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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import org.netbeans.core.projects.SessionManager;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.filesystems.Repository;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

import java.util.*;

 * Handle conversion (import) of old configuration winsys data. (Version < 2.0.)
 * @author Marek Slama

public class ImportManager {
    /** Root folder for old configuration data. */
    static final String ROOT_FOLDER          = "Windows"; // NOI18N
    static final String WINDOWMANAGER_FOLDER = "WindowManager"; // NOI18N
    static final String WORKSPACE_EXT        = "wswksp"; // NOI18N
    private static final String COMPS_FOLDER = "Components"; // NOI18N
    //Frame types (old data from mode)
    static final int INTERNAL_FRAME = 0;
    static final int DESKTOP_FRAME  = 1;
    static final int TOP_FRAME      = 2;
    static final int MULTI_TABBED_CONTAINER = 0;
    static final int SPLIT_CONTAINER        = 1;
    //Constraints of PerimeterLayout
    /** Represents the top side. */
    static final String TOP = "TOP"; // NOI18N
    /** Represents the bottom side. */
    static final String BOTTOM = "BOTTOM"; // NOI18N
    /** Represents the right side. */
    static final String RIGHT = "RIGHT"; // NOI18N
    /** Represents the left side. */
    static final String LEFT = "LEFT"; // NOI18N
    /** Represents the center area. */
    static final String  CENTER = "CENTER"; // NOI18N
    /** Singleton instance of ImportManager */
    private static ImportManager defaultInstance;
    /** Loading/saving of old window system configuration data */
    private WindowManagerParserOld wmParserOld;
    /** A map of imported TcIds. */
    private Map importedTcIds = new HashMap(10); // 
    /** Handling module enable/disable. */
    private ModuleChangeHandlerOld changeHandler = new ModuleChangeHandlerOld();
    private ImportManager () {
    /** Returns reference to singleton instance of PersistenceManager.
    public static synchronized ImportManager getDefault() {
        if (defaultInstance == null) {
            defaultInstance = new ImportManager();
        return defaultInstance;
    /** Reset internal data when project is switched. */
    public void reset () {
        wmParserOld = null;
    /** Returns map of imported tcref items. Used only to serialize/deserialize
     * by WindowManagerParser. */
    public Map getImportedTCRefs () {
        return importedTcIds;
    /** Sets map of imported tcref items. Used only to serialize/deserialize
     * by WindowManagerParser. */
    public void setImportedTCRefs (Map importedTcIds) {
        this.importedTcIds = importedTcIds;
    /** Returns true if given tc_id was imported from old configuration. */
    public boolean isImportedTcId (String tc_id) {
        return importedTcIds.containsKey(tc_id);
    /** Instance of FileObject is NOT cached because it can be completely
     * destroyed when module is disabled. So it is necessary to create
     * new instance to get its children correctly.
     * @return Root folder of old window system configuration data. */
    FileObject getRootFolder () {
        try {
            FileObject rootFolder = FileUtil.createFolder(
                Repository.getDefault().getDefaultFileSystem().getRoot(), ROOT_FOLDER
            return rootFolder;
        } catch (IOException exc) {
            String annotation = NbBundle.getMessage(ImportManager.class,
                "EXC_RootFolder", ROOT_FOLDER);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(exc, annotation);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.ERROR, exc);
        return null;
    /** Instance of FileObject is NOT cached because it can be completely
     * destroyed when module is disabled. So it is necessary to create
     * new instance to get its children correctly.
     * @return Window manager folder of old window system configuration data. */
    public FileObject getWindowManagerFolder () {
        try {
            FileObject wmFolder = FileUtil.createFolder(
                getRootFolder(), WINDOWMANAGER_FOLDER
            return wmFolder;
        } catch (IOException exc) {
            String annotation = NbBundle.getMessage(ImportManager.class,
                "EXC_WindowManagerFolder", WINDOWMANAGER_FOLDER);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(exc, annotation);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.ERROR, exc);
        return null;
    /** Instance of FileObject is NOT cached because it can be completely
     * destroyed when module is disabled. So it is necessary to create
     * new instance to get its children correctly.
     * @return Folder for TopComponent settings files */
    FileObject getComponentsFolder () {
        try {
            FileObject componentsFolder = FileUtil.createFolder(
                getRootFolder(), COMPS_FOLDER
            return componentsFolder;
        } catch (IOException exc) {
            String annotation = NbBundle.getMessage(PersistenceManager.class,
                "EXC_CompsFolder", COMPS_FOLDER);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(exc, annotation);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.ERROR, exc);
        return null;
    WindowManagerParserOld getWindowManagerParserOld () {
        if (wmParserOld == null) {
            wmParserOld = new WindowManagerParserOld(this, WINDOWMANAGER_FOLDER);
        return wmParserOld;

    /** Starts handling of file events from old window system configuration folder
     * Windows. */
    public void startHandling () {
    /** Stops handling of file events from old window system configuration folder
     * Windows. Handling must be stopped when project layer is switched during projects
     * switch ie. 1.Stop handling. 2.Switch project layer. 3. Start handling. */
    public void stopHandling () {
    /** Loads old window system configuration from installation layer.
     * @return window system configuration
    WindowManagerConfigOld loadWindowSystemOld () {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        WindowManagerParserOld wmParser = getWindowManagerParserOld();
        WindowManagerConfigOld wmc = null;
        try {
            wmc = wmParser.load();
        } catch (IOException exc) {
                ErrorManager.WARNING, exc
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long diff = end - start;
        //System.out.println("## Loading of old window system takes " + diff + " ms");
        return wmc;

    /** Import old window system configuration data. Called from PersistenceManager
     * when window system is loaded */
    public void importConfigurationData
    (WindowManagerConfig wmc, WindowManagerParser wmParser) {
        log("importConfigurationData ENTER");
        WindowManagerConfigOld wmcOld = loadWindowSystemOld();
        //Get list of workspaces, sort it appropriately and process
        //import workspaces one by one.
        List wsList = new ArrayList(wmcOld.workspaces.length);
        //Priority of workspaces is defined by their order for import.
        //"Editing" workspace is imported first it has highest priority.
        //Look for "Editing" workspace
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if ("Editing".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //Look for "Visual" workspace
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if ("Visual".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //Look for "Debugging" workspace
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if ("Debugging".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //All other workspaces
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if (!"Editing".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name) &&
                !"Visual".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name) &&
                !"Debugging".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //Dump workspaces
        for (int i = 0; i < wsList.size(); i++) {
            WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfg = (WorkspaceConfigOld) wsList.get(i);
            log("importConfigurationData ws[" + i + "]: " +;
        //Import workspaces
        for (int i = 0; i < wsList.size(); i++) {
            WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfg = (WorkspaceConfigOld) wsList.get(i);
            importWorkspace(wmc, wmParser, wsCfg);
        log("importConfigurationData LEAVE");
    /** Import old window system configuration data. Called from PersistenceManager
     * when window system is loaded */
    private void importWorkspace
    (WindowManagerConfig wmc, WindowManagerParser wmParser, WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfgSrc) {
        //Opened TopComponent is opened only when it is defined in
        boolean open = "Editing".equals(;
        log("importWorkspace ENTER ws:" +;
        for (int i = 0; i < wsCfgSrc.modes.length; i++) {
            ModeConfigOld modeCfgSrc = wsCfgSrc.modes[i];
            if (modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs.length == 0) {
            //Check if mode with the same name is present in new winsys (modes like editor,explorer,...)
            //If found add TopComponent to existing mode otherwise add TopComponent to editor.
            log("importWorkspace -- mo[" + i + "]: " +;
            ModeConfig modeCfgDest = null;
            //Find mode with the same name
            for (int j = 0; j < wmc.modes.length; j++) {
                if ([j].name)) {
                    modeCfgDest = wmc.modes[j];
            //Find editor mode
            if (modeCfgDest == null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < wmc.modes.length; j++) {
                    if ("editor".equals(wmc.modes[j].name)) {
                        modeCfgDest = wmc.modes[j];
            //No mode found so far, use first mode if available
            if (modeCfgDest == null) {
                if (wmc.modes.length > 0) {
                    modeCfgDest = wmc.modes[0];
            //No mode defined in new winsys.
            //XXX What to do?? Log it and cancel import for now.
            //It would be possible to create some default mode.
            //Current import specification assumes there is at least editor mode.
            if (modeCfgDest == null) {
                "[WinSys.ImportManager.importWorkspace]" // NOI18N
                + " Warning: No mode is defined where imported TopComponent could be placed." // NOI18N
                + " Import is cancelled."); // NOI18N
            log("importWorkspace modeCfgDest:" +;
            List tcRefCfgDestList = new ArrayList();
            for (int j = 0; j < modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs.length; j++) {
                TCRefConfigOld tcRefCfgSrc = modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs[j];
                //Check if given TopComponent is not already imported (from previous workspace
                //or from previous import).
                if (importedTcIds.containsKey(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                    log("importWorkspace TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
                    + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "' is already imported."); // NOI18N
                //Check if given ID is not already used.
                if (PersistenceManager.getDefault().isUsedTCId(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                    log("importWorkspace TopComponent ID" // NOI18N
                    + " '" + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'" // NOI18N
                    + " is already used in new window system."); // NOI18N
                ImportedItem item = new ImportedItem(,,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                log("importWorkspace ADD ITEM [" + + ","
                + + "," + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "]");
                log("importWorkspace importing TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
                + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'"); // NOI18N
                //Add new tcRef to destination mode
                TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
                tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
                if (open) {
                    tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
                } else {
                    tcRefCfgDest.opened = false;
                if (copySettingsFile(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                //Add new TCRefParser to pass module info
                WindowManagerParserOld wmParserOld = getWindowManagerParserOld();
                TCRefParserOld tcRefParserOld =
            //Is anything to add?
            if (tcRefCfgDestList.size() > 0) {
                modeCfgDest.tcRefConfigs =
                    (TCRefConfig []) tcRefCfgDestList.toArray(new TCRefConfig[tcRefCfgDestList.size()]);
                for (int k = 0; k < modeCfgDest.tcRefConfigs.length; k++) {
                    log("importWorkspace tcRef[" + k + "]: " + modeCfgDest.tcRefConfigs[k].tc_id);
    /** Process change (new data added) in old window system configuration data.
     * Called from ModuleChangeHandlerOld when change in module folder is detected. */
    void addConfigurationData () {
        log("addConfigurationData ENTER");
        WindowManagerParser wmParser = PersistenceManager.getDefault().getWindowManagerParser();
        WindowManagerImpl wm = WindowManagerImpl.getInstance();
        WindowManagerConfigOld wmcOld = loadWindowSystemOld();
        Set modeSet = wm.getModes();
        String [] modeNameArray = new String[modeSet.size()];
        int k = 0;
        for (Iterator it = modeSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); k++) {
            ModeImpl mo = (ModeImpl);
            modeNameArray[k] = mo.getName();
        //Get list of workspaces, sort it appropriately and process
        //import workspaces one by one.
        List wsList = new ArrayList(wmcOld.workspaces.length);
        //Priority of workspaces is defined by their order for import.
        //"Editing" workspace is imported first it has highest priority.
        //Look for "Editing" workspace
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if ("Editing".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //Look for "Visual" workspace
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if ("Visual".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //Look for "Debugging" workspace
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if ("Debugging".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //All other workspaces
        for (int i = 0; i < wmcOld.workspaces.length; i++) {
            if (!"Editing".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name) &&
                !"Visual".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name) &&
                !"Debugging".equals(wmcOld.workspaces[i].name)) {
        //Dump workspaces
        for (int i = 0; i < wsList.size(); i++) {
            WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfg = (WorkspaceConfigOld) wsList.get(i);
            log("importConfigurationData ws[" + i + "]: " +;
        //Import workspaces
        for (int i = 0; i < wsList.size(); i++) {
            WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfgSrc = (WorkspaceConfigOld) wsList.get(i);
            addWorkspaceImpl(modeNameArray, wmParser, wsCfgSrc);
        log("addConfigurationData LEAVE");
    /** Process change (new data added) in old window system configuration data.
     * Called from ModuleChangeHandlerOld when change in module folder is detected. */
    void addWorkspace (String workspaceName) {
        log("addWorkspace ENTER");
        WindowManagerParser wmParser = PersistenceManager.getDefault().getWindowManagerParser();
        WindowManagerImpl wm = WindowManagerImpl.getInstance();
        WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfgSrc = wmParserOld.addWorkspace(workspaceName);
        Set modeSet = wm.getModes();
        String [] modeNameArray = new String[modeSet.size()];
        int k = 0;
        for (Iterator it = modeSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); k++) {
            ModeImpl mo = (ModeImpl);
            modeNameArray[k] = mo.getName();
        addWorkspaceImpl(modeNameArray, wmParser, wsCfgSrc);
        log("addWorkspace LEAVE");
    /** Process change (new data added) in old window system configuration data.
     * Called from ModuleChangeHandlerOld when change in module folder is detected. */
    void addMode (String workspaceName, String modeName) {
        log("addMode ENTER" + " ws:" + workspaceName + " mo:" + modeName);
        WindowManagerParser wmParser = PersistenceManager.getDefault().getWindowManagerParser();
        WindowManagerImpl wm = WindowManagerImpl.getInstance();
        ModeConfigOld modeCfgSrc = wmParserOld.addMode(workspaceName,modeName);
        Set modeSet = wm.getModes();
        String [] modeNameArray = new String[modeSet.size()];
        int k = 0;
        for (Iterator it = modeSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); k++) {
            ModeImpl mo = (ModeImpl);
            modeNameArray[k] = mo.getName();
        //addWorkspaceImpl(modeNameArray, wmParser, wsCfgSrc);
        boolean open = "Editing".equals(workspaceName);
        //Check if mode with the same name is present in new winsys (modes like editor,explorer,...)
        //If found add TopComponent to existing mode otherwise add TopComponent to editor.
        String modeDest = null;
        //Find mode with the same name
        for (int j = 0; j < modeNameArray.length; j++) {
            if ([j])) {
                modeDest = modeNameArray[j];
        //Find editor mode
        if (modeDest == null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < modeNameArray.length; j++) {
                if ("editor".equals(modeNameArray[j])) {
                    modeDest = modeNameArray[j];
        //No mode found so far, use first mode if available
        if (modeDest == null) {
            if (modeNameArray.length > 0) {
                modeDest = modeNameArray[0];
        //No mode defined in new winsys.
        //XXX What to do?? Log it and cancel import for now.
        //It would be possible to create some default mode.
        //Current import specification assumes there is at least editor mode.
        if (modeDest == null) {
            "[WinSys.ImportManager.addMode]" // NOI18N
            + " Warning: No mode is defined where imported TopComponent could be placed." // NOI18N
            + " Import is cancelled."); // NOI18N
        log("addMode modeDest:" + modeDest);

        List tcRefCfgDestList = new ArrayList();

        for (int j = 0; j < modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs.length; j++) {
            TCRefConfigOld tcRefCfgSrc = modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs[j];
            //Check if given TopComponent is not already imported (from previous workspace
            //or from previous import).
            //If workspace is Editing import it anyway
            if (importedTcIds.containsKey(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                log("addMode TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
                + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "' is already imported."); // NOI18N
                //If workspace is Editing import it again to get opened state
                //from Editing workspace
                ImportedItem oldItem = (ImportedItem) importedTcIds.get(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                if ("Editing".equals(workspaceName) && !"Editing".equals(oldItem.workspaceName)) {
                    ImportedItem newItem = new ImportedItem(workspaceName,oldItem.modeName,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                    TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
                    tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
                    tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
                    log("addMode ADD TCREF FROM EDITING WORKSPACE # tcRef:" + tcRefCfgDest.tc_id);
                    WindowManagerImpl wmi = (WindowManagerImpl) WindowManager.getDefault();
                        (oldItem.modeName, tcRefCfgDest, new String[0]);
            //Check if given ID is not already used.
            if (PersistenceManager.getDefault().isUsedTCId(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                log("addMode TopComponent ID" // NOI18N
                + " '" + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'" // NOI18N
                + " is already used in new window system."); // NOI18N
            ImportedItem item = new ImportedItem(workspaceName,,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);

            log("addMode ADD ITEM [" + workspaceName + ","
            + + "," + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "]");


            log("addMode importing TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
            + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'"); // NOI18N
            //Add new tcRef to destination mode
            TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
            tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
            if (open) {
                tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
            } else {
                tcRefCfgDest.opened = false;
            if (copySettingsFile(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
            //Add new TCRefParser to pass module info
            WindowManagerParserOld wmParserOld = getWindowManagerParserOld();
            TCRefParserOld tcRefParserOld =

        //Is anything to add?
        if (tcRefCfgDestList.size() > 0) {
            String [] tcRefNameArray = new String[0];
            for (int l = 0; l < tcRefCfgDestList.size(); l++) {
                log("addMode tcRef[" + l + "]: " + (TCRefConfig) tcRefCfgDestList.get(l));
                WindowManagerImpl wmi = (WindowManagerImpl) WindowManager.getDefault();
                    (modeDest, (TCRefConfig) tcRefCfgDestList.get(l), tcRefNameArray);
        log("addMode LEAVE");
    /** Process change (new data added) in old window system configuration data.
     * Called from ModuleChangeHandlerOld when change in module folder is detected. */
    void addTCRef (String workspaceName, String modeName, String tcRefName) {
        log("addTCRef ENTER" + " ws:" + workspaceName + " mo:" + modeName
        + " tcRef:" + tcRefName);
        WindowManagerParser wmParser = PersistenceManager.getDefault().getWindowManagerParser();
        WindowManagerImpl wm = WindowManagerImpl.getInstance();
        TCRefConfigOld tcRefCfgSrc = wmParserOld.addTCRef(workspaceName,modeName,tcRefName);
        Set modeSet = wm.getModes();
        String [] modeNameArray = new String[modeSet.size()];
        int k = 0;
        for (Iterator it = modeSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); k++) {
            ModeImpl mo = (ModeImpl);
            modeNameArray[k] = mo.getName();
        //addWorkspaceImpl(modeNameArray, wmParser, wsCfgSrc);
        boolean open = "Editing".equals(workspaceName);
        //Check if mode with the same name is present in new winsys (modes like editor,explorer,...)
        //If found add TopComponent to existing mode otherwise add TopComponent to editor.
        String modeDest = null;
        //Find mode with the same name
        for (int j = 0; j < modeNameArray.length; j++) {
            if (modeName.equals(modeNameArray[j])) {
                modeDest = modeNameArray[j];
        //Find editor mode
        if (modeDest == null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < modeNameArray.length; j++) {
                if ("editor".equals(modeNameArray[j])) {
                    modeDest = modeNameArray[j];
        //No mode found so far, use first mode if available
        if (modeDest == null) {
            if (modeNameArray.length > 0) {
                modeDest = modeNameArray[0];
        //No mode defined in new winsys.
        //XXX What to do?? Log it and cancel import for now.
        //It would be possible to create some default mode.
        //Current import specification assumes there is at least editor mode.
        if (modeDest == null) {
            "[WinSys.ImportManager.addTCRef]" // NOI18N
            + " Warning: No mode is defined where imported TopComponent could be placed." // NOI18N
            + " Import is cancelled."); // NOI18N
        log("addTCRef modeDest:" + modeDest);

        List tcRefCfgDestList = new ArrayList();

        //Check if given TopComponent is not already imported (from previous workspace
        //or from previous import).
        if (importedTcIds.containsKey(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
            log("addTCRef TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
            + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "' is already imported."); // NOI18N
            //If workspace is Editing import it again to get opened state
            //from Editing workspace
            ImportedItem oldItem = (ImportedItem) importedTcIds.get(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
            if ("Editing".equals(workspaceName) && !"Editing".equals(oldItem.workspaceName)) {
                ImportedItem newItem = new ImportedItem(workspaceName,oldItem.modeName,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
                tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
                tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
                log("addTCRef ADD TCREF FROM # EDITING WORKSPACE # tcRef:" + tcRefCfgDest.tc_id);
                WindowManagerImpl wmi = (WindowManagerImpl) WindowManager.getDefault();
                    (oldItem.modeName, tcRefCfgDest, new String[0]);
        //Check if given ID is not already used.
        if (PersistenceManager.getDefault().isUsedTCId(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
            log("addTCRef TopComponent ID" // NOI18N
            + " '" + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'" // NOI18N
            + " is already used in new window system."); // NOI18N
        ImportedItem item = new ImportedItem(workspaceName,modeName,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);

        log("addTCRef ADD ITEM [" + workspaceName + ","
        + modeName + "," + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "]");


        log("addTCRef importing TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
        + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'"); // NOI18N
        //Add new tcRef to destination mode
        TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
        tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
        if (open) {
            tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
        } else {
            tcRefCfgDest.opened = false;
        if (copySettingsFile(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
        //Add new TCRefParser to pass module info
        WindowManagerParserOld wmParserOld = getWindowManagerParserOld();
        TCRefParserOld tcRefParserOld =

        //Is anything to add?
        if (tcRefCfgDestList.size() > 0) {
            //modeCfgDest.tcRefConfigs =
            //    (TCRefConfig []) tcRefCfgDestList.toArray(new TCRefConfig[tcRefCfgDestList.size()]);
            String [] tcRefNameArray = new String[0];
            for (int l = 0; l < tcRefCfgDestList.size(); l++) {
                log("addTCRef tcRef[" + l + "]: " + (TCRefConfig) tcRefCfgDestList.get(l));
                WindowManagerImpl wmi = (WindowManagerImpl) WindowManager.getDefault();
                    (modeDest, (TCRefConfig) tcRefCfgDestList.get(l), tcRefNameArray);
        log("addTCRef LEAVE" + " ws:" + workspaceName + " mo:" + modeName
        + " tcRef:" + tcRefName);
    /** Adds TopComponent from one workspace to new window system.
     * Called from ModuleChangeHandlerOld processes change in module folder. */
    private void addWorkspaceImpl
    (String [] modeNameArray, WindowManagerParser wmParser, WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfgSrc) {
        //Opened TopComponent is opened only when it is defined in
        boolean open = "Editing".equals(;
        log("addWorkspaceImpl ENTER ws:" +;
        for (int i = 0; i < wsCfgSrc.modes.length; i++) {
            ModeConfigOld modeCfgSrc = wsCfgSrc.modes[i];
            if (modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs.length == 0) {
            //Check if mode with the same name is present in new winsys (modes like editor,explorer,...)
            //If found add TopComponent to existing mode otherwise add TopComponent to editor.
            log("addWorkspaceImpl -- mo[" + i + "]: " +;
            String modeDest = null;
            //Find mode with the same name
            for (int j = 0; j < modeNameArray.length; j++) {
                if ([j])) {
                    modeDest = modeNameArray[j];
            //Find editor mode
            if (modeDest == null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < modeNameArray.length; j++) {
                    if ("editor".equals(modeNameArray[j])) {
                        modeDest = modeNameArray[j];
            //No mode found so far, use first mode if available
            if (modeDest == null) {
                if (modeNameArray.length > 0) {
                    modeDest = modeNameArray[0];
            //No mode defined in new winsys.
            //XXX What to do?? Log it and cancel import for now.
            //It would be possible to create some default mode.
            //Current import specification assumes there is at least editor mode.
            if (modeDest == null) {
                "[WinSys.ImportManager.addWorkspaceImpl]" // NOI18N
                + " Warning: No mode is defined where imported TopComponent could be placed." // NOI18N
                + " Import is cancelled."); // NOI18N
            log("addWorkspaceImpl modeDest:" + modeDest);
            List tcRefCfgDestList = new ArrayList();
            for (int j = 0; j < modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs.length; j++) {
                TCRefConfigOld tcRefCfgSrc = modeCfgSrc.tcRefConfigs[j];
                //Check if given TopComponent is not already imported (from previous workspace
                //or from previous import).
                //If workspace is Editing import it anyway
                if (importedTcIds.containsKey(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                    log("addWorkspaceImpl TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
                    + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "' is already imported."); // NOI18N
                    //If workspace is Editing import it again to get opened state
                    //from Editing workspace
                    ImportedItem oldItem = (ImportedItem) importedTcIds.get(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                    if ("Editing".equals( && !"Editing".equals(oldItem.workspaceName)) {
                        ImportedItem newItem = new ImportedItem(,oldItem.modeName,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                        TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
                        tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
                        tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
                        log("addWorkspaceImpl ADD TCREF FROM # EDITING WORKSPACE # tcRef:" + tcRefCfgDest.tc_id);
                        WindowManagerImpl wmi = (WindowManagerImpl) WindowManager.getDefault();
                            (oldItem.modeName, tcRefCfgDest, new String[0]);
                //Check if given ID is not already used.
                if (PersistenceManager.getDefault().isUsedTCId(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                    log("addWorkspaceImpl TopComponent ID" // NOI18N
                    + " '" + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'" // NOI18N
                    + " is already used in new window system."); // NOI18N
                ImportedItem item = new ImportedItem(,,tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id);
                log("addWorkspaceImpl ADD ITEM [" + + ","
                + + "," + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "]");
                log("addWorkspaceImpl importing TopComponent ID '" // NOI18N
                + tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id + "'"); // NOI18N
                //Add new tcRef to destination mode
                TCRefConfig tcRefCfgDest = new TCRefConfig();
                tcRefCfgDest.tc_id = tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id;
                if (open) {
                    tcRefCfgDest.opened = tcRefCfgSrc.opened;
                } else {
                    tcRefCfgDest.opened = false;
                if (copySettingsFile(tcRefCfgSrc.tc_id)) {
                //Add new TCRefParser to pass module info
                WindowManagerParserOld wmParserOld = getWindowManagerParserOld();
                TCRefParserOld tcRefParserOld =
            //Is anything to add?
            if (tcRefCfgDestList.size() > 0) {
                String [] tcRefNameArray = new String[0];
                for (int k = 0; k < tcRefCfgDestList.size(); k++) {
                    log("addWorkspaceImpl tcRef[" + k + "]: " + (TCRefConfig) tcRefCfgDestList.get(k));
                    WindowManagerImpl wmi = (WindowManagerImpl) WindowManager.getDefault();
                        (modeDest, (TCRefConfig) tcRefCfgDestList.get(k), tcRefNameArray);
    /** Copy settings file from old Components folder to new Components folder. 
     * @return true if copy operation was successful */
    private boolean copySettingsFile (String tc_id) {
        FileObject fo = getComponentsFolder().getFileObject(tc_id,"settings"); // NOI18N
        log("copySettingsFile fo:" + fo);
        if (fo == null) {
            //This should not happen. When wstcref file is defined
            //settings file should be defined too.
            return false;
        //Look for file at install layer
        SessionManager sm = SessionManager.getDefault();
        FileSystem installLayer = sm.getLayer(SessionManager.LAYER_INSTALL);
        FileObject compFO = installLayer.findResource(fo.getPath());
        if (compFO == null) {
            //Again this should not happen. When wstcref file is defined in install layer
            //settings file should be defined too in install layer.
            return false;
        log("copySettingsFile compFO:" + compFO);
        FileObject destFolder = PersistenceManager.getDefault().getComponentsLocalFolder();
        log("copySettingsFile destFolder:" + destFolder);
        try {
            compFO.copy(destFolder,tc_id,"settings"); // NOI18N
        } catch (IOException exc) {
            String annotation = NbBundle.getMessage(ImportManager.class,
                "EXC_CopyFails", destFolder);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(exc, annotation);
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, exc);
            return false;
        return true;
    void log (String s) {
        Debug.log(ImportManager.class, s);
    /** Dump old window manager configuration data to standard output. */
    private static String dumpConfig (WindowManagerConfigOld wmCfg) {
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        buffer.append("\n-- wmc: [" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(wmCfg)) + "]");
        buffer.append("\n-- init: " + wmCfg.initialized);
        buffer.append("\n-- workspaces: " + wmCfg.workspaces + " size " + (wmCfg.workspaces == null ? -1 : wmCfg.workspaces.length));
        for (int i = 0; i < wmCfg.workspaces.length; i++) {
            WorkspaceConfigOld wsCfg = wmCfg.workspaces[i];
            buffer.append("\n-- -- workspace[" + i + "]: " +;
            buffer.append("\n-- --         init: " + wsCfg.initialized);
            buffer.append("\n-- -- modes: " + wsCfg.modes + " size " + (wsCfg.modes == null ? -1 : wsCfg.modes.length));
            for (int j = 0; j < wsCfg.modes.length; j++) {
                ModeConfigOld mc = wsCfg.modes[j];
                buffer.append("\n-- -- --");
                buffer.append("\n-- -- -- mode[" + j + "]: " +;
                buffer.append("\n-- -- --          init: " + mc.initialized);
                buffer.append("\n-- -- --     frameType: " + mc.frameType);
                buffer.append("\n-- -- -- containerType: " + mc.containerType);
                buffer.append("\n-- -- -- tcRefs: " + mc.tcRefConfigs + " size " + (mc.tcRefConfigs == null ? -1 : mc.tcRefConfigs.length));
                for (int k = 0; k < mc.tcRefConfigs.length; k++) {
                    TCRefConfigOld tcRefCfg = mc.tcRefConfigs[k];
                    buffer.append("\n++ ++ ++ ++ tcRef[" + k + "]: " + tcRefCfg.tc_id);
                    buffer.append("\n++ ++ ++ ++     init: " + tcRefCfg.initialized);
                    buffer.append("\n++ ++ ++ ++   opened: " + tcRefCfg.opened);
                    buffer.append("\n++ ++ ++ ++   constr: " + tcRefCfg.constraint);
        return buffer.toString();
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