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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Created on December 2, 2003, 4:13 PM

package org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf;

import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.TabData;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.TabDisplayer;

import org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ContainerListener;
import java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener;
import java.awt.event.HierarchyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

 * Base class for tab renderers for the tab control.  This is a support class
 * which will allow authors who want to provide a different look or behavior for
 * tabbed controls with a minimum of coding.  The main methods of interest are
  • stateChanged() - where the component should be * configured to render a given tab
  • getState() - where the * current state is to be found at the time stateChanged is called
  • *
. *

* Typical usage is to pass one or more TabPainter objects to the constructor * which will be responsible for doing the actual painting, calling the convenience * getters in this class (such as isSelected) to determine how * to paint. * * * @author Tim Boudreau */ public abstract class AbstractTabCellRenderer extends JLabel implements TabCellRenderer { private int state = TabState.NOT_ONSCREEN; TabPainter leftBorder; TabPainter rightBorder; TabPainter normalBorder; private Dimension padding; /** * Creates a new instance of AbstractTabCellRenderer */ public AbstractTabCellRenderer(TabPainter leftClip, TabPainter noClip, TabPainter rightClip, Dimension padding) { setOpaque(false); setFocusable(false); setBorder(noClip); normalBorder = noClip; leftBorder = leftClip; rightBorder = rightClip; this.padding = padding; } public AbstractTabCellRenderer (TabPainter painter, Dimension padding) { this (painter, painter, painter, padding); } private Rectangle scratch = new Rectangle(); public String getCommandAtPoint(Point p, int tabState, Rectangle bounds) { setBounds (bounds); setState (tabState); if (supportsCloseButton(getBorder())) { TabPainter cbp = (TabPainter) getBorder(); cbp.getCloseButtonRectangle (this, scratch, bounds); if (scratch.contains(p)) { return TabDisplayer.COMMAND_CLOSE; } } Polygon tabShape = getTabShape (tabState, bounds); if (tabShape.contains(p)) { return TabDisplayer.COMMAND_SELECT; } return null; } public String getCommandAtPoint(Point p, int tabState, Rectangle bounds, int mouseButton, int eventType, int modifiers) { String result = getCommandAtPoint (p, tabState, bounds); if (result != null) { if (TabDisplayer.COMMAND_SELECT == result) { boolean clipped = isClipLeft() || isClipRight(); if ((clipped && eventType == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED && mouseButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) || (!clipped && eventType == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED && mouseButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1)) { return result; } } else if (TabDisplayer.COMMAND_CLOSE == result && eventType == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) { if ((modifiers & MouseEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0) { return TabDisplayer.COMMAND_CLOSE_ALL; } else if ((modifiers & MouseEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) != 0) { return TabDisplayer.COMMAND_CLOSE_ALL_BUT_THIS; } return result; } } return null; } //********************** Subclass convenience API methods***************** /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state includes the armed * state (the mouse is in the tab the component is currently configured to * render). */ protected final boolean isArmed() { return isPressed() || (state & TabState.ARMED) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state includes the active * state (a component in the container or the container itself has keyboard * focus) */ protected final boolean isActive() { return (state & TabState.ACTIVE) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state includes the pressed * state (the mouse is in the tab this component is currently configured to * render, and the mouse button is currently down) */ protected final boolean isPressed() { return (state & TabState.PRESSED) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state includes the * selected state (the tab this component is currently configured to render * is the selected tab in a container) */ protected final boolean isSelected() { return (state & TabState.SELECTED) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state includes the * right-clipped state (the right hand side of the tab is not visible). */ protected final boolean isClipRight() { return (state & TabState.CLIP_RIGHT) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state includes the * left-clipped state (the right hand side of the tab is not visible). */ protected final boolean isClipLeft() { return (state & TabState.CLIP_LEFT) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state indicates * that the renderer is currently configured as the leftmost (non-clipped). */ protected final boolean isLeftmost() { return (state & TabState.LEFTMOST) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state indicates * that the renderer is currently configured as the rightmost (non-clipped). */ protected final boolean isRightmost() { return (state & TabState.RIGHTMOST) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state indicates * that the renderer is currently configured appears to the left of * the selected tab. */ protected final boolean isNextTabSelected() { return (state & TabState.BEFORE_SELECTED) != 0; } /** * Convenience getter to determine if the current state indicates * that the renderer is currently configured appears to the right of * the selected tab. */ protected final boolean isPreviousTabSelected() { return (state & TabState.AFTER_SELECTED) != 0; } public Dimension getPadding() { return new Dimension(padding); } private int phash = -1; /** Set the state of the renderer, in preparation for painting it or evaluating a condition * (such as the position of the close button) for which it must be correctly configured). * This method will call stateChanged(), allowing the renderer to reconfigure itself if * necessary, when the state changes. * * @param state */ protected final void setState(int state) { //System.err.println("Renderer SetState " + TabState.stateToString(state)); boolean needChange = this.state != state; if (needChange) { int old = this.state; //Set the state value here, so isArmed(), etc. will return //correct values in stateChanged(), so subclasses can set //up colors correctly this.state = state; int newState = stateChanged(old, state); if ((newState & this.state) != state) { this.state = state; throw new IllegalStateException("StateChanged may add, but not remove bits from the " + "state bitmask. Expected state: " + TabState.stateToString( state) + " but got " + TabState.stateToString(this.state)); } this.state = newState; } } /** * Returns the state as set up in getRendererComponent */ public final int getState() { return state; } /** * Implementation of getRendererComponent from TabCellRenderer. This * method is final, and will configure the text, bounds and icon correctly * according to the passed values, and call setState to set the state of the * tab. Implementers must implement stateChanged() to handle * any changes (background color, border, etc) necessary to reflect the * current state as returned by getState(). */ public final javax.swing.JComponent getRendererComponent(TabData data, Rectangle bounds, int state) { setBounds(bounds); setText(data.getText()); setIcon(data.getIcon()); setState(state); return this; } //***************SPI METHODS******************************************** /* * Implementations of this method may not remove state bits * that were passed in. A runtime check of the result will be performed, * and in the case that some states were removed, a runtime exception will * be thrown after this method exits. */ protected int stateChanged(int oldState, int newState) { Color bg = isSelected() ? isActive() ? getSelectedActivatedBackground() : getSelectedBackground() : UIManager.getColor("control"); Color fg = isSelected() ? isActive() ? getSelectedActivatedForeground() : getSelectedForeground() : UIManager.getColor("textText"); if (isArmed() && isPressed() && (isClipLeft() || isClipRight())) { //Create an armed appearance for clipped, pressed tabs, which will respond //to mouseReleased, not mousePressed bg = getSelectedActivatedBackground(); fg = getSelectedActivatedForeground(); } if (isClipLeft()) { setIcon(null); setBorder(leftBorder); } else if (isClipRight()) { setBorder(rightBorder); } else { setBorder(normalBorder); } setBackground(bg); setForeground(fg); return newState; } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public void revalidate() { //do nothing - performance } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public void repaint() { //do nothing - performance } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public void validate() { //do nothing - performance } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public void repaint(long tm) { //do nothing - performance } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int w, int h) { //do nothing - performance } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ protected final void firePropertyChange(String s, Object a, Object b) { //do nothing - performance } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public final void addHierarchyBoundsListener(HierarchyBoundsListener hbl) { //do nothing } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public final void addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener hl) { //do nothing } /** Overridden to be a no-op for performance reasons */ public final void addContainerListener(ContainerListener cl) { //do nothing } /** * Overridden to paint the interior of the polygon if the border is an instance of TabPainter. */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.setColor(getBackground()); if (getBorder() instanceof TabPainter) { ((TabPainter) getBorder()).paintInterior(g, this); } paintIconAndText(g); } /** Return non-zero to shift the text up or down by the specified number of pixels when painting. * * @return A positive or negative number of pixels */ protected int getCaptionYAdjustment() { return -1; } /** Return non-zero to shift the icon up or down by the specified number of pixels when painting. * * @return A positive or negative number of pixels */ protected int getIconYAdjustment() { return -1; } /** * Actually paints the icon and text (using the lightweight HTML renderer) * * @param g The graphics context */ protected void paintIconAndText(Graphics g) { g.setFont(getFont()); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(getFont()); //Find out what height we need int txtH = fm.getHeight(); Insets ins = getInsets(); //find out the available height int availH = getHeight() - ( + ins.bottom); int txtY; if (availH > txtH) { txtY = txtH + + ((availH / 2) - (txtH / 2)) - 3; } else { txtY = txtH +; } int txtX; int centeringToAdd = getPixelsToAddToSelection() != 0 ? getPixelsToAddToSelection() / 2 : 0; Icon icon = getIcon(); //Check the icon non-null and height (see TabData.NO_ICON for why) if (!isClipLeft() && icon != null && icon.getIconWidth() > 0 && icon.getIconHeight() > 0) { int iconY; if (availH > icon.getIconHeight()) { //add 2 to make sure icon top pixels are not cut off by outline iconY = + ((availH / 2) - (icon.getIconHeight() / 2)) + 2; } else { //add 2 to make sure icon top pixels are not cut off by outline iconY = + 2; } int iconX = ins.left + centeringToAdd; iconY += getIconYAdjustment(); icon.paintIcon(this, g, iconX, iconY); txtX = iconX + icon.getIconWidth() + getIconTextGap(); } else { txtX = ins.left + centeringToAdd; } if (icon != null && icon.getIconWidth() == 0) { //Add some spacing so the text isn't flush for, e.g., the //welcome screen tab txtX += 5; } txtY += getCaptionYAdjustment(); //Get the available horizontal pixels for text int txtW = getWidth() - (txtX + ins.right); if (isClipLeft()) { //fiddle with the string to get "...blah" String s = preTruncateString(getText(), g, txtW - 4); //subtract 4 so it's not flush w/ tab edge HtmlRenderer.renderString(s, g, txtX, txtY, txtW, txtH, getFont(), getForeground(), HtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, true); } else { String s; if (isClipRight()) { //Jano wants to always show a "..." for cases where a tab is truncated, //even if we've really painted all the text. s = getText() + "..."; //NOI18N } else { s = getText(); } HtmlRenderer.renderString(s, g, txtX, txtY, txtW, txtH, getFont(), getForeground(), HtmlRenderer.STYLE_TRUNCATE, true); } } static String preTruncateString(String s, Graphics g, int availPixels) { if (s.length() < 3) { return s; } s = stripHTML(s); if (s.length() < 2) { return "..." + s; //NOI18N } FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int dotsWidth = fm.stringWidth("..."); //NOI18N int beginIndex = s.length() - 2; String test = s.substring(beginIndex); String result = test; while (fm.stringWidth(test) + dotsWidth < availPixels) { beginIndex--; if (beginIndex <= 0) { break; } else { result = test; test = s.substring(beginIndex); } } return "..." + result; //NOI18N } static boolean isHTML(String s) { boolean result = s.startsWith("") || s.startsWith(""); //NOI18N return result; } static String stripHTML(String s) { if (isHTML(s)) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(s.length()); char[] c = s.toCharArray(); boolean inTag = false; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { //XXX need to handle entity includes boolean wasInTag = inTag; if (!inTag) { if (c[i] == '<') { inTag = true; } } else { if (c[i] == '>') { inTag = false; } } if (!inTag && wasInTag == inTag) { result.append(c[i]); } } return result.toString(); } else { return s; } } /** * Get the shape of the tab. The implementation here will check if the * border is an instance of TabPainter, and if so, use the polygon it * returns, translating it to the position of the passed-in rectangle. If * you are subclassing but do not intend to use TabPainter, you need to * override this method */ public Polygon getTabShape(int tabState, Rectangle bounds) { setBounds(bounds); setState(tabState); if (getBorder() instanceof TabPainter) { TabPainter pb = (TabPainter) getBorder(); Polygon p = pb.getInteriorPolygon(this); p.translate(bounds.x, bounds.y); return p; } else { //punt and return the bounds as a polygon - what else to do? return new Polygon(new int[]{ bounds.x, bounds.x + bounds.width - 1, bounds.x + bounds.width - 1, bounds.x}, new int[]{ bounds.y, bounds.y, bounds.y + bounds.height - 1, bounds.y + bounds.height - 1}, 4); } } public Color getSelectedBackground() { Color base = UIManager.getColor("control"); //NOI18N Color towards = UIManager.getColor("controlHighlight"); //NOI18N if (base == null) { base = Color.GRAY; } if (towards == null) { towards = Color.WHITE; } Color result = ColorUtil.adjustTowards(base, 30, towards); return result; } public Color getSelectedActivatedBackground() { return UIManager.getColor("TabRenderer.selectedActivatedBackground"); } public Color getSelectedActivatedForeground() { return UIManager.getColor("TabRenderer.selectedActivatedForeground"); } public Color getSelectedForeground() { return UIManager.getColor("TabRenderer.selectedForeground"); } protected boolean inCloseButton() { return (state & TabState.CLOSE_BUTTON_ARMED) != 0; } /** * Subclasses which want to make the selected tab wider than it would otherwise be should return a value * greater than 0 here. The default implementation returns 0. */ public int getPixelsToAddToSelection() { return 0; } private boolean supportsCloseButton(Border b) { if (b instanceof TabPainter) { return ((TabPainter) b).supportsCloseButton(this); } else { return false; } } }

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