this class defines an enum type.
    public final boolean isEnum() {
	return (classAccess & Access.ENUM) == Access.ENUM;

     * Returns a map of the raw attributes for this classfile.  
     * Field attributes are
     * not returned in this map.
     * @see org.netbeans.modules.classfile.Field#getAttributes
    public final AttributeMap getAttributes(){
        return attributes;
    public final Collection getInnerClasses(){
	if (innerClasses == null) {
	    DataInputStream in = attributes.getStream("InnerClasses"); // NOI18N
	    if (in != null) {
		try {
		    innerClasses = 
			InnerClass.loadInnerClasses(in, constantPool);
		} catch (IOException e) {
		    System.err.println("invalid InnerClasses attribute");
	    } else
		innerClasses = new InnerClass[0];
        return Arrays.asList(innerClasses);

     * Returns the major version number of this classfile.
    public int getMajorVersion() {
	return majorVersion;

     * Returns the minor version number of this classfile.
    public int getMinorVersion() {
	return minorVersion;

     * Returns the generic type information associated with this class.  
     * If this class does not have generic type information, then null 
     * is returned.
    public String getTypeSignature() {
	if (typeSignature == null) {
	    DataInputStream in = attributes.getStream("Signature"); // NOI18N
	    if (in != null) {
		try {
		    CPUTF8Info entry = 
		    typeSignature = entry.getName();
		} catch (IOException e) {
		    System.err.println("invalid Signature attribute");
	return typeSignature;

     * Returns the enclosing method for this class.  A class will have an
     * enclosing class if and only if it is a local class or an anonymous
     * class, and has been compiled with a compiler target level of 1.5 
     * or above.  If no such attribute is present in the classfile, then
     * null is returned.
    public EnclosingMethod getEnclosingMethod() {
	if (enclosingMethod == null) {
	    DataInputStream in = 
		attributes.getStream("EnclosingMethod"); // NOI18N
	    if (in != null) {
		try {
		    int classIndex = in.readUnsignedShort();
		    int natIndex = in.readUnsignedShort();
		    CPEntry classInfo = constantPool.get(classIndex);
		    if (classInfo.getTag() == ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Class)
			enclosingMethod = 
			    new EnclosingMethod(constantPool, 
			; // JDK 1.5 beta1 bug
		} catch (IOException e) {
		    System.err.println("invalid EnclosingMethod attribute");
	return enclosingMethod;

    private void loadAnnotations() {
	if (annotations == null)
	    annotations = buildAnnotationMap(constantPool, attributes);

    static Map buildAnnotationMap(ConstantPool pool, AttributeMap attrs) {
	Map annotations = new HashMap(2);
	DataInputStream in = 
	    attrs.getStream("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); //NOI18N
	if (in != null) {
	    try {
		Annotation.load(in, pool, true, annotations);
	    } catch (IOException e) {
		System.err.println("invalid RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute");
	in = attrs.getStream("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); //NOI18N
	if (in != null) {
	    try {
		Annotation.load(in, pool, false, annotations);
	    } catch (IOException e) {
		System.err.println("invalid RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute");
	return annotations;

     * Returns all runtime annotations defined for this class.  Inherited
     * annotations are not included in this collection.
    public final Collection getAnnotations() {
	return annotations.values();

     * Returns the annotation for a specified annotation type, or null if
     * no annotation of that type exists for this class.
    public final Annotation getAnnotation(final ClassName annotationClass) {
	return (Annotation)annotations.get(annotationClass);
     * Returns true if an annotation of the specified type is defined for
     * this class.
    public final boolean isAnnotationPresent(final ClassName annotationClass) {
	return annotations.get(annotationClass) != null;
    /* Return the collection of all unique class references in this class.
     * @return a Set of ClassNames specifying the referenced classnames.
    public final Set getAllClassNames() {
        Set set = new HashSet();

        // include all class name constants from constant pool
        Collection c = constantPool.getAllConstants(CPClassInfo.class);
        for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            CPClassInfo ci = (CPClassInfo);

	// scan variables and methods for other class references
	// (inner classes will caught above)
	for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
	    addClassNames(set, variables[i].getDescriptor());
	for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
	    addClassNames(set, methods[i].getDescriptor());

        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);

    private void addClassNames(Set set, String type) {
        int i = 0;
        while ((i = type.indexOf('L', i)) != -1) {
            int j = type.indexOf(';', i);
            if (j > i) {
		// get name, minus leading 'L' and trailing ';'
                String classType = type.substring(i + 1, j);
                i = j + 1;
            } else

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("ClassFile: "); //NOI18N
        sb.append(' ');
        if (isSynthetic())
            sb.append(" (synthetic)"); //NOI18N
        if (isDeprecated())
            sb.append(" (deprecated)"); //NOI18N
        sb.append("\n   source: "); //NOI18N
        sb.append("\n   super: "); //NOI18N
	if (getTypeSignature() != null) {
	    sb.append("\n   signature: "); //NOI18N
	if (getEnclosingMethod() != null) {
	    sb.append("\n   enclosing method: "); //NOI18N
        sb.append("\n   ");
	if (annotations.size() > 0) {
	    Iterator iter = annotations.values().iterator();
	    sb.append("annotations: ");
	    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                sb.append("\n      ");
	    sb.append("\n   ");
        if (interfaces.length > 0) {
            sb.append(arrayToString("interfaces", interfaces)); //NOI18N
            sb.append("\n   ");
        if (getInnerClasses().size() > 0) {
            sb.append(arrayToString("innerclasses", innerClasses)); //NOI18N
            sb.append("\n   ");
        if (variables.length > 0) {
            sb.append(arrayToString("variables", variables)); //NOI18N
            sb.append("\n   ");
        if (methods.length > 0)
            sb.append(arrayToString("methods", methods)); //NOI18N
        return sb.toString();

    private String arrayToString(String name, Object[] array) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append(": ");
        int n = array.length;
        if (n > 0) {
            int i = 0;
            do {
                sb.append("\n      ");
            } while (i < n);
        } else
            sb.append("none"); //NOI18N
        return sb.toString();
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