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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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package org.netbeans.modules.editor.fold;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.Fold;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchy;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyEvent;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyListener;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldStateChange;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldManager;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldManagerFactory;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldOperation;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.util.PriorityMutex;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;

 * Class backing the FoldHierarchy in one-to-one relationship.
* The FoldHierarchy delegates all its operations * to this object. * *

* All the changes performed in to the folds are always done * in terms of a transaction represented by {@link FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl}. * The transaction can be opened by {@link #openTransaction()}. * *

* This class changes its state upon displayability change * of the associated component by listening on "ancestor" component property. *
* If the component is not displayable then the list of root folds becomes empty * while if the component gets displayable the root folds are created * according to registered managers. * * @author Miloslav Metelka * @version 1.00 */ public final class FoldHierarchyExecution implements DocumentListener { private static final String PROPERTY_FOLD_HIERARCHY_MUTEX = "foldHierarchyMutex"; //NOI18N private static final String PROPERTY_FOLDING_ENABLED = "code-folding-enable"; //NOI18N private static final boolean debug = Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.editor.fold"); //NOI18N private static final boolean debugFire = Boolean.getBoolean(""); //NOI18N private static final FoldOperationImpl[] EMPTY_FOLD_OPERTAION_IMPL_ARRAY = new FoldOperationImpl[0]; static { // The following call will make sure that the SpiPackageAccessor gets initialized FoldOperation.isBoundsValid(0, 0, 0, 0); } private final JTextComponent component; private FoldHierarchy hierarchy; private Fold rootFold; private FoldOperationImpl[] operations = EMPTY_FOLD_OPERTAION_IMPL_ARRAY; /** * Map containing [blocked-fold, blocking-fold] pairs. */ private Map blocked2block = new HashMap(4); /** * Map containing [blocking-fold, blocked-fold-set] pairs. */ private Map block2blockedSet = new HashMap(4); /** Whether hierarchy is initialized (root fold etc.) */ private boolean inited; private AbstractDocument lastDocument; private PriorityMutex mutex; private EventListenerList listenerList; private boolean foldingEnabled; private FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl activeTransaction; private PropertyChangeListener componentChangesListener; public static synchronized FoldHierarchy getOrCreateFoldHierarchy(JTextComponent component) { if (component == null) { throw new NullPointerException("component cannot be null"); // NOI18N } FoldHierarchyExecution execution = (FoldHierarchyExecution)component.getClientProperty(FoldHierarchyExecution.class); if (execution == null) { execution = new FoldHierarchyExecution(component); execution.init(); component.putClientProperty(FoldHierarchyExecution.class, execution); } return execution.getHierarchy(); } /** * Construct new fold hierarchy SPI * * @param hierarchy hierarchy for which this SPI gets created. * @param component comoponent for which this all happens. */ private FoldHierarchyExecution(JTextComponent component) { this.component = component; } /** * Initialize this spi by existing hierarchy instance * (the one for which this spi was created). *
* This is called lazily upon first attempt to lock * the hierarchy. */ private void init() { // Allow listeners to be added listenerList = new EventListenerList(); // Assign mutex mutex = (PriorityMutex)component.getClientProperty(PROPERTY_FOLD_HIERARCHY_MUTEX); if (mutex == null) { mutex = new PriorityMutex(); component.putClientProperty(PROPERTY_FOLD_HIERARCHY_MUTEX, mutex); } this.hierarchy = ApiPackageAccessor.get().createFoldHierarchy(this); Document doc = component.getDocument(); try { rootFold = ApiPackageAccessor.get().createFold( new FoldOperationImpl(this, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE), FoldHierarchy.ROOT_FOLD_TYPE, "root", // NOI18N false, doc, 0, doc.getEndPosition().getOffset(), 0, 0, null ); } catch (BadLocationException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); } foldingEnabled = getFoldingEnabledSetting(); // Start listening on component changes startComponentChangesListening(); rebuild(); } /** * Get the fold hierarchy associated with this SPI * in one-to-one relationship. */ public final FoldHierarchy getHierarchy() { return hierarchy; } /** * Lock the hierarchy for exclusive use. This method must only * be used together with {@link #unlock()} in try..finally block. *
* Prior using this method the document must be locked. * The document lock can be either readlock * e.g. by using {@link javax.swing.text.Document#render(Runnable)} * or writelock * e.g. when in {@link javax.swing.event.DocumentListener}) * and must be obtained on component's document * i.e. {@link javax.swing.text.JTextComponent#getDocument()} * should be used. * *

* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. * *

* * Note: The clients using this method must ensure that * they always use this method in the following pattern:

     *     lock();
     *     try {
     *         ...
     *     } finally {
     *         unlock();
     *     }
* */ public final void lock() { mutex.lock(); } /** * Unlock the hierarchy from exclusive use. This method must only * be used together with {@link #lock()} in try..finally block. */ public void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); } /** * Get the text component for which this fold hierarchy was created. *
* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. * * @return non-null text component for which this fold hierarchy was created. */ public JTextComponent getComponent() { return component; } /** * Get the root fold of this hierarchy. *
* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. * * @return root fold of this hierarchy. * The root fold covers the whole document and is uncollapsable. */ public Fold getRootFold() { return rootFold; } /** * Add listener for changes done in the hierarchy. *
* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. * * @param l non-null listener to be added. */ public void addFoldHierarchyListener(FoldHierarchyListener l) { synchronized (listenerList) { listenerList.add(FoldHierarchyListener.class, l); } } /** * Remove previously added listener for changes done in the hierarchy. *
* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. * * @param l non-null listener to be removed. */ public void removeFoldHierarchyListener(FoldHierarchyListener l) { synchronized (listenerList) { listenerList.remove(FoldHierarchyListener.class, l); } } void fireFoldHierarchyListener(FoldHierarchyEvent evt) { if (debugFire) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("Firing FoldHierarchyEvent:\n" + evt); // NOI18N } Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); // no need to sync for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == FoldHierarchyListener.class) { ((FoldHierarchyListener)listeners[i + 1]).foldHierarchyChanged(evt); } } } /** * Attempt to add the given fold to the code folding hierarchy. * The fold will either become part of the hierarchy or it will * become blocked by another fold present in the hierarchy. *
* Only folds created by the fold operations of this hierarchy * can be added. * * @param fold fold to be added * @param transaction transaction under which the fold should be added. * @return true if the fold was added successfully or false * if it became blocked. */ public boolean add(Fold fold, FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction) { if (fold.getParent() != null || isBlocked(fold)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fold already added: " + fold); // NOI18N } boolean added = transaction.addFold(fold); // checkConsistency(); return added; } /** * Remove the fold that is either present in the hierarchy or blocked * by another fold. * * @param fold fold to be removed * @param transaction non-null transaction under which the fold should be removed. */ public void remove(Fold fold, FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction) { transaction.removeFold(fold); // checkConsistency(); } /** * Check whether the fold is currently present in the hierarchy or blocked. * * @return true if the fold is currently present in the hierarchy or blocked * or false otherwise. */ public boolean isAddedOrBlocked(Fold fold) { return (fold.getParent() != null || isBlocked(fold)); } /** * Is the given fold blocked by another fold? */ public boolean isBlocked(Fold fold) { return (getBlock(fold) != null); } /** * Get the fold blocking the given fold or null * if the fold is not blocked. */ Fold getBlock(Fold fold) { return (blocked2block.size() > 0) ? (Fold)blocked2block.get(fold) : null; } /** * Mark given fold as blocked by the block fold. */ void markBlocked(Fold blocked, Fold block) { blocked2block.put(blocked, block); Set blockedSet = (Set)block2blockedSet.get(block); if (blockedSet == null) { blockedSet = new HashSet(); block2blockedSet.put(block, blockedSet); } if (!blockedSet.add(blocked)) { // already added throw new IllegalStateException("fold " + blocked + " already blocked"); // NOI18N } } /** * Remove blocked fold from mappings. * * @param blocked fold * @return fold that blocked the blocked fold. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given blocked fold was not really blocked. */ Fold unmarkBlocked(Fold blocked) { // Find block for the given blocked fold Fold block = (Fold)blocked2block.remove(blocked); if (block == null) { // not blocked throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not blocked: " + blocked); // NOI18N } // Remove the fold from set of blocked folds of the block Set blockedSet = (Set)block2blockedSet.get(block); if (!blockedSet.remove(blocked)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not blocker for " + blocked); // NOI18N } if (blockedSet.size() == 0) { // Remove the blocker as well block2blockedSet.remove(block); } return block; } /** * Mark the given block fold to be no longer blocking * (and mark the folds blocked by the given block fold as not blocked). * * @param block the fold blocking others * @return set of folds blocked by the block or null if the given fold * was not block. */ Set unmarkBlock(Fold block) { Set blockedSet = (Set)block2blockedSet.remove(block); if (blockedSet != null) { // Remove all items of blocked set int size = blocked2block.size(); blocked2block.keySet().removeAll(blockedSet); if (size - blocked2block.size() != blockedSet.size()) { // not all removed throw new IllegalStateException("Not all removed: " + blockedSet); // NOI18N } } return blockedSet; } /** * Collapse all folds in the given collection. *
* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. */ public void collapse(Collection c) { setCollapsed(c, true); } /** * Expand all folds in the given collection. *
* The FoldHierarchy delegates to this method. */ public void expand(Collection c) { setCollapsed(c, false); } private void setCollapsed(Collection c, boolean collapsed) { FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction = openTransaction(); try { for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Fold fold = (Fold); transaction.setCollapsed(fold, collapsed); } } finally { transaction.commit(); } } /** * Open a new transaction on the fold hierarchy * to make a change in the hierarchy. *
* Transaction is active until commited * by calling transaction.commit(). *
* Only one transaction can be active at the time. *
* There is currently no way to rollback the transaction. * *

* * Note: The clients using this method must ensure that * they always use this method in the following pattern:

     *     FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction = operation.openTransaction();
     *     try {
     *         ...
     *     } finally {
     *         transaction.commit();
     *     }
* */ public FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl openTransaction() { if (activeTransaction != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Active transaction already exists."); // NOI18N } activeTransaction = new FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl(this); return activeTransaction; } void clearActiveTransaction() { if (activeTransaction == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No transaction in progress"); // NOI18N } activeTransaction = null; } void createAndFireFoldHierarchyEvent( Fold[] removedFolds, Fold[] addedFolds, FoldStateChange[] foldStateChanges, int affectedStartOffset, int affectedEndOffset) { // Check correctness if (affectedStartOffset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("affectedStartOffset=" // NOI18N + affectedStartOffset + " < 0"); // NOI18N } if (affectedEndOffset < affectedStartOffset) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("affectedEndOffset=" // NOI18N + affectedEndOffset + " < affectedStartOffset=" + affectedStartOffset); // NOI18N } FoldHierarchyEvent evt = ApiPackageAccessor.get().createFoldHierarchyEvent( hierarchy, removedFolds, addedFolds, foldStateChanges, affectedStartOffset, affectedEndOffset ); fireFoldHierarchyListener(evt); } /** * Rebuild the fold hierarchy - the fold managers will be recreated. */ public void rebuild() { // Stop listening on the original document if (lastDocument != null) { lastDocument.removeDocumentListener(this); lastDocument = null; } Document doc = getComponent().getDocument(); AbstractDocument adoc; boolean releaseOnly; // only release the current hierarchy root folds if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) { adoc = (AbstractDocument)doc; releaseOnly = false; } else { // doc is null or non-AbstractDocument => release the hierarchy adoc = null; releaseOnly = true; } if (!foldingEnabled) { // folding not enabled => release releaseOnly = true; } if (adoc != null) { adoc.readLock(); // Start listening for changes if (!releaseOnly) { lastDocument = adoc; lastDocument.addDocumentListener(this); } } try { lock(); try { rebuildManagers(releaseOnly); } finally { unlock(); } } finally { if (adoc != null) { adoc.readUnlock(); } } } /** * Rebuild (or release) the root folds of the hierarchy in the event dispatch thread. * * @param releaseOnly release the current root folds * but make the new root folds array empty. */ private void rebuildManagers(boolean releaseOnly) { for (int i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { operations[i].release(); } operations = EMPTY_FOLD_OPERTAION_IMPL_ARRAY; // really release // Call all the providers FoldManagerFactoryProvider provider = !releaseOnly ? FoldManagerFactoryProvider.getDefault() : FoldManagerFactoryProvider.getEmpty(); List factoryList = provider.getFactoryList(getHierarchy()); int factoryListLength = factoryList.size(); if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("FoldHierarchy rebuild():" // NOI18N + " FoldManager factory count=" + factoryListLength // NOI18N ); } // Create fold managers int priority = factoryListLength - 1; // highest priority (till lowest == 0) boolean ok = false; try { operations = new FoldOperationImpl[factoryListLength]; for (int i = 0; i < factoryListLength; i++) { FoldManagerFactory factory = (FoldManagerFactory)factoryList.get(i); FoldManager manager = factory.createFoldManager(); operations[i] = new FoldOperationImpl(this, manager, priority); priority--; } ok = true; } finally { if (!ok) { operations = EMPTY_FOLD_OPERTAION_IMPL_ARRAY; } } // Init managers under a local transaction FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction = openTransaction(); ok = false; try { // Remove all original folds - pass array of all blocked folds Fold[] allBlocked = new Fold[blocked2block.size()]; blocked2block.keySet().toArray(allBlocked); transaction.removeAllFolds(allBlocked); // Init folds in all fold managers // Go from the manager with highest priority (index 0) for (int i = 0; i < factoryListLength; i++) { operations[i].initFolds(transaction); } ok = true; // inited successfully } finally { if (!ok) { // TODO - remove folds under root fold operations = EMPTY_FOLD_OPERTAION_IMPL_ARRAY; } transaction.commit(); } } private void startComponentChangesListening() { if (componentChangesListener == null) { // Start listening on component changes componentChangesListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String propName = evt.getPropertyName(); if ("document".equals(propName)) { //NOI18N rebuild(); } else if (PROPERTY_FOLDING_ENABLED.equals(propName)) { foldingEnabledSettingChange(); } } }; // Start listening on the component. // As the hierarchy instance is stored as a property of the component // (and in fact the spi and the reference to the listener as well) // the listener does not need to be removed getComponent().addPropertyChangeListener(componentChangesListener); } } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { lock(); try { FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction = openTransaction(); try { transaction.insertUpdate(evt); int operationsLength = operations.length; for (int i = 0; i < operationsLength; i++) { operations[i].insertUpdate(evt, transaction); } } finally { transaction.commit(); } } finally { unlock(); } } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { lock(); try { FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction = openTransaction(); try { transaction.removeUpdate(evt); int operationsLength = operations.length; for (int i = 0; i < operationsLength; i++) { operations[i].removeUpdate(evt, transaction); } } finally { transaction.commit(); } } finally { unlock(); } } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { lock(); try { FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl transaction = openTransaction(); try { transaction.changedUpdate(evt); int operationsLength = operations.length; for (int i = 0; i < operationsLength; i++) { operations[i].changedUpdate(evt, transaction); } } finally { transaction.commit(); } } finally { unlock(); } } private boolean getFoldingEnabledSetting() { Boolean b = (Boolean)component.getClientProperty(PROPERTY_FOLDING_ENABLED); return (b != null) ? b.booleanValue() : true; } public void foldingEnabledSettingChange() { boolean origFoldingEnabled = foldingEnabled; foldingEnabled = getFoldingEnabledSetting(); if (origFoldingEnabled != foldingEnabled) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { lock(); try{ rebuild(); } finally { unlock(); } } }); } } /** * Check the internal consistency of the hierarchy * and its contained folds. This is useful for testing purposes. * * @throws IllegalStateException in case an inconsistency is found. */ public void checkConsistency() { try { checkFoldConsistency(getRootFold()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("FOLD HIERARCHY INCONSISTENCY FOUND\n" + this); // NOI18N throw e; // rethrow the exception } } private static void checkFoldConsistency(Fold fold) { int startOffset = fold.getStartOffset(); int endOffset = fold.getEndOffset(); int lastEndOffset = startOffset; for (int i = 0; i < fold.getFoldCount(); i++) { Fold child = fold.getFold(i); if (child.getParent() != fold) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong parent of child=" // NOI18N + child + ": " + child.getParent() // NOI18N + " != " + fold); // NOI18N } int foldIndex = fold.getFoldIndex(child); if (foldIndex != i) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fold index " + foldIndex // NOI18N + " instead of " + i); // NOI18N } int childStartOffset = child.getStartOffset(); int childEndOffset = child.getEndOffset(); if (childStartOffset < lastEndOffset) { throw new IllegalStateException("childStartOffset=" + childStartOffset // NOI18N + " < lastEndOffset=" + lastEndOffset); // NOI18N } if (childStartOffset > childEndOffset) { throw new IllegalStateException("childStartOffset=" + childStartOffset // NOI18N + " > childEndOffset=" + childEndOffset); // NOI18N } lastEndOffset = childEndOffset; checkFoldConsistency(child); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("component="); // NOI18N sb.append(System.identityHashCode(getComponent())); sb.append('\n'); // Append info about root folds sb.append(FoldUtilitiesImpl.foldToStringChildren(hierarchy.getRootFold(), 0)); sb.append('\n'); // Append info about blocked folds if (blocked2block != null) { sb.append("BLOCKED\n"); // NOI18N for (Iterator it = blocked2block.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); sb.append(" "); // NOI18N sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(" blocked-by "); // NOI18N sb.append(entry.getValue()); sb.append('\n'); } } // Append info about blockers if (block2blockedSet != null) { sb.append("BLOCKERS\n"); // NOI18N for (Iterator it = block2blockedSet.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); sb.append(" "); // NOI18N sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append('\n'); Set blockedSet = (Set)entry.getValue(); for (Iterator it2 = blockedSet.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { sb.append(" blocks "); // NOI18N sb.append(; sb.append('\n'); } } } int operationsLength = operations.length; if (operationsLength > 0) { sb.append("Fold Managers\n"); // NOI18N for (int i = 0; i < operationsLength; i++) { sb.append("FOLD MANAGER ["); // NOI18N sb.append(i); sb.append("]:\n"); // NOI18N sb.append(operations[i].getManager()); sb.append("\n"); // NOI18N } } return sb.toString(); } }
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