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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.core.output2;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;

import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Abstract Lines implementation with handling for getLine wrap calculations, etc.
abstract class AbstractLines implements Lines, Runnable {
    /** A collections-like lineStartList that maps file positions to getLine numbers */
    IntList lineStartList;
    /** Maps output listeners to the lines they are associated with */
    IntMap linesToListeners;
    private int longestLine = 0;
    private static Boolean unitTestUseCache = null;
    private int knownCharCount = -1;
    private SparseIntList knownLogicalLineCounts = null;
    private int lastCharCountForWrapCalculation = -1;
    private int lastWrappedLineCount = -1;
    private int lastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation = -1;
    private int lastWrappedAboveLineCount = -1;
    private int lastWrappedAboveLine = -1;
    private IntList errLines = null;

    AbstractLines() {
        if (Controller.log) Controller.log ("Creating a new AbstractLines");

    protected abstract Storage getStorage();

    protected abstract boolean isDisposed();

    protected abstract boolean isTrouble();

    protected abstract void handleException (Exception e);

    public char[] getText (int start, int end, char[] chars) {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) {
             //There is a breif window of opportunity for a window to display
             //a disposed document.  Should never appear on screen, but it can
             //be requested to calculate the preferred size this will
             //make sure it's noticable if it does.
             if (Controller.log) {
                 Controller.log (this + "  !!!!!REQUEST FOR SUBRANGE " + start + "-" + end + " AFTER OUTWRITER HAS BEEN DISPOSED!!");

             char[] msg = "THIS OUTPUT HAS BEEN DISPOSED! ".toCharArray();
             if (chars == null) {
                 chars = new char[end - start];
             int pos = 0;
             for (int i=0; i < chars.length; i++) {
                 if (pos == msg.length - 1) {
                     pos = 0;
                 chars[i] = msg[pos];
             return chars;
        if (end < start) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illogical text range from " +
                start + " to " + end);
        synchronized(readLock()) {
            int fileStart = AbstractLines.toByteIndex(start);
            int byteCount = AbstractLines.toByteIndex(end - start);
            if (chars.length < end - start) {
                chars = new char[end-start];
            try {
                getStorage().getReadBuffer(fileStart, byteCount).asCharBuffer().get(chars, 0, end - start);
                return chars;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                handleException (e);
                return new char[0];

    public String getText (int start, int end) {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) {
            return new String (new char[end - start]);
        if (end < start) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illogical text range from " +
                start + " to " + end);
        synchronized(readLock()) {
            int fileStart = AbstractLines.toByteIndex(start);
            int byteCount = AbstractLines.toByteIndex(end - start);
            int available = getStorage().size();
            if (available < fileStart + byteCount) {
                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Bytes from " +
                    fileStart + " to " + (fileStart + byteCount) + " requested, " +
                    "but storage is only " + available + " bytes long");
            try {
                return getStorage().getReadBuffer(fileStart, byteCount).asCharBuffer().toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                handleException (e);
                return new String(new char[end - start]);

    private int lastErrLineMarked = -1;
    void markErr() {
        if (isTrouble() || getStorage().isClosed()) {
        if (errLines == null) {
            errLines = new IntList(20);
        int linecount = getLineCount();
        //Check this - for calls to OutputWriter.write(byte b), we may still be on the same line as last time
        if (linecount != lastErrLineMarked) {
            errLines.add(linecount == 0 ? 0 : linecount-1);
            lastErrLineMarked = linecount;

    public boolean isErr(int line) {
        return errLines != null ? errLines.contains(line) : false;

    private ChangeListener listener = null;
    public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener cl) {
        this.listener = cl;
        synchronized(this) {
            if (getLineCount() > 0) {
                //May be a new tab for an old output, hide and reshow, etc.

    public void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener cl) {
        if (listener == cl) {
            listener = null;

    public void fire() {
        if (isTrouble()) {
        if (Controller.log) Controller.log (this + ": Writer firing " + getStorage().size() + " bytes written");
        if (listener != null) {

    public void run() {
        if (listener != null) {
            listener.stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(this));

    public boolean hasHyperlinks() {
        return firstListenerLine() != -1;

    public boolean isHyperlink (int line) {
        return getListenerForLine(line) != null;

    private void init() {
        knownLogicalLineCounts = null;
        lineStartList = new IntList(100);
        linesToListeners = new IntMap();
        longestLine = 0;
        errLines = null;
        matcher = null;
        listener = null;
        dirty = false;

    private boolean dirty;

    public boolean checkDirty(boolean clear) {
        if (isTrouble()) {
            return false;
        boolean wasDirty = dirty;
        if (clear) {
            dirty = false;
        return wasDirty;

    public int[] allListenerLines() {
        return linesToListeners.getKeys();

    void clear() {

    public int getCharCount() {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) return 0;
        Storage storage = getStorage();
        return storage == null ? 0 : AbstractLines.toCharIndex(getStorage().size());

     * Get a single getLine as a string.
    public String getLine (int idx) throws IOException {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) {
            return ""; //NOI18N
        int lineStart = lineStartList.get(idx);
        int lineEnd;
        if (idx != lineStartList.size()-1) {
            lineEnd = lineStartList.get(idx+1);
        } else {
            lineEnd = getStorage().size();
        CharBuffer cb = getStorage().getReadBuffer(lineStart,
            lineEnd - lineStart).asCharBuffer();

        char chars[] = new char[cb.limit()];
        cb.get (chars);
        return new String (chars);

    public boolean isLineStart (int chpos) {
        int bpos = toByteIndex(chpos);
        return lineStartList.contains (bpos);

     * Returns the length of the specified lin characters.
     * @param idx A getLine number
     * @return The number of characters
    public int length (int idx) {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) {
            return 0;
        if (lineStartList.size() == 0) {
            return 0;
        int lineStart = lineStartList.get(idx);
        int lineEnd;
        if (idx != lineStartList.size()-1) {
            lineEnd = lineStartList.get(idx+1);
        } else {
            lineEnd = getStorage().size();
        return toCharIndex(lineEnd - lineStart);

     * Get the character index of a getLine as a position in
     * the output file.
    public int getLineStart (int line) {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) return 0;
        return toCharIndex(lineStartList.get(line));

    /** Get the getLine number of a character index in the
     * file (as distinct from a byte position)
    public int getLineAt (int position) {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) return -1;
        int bytePos = toByteIndex (position);
        int i = lineStartList.indexOf (bytePos);
        if (i != -1) {
            return i;
        i = lineStartList.findNearest(bytePos);
        return i;

    public int getLineCount() {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) return 0;
        return lineStartList.size();

    public OutputListener getListenerForLine (int line) {
        return (OutputListener) linesToListeners.get(line);

    public int firstListenerLine () {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) return -1;
        return linesToListeners.isEmpty() ? -1 : linesToListeners.first();

    public int nearestListenerLine (int line, boolean backward) {
        if (isDisposed() || isTrouble()) return -1;
        return linesToListeners.nearest (line, backward);

    public int getLongestLineLength() {
        return toCharIndex(longestLine);

     public void toLogicalLineIndex (final int[] physIdx, int charsPerLine) {
         int physicalLine = physIdx[0];
         physIdx[1] = 0;

         if (physicalLine == 0) {
             //First getLine never has lines above it
             physIdx[1] = 0;
             physIdx[2] = (length(physicalLine) / charsPerLine);

         if (charsPerLine >= getLongestLineLength() || (getLineCount() <= 1)) {
             //The doc is empty, or there are no lines long enough to wrap anyway
             physIdx[1] = 0;
             physIdx[2] = 1;

         int logicalLine =
             findFirstLineWithoutMoreLinesAboveItThan (physicalLine, charsPerLine);

         int linesAbove = getLogicalLineCountAbove(logicalLine, charsPerLine);

         int len = length(logicalLine);

         int wrapCount = len > charsPerLine ? (len / charsPerLine) + 1 : 1;

         physIdx[0] = logicalLine;
         int lcount = linesAbove + wrapCount;
         physIdx[1] = (wrapCount - (lcount - physicalLine));

         physIdx[2] = wrapCount;

      * Uses a divide-and-conquer approach to quickly locate a getLine which has
      * the specified number of logical lines above it.  For large output, this
      * data is cached in OutWriter in a sparse int array.  This method is called
      * from viewToModel, so it must be very, very fast - it may be called once
      * every time the mouse is moved, to determine if the cursor should be
      * updated.
     private int findFirstLineWithoutMoreLinesAboveItThan (int target, int charsPerLine) {
         int start = 0;
         int end = getLineCount();
         int midpoint = start + ((end - start) >> 1);
         int linesAbove = getLogicalLineCountAbove(midpoint, charsPerLine);
         int result = divideAndConquer (target, start, midpoint, end, charsPerLine, linesAbove);

         return Math.min(end, result) -1;
      * Recursively search for the line number with the smallest number of lines
      * above it, greater than the passed target number of lines.  This is
      * effectively a binary search - divides the range of lines in half and
      * checks if the middle value is greater than the target; then recurses on
      * itself with whatever half of the range of lines has a better chance at
      * containing a smaller value.

* It is primed with an initial call with the start, midpoint and end values. */ private int divideAndConquer (int target, int start, int midpoint, int end, int charsPerLine, int midValue) { //We have an exact match - we're done if (midValue == target) { return midpoint + 1; } //In any of these conditions, the search has run out of gas - the //end value must be the match if (end - start <= 1 || midpoint == start || midpoint == end) { return end; } if (midValue > target) { //The middle value is greater than the target - look for a closer //match between the first and the middle getLine int upperMidPoint = start + ((midpoint - start) >> 1); if ((midpoint - start) % 2 != 0) { upperMidPoint++; } int upperMidValue = getLogicalLineCountAbove(upperMidPoint, charsPerLine); return divideAndConquer (target, start, upperMidPoint, midpoint, charsPerLine, upperMidValue); } else { //The middle value is less than the target - look for a match //between the midpoint and the last getLine int lowerMidPoint = ((end - start) >> 2) + midpoint; if ((end - midpoint) % 2 != 0) { lowerMidPoint++; } int lowerMidValue = getLogicalLineCountAbove(lowerMidPoint, charsPerLine); return divideAndConquer (target, midpoint, lowerMidPoint, end, charsPerLine, lowerMidValue); } } /** * Get the number of logical lines if character wrapped at the specified * width. Calculates on the fly below 100000 characters, above that builds * a cache on the first call and uses that. */ public int getLogicalLineCountAbove (int line, int charCount) { if (line == 0) { return 0; } if (toByteIndex(charCount) > longestLine) { return line; } //See OutputDocumentTest.testWordWrapping if (unitTestUseCache != null) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(unitTestUseCache)) { return dynLogicalLineCountAbove(line, charCount); } else { return cachedLogicalLineCountAbove (line, charCount); } } if (getStorage().size() < 100000) { return dynLogicalLineCountAbove(line, charCount); } else { return cachedLogicalLineCountAbove (line, charCount); } } /** * Get the number of logical lines above a given physical getLine if character * wrapped at the specified * width. Calculates on the fly below 100000 characters, above that builds * a cache on the first call and uses that. */ public int getLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt (int charCount) { if (toByteIndex(charCount) > longestLine) { return getLineCount(); } if (unitTestUseCache != null) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(unitTestUseCache)) { return dynLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt(charCount); } else { return cachedLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt(charCount); } } if (getStorage().size() < 100000) { return dynLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt(charCount); } else { return cachedLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt(charCount); } } public void addListener (int line, OutputListener l) { linesToListeners.put(line, l); } /** * A minor hook to let unit tests decide if caching is on or off. * @param val */ static void unitTestUseCache (Boolean val) { unitTestUseCache = val; } private int cachedLogicalLineCountAbove (int line, int charCount) { if (charCount != knownCharCount || knownLogicalLineCounts == null) { knownCharCount = charCount; calcCharCounts(charCount); } return knownLogicalLineCounts.get(line); } private int cachedLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt (int charCount) { int lineCount = getLineCount(); if (charCount == 0 || lineCount == 0) { return 0; } synchronized (readLock()) { if (charCount != knownCharCount || knownLogicalLineCounts == null) { knownCharCount = charCount; calcCharCounts(charCount); } int result = knownLogicalLineCounts.get(lineCount-1); int len = length (lineCount - 1); result += (len / charCount) + 1; return result; } } /** * Builds a cache of lines which are longer than the last known width, which * can be retained for future lookups. Finding the logical position of a * getLine when wrapped means iterating all the lines above it. Above a * threshold, it is much preferable to cache it. We use SparseIntList to * create a cache which only actually holds the counts for lines that *are* * wrapped, and interpolates the rest, so we don't need to create an int[] * as big as the number of lines we have. This presumes that most lines * don't wrap. */ private void calcCharCounts(int width) { synchronized (readLock()) { int lineCount = getLineCount(); knownLogicalLineCounts = new SparseIntList(30); int val = 0; for (int i=1; i < lineCount; i++) { int len = length(i); if (len > width) { val += (len / width) + 1; knownLogicalLineCounts.add(val, i); } else { val++; } } knownCharCount = width; } } /** * Gets the number of lines the document will require if getLine wrapped at the * specified character index. */ private int dynLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt (int charCount) { synchronized (readLock()) { int bcount = toByteIndex(charCount); if (longestLine <= bcount) { return lineStartList.size(); } if (charCount == lastCharCountForWrapCalculation && lastWrappedLineCount != -1) { return lastWrappedLineCount; } if (lineStartList.size() == 0) { return 0; } int max = lineStartList.size(); int prev = 0; int lineCount = 1; for (int i=1; i < max; i++) { int curr = lineStartList.get(i); if (curr - prev > bcount) { lineCount += (((curr - prev) / bcount) + 1); } else { lineCount++; } prev = curr; } setLastCharCountForWrapCalculation(charCount); lastWrappedLineCount = lineCount; return lineCount; } } /** * Gets the number of lines that occur *above* a given getLine if wrapped at the * specified char count. * * @param line The getLine in question * @param charCount The number of characters at which to wrap * @return The number of logical wrapped lines above the passed getLine */ private int dynLogicalLineCountAbove (int line, int charCount) { int lineCount = getLineCount(); if (line == 0 || lineCount == 0) { return 0; } if (charCount == lastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation && lastWrappedAboveLineCount != -1 && line == lastWrappedAboveLine) { return lastWrappedAboveLineCount; } synchronized (readLock()) { lastWrappedAboveLineCount = 0; for (int i=0; i < line; i++) { int len = length(i); if (len > charCount) { lastWrappedAboveLineCount += (len / charCount) + 1; } else { lastWrappedAboveLineCount++; } } lastWrappedAboveLine = line; setLastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation(charCount); return lastWrappedAboveLineCount; } } void markDirty() { dirty = true; } public void lineWritten(int start, int lineLength) { if (Controller.verbose) Controller.log ("AbstractLines.lineWritten " + start + " length:" + lineLength); //NOI18N int lineCount = 0; synchronized (readLock()) { setLastWrappedLineCount(-1); setLastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation(-1); longestLine = Math.max (longestLine, lineLength); lineStartList.add (start); matcher = null; lineCount = lineStartList.size(); //If we already have enough lines that we need to cache logical getLine //lengths, update the cache - rebuilding it is very expensive if (knownLogicalLineCounts != null) { //This is the index of the getLine we just added int lastline = lineCount-1; //Get the length of the getLine int len = length(lastline); //We only need to add if it will wrap - SparseIntList's get() //semantics takes care of non-wrapped lines if (len > knownCharCount) { int aboveLineCount; if (knownLogicalLineCounts.lastIndex() != -1) { //If the cache already has some entries, calculate the //values from the last entry - this is less expensive //than looking it up aboveLineCount = (lastline - (knownLogicalLineCounts.lastIndex() + 1)) + knownLogicalLineCounts.lastAdded(); } else { //Otherwise, it's just the number of lines above this //one - it's the first entry aboveLineCount = Math.max(0, lastline-1); } //Add in the number of times this getLine will wrap aboveLineCount += (len / knownCharCount) + 1; knownLogicalLineCounts.add(aboveLineCount, lastline); } } } if (lineCount == 20 || lineCount == 10 || lineCount == 1) { //Fire again after the first 20 lines if (Controller.log) Controller.log ("Firing initial write event"); fire(); } } /** Convert an index from chars to byte count (*2). Simple math, but it * makes the intent clearer when encountered in code */ static int toByteIndex (int charIndex) { return charIndex << 1; } /** Convert an index from bytes to chars (/2). Simple math, but it * makes the intent clearer when encountered in code */ static int toCharIndex (int byteIndex) { assert byteIndex % 2 == 0 : "bad index: " + byteIndex; //NOI18N int result = byteIndex >> 1; return result; } public void saveAs(String path) throws IOException { if (getStorage()== null) { throw new IOException ("Data has already been disposed"); //NOI18N } File f = new File (path); CharBuffer cb = getStorage().getReadBuffer(0, getStorage().size()).asCharBuffer(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (f); String encoding = System.getProperty ("file.encoding"); //NOI18N if (encoding == null) { encoding = "UTF-8"; //NOI18N } Charset charset = Charset.forName (encoding); //NOI18N CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder (); ByteBuffer bb = encoder.encode (cb); FileChannel ch = fos.getChannel(); ch.write(bb); ch.close(); } private String lastSearchString = null; private Matcher matcher = null; public Matcher getForwardMatcher() { return matcher; } public Matcher getReverseMatcher() { try { Storage storage = getStorage(); if (storage == null) { return null; } if (matcher != null && lastSearchString != null && lastSearchString.length() > 0 && storage.size() > 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (lastSearchString); sb.reverse(); CharBuffer buf = storage.getReadBuffer(0, storage.size()).asCharBuffer(); //This could be very slow for large amounts of data StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer (buf.toString()); data.reverse(); Pattern pat = Pattern.compile (sb.toString()); return pat.matcher(data); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); } return null; } public Matcher find(String s) { if (Controller.log) Controller.log (this + ": Executing find for string " + s + " on " ); Storage storage = getStorage(); if (storage == null) { return null; } if (matcher != null && s.equals(lastSearchString)) { return matcher; } try { int size = storage.size(); if (size > 0) { Pattern pat = Pattern.compile (s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); CharBuffer buf = storage.getReadBuffer(0, size).asCharBuffer(); Matcher m = pat.matcher(buf); if (!m.find(0)) { return null; } matcher = m; lastSearchString = s; return matcher; } } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe); } return null; } private void setLastCharCountForWrapCalculation(int lastCharCountForWrapCalculation) { this.lastCharCountForWrapCalculation = lastCharCountForWrapCalculation; } private void setLastWrappedLineCount(int lastWrappedLineCount) { this.lastWrappedLineCount = lastWrappedLineCount; } private void setLastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation(int lastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation) { this.lastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation = lastCharCountForWrapAboveCalculation; } public String toString() { return lineStartList.toString(); } }

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