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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.core.modules;

// Use of core classes generally bad too, though standalone
// classes are OK.

import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;
import org.openide.util.*;
import org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion;
import org.openide.modules.Dependency;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.netbeans.JarClassLoader;

/** Manages a collection of modules.
 * Must use {@link #mutex} to access its important methods.
 * @author Jesse Glick
public final class ModuleManager {
    public static final String PROP_MODULES = "modules"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_ENABLED_MODULES = "enabledModules"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CLASS_LOADER = "classLoader"; // NOI18N
    // For unit testing only:
    // the modules being managed (not all need be installed)
    private final HashSet modules = new HashSet(100); // Set
    // the same, indexed by code name base
    private final Map modulesByName = new HashMap(100); // Map
    // for any module, set of known failed dependencies or problems,
    // or null if this has not been computed yet
    private final Map moduleProblems = new HashMap(100); // Map>
    // modules providing a given requires token; set may never be empty
    private final Map providersOf = new HashMap(25); // Map>
    private final ModuleInstaller installer;
    private SystemClassLoader classLoader;
    private List classLoaderPatches; // List
    private final Object classLoaderLock = new String("ModuleManager.classLoaderLock"); // NOI18N
    private final Events ev;
    /** Create a manager, initially with no managed modules.
     * The handler for installing modules is given.
     * Also the sink for event messages must be given.
    public ModuleManager(ModuleInstaller installer, Events ev) {
        this.installer = installer;
        this.ev = ev;
        String patches = System.getProperty("netbeans.systemclassloader.patches");
        if (patches != null) {
            // Probably temporary helper for XTest. By setting this system property
            // to a classpath (list of directories and JARs separated by the normal
            // path separator) you may append to the system class loader.
            System.err.println("System class loader patches: " + patches); // NOI18N
            classLoaderPatches = new ArrayList();
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(patches, File.pathSeparator);
            while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
                File f = new File(tok.nextToken());
                if (f.isDirectory()) {
                } else {
                    try {
                        classLoaderPatches.add(new JarFile(f));
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        } else {
            // Normal case.
            classLoaderPatches = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        classLoader = new SystemClassLoader(classLoaderPatches, new ClassLoader[] {ModuleManager.class.getClassLoader()}, Collections.EMPTY_SET);
        updateContextClassLoaders(classLoader, true);
    /** Access for ManifestSection. */
    final Events getEvents() {
        return ev;
    private final Mutex.Privileged MUTEX_PRIVILEGED = new Mutex.Privileged();
    private final Mutex MUTEX = new Mutex(MUTEX_PRIVILEGED);
    /** Get a locking mutex for this module installer.
     * All calls other than adding or removing property change
     * listeners, or getting the module lookup, called on this
     * class must be done within the scope of this mutex
     * (with read or write access as appropriate). Methods
     * on ModuleInfo need not be called within it; methods
     * specifically on Module do need to be called within it
     * (read access is sufficient). Note that property changes
     * are fired with read access already held for convenience.
     * Please avoid entering the mutex from "sensitive" threads
     * such as the event thread, the folder recognizer/lookup
     * thread, etc., or with other locks held (such as the Children
     * mutex), especially when entering the mutex as a writer:
     * actions such as enabling modules in particular can call
     * arbitrary foreign module code which may do a number of
     * strange things (including consuming a significant amount of
     * time and waiting for other tasks such as lookup or data
     * object recognition). Use the request processor or the IDE's
     * main startup thread or the execution engine to be safe.
    public final Mutex mutex() {
        return MUTEX;
    /** Classes in this package can, if careful, use the privileged form.
    final Mutex.Privileged mutexPrivileged() {
        return MUTEX_PRIVILEGED;
    // [PENDING] with improved API for Mutex, could throw
    // IllegalStateException if any thread attempts to call
    // a controlled method without holding the proper mutex lock
    /** Manages changes accumulating in this manager and fires them when ready.
    private ChangeFirer firer = new ChangeFirer(this);
    /** True while firer is firing changes.
    private boolean readOnly = false;
    /** Sets the r/o flag. Access from ChangeFirer.
     * @param ro if true, cannot make any changes until set to false again
    void readOnly(boolean ro) {
        readOnly = ro;
    /** Assert that the current thread state permits writing.
     * Currently does not check that there is a write mutex!
     * (Pending #13352.)
     * But does check that I am not firing changes.
     * @throws IllegalThreadStateException if currently firing changes
    void assertWritable() throws IllegalThreadStateException {
        if (readOnly) {
            throw new IllegalThreadStateException("You are attempting to make changes to " + this + " in a property change callback. This is illegal. You may only make module system changes while holding a write mutex and not inside a change callback. See #16328."); // NOI18N
    private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport;
    /** Add a change listener.
     * Only the declared properties will be fired, and they are
     * not guaranteed to be fired synchronously with the change
     * (currently they are not in fact, for safety). The change
     * events are not guaranteed to provide an old and new value,
     * so you will need to use the proper
     * getter methods. When the changes are fired, you are inside
     * the mutex with read access.
    public final void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (changeSupport == null)
                changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
    /** Remove a change listener. */
    public final void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
        if (changeSupport != null)
    // Access from ChangeFirer:
    final void firePropertyChange(String prop, Object old, Object nue) {
        if (Util.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
            Util.err.log("ModuleManager.propertyChange: " + prop + ": " + old + " -> " + nue);
        if (changeSupport != null)
            changeSupport.firePropertyChange(prop, old, nue);
    /** For access from Module. */
    final void fireReloadable(Module m) {
        firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_RELOADABLE, null, null));;
    private final Util.ModuleLookup lookup = new Util.ModuleLookup();
    /** Retrieve set of modules in Lookup form.
     * The core top manager should install this into the set of
     * available lookups. Will fire lookup events when the
     * set of modules changes (not for enabling/disabling/etc.).
     * No other subsystem should make any attempt to provide an instance of
     * ModuleInfo via lookup, so an optimization could be to jump
     * straight to this lookup when ModuleInfo/Module is requested.
    public Lookup getModuleLookup() {
        return lookup;
    // Access from ChangeFirer:
    final void fireModulesCreatedDeleted(Set created, Set deleted) {
        Util.err.log("lookup created: " + created + " deleted: " + deleted);
    /** Get a set of {@link Module}s being managed.
     * No two contained modules may at any time share the same code name base.
     * @see #PROP_MODULES
    public Set getModules() {
        return (Set)modules.clone();
    /** Get a set of modules managed which are currently enabled.
     * Convenience method only.
    public final Set getEnabledModules() {
        Set s = new HashSet(modules); // Set
        Iterator it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Module m = (Module);
            if (! m.isEnabled()) {
        return s;
    /** Convenience method to find a module by name.
     * Returns null if there is no such managed module.
    public final Module get(String codeNameBase) {
        return (Module)modulesByName.get(codeNameBase);
     * Get a set of modules depended upon or depending on this module.

Note that provide-require dependencies are listed alongside direct * dependencies; a module with a required token is considered to depend on * all modules providing that token (though in fact only one is needed * to enable it). *

Illegal cyclic dependencies are omitted. * @param m a module to start from; may be enabled or not, but must be owned by this manager * @param reverse if true, find modules depending on this module; if false, find * modules this module depends upon * @param transitive if true, these dependencies are considered transitively as well * @return a set (possibly empty) of modules managed by this manager, never including m * @since org.netbeans.core/1 > 1.17 */ public Set/**/ getModuleInterdependencies(Module m, boolean reverse, boolean transitive) { return Util.moduleInterdependencies(m, reverse, transitive, modules, modulesByName, providersOf); } /** Get a classloader capable of loading from any * of the enabled modules or their declared extensions. * Should be used as the result of TopManager.systemClassLoader. * Thread-safe. * @see #PROP_CLASS_LOADER */ public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { // #16265: should not require mutex to get at. Many pieces of the IDE // require the correct result immediately. synchronized (classLoaderLock) { return classLoader; } } /** Mark the current class loader as invalid and make a new one. */ private void invalidateClassLoader() { synchronized (classLoaderLock) { classLoader.destroy(); // probably has no effect, but just in case... } // Set, not List, because if we have >1 bootstrap module (using Plain), // it is likely that some of these classloaders will overlap. Set foundParents = new HashSet(modules.size() * 4 / 3 + 2); // Set List parents = new ArrayList(modules.size() + 1); // List ClassLoader base = ModuleManager.class.getClassLoader(); foundParents.add(base); parents.add(base); Iterator it = modules.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = ((Module); if (! m.isEnabled()) { continue; } if (foundParents.add(m.getClassLoader())) { parents.add(m.getClassLoader()); } } ClassLoader[] parentCLs = (ClassLoader[])parents.toArray(new ClassLoader[parents.size()]); SystemClassLoader nue; try { nue = new SystemClassLoader(classLoaderPatches, parentCLs, modules); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { Util.err.notify(iae); nue = new SystemClassLoader(classLoaderPatches, new ClassLoader[] {ModuleManager.class.getClassLoader()}, Collections.EMPTY_SET); } synchronized (classLoaderLock) { classLoader = nue; updateContextClassLoaders(classLoader, false); } firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(this, PROP_CLASS_LOADER, null, null)); } private static void updateContextClassLoaders(ClassLoader l, boolean force) { // See #20663. ThreadGroup g = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); while (g.getParent() != null) g = g.getParent(); // Now g is the master thread group, hopefully. // See #4097747 for an explanation of the convoluted logic. while (true) { int s = g.activeCount() + 1; Thread[] ts = new Thread[s]; int x = g.enumerate(ts, true); if (x < s) { // We got all of the threads, good. for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { // The first time when we make the manager, set all of the // threads to have this context classloader. Let's hope no // threads needing a special context loader have been started // yet! On subsequent occasions, when the classloader // changes, we update all threads for which setContextClassLoader // has not been called with some other special classloader. if (force || (ts[i].getContextClassLoader() instanceof SystemClassLoader)) { //Util.err.log("Setting ctxt CL on " + ts[i].getName() + " to " + l); ts[i].setContextClassLoader(l); } else { Util.err.log("Not touching context class loader " + ts[i].getContextClassLoader() + " on thread " + ts[i].getName()); } } Util.err.log("Set context class loader on " + x + " threads"); break; } else { Util.err.log("Race condition getting all threads, restarting..."); continue; } } } /** A classloader giving access to all the module classloaders at once. */ private final class SystemClassLoader extends JarClassLoader { private final PermissionCollection allPermissions; private final StringBuffer debugme; private boolean empty = true; public SystemClassLoader(List files, ClassLoader[] parents, Set modules) throws IllegalArgumentException { super(files, parents, false); allPermissions = new Permissions(); allPermissions.add(new AllPermission()); allPermissions.setReadOnly(); debugme = new StringBuffer(100 + 50 * modules.size()); debugme.append("SystemClassLoader["); // NOI18N Iterator it = files.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object o = (Object); String s; if (o instanceof File) { s = ((File)o).getAbsolutePath(); } else { s = ((JarFile)o).getName(); } if (empty) { empty = false; } else { debugme.append(','); // NOI18N } debugme.append(s); } record(modules); debugme.append(']'); // NOI18N } private void record(Collection modules) { Iterator it = modules.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (empty) { empty = false; } else { debugme.append(','); // NOI18N } Module m = (Module); debugme.append(m.getCodeNameBase()); } } public void append(ClassLoader[] ls, List modules) throws IllegalArgumentException { super.append(ls); debugme.deleteCharAt(debugme.length() - 1); record(modules); debugme.append(']'); // NOI18N } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); Util.err.log("Collected system class loader"); } public String toString() { return debugme.toString(); } protected boolean isSpecialResource(String pkg) { if (installer.isSpecialResource(pkg)) { return true; } return super.isSpecialResource(pkg); } /** Provide all permissions for any code loaded from the files list * (i.e. with netbeans.systemclassloader.patches). */ protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource cs) { return allPermissions; } } /** @see #create(File,Object,boolean,boolean,boolean) * @deprecated since org.netbeans.core/1 1.3 */ public Module create(File jar, Object history, boolean reloadable, boolean autoload) throws IOException, DuplicateException { return create(jar, history, reloadable, autoload, false); } /** Create a module from a JAR and add it to the managed set. * Will initially be disabled, unless it is eager and can * be enabled immediately. * May throw an IOException if the JAR file cannot be opened * for some reason, or is malformed. * If there is already a module of the same name managed, * throws a duplicate exception. In this case you may wish * to delete the original and try again. * You must give it some history object which can be used * to provide context for where the module came from and * whether it has been here before. * You cannot request that a module be both autoload and eager. */ public Module create(File jar, Object history, boolean reloadable, boolean autoload, boolean eager) throws IOException, DuplicateException { assertWritable(); ev.log(Events.START_CREATE_REGULAR_MODULE, jar); Module m = new Module(this, ev, jar.getAbsoluteFile(), history, reloadable, autoload, eager); ev.log(Events.FINISH_CREATE_REGULAR_MODULE, jar); subCreate(m); if (m.isEager()) { List immediate = simulateEnable(Collections.EMPTY_SET); if (!immediate.isEmpty()) { if (!immediate.contains(m)) throw new IllegalStateException("Can immediately enable modules " + immediate + ", but not including " + m); // NOI18N boolean ok = true; Iterator it = immediate.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); if (!other.isAutoload() && !other.isEager()) { // Nope, would require a real module to be turned on first. ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { Util.err.log("Enabling " + m + " immediately"); enable(Collections.EMPTY_SET); } } } return m; } /** Create a fixed module (e.g. from classpath). * Will initially be disabled. */ public Module createFixed(Manifest mani, Object history, ClassLoader loader) throws InvalidException, DuplicateException { assertWritable(); if (mani == null || loader == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null manifest or loader"); // NOI18N ev.log(Events.START_CREATE_BOOT_MODULE, history); Module m = new Module(this, ev, mani, history, loader); ev.log(Events.FINISH_CREATE_BOOT_MODULE, history); subCreate(m); return m; } /** Used by Module to communicate with the ModuleInstaller re. dependencies. */ void refineDependencies(Module m, Set dependencies) { installer.refineDependencies(m, dependencies); } /** Allows the installer to add provides (used to provide name of platform we run on) */ String[] refineProvides (Module m) { return installer.refineProvides (m); } /** Used by Module to communicate with the ModuleInstaller re. classloader. */ void refineClassLoader(Module m, List parents) { // #27853: installer.refineClassLoader(m, parents); } /** Use by OneModuleClassLoader to communicate with the ModuleInstaller re. masking. */ boolean shouldDelegateResource(Module m, Module parent, String pkg) { // Cf. #19621: Module.PackageExport[] exports = (parent == null) ? null : parent.getPublicPackages(); if (exports != null) { //Util.err.log("exports=" + Arrays.asList(exports)); // Packages from parent are restricted: #19621. boolean exported = false; for (int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++) { if (exports[i].recursive ? pkg.startsWith(exports[i].pkg) : pkg.equals(exports[i].pkg)) { //Util.err.log("matches " + exports[i]); exported = true; break; } } if (!exported) { // This package is not public. m must have a direct impl-version // dependency on parent or it has no right to use this package. boolean friend = false; Dependency[] deps = m.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { if (deps[i].getType() == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE && deps[i].getComparison() == Dependency.COMPARE_IMPL && deps[i].getName().equals(parent.getCodeName())) { friend = true; //Util.err.log("friend in " + deps[i]); break; } } if (!friend) { // This module cannot use the package, sorry! It's private. //Util.err.log("forbidden"); if (Util.err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { // Note that this is usually harmless. Typical case: Introspector.getBeanInfo // is called on some module-supplied class; this looks in the module's classloader // for org.netbeans.beaninfo.ModuleClassBeanInfo, which of course would not be // found anyway. Util.err.log("Refusing to load non-public package " + pkg + " for " + m + " from parent module " + parent + " without an impl dependency"); } return false; } //Util.err.log("friend"); } //Util.err.log("exported"); } if (pkg.startsWith("META-INF/")) { // NOI18N // Modules should not make direct reference to metainfo dirs of // other modules. Don't bother logging it, however. return false; } // The installer can perform additional checks: return installer.shouldDelegateResource(m, parent, pkg); } boolean isSpecialResource(String pkg) { return installer.isSpecialResource(pkg); } // Again, access from Module to ModuleInstaller: Manifest loadManifest(File jar) throws IOException { return installer.loadManifest(jar); } private void subCreate(Module m) throws DuplicateException { Util.err.log("created: " + m); Module old = get(m.getCodeNameBase()); if (old != null) { throw new DuplicateException(old, m); } modules.add(m); modulesByName.put(m.getCodeNameBase(), m); possibleProviderAdded(m); lookup.add(m); firer.created(m); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(this, PROP_MODULES, null, null)); // It might have been that some other modules were thought to be missing // dependencies only because they needed this one. And other modules still // might have depended on this one, etc. So forget any cached info about // problems arising from inter-module dependencies. clearProblemCache();; } private void possibleProviderAdded(Module m) { String[] provides = m.getProvides(); for (int i = 0; i < provides.length; i++) { Set providing = (Set)providersOf.get(provides[i]); if (providing == null) { providing = new HashSet(10); // Set providersOf.put(provides[i], providing); } providing.add(m); } } /** Remove a module from the managed set. * Must be disabled first. * Must not be a "fixed" module. */ public void delete(Module m) throws IllegalArgumentException { assertWritable(); if (m.isFixed()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fixed module: " + m); // NOI18N if (m.isEnabled()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("enabled module: " + m); // NOI18N ev.log(Events.DELETE_MODULE, m); modules.remove(m); modulesByName.remove(m.getCodeNameBase()); possibleProviderRemoved(m); lookup.remove(m); firer.deleted(m); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(this, PROP_MODULES, null, null)); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_VALID, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE)); // #14561: some other module might now be uninstallable as a result. clearProblemCache(); m.destroy();; } private void possibleProviderRemoved(Module m) { String[] provides = m.getProvides(); for (int i = 0; i < provides.length; i++) { Set providing = (Set)providersOf.get(provides[i]); if (providing != null) { providing.remove(m); if (providing.isEmpty()) { providersOf.remove(provides[i]); } } else { // Else we called reload and m.reload threw IOException, so // it has already removed its provider list } } } /** Reload a module. * This could make a fresh copy of its JAR file preparing * to enable it with different contents; at least it will * rescan the manifest. * It must currently be disabled and not "fixed", and it will * stay disabled after this call; to actually reinstall it * requires a separate call. * It may or may not actually be marked "reloadable", but * for greatest reliability it should be. * Besides actually reloading the contents, any cached information * about failed dependencies or runtime problems with the module * is cleared so it may be tried again. */ public void reload(Module m) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { assertWritable(); // No Events, not a user- nor performance-interesting action. Util.err.log("reload: " + m); if (m.isFixed()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reload fixed module: " + m); // NOI18N if (m.isEnabled()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reload enabled module: " + m); // NOI18N possibleProviderRemoved(m); try { m.reload(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Module is trash, remove it from our list and pass on the exception. delete(m); throw ioe; } possibleProviderAdded(m); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_MANIFEST, null, null)); // Some problem with this module may now have gone away. In turn, some // other modules may now no longer have problems. So clear the cache // of "soft" problems (interdependencies between modules). // Also clear any "hard" problems associated with this module, as they // may now have been fixed. moduleProblems.remove(m); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_PROBLEMS, null, null)); clearProblemCache();; } /** Enable a single module. * Must have satisfied its dependencies. * Must not be an autoload module, when supported. */ public final void enable(Module m) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidException { enable(Collections.singleton(m)); } /** Disable a single module. * Must not be required by any enabled modules. * Must not be an autoload module, when supported. */ public final void disable(Module m) throws IllegalArgumentException { disable(Collections.singleton(m)); } /** Enable a set of modules together. * Must have satisfied their dependencies * (possibly with one another). * Must not contain autoload nor eager modules. * Might contain fixed modules (they can only be installed once of course). * It is permissible to pass in modules which in fact at runtime cannot * satisfy their package dependencies, or which {@link ModuleInstaller#prepare} * rejects on the basis of missing contents. In such a case InvalidException * will be thrown and nothing will be installed. The InvalidException in such * a case should contain a reference to the offending module. */ public void enable(Set modules) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidException { assertWritable(); Util.err.log("enable: " + modules); /* Consider eager modules: if (modules.isEmpty()) { return; } */ ev.log(Events.PERF_START, "ModuleManager.enable"); // NOI18N // Basic problems will be caught here, and we also get the autoloads: List toEnable = simulateEnable(modules); ev.log(Events.PERF_TICK, "checked the required ordering and autoloads"); // NOI18N Util.err.log("enable: toEnable=" + toEnable); // NOI18N { // Verify that we are cool as far as basic dependencies go. Set testing = new HashSet(toEnable); if (! testing.containsAll(modules)) { Set bogus = new HashSet(modules); bogus.removeAll(testing); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not all requested modules can be enabled: " + bogus); // NOI18N } Iterator it = testing.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (!modules.contains(m) && !m.isAutoload() && !m.isEager()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Would also need to enable " + m); // NOI18N } } } Util.err.log("enable: verified dependencies"); ev.log(Events.PERF_TICK, "verified dependencies"); // NOI18N ev.log(Events.START_ENABLE_MODULES, toEnable); { // Actually turn on the listed modules. // List of modules that need to be "rolled back". LinkedList fallback = new LinkedList(); // Whether we were attempting to bring a classloader up. // This affects whether we need to rollback that change on the // problem module or not. boolean tryingClassLoaderUp = false; // If a failure due to package dep occurs, store it here. Dependency failedPackageDep = null; try { Iterator teIt = toEnable.iterator(); ev.log(Events.PERF_START, "module preparation" ); // NOI18N while (teIt.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); fallback.addFirst(m); Util.err.log("enable: bringing up: " + m); ev.log(Events.PERF_START, "bringing up classloader on " + m.getCodeName() ); // NOI18N try { // Calculate the parents to initialize the classloader with. Dependency[] dependencies = m.getDependenciesArray(); Set parents = new HashSet(dependencies.length * 4 / 3 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = dependencies[i]; if (dep.getType() != Dependency.TYPE_MODULE) { // Token providers do *not* go into the parent classloader // list. The providing module must have been turned on first. // But you cannot automatically access classes from it. continue; } String name = (String)Util.parseCodeName(dep.getName())[0]; Module parent = get(name); // Should not happen: if (parent == null) throw new IOException("Parent " + name + " not found!"); // NOI18N parents.add(parent); } m.classLoaderUp(parents); } catch (IOException ioe) { tryingClassLoaderUp = true; InvalidException ie = new InvalidException(m, ioe.toString()); Util.err.annotate(ie, ioe); throw ie; } m.setEnabled(true); ev.log(Events.PERF_END, "bringing up classloader on " + m.getCodeName() ); // NOI18N // Check package dependencies. ev.log(Events.PERF_START, "package dependency check on " + m.getCodeName() ); // NOI18N Util.err.log("enable: checking package dependencies for " + m); Dependency[] dependencies = m.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = dependencies[i]; if (dep.getType() != Dependency.TYPE_PACKAGE) { continue; } if (! Util.checkPackageDependency(dep, m.getClassLoader())) { failedPackageDep = dep; throw new InvalidException(m, "Dependency failed on " + dep); // NOI18N } Util.err.log("Successful check for: " + dep); } ev.log(Events.PERF_END, "package dependency check on " + m.getCodeName() ); // NOI18N // Prepare to load it. ev.log(Events.PERF_START, "ModuleInstaller.prepare " + m.getCodeName() ); // NOI18N installer.prepare(m); ev.log(Events.PERF_END, "ModuleInstaller.prepare " + m.getCodeName() ); // NOI18N } ev.log(Events.PERF_END, "module preparation" ); // NOI18N } catch (InvalidException ie) { // Remember that there was a problem with this guy. Module bad = ie.getModule(); if (bad == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Problem with no associated module: " + ie); // NOI18N Set probs = (Set)moduleProblems.get(bad); if (probs == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Were trying to install a module that had never been checked: " + bad); // NOI18N if (! probs.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Were trying to install a module that was known to be bad: " + bad); // NOI18N // Record for posterity. if (failedPackageDep != null) { // Structured package dependency failed, track this. probs.add(failedPackageDep); } else { // Some other problem (exception). probs.add(ie); } // Other modules may have depended on this one and now will not be OK. // So clear all "soft" problems from the cache. // Remember, the problem we just added will be left alone, only // inter-module dependencies will be cleared. clearProblemCache(); // #14560: this one definitely changed its set of problems. firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(bad, Module.PROP_PROBLEMS, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.singleton(probs.iterator().next()))); // Rollback changes made so far before rethrowing. Util.err.log("enable: will roll back from: " + ie); Iterator fbIt = fallback.iterator(); while (fbIt.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); m.setEnabled(false); if (tryingClassLoaderUp) { // OK, taken into account for first module, others are up. tryingClassLoaderUp = false; } else { m.classLoaderDown(); System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); m.cleanup(); } }; throw ie; } // They all were OK so far; add to system classloader and install them. if (classLoader != null) { Util.err.log("enable: adding to system classloader"); List nueclassloaders = new ArrayList(toEnable.size()); Iterator teIt = toEnable.iterator(); while (teIt.hasNext()) { nueclassloaders.add(((Module); } classLoader.append((ClassLoader[])(nueclassloaders.toArray(new ClassLoader[nueclassloaders.size()])), toEnable); } else { Util.err.log("enable: no class loader yet, not appending"); } Util.err.log("enable: continuing to installation"); installer.load(toEnable); } { // Take care of notifying various changes. Util.err.log("enable: firing changes"); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(this, PROP_ENABLED_MODULES, null, null)); // The class loader does not actually change as a result of this. Iterator it = toEnable.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, ModuleInfo.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE)); if (! m.isFixed()) { firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_CLASS_LOADER, null, null)); } } } ev.log(Events.FINISH_ENABLE_MODULES, toEnable);; } /** Disable a set of modules together. * Must not be required by any enabled * modules (except one another). * Must not contain autoload nor eager modules. * Must not contain fixed modules. */ public void disable(Set modules) throws IllegalArgumentException { assertWritable(); Util.err.log("disable: " + modules); if (modules.isEmpty()) { return; } // Checks for invalid items, plus includes autoloads to turn off. List toDisable = simulateDisable(modules); Util.err.log("disable: toDisable=" + toDisable); { // Verify that dependencies are OK. Iterator it = toDisable.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (!modules.contains(m) && !m.isAutoload() && !m.isEager()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Would also need to disable: " + m); // NOI18N } } } Util.err.log("disable: verified dependencies"); ev.log(Events.START_DISABLE_MODULES, toDisable); { // Actually turn off all modules. installer.unload(toDisable); Iterator it = toDisable.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); installer.dispose(m); m.setEnabled(false); m.classLoaderDown(); } System.gc(); // hope OneModuleClassLoader.finalize() is called... System.runFinalization(); // but probably it won't be. See #4405807. it = toDisable.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); m.cleanup(); } } Util.err.log("disable: finished, will notify changes"); { // Notify various changes. firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(this, PROP_ENABLED_MODULES, null, null)); // Class loader will change as a result. invalidateClassLoader(); Iterator it = toDisable.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, ModuleInfo.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE)); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_CLASS_LOADER, null, null)); } } ev.log(Events.FINISH_DISABLE_MODULES, toDisable);; } /** Simulate what would happen if a set of modules were to be enabled. * None of the listed modules may be autoload modules, nor eager, nor currently enabled, * though they may be fixed (if they have not yet been enabled). * It may happen that some of them do not satisfy their dependencies. * It may also happen that some of them require other, currently disabled, * modules to be enabled in order for them to be enabled. * It may further happen that some currently disabled eager modules could * be enabled as a result of these modules being enabled. * The returned set is the set of all modules that actually could be enabled. * It will include the requested modules, minus any that cannot satisfy * their dependencies (even on each other), plus any managed but currently * disabled modules that would need to be enabled (including autoload modules * required by some listed module but not by any currently enabled module), * plus any eager modules which can be enabled with the other enablements * (and possibly any autoloads needed by those eager modules). * Where a requested module requires some token, either it will not be included * in the result (in case the dependency cannot be satisfied), or it will, and * all modules providing that token which can be included will be included, even * if it would suffice to choose only one - unless a module providing that token * is already enabled or in the requested list, * in which case just the requested module will be listed. * Modules are returned in an order in which they could be enabled (where * base modules are always enabled before dependent modules). * Note that the returned list might include modules which in fact cannot be * enabled either because some package dependencies (which are checked only * on a live classloader) cannot be met; or {@link ModuleInstaller#prepare} * indicates that the modules are not in a valid format to install; or * creating the module classloader fails unexpectedly. */ public List simulateEnable(Set modules) throws IllegalArgumentException { /* Not quite, eager modules may change this: if (modules.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } */ // XXX also optimize for modules.size == 1 Set willEnable = new HashSet(modules.size() * 2 + 1); // Set Iterator it = modules.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (m.isAutoload()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot simulate enabling an autoload: " + m); // NOI18N if (m.isEager()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot simulate enabling an eager module: " + m); // NOI18N if (m.isEnabled()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already enabled: " + m); // NOI18N if (!m.isValid()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not managed by me: " + m + " in " + m.getJarFile()); // NOI18N maybeAddToEnableList(willEnable, modules, m, true); } // XXX clumsy but should work: Set stillDisabled = new HashSet(this.modules); // Set it = stillDisabled.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (m.isEnabled() || willEnable.contains(m)) { it.remove(); } } while (searchForPossibleEager(willEnable, stillDisabled, modules)) {/* search again */} Map deps = Util.moduleDependencies(willEnable, modulesByName, providersOf); try { List l = Utilities.topologicalSort(willEnable, deps); Collections.reverse(l); return l; } catch (TopologicalSortException ex) { // Some kind of cycle involving prov-req deps. Should be extremely rare. // Do not know what to do here, actually, so give up. if (PRINT_TOPOLOGICAL_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACES) { Util.err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex); } Util.err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Cyclic module dependencies, will refuse to enable: " + deps); // NOI18N return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } private void maybeAddToEnableList(Set willEnable, Set mightEnable, Module m, boolean okToFail) { if (! missingDependencies(m).isEmpty()) { // Should never happen: if (! okToFail) throw new IllegalStateException("Module was supposed to be OK: " + m); // NOI18N // Cannot satisfy its dependencies, exclude it. return; } if (willEnable.contains(m)) { // Already there, done. return; } willEnable.add(m); // Also add anything it depends on, if not already there, // or already enabled. Dependency[] dependencies = m.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = dependencies[i]; if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE) { String codeNameBase = (String)Util.parseCodeName(dep.getName())[0]; Module other = get(codeNameBase); // Should never happen: if (other == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Should have found module: " + codeNameBase); // NOI18N if (! other.isEnabled()) { maybeAddToEnableList(willEnable, mightEnable, other, false); } } else if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_REQUIRES) { String token = dep.getName(); Set providers = (Set)providersOf.get(token); // Set if (providers == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Should have found a provider of: " + token); // NOI18N // First check if >= 1 is already enabled or will be soon. If so, great. Iterator provIt = providers.iterator(); boolean foundOne = false; while (provIt.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); if (other.isEnabled() || (other.getProblems().isEmpty() && mightEnable.contains(other))) { foundOne = true; break; } } if (foundOne) { // OK, we are satisfied. continue; } // All disabled. So add them all to the enable list. provIt = providers.iterator(); while (provIt.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); // It is OK if one of them fails. maybeAddToEnableList(willEnable, mightEnable, other, true); // But we still check to ensure that at least one did not! if (!foundOne && willEnable.contains(other)) { foundOne = true; // and continue with the others, try to add them too... } } if (!foundOne) { // Hmm, one of those was supposed to have worked. throw new IllegalStateException("Should have found a nonproblematic provider of: " + token); // NOI18N } } // else some other kind of dependency that does not concern us } } private boolean searchForPossibleEager(Set willEnable, Set stillDisabled, Set mightEnable) { // Check for any eagers in stillDisabled which could be enabled based // on currently enabled modules and willEnable. For any such, remove from // stillDisabled and add to willEnable (using maybeAddToEnableList, so that // autoloads needed by them are picked up too). If any were found, return true. boolean found = false; Iterator it = stillDisabled.iterator(); FIND_EAGER: while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (willEnable.contains(m)) { // Presumably real module M1, eager M2 dep. on M1, eager M3 dep. // on M2; already called couldBeEnabledWithEagers(M3) and it // added M3 to willEnable (thus M2 also) but only removed M3 // from willEnable, so we should skip it now. it.remove(); continue; } if (m.isEager()) { if (couldBeEnabledWithEagers(m, willEnable, new HashSet())) { // Go for it! found = true; it.remove(); maybeAddToEnableList(willEnable, mightEnable, m, false); } } } return found; } private boolean couldBeEnabledWithEagers(Module m, Set willEnable, Set recursion) { // True if a search of the dependencies of this module reveals // only modules which are currently enabled; in the willEnable // list; or are autoloads or eager modules for which this predicate // is recursively true. if (m.isEnabled() || willEnable.contains(m)) return true; if (!m.isAutoload() && !m.isEager()) return false; if (!m.getProblems().isEmpty()) return false; if (!recursion.add(m)) { // A cycle, they can enable one another... return true; } Dependency[] dependencies = m.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = dependencies[i]; if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE) { String codeNameBase = (String)Util.parseCodeName(dep.getName())[0]; Module other = get(codeNameBase); // Should never happen: if (other == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Should have found module: " + codeNameBase); // NOI18N if (!couldBeEnabledWithEagers(other, willEnable, recursion)) return false; } else if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_REQUIRES) { Set providers = (Set)providersOf.get(dep.getName()); if (providers == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Should have found a provider of: " + dep.getName()); // NOI18N // Just need *one* to match. Iterator provIt = providers.iterator(); boolean foundOne = false; while (provIt.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); if (couldBeEnabledWithEagers(other, willEnable, recursion)) { foundOne = true; break; } } if (!foundOne) return false; } // else some other dep type } return true; } /** Simulate what would happen if a set of modules were to be disabled. * None of the listed modules may be autoload modules, nor eager, nor currently disabled, nor fixed. * The returned set will list all modules that would actually be disabled, * meaning the listed modules, plus any currently enabled but unlisted modules * (including autoloads) that require some listed modules, plus any autoloads * which would no longer be needed as they were only required by modules * otherwise disabled. * Provide-require pairs count for purposes of disablement: if the set of * requested modules includes all remaining enabled providers of some token, * and modules requiring that token will need to be disabled as well. * Modules are returned in an order in which they could be disabled (where * dependent modules are always disabled before base modules). */ public List simulateDisable(Set modules) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (modules.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } // XXX also optimize for modules.size == 1 // Probably not a very efficient algorithm. But it probably does not need to be. Set willDisable = new HashSet(20); // Set Iterator it = modules.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (m.isAutoload()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot disable autoload: " + m); // NOI18N if (m.isEager()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot disable eager module: " + m); // NOI18N if (m.isFixed()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot disable fixed module: " + m); // NOI18N if (! m.isEnabled()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already disabled: " + m); // NOI18N addToDisableList(willDisable, m); } Set stillEnabled = new HashSet(getEnabledModules()); // Set stillEnabled.removeAll(willDisable); while (searchForUnusedAutoloads(willDisable, stillEnabled)) {/* search again */} Map deps = Util.moduleDependencies(willDisable, modulesByName, providersOf); try { return Utilities.topologicalSort(willDisable, deps); } catch (TopologicalSortException ex) { // Again, don't know what to do exactly, so give up and just turn them off. if (PRINT_TOPOLOGICAL_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACES) { Util.err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex); } Util.err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Cyclic module dependencies, will turn them off in a random order: " + deps); // NOI18N return new ArrayList(willDisable); } } private void addToDisableList(Set willDisable, Module m) { if (willDisable.contains(m)) { // E.g. if original set had A then B, B depends on A. return; } willDisable.add(m); // Find any modules depending on this one which are currently enabled. // (And not already here.) // If there are any, add them. Iterator it = modules.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); if (other.isFixed() || ! other.isEnabled() || willDisable.contains(other)) { continue; } Dependency[] depenencies = other.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < depenencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = depenencies[i]; if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE) { if (dep.getName().equals(m.getCodeName())) { // Need to disable this one too. addToDisableList(willDisable, other); // No need to scan the rest of its dependencies. break; } } else if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_REQUIRES) { if (m.provides(dep.getName())) { // Careful. There may be some third module still enabled which // provides this same token too. Iterator thirdModules = getEnabledModules().iterator(); boolean foundOne = false; while (thirdModules.hasNext()) { Module third = (Module); if (third.isEnabled() && !willDisable.contains(third) && third.provides(dep.getName())) { foundOne = true; break; } } if (!foundOne) { // Nope, we were the only/last one to provide it. addToDisableList(willDisable, other); break; } } } // else some other kind of dependency, we do not care } } } private boolean searchForUnusedAutoloads(Set willDisable, Set stillEnabled) { // Check for any autoloads in stillEnabled which are not used by anything else // in stillEnabled. For each such, remove it from stillEnabled and add // to willDisable. If any were found, return true. boolean found = false; Iterator it = stillEnabled.iterator(); FIND_AUTOLOADS: while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); if (m.isAutoload()) { Iterator it2 = stillEnabled.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); Dependency[] dependencies = other.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = dependencies[i]; if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE) { if (dep.getName().equals(m.getCodeName())) { // Still used, skip it. continue FIND_AUTOLOADS; } } else if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_REQUIRES) { // Here we play it safe and leave autoloads on if they provide // something used by some module - even if technically it would // be possible to turn off the autoload because there is another // enabled module providing the same thing. Leave it on anyway. if (m.provides(dep.getName())) { continue FIND_AUTOLOADS; } } // else some other type } } // Nobody uses it! found = true; it.remove(); willDisable.add(m); } } return found; } // dummy object to be placed in the problem set while recursive checking is in progress private static final Object PROBING_IN_PROCESS = new Object(); // Access from Module.getProblems, q.v. // The probed module must not be currently enabled or fixed. Set missingDependencies(Module probed) { // We need to synchronize here because though this method may be called // only within a read mutex, it can write to moduleProblems. Other places // where moduleProblems are used are write-mutex only and so do not have // to worry about contention. synchronized (moduleProblems) { return _missingDependencies(probed); } } private Set _missingDependencies(Module probed) { Set probs = (Set)moduleProblems.get(probed); if (probs == null) { probs = new HashSet(8); probs.add(PROBING_IN_PROCESS); moduleProblems.put(probed, probs); Dependency[] dependencies = probed.getDependenciesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { Dependency dep = dependencies[i]; if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_PACKAGE) { // Can't check it in advance. Assume it is OK; if not // a problem will be indicated during an actual installation // attempt. } else if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_MODULE) { // Look for the corresponding module. Object[] depParse = Util.parseCodeName(dep.getName()); String codeNameBase = (String)depParse[0]; int relVersionMin = (depParse[1] != null) ? ((Integer)depParse[1]).intValue() : -1; int relVersionMax = (depParse[2] != null) ? ((Integer)depParse[2]).intValue() : relVersionMin; Module other = get(codeNameBase); if (other == null) { // No such module, bad. probs.add(dep); continue; } if (relVersionMin == relVersionMax) { // Non-ranged dep. if (relVersionMin != other.getCodeNameRelease()) { // Wrong major version, bad. probs.add(dep); continue; } if (dep.getComparison() == Dependency.COMPARE_IMPL && ! Utilities.compareObjects(dep.getVersion(), other.getImplementationVersion())) { // NOI18N // Wrong impl version, bad. probs.add(dep); continue; } if (dep.getComparison() == Dependency.COMPARE_SPEC && new SpecificationVersion(dep.getVersion()).compareTo( other.getSpecificationVersion()) > 0) { // Spec version not high enough, bad. probs.add(dep); continue; } } else if (relVersionMin < relVersionMax) { // Ranged dep. int otherRel = other.getCodeNameRelease(); if (otherRel < relVersionMin || otherRel > relVersionMax) { // Major version outside of range, bad. probs.add(dep); continue; } if (dep.getComparison() == Dependency.COMPARE_IMPL) { throw new IllegalStateException("No such thing as ranged impl dep"); // NOI18N } if (dep.getComparison() == Dependency.COMPARE_SPEC && // Spec comparisons only apply to the earliest major rel. otherRel == relVersionMin && new SpecificationVersion(dep.getVersion()).compareTo( other.getSpecificationVersion()) > 0) { // Spec version not high enough, bad. probs.add(dep); continue; } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Upside-down rel vers range"); // NOI18N } if (! other.isEnabled()) { // Need to make sure the other one is not missing anything either. // Nor that it depends (directly on indirectly) on this one. if (! _missingDependencies(other).isEmpty()) { // This is a little subtle. Either the other module had real // problems, in which case our dependency on it is not legit. // Or, the other actually depends cyclically on this one. In // that case, *it* would wind up calling missingDependencies // on this module, but this module has already put a nonempty // set in the mapping (containing at least the element // PROBING_IN_PROCESS), causing the other module to fail and // return a dependency on this module, causing this module to // also fail with a dependency on that module. In the process, // both modules get marked permanently bogus (unless you reload // them both of course). probs.add(dep); continue; } // If the other module is thought to be OK, assume we can depend // on it if we need it. } // Already-installed modules are of course fine. } else if (dep.getType() == Dependency.TYPE_REQUIRES) { // Works much like a regular module dependency. However it only // fails if there are no satisfying modules with no problems. String token = dep.getName(); Set providers = (Set)providersOf.get(token); // Set if (providers == null) { // Nobody provides it. This dep failed. probs.add(dep); } else { // We have some possible providers. Check that at least one is good. Iterator provIt = providers.iterator(); boolean foundOne = false; while (provIt.hasNext()) { Module other = (Module); if (other.isEnabled()) { foundOne = true; } else { if (_missingDependencies(other).isEmpty()) { // See comment above for regular module deps // re. use of PROBING_IN_PROCESS. foundOne = true; } } } if (!foundOne) { // Nobody can provide it, fail. probs.add(dep); } } } else { // Java dependency. Fixed for whole VM session, safe to check once and keep. if (! Util.checkJavaDependency(dep)) { // Bad. probs.add(dep); } } } probs.remove(PROBING_IN_PROCESS); } return probs; } /** Forget about any possible "soft" problems there might have been. * Next time anyone asks, recompute them. * Currently enabled modules are left alone (no problems). * Otherwise, any problems which are "hard" (result from failed * Java/IDE/package dependencies, runtime errors, etc.) are left alone; * "soft" problems of inter-module dependencies are cleared * so they will be recomputed next time, and corresponding * changes are fired (since the next call to getProblem might * return a different result). */ private void clearProblemCache() { Iterator it = moduleProblems.entrySet().iterator(); SCAN_CACHE: while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Module m = (Module)entry.getKey(); if (! m.isEnabled()) { Set s = (Set)entry.getValue(); if (s != null) { // If all the problems here are soft, clear the cache. // If there any hard problems, there should not be any // soft problems (how would the hard problem be discovered // if there was already a soft problem? if there was already // a hard problem, who would check further for soft problems?) // so leave this entry alone. Iterator probsIt = s.iterator(); while (probsIt.hasNext()) { Object problem =; if (problem instanceof InvalidException) { // Hard problem, skip this one. continue SCAN_CACHE; } Dependency dep = (Dependency)problem; if (dep.getType() != Dependency.TYPE_MODULE && dep.getType() != Dependency.TYPE_REQUIRES) { // Also a hard problem. continue SCAN_CACHE; } // Soft problem, permit this problem set to be cleared... } // Only soft problems found (if any), i.e. module deps. Clear them all. it.remove(); firer.change(new ChangeFirer.Change(m, Module.PROP_PROBLEMS, null, null)); } // if we never computed anything, make no change now } // enabled modules are definitely OK, no change there } } /** Try to shut down the system. * First all modules are asked if they wish to close, in the proper order. * Assuming they say yes, then they are informed of the close. * Returns true if they all said yes. */ public boolean shutDown() { return shutDown(null); } /** * Try to shut down the system. * First all modules are asked if they wish to close, in the proper order. * Assuming they say yes, a hook is run, then they are informed of the close. * If they did not agree to close, the hook is not run. * @param midHook a hook to run before closing modules if they agree to close * @return true if they all said yes and the module system is now shut down * @since org.netbeans.core/1 1.11 */ public boolean shutDown(Runnable midHook) { assertWritable(); Set unorderedModules = getEnabledModules(); Map deps = Util.moduleDependencies(unorderedModules, modulesByName, providersOf); List modules; try { modules = Utilities.topologicalSort(unorderedModules, deps); } catch (TopologicalSortException ex) { // Once again, weird situation. if (PRINT_TOPOLOGICAL_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACES) { Util.err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex); } Util.err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Cyclic module dependencies, will not shut down cleanly: " + deps); // NOI18N return true; } if (! installer.closing(modules)) { return false; } if (midHook != null) { try {; } catch (RuntimeException e) { Util.err.notify(e); } catch (LinkageError e) { Util.err.notify(e); } } installer.close(modules); return true; } }

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