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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.settings.convertors;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.cookies.InstanceCookie;
import org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.Environment;
import org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.lookup.InstanceContent;
import org.openide.util.lookup.AbstractLookup;

import org.netbeans.spi.settings.Convertor;
import org.netbeans.modules.settings.Env;
import org.netbeans.modules.settings.ScheduledRequest;

/** Convertor handles serialdata format described in
 * The convertor replaces
 * the old org.netbeans.core.projects.SerialDataConvertor.
 * @author  Jan Pokorsky
public final class SerialDataConvertor extends org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeAdapter
implements PropertyChangeListener, FileSystem.AtomicAction {
    /** data object name cached in the attribute to prevent instance creation when
     * its node is displayed.
     * @see org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject#EA_NAME
    static final String EA_NAME = "name"; // NOI18N
    /** lock used to sync read/write operations for .settings file */
    final Object READWRITE_LOCK = new Object();
    private final InstanceContent lkpContent;
    private final Lookup lookup;
    private final DataObject dobj;
    private final FileObject provider;
    private final SerialDataConvertor.NodeConvertor node;
    private SerialDataConvertor.SettingsInstance instance;
    private SaveSupport saver;
    private ErrorManager err;
    /** Creates a new instance of SDConvertor */
    public SerialDataConvertor(DataObject dobj, FileObject provider) {
        err = ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance(this.getClass().getName());// +
            //dobj.getPrimaryFile().toString().replace('/', '.');
        this.dobj = dobj;
        this.provider = provider;
        lkpContent = new InstanceContent();
        FileObject fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile();
        fo.addFileChangeListener(FileUtil.weakFileChangeListener(this, fo));
        SerialDataConvertor.SettingsInstance si = createInstance(null);
        if (isModuleEnabled(si)) {
            instance = si;
        node = new SerialDataConvertor.NodeConvertor();
        lkpContent.add(this, node);
        lookup = new AbstractLookup(lkpContent);
    /** can store an object inst in the serialdata format
     * @param w stream into which inst is written
     * @param inst the setting object to be written
     * @exception IOException if the object cannot be written
    public void write ( w, Object inst) throws {
        XMLSettingsSupport.storeToXML10(inst, w, ModuleInfoManager.getDefault().getModuleInfo(inst.getClass()));
    /** delegate to SaveSupport to handle an unfired setting object change
     * @see SerialDataNode#resolvePropertyChange
    void handleUnfiredChange() {
    DataObject getDataObject() {
        return dobj;
    FileObject getProvider() {
        return provider;
    /** provides content like InstanceCookie, SaveCokie */
    public final Lookup getLookup() {
        return lookup;
    /** create own InstanceCookie implementation */
    private SettingsInstance createInstance(Object inst) {
        return new SettingsInstance(inst);
    /** method provides a support storing the setting */
    private SaveSupport createSaveSupport(Object inst) {
        return new SaveSupport(inst);
    /** allow to listen on changes of the object inst; should be called when
     * new instance is created */
    private void attachToInstance(Object inst) {
        SerialDataConvertor.SaveSupport _saver = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (saver != null) {
                _saver = saver;
        if (_saver != null) {
            /** creates new Thread and waits for finish - danger of deadlock, 
             * then called outside of lock*/            

        synchronized (this) {
            saver = createSaveSupport(inst);
    private void provideSaveCookie() {
        if (saver.isChanged()) {
        } else {
    private void instanceCookieChanged(Object inst) {
        if (saver != null) {
            saver = null;

        SerialDataConvertor.SettingsInstance si = createInstance(inst);

        //#34155 - is this already instantiated SystemOption?
        boolean recreate = false;
        if (instance != null && instance.getCachedInstance() != null) {
            if (instance.getCachedInstance() instanceof org.openide.options.SystemOption) {
                recreate = true;
        if (isModuleEnabled(si)) {
            instance = si;
            lkpContent.set(Arrays.asList(new Object [] { this, si }), null);
        } else {
            lkpContent.set(Collections.singleton(this), null);
            instance = null;
        lkpContent.add(this, node);
        //#34155 - if it was instantiated SystemOptions then force its recreation
        // See issue for more details.
        if (isModuleEnabled(si) && recreate) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
        if (evt == null) return;

        String name = evt.getPropertyName();
        if (name == null)
        // setting was changed
        else if (name == SaveSupport.PROP_SAVE)
        // .settings file was changed
        else if (name == SaveSupport.PROP_FILE_CHANGED) {
            miUnInitialized = true;
            if (moduleCodeBase != null) {
                ModuleInfo mi = ModuleInfoManager.getDefault().getModule(moduleCodeBase);
                    unregisterPropertyChangeListener(this, mi);
        } else if(ModuleInfo.PROP_ENABLED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {

    /** process events coming from the file object*/
    public void fileChanged(org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent fe) {
        if (saver != null && fe.firedFrom(saver)) return;
        propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, SaveSupport.PROP_FILE_CHANGED, null, null));
    private String moduleCodeBase = null;
    private boolean miUnInitialized = true;
    private boolean moduleMissing;    
    private boolean isModuleEnabled(SerialDataConvertor.SettingsInstance si) {
        ModuleInfo mi = null;
        if (miUnInitialized) {
            moduleCodeBase = getModuleCodeNameBase(si);
            miUnInitialized = false;
            if (moduleCodeBase != null) {
                mi = ModuleInfoManager.getDefault().getModule(moduleCodeBase);
                moduleMissing = (mi == null);
                if (mi != null) {
                        registerPropertyChangeListener(this, mi);
                } else {
                        "Warning: unknown module code base: " + // NOI18N
                        moduleCodeBase + " in " +  // NOI18N
            } else {
                moduleMissing = false;
        } else {
            mi = ModuleInfoManager.getDefault().getModule(moduleCodeBase);
        return !moduleMissing && (mi == null || mi.isEnabled());
    private String getModuleCodeNameBase(SerialDataConvertor.SettingsInstance si) {
        try {
            String module = si.getSettings(true).getCodeNameBase();
            return module;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
        return null;
    private static final ErrorManager _err = ErrorManager.getDefault();
    /** Little utility method for posting an exception
     *  to the default ErrorManager with severity
     *  ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL
    static void inform(Throwable t) {
	_err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, t);
    /** called by ScheduledRequest in order to perform the request */
    public void run() throws IOException {
    /** scheduled request to store setting */
    private ScheduledRequest request;
    /** get the scheduled request to store setting */
    private synchronized ScheduledRequest getScheduledRequest() {
        if (request == null) {
            request = new ScheduledRequest(this.getDataObject().getPrimaryFile(), this);
        return request;
    // SettingsInstance
    /** InstanceCookie implementation */
    private final class SettingsInstance implements InstanceCookie.Of {
        /** created instance   */
        private SoftReference inst;
        /* Lifecycle of SettingsRecognizer:
         * Initially: settings = null
         * Parsed header: settings created, light object (no byte[], no char[])
         * Full parsing: Create char[], convert it to byte[] and release char[]
         *   create instance, throw away settings
        /** holder of parsed settings  */
        private XMLSettingsSupport.SettingsRecognizer settings = null;
        /** Creates new SettingsInstance   */
        public SettingsInstance(Object instance) {
        /** Getter for parsed settings
         * @param header if true parse just header(instanceof, module, classname)
        private XMLSettingsSupport.SettingsRecognizer getSettings(boolean header) throws IOException {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (settings == null) {
                    synchronized (READWRITE_LOCK) {
                        settings = new XMLSettingsSupport.SettingsRecognizer(
                            header, getDataObject().getPrimaryFile());
                    return settings;
                if (!header) {
                    if (!settings.isAllRead()) {

                return settings;
        public Object instanceCreate() throws, ClassNotFoundException {
            Object inst;
            XMLSettingsSupport.SettingsRecognizer recog;
            synchronized (this) {
                inst = getCachedInstance();
                if (inst != null) return inst;
            recog = getSettings(false);
            inst = recog.instanceCreate();
            synchronized (this) {
                Object existing = getCachedInstance();
                if (existing != null) return existing;
            return inst;
        public Class instanceClass() throws, ClassNotFoundException {
            // cached
            Object inst = getCachedInstance();
            if (inst != null) {
                return inst.getClass();
            XMLSettingsSupport.SettingsRecognizer recog = getSettings(false);
            return recog.instanceClass();
        public boolean instanceOf(Class type) {
            try {
                if (
                    moduleCodeBase != null && 
                    ModuleInfoManager.getDefault().isReloaded(moduleCodeBase) &&
                    type.getClassLoader () != ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader ()
                ) {
                    // special treatment for classes that could be reloaded
                    ModuleInfo info = ModuleInfoManager.getDefault().getModule (moduleCodeBase);
                    if (info == null || !info.isEnabled ()) {
                        // false to disabled modules
                        return false;
                    // otherwise really try to load
                    Class instanceType = instanceClass ();
                    return type.isAssignableFrom (instanceType);
                // check existing instance first:
                Object inst = getCachedInstance();
                if (inst != null) {
                    return type.isInstance(inst);
                // check the settings cache/file
                return getSettings(true).getInstanceOf().contains(type.getName());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                err.annotate(ex, getDataObject().getPrimaryFile().toString());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                err.annotate(ex, getDataObject().getPrimaryFile().toString());
            return false;
        public String instanceName() {
            // try cached instance
            Object inst = getCachedInstance();
            if (inst != null) {
                return inst.getClass().getName();
            try {
                return getSettings(true).instanceName();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                err.annotate(ex, getDataObject().getPrimaryFile().toString());
                return ""; // NOI18N
        private Object getCachedInstance() {
            return inst.get();
        private void setCachedInstance(Object o) {
            inst = new SoftReference(o);
            settings = null; // clear reference to settings
        // called by InstanceDataObject to set new object
        public void setInstance(Object inst, boolean save) throws IOException {
            if (inst != null) {
                if (save) getScheduledRequest().runAndWait();                
    /** Support handles automatic setting objects storing and allows to identify
     * the origin of file events fired as a consequence of this storing
    private final class SaveSupport implements FileSystem.AtomicAction,
    SaveCookie, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, org.netbeans.spi.settings.Saver {
        /** property means setting is changed and should be changed */
        public static final String PROP_SAVE = "savecookie"; //NOI18N
        /** property means setting file content is changed */
        public static final String PROP_FILE_CHANGED = "fileChanged"; //NOI18N
        /** support for PropertyChangeListeners */
        private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport;
        /** the number of registered PropertyChangeListeners */
        private int propertyChangeListenerCount = 0;
        /** setting is already changed */
        private boolean isChanged = false;
        /** file containing persisted setting */
        private final FileObject file;
        /** weak reference to setting object */
        private final java.lang.ref.WeakReference instance;
        /** remember whether the DataObject is a template or not; calling isTemplate() is slow  */
        private Boolean knownToBeTemplate = null;
        /** the setting object is serialized, if true ignore prop. change
         * notifications
        private boolean isWriting = false;
        /** convertor for possible format upgrade */
        private Convertor convertor;
        /** Creates a new instance of SaveSupport  */
        public SaveSupport(Object inst) {
            this.instance = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference(inst);
            file = getDataObject().getPrimaryFile();
        /** is setting object changed? */
        public final boolean isChanged() {
            return isChanged;
        /** store setting or provide just SaveCookie? */
        private boolean acceptSave() {
            Object inst = instance.get();
            if (inst == null || !(inst instanceof ||
                inst instanceof return false;
            return true;
        /** place where to filter events comming from setting object */
        private boolean ignoreChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) {
            if (isChanged || isWriting || !getDataObject().isValid()) return true;
            // undocumented workaround used in 3.3; since 3.4 convertors make
            // possible to customize the setting change notification filtering 
            if (pce != null && Boolean.FALSE.equals(pce.getPropagationId())) return true;
            if (knownToBeTemplate == null) knownToBeTemplate = getDataObject().isTemplate() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
            return knownToBeTemplate.booleanValue();
        /** get convertor for possible upgrade; can be null */
        private Convertor getConvertor() {
            return convertor;

        /** try to find out convertor for possible upgrade and cache it; can be null */
        private Convertor initConvertor() {
            Object inst = instance.get();
            if (inst == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "setting object cannot be null: " + getDataObject());// NOI18N

            try {
                FileObject newProviderFO = Env.findProvider(inst.getClass());
                if (newProviderFO != null) {
                    FileObject foEntity = Env.findEntityRegistration(newProviderFO);
                    if (foEntity == null) foEntity = newProviderFO;
                    Object attrb = foEntity.getAttribute(Env.EA_PUBLICID);
                    if (attrb == null || !(attrb instanceof String)) {
                        throw new IOException("missing or invalid attribute: " + //NOI18N
                            Env.EA_PUBLICID + ", provider: " + foEntity); //NOI18N
                    if (XMLSettingsSupport.INSTANCE_DTD_ID.equals(attrb)) {
                        convertor = null;
                        return convertor;
                    attrb = newProviderFO.getAttribute(Env.EA_CONVERTOR);
                    if (attrb == null || !(attrb instanceof Convertor)) {
                        throw new IOException("cannot create convertor: " + //NOI18N
                            attrb + ", provider: " + newProviderFO); //NOI18N
                    } else {
                        convertor = (Convertor) attrb;
                        return convertor;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
            return convertor;
        /** Registers PropertyChangeListener to receive events and initialize
         * listening to events comming from the setting object and file object.
         * @param listener The listener to register.
        public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
            if (changeSupport == null || propertyChangeListenerCount <= 0) {
                Object inst = instance.get();
                if (inst == null) return;
                if (changeSupport == null) {
                    changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
                    propertyChangeListenerCount = 0;
                Convertor conv = initConvertor();
                if (conv != null) {
                    conv.registerSaver(inst, this);
                } else {
        /** Removes PropertyChangeListener from the list of listeners.
         * @param listener The listener to remove.
        public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
            if (changeSupport == null)

            if (propertyChangeListenerCount == 0) {
                Object inst = instance.get();
                if (inst == null) return;
                Convertor conv = getConvertor();
                if (conv != null) {
                    conv.unregisterSaver(inst, this);
                } else {
        /** try to register PropertyChangeListener to the setting object
         * to be notified about its changes.
        private void registerPropertyChangeListener(Object inst) {
            // add propertyChangeListener
            try {
                java.lang.reflect.Method method = inst.getClass().getMethod(
                    "addPropertyChangeListener", // NOI18N
                    new Class[] {PropertyChangeListener.class});
                method.invoke(inst, new Object[] {this});
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
                // just changes done through gui will be saved
                ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault();
                if (err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
                    "NoSuchMethodException: " + // NOI18N
                    inst.getClass().getName() + ".addPropertyChangeListener"); // NOI18N
            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                // just changes done through gui will be saved
                ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault();
                err.annotate(ex, "Instance: " + inst); // NOI18N
            } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ex) {
                // just changes done through gui will be saved
        /** @see #registerPropertyChangeListener
        private void unregisterPropertyChangeListener(Object inst) {
            try {
                java.lang.reflect.Method method = inst.getClass().getMethod(
                    "removePropertyChangeListener", // NOI18N
                    new Class[] {PropertyChangeListener.class});
                method.invoke(inst, new Object[] {this});
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
                // just changes done through gui will be saved
                ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault();
                if (err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
                    "NoSuchMethodException: " + // NOI18N
                    inst.getClass().getName() + ".removePropertyChangeListener"); // NOI18N
            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault();
                err.annotate(ex, "Instance: " + inst); // NOI18N
            } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ex) {
        /** Notifies all registered listeners about the event.
         * @param event The event to be fired
         * @see #PROP_FILE_CHANGED
         * @see #PROP_SAVE
        private void firePropertyChange(String name) {
            if (changeSupport != null)
                changeSupport.firePropertyChange(name, null, null);

        /** force to finish scheduled request */
        public void flush() {
        private buf;

        /** process events coming from a setting object */
        public final void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) {
            if (ignoreChange(pce)) return ;
            isChanged = true;
            if (acceptSave()) {
        public void markDirty() {
            if (ignoreChange(null)) return;
            isChanged = true;
        public void requestSave() throws {
            if (ignoreChange(null)) return;
            isChanged = true;

        /** store buffer to the file. */
        public void run() throws IOException {
            if (!getDataObject().isValid()) {
                //invalid data object cannot be used for storing
                if (err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
                    err.log("invalid data object cannot be used for storing " + getDataObject()); // NOI18N
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                //#25288: DO can be invalidated asynchronously (module disabling)
                //then ignore IO exceptions
                if (getDataObject().isValid()) {
                    throw ex;
                } else {
        /** try to perform atomic action */
        private void try2run() throws IOException {
            org.openide.filesystems.FileLock lock;
            synchronized (READWRITE_LOCK) {
                if (err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
                    err.log("saving " + getDataObject()); // NOI18N
                lock = getScheduledRequest().getFileLock();
                if (lock == null) return;
                los = file.getOutputStream(lock);

       os = new, 1024);
                try {
                    if (err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
                        err.log("saved " + dobj); // NOI18N
                } finally {

        /** Implementation of SaveCookie.  */
        public void save() throws IOException {
            if (!isChanged) return;

        /** store the setting object even if was not changed */
        private void writeDown() throws IOException {
            Object inst = instance.get();
            if (inst == null) return ;
   b = new;
   w = new, "UTF-8"); // NOI18N
            try {
                isWriting = true;
                Convertor conv = getConvertor();
                if (conv != null) {
                    conv.write(w, inst);
                } else {
                    write(w, inst);
            } finally {
                isWriting = false;
            isChanged = false;

            buf = b;
            buf = null;
            if (!isChanged) firePropertyChange(PROP_SAVE);
        /** try to synchronize file name with instance name */
        private void synchronizeName(Object inst) {
            java.lang.reflect.Method getter;
            try {
                try {
                    getter = inst.getClass().getMethod("getDisplayName", null); // NOI18N
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException me) {
                    getter = inst.getClass().getMethod("getName", null); // NOI18N
            } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing
            try {
                String name = (String) getter.invoke(inst, null);
                String oldName = (String) dobj.getPrimaryFile().getAttribute(EA_NAME);
                if (name != null && !name.equals(oldName)) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                err.annotate(ex, dobj.getPrimaryFile().toString());

// Provider

    /** A provider for .settings files  containing serial data format
     * (hexa stream)
    public final static class Provider implements Environment.Provider {
        private final FileObject providerFO;
        public static Environment.Provider create(FileObject fo) {
            return new Provider(fo);

        private Provider(FileObject fo) {
            providerFO = fo;

        public Lookup getEnvironment(DataObject dobj) {
            if (!(dobj instanceof org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject)) return Lookup.EMPTY;
            return new SerialDataConvertor(dobj, providerFO).getLookup();

// NodeConvertor
    /** allow to postpone the node creation */
    private static final class NodeConvertor implements InstanceContent.Convertor {
        NodeConvertor() {}
        public Object convert(Object o) {
            SerialDataConvertor convertor = (SerialDataConvertor) o;
            return new SerialDataNode(convertor);
        public Class type(Object o) {
            return org.openide.nodes.Node.class;
        public String id(Object o) {
            // Generally irrelevant in this context.
            return o.toString();
        public String displayName(Object o) {
            // Again, irrelevant here.
            return o.toString();
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