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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.editor;

import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import javax.swing.text.Element;
import javax.swing.text.View;
import javax.swing.text.ViewFactory;
import javax.swing.text.Position;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;

* Leaf view implementation. This corresponds and requires leaf element
* to be element for this view.
* The view has the following structure:
*  +---------------------------------------------------------+  
*  |              area                   | A
*  |                                                         | |
*  |                                                         | V
*  |      +--------------------------------------------------+
*  |      |                                                  | A
*  |      |                                                  | |
*  |  i   |                                                  | |
*  |  n   |                                                  | |
*  |  s   |                                                  | |
*  |  e   |                                                  | |
*  |  t   |                                                  | |
*  |  s   |                                                  | |
*  |  .   |                                                  | |
*  |  l   |                                                  | |
*  |  e   |              Main area of this view              | | mainHeight
*  |  f   |                                                  | |
*  |  t   |                                                  | |
*  |      |                                                  | |
*  |  a   |                                                  | |
*  |  r   |                                                  | |
*  |  e   |                                                  | |
*  |  a   |                                                  | |
*  |      |                                                  | |
*  |      |                                                  | |
*  |      |                                                  | |
*  |      |                                                  | |
*  |      |                                                  | V
*  |      +--------------------------------------------------+
*  |                       insets.bottom area                | A
*  |                                                         | | insets.bottom
*  |                                                         | V
*  +---------------------------------------------------------+
* @author  Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00

public class LeafView extends BaseView {

    /** Height of the area this view manages excluding areas
    * managed by its children and excluding insets.
    protected int mainHeight;

    /** Draw graphics for converting position to coords */
    ModelToViewDG modelToViewDG = new ModelToViewDG();

    /** Draw graphics for converting coords to position */
    ViewToModelDG viewToModelDG = new ViewToModelDG();

    /** Construct new base view */
    public LeafView(Element elem) {

    public void setParent(View parent) {
        if (getParent() != null) {
    /** Returns binary composition of paint areas */
    protected int getPaintAreas(Graphics g, int clipY, int clipHeight) {
        // invalid or empty height
        if (clipHeight <= 0) {
            return 0;

        int clipEndY = clipY + clipHeight;
        int startY = getStartY();
        if (insets != null) { // valid insets
            int mainAreaY = startY +;
            if (clipEndY <= mainAreaY) {
                return INSETS_TOP;
            int bottomInsetsY = mainAreaY + mainHeight;
            if (clipEndY <= bottomInsetsY) {
                if (clipY <= mainAreaY) {
                    return INSETS_TOP + MAIN_AREA;
                } else {
                    return MAIN_AREA;
            if (clipY <= mainAreaY) {
                return INSETS_TOP + MAIN_AREA + INSETS_BOTTOM;
            } else if (clipY <= bottomInsetsY) {
                return MAIN_AREA + INSETS_BOTTOM;
            } else if (clipY <= bottomInsetsY + insets.bottom) {
                return INSETS_BOTTOM;
            } else {
                return 0;
        } else { // no insets
            if (clipEndY <= startY || clipY >= startY + getHeight()) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return MAIN_AREA;

    /** Paint either top insets, main area, or bottom insets depending on paintAreas variable */
    protected void paintAreas(Graphics g, int clipY, int clipHeight, int paintAreas) {
        if ((paintAreas & MAIN_AREA) == MAIN_AREA) {
            EditorUI editorUI = getEditorUI();
            int paintY = Math.max(clipY, 0); // relative start of area to paint
            int startPos = getPosFromY(paintY);
            if (clipHeight > 0) { // needs to be painted
                BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)getDocument();
                try {
                    int pos = getPosFromY(clipY + clipHeight - 1);
                    int endPos = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, pos);
                    int baseY = getYFromPos(startPos);
                    DrawEngine.getDrawEngine().draw(new DrawGraphics.GraphicsDG(g),
                        editorUI, startPos, endPos,
                        getBaseX(baseY), baseY, Integer.MAX_VALUE
                } catch (BadLocationException e) {

    /** Get total height of this view */
    public int getHeight() {
        if (insets != null) {
            return + mainHeight + insets.bottom;
        } else {
            return mainHeight;

    /** Compute and update main area height */
    public void updateMainHeight() {
        LeafElement elem = (LeafElement)getElement(); // need leaf element
        try {
            int lineDiff = (elem.getEndMark().getLine() - elem.getStartMark().getLine()
                            + 1);
            mainHeight = lineDiff * getEditorUI().getLineHeight();
        } catch (InvalidMarkException e) {
            mainHeight = 0;

    /** Get begin of line position from y-coord.
    * If the position is before main area begining
    * it returns start position. If it's beyond the end of view it returns
    * end position.
    * @param y y-coord to inspect
    *   always returns startOffset for y < start of main area
    * @param eol means to return end of specified line instead of begining
    * @return position in the document
    protected int getPosFromY(int y) {
        // relative distance from begining of main area
        int relY = y - getStartY() - ((insets != null) ? : 0);
        if (relY < 0) { // before the view
            return getStartOffset();
        if (relY >= mainHeight) { // beyond the view
            return getEndOffset();

        int line = 0;
        // get the begining line of the element
        try {
            line = ((BaseElement)getElement()).getStartMark().getLine();
        } catch (InvalidMarkException e) {
        // advance the line by by relative distance
        line += relY / getEditorUI().getLineHeight();

        int startOffset = getStartOffset();
        int pos;
        pos = Utilities.getRowStartFromLineOffset(((BaseDocument)getDocument()), line);
        if (pos == -1) {
            pos = startOffset;
        return Math.max(pos, startOffset);

    public int getBaseX(int y) {
        return getEditorUI().getTextMargin().left + ((insets != null) ? insets.left : 0);

    /** Returns the number of child views in this view. */
    public final int getViewCount() {
        return 0;

    /** Gets the n-th child view.  */
    public final View getView(int n) {
        return null;

    /** !!! osetrit konec view -> jump na dalsi v branchview */
    public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a,
                                         int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet)
    throws BadLocationException {
        if (biasRet != null) {
            biasRet[0] = Position.Bias.Forward;
        switch (direction) {
        case NORTH:
                try {
                    BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)getDocument();
                    int visCol = doc.getVisColFromPos(pos);
                    pos = doc.getOffsetFromVisCol(visCol, Utilities.getRowStart(doc, pos, -1));
                } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                    // leave the original position
                return pos;
        case SOUTH:
                try {
                    BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)getDocument();
                    int visCol = doc.getVisColFromPos(pos);
                    pos = doc.getOffsetFromVisCol(visCol, Utilities.getRowStart(doc, pos, 1));
                } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                    // leave the original position
                return pos;
        case WEST:
            return (pos == -1) ? getStartOffset() : (pos - 1);
        case EAST:
            return (pos == -1) ? getEndOffset() : (pos + 1);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad direction: " + direction); // NOI18N

    /** Get y coordinate from position.
    * The position can lay anywhere inside this view.
    protected int getYFromPos(int pos) throws BadLocationException {
        int relLine = 0;
        try {
            relLine = Utilities.getLineOffset(((BaseDocument)getDocument()), pos)
                      - ((BaseElement)getElement()).getStartMark().getLine();
        } catch (InvalidMarkException e) {
        return getStartY() + ((insets != null) ? : 0)
               + relLine * getEditorUI().getLineHeight();

    public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException {
        EditorUI editorUI = getEditorUI();
        Rectangle ret = new Rectangle();
        BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)getDocument();
        if (pos < 0 || pos > doc.getLength()) {
            throw new BadLocationException("Invalid offset", pos); // NOI18N

        ret.y = getYFromPos(pos);

        try {
            synchronized (modelToViewDG) {
                modelToViewDG.r = ret; // set the current rectangle

                Element lineElement = doc.getParagraphElement(pos);
                int bolPos = lineElement.getStartOffset();
                int eolPos = lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1;
                DrawEngine.getDrawEngine().draw(modelToViewDG, editorUI,
                    bolPos, eolPos,
                    getBaseX(ret.y), ret.y, pos
                modelToViewDG.r = null;
        } catch (BadLocationException e) {

        return ret;

    public Shape modelToView(int p0, Position.Bias b0, int p1, Position.Bias b1,
                             Shape a) throws BadLocationException {
        Rectangle r0 = (Rectangle)modelToView(p0, a, b0);
        Rectangle r1 = (Rectangle)modelToView(p1, a, b1);
        if (r0.y != r1.y) {
            // If it spans lines, force it to be the width of the view.
            r0.x = getComponent().getX();
            r0.width = getComponent().getWidth();
        return r0;

    public void modelToViewDG(int pos, DrawGraphics dg)
    throws BadLocationException {
        EditorUI editorUI = getEditorUI();
        BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)getDocument();
        if (pos < 0 || pos > doc.getLength()) {
            throw new BadLocationException("Invalid offset", pos); // NOI18N

        int y = getYFromPos(pos);
        Element lineElement = doc.getParagraphElement(pos);
        DrawEngine.getDrawEngine().draw(dg, editorUI, lineElement.getStartOffset(),
            lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1, getBaseX(y), y, pos);

    /** Get position from location on screen.
    * @param x the X coordinate >= 0
    * @param y the Y coordinate >= 0
    * @param a the allocated region to render into
    * @return the location within the model that best represents the
    *  given point in the view >= 0
    public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] biasReturn) {
        int intX = (int)x;
        int intY = (int)y;
        if (biasReturn != null) {
            biasReturn[0] = Position.Bias.Forward;
        int begMainY = getStartY() + ((insets != null) ? : 0);
        if (intY < begMainY) { // top insets or before this view
            return -1; // getStartOffset();
        } else if (intY > begMainY + mainHeight) { // bottom insets or beyond
            return getEndOffset();
        } else { // inside the view
            int pos = getPosFromY(intY); // first get BOL of target line
            EditorUI editorUI = getEditorUI();
            try {
                int eolPos = Utilities.getRowEnd((BaseDocument)getDocument(), pos);
                synchronized (viewToModelDG) {
                    DrawEngine.getDrawEngine().draw(viewToModelDG, editorUI, pos, eolPos,
                                                    getBaseX(intY), 0, -1);
                    pos = viewToModelDG.getOffset();
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                // return begining of line in this case
            return pos;

    /** Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
    * in a location that this view is responsible for.
    * @param e the change information from the associated document
    * @param a the current allocation of the view
    * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
    public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent evt, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
        try {
            BaseDocumentEvent bevt = (BaseDocumentEvent)evt;
            EditorUI editorUI = getEditorUI();
            int y = getYFromPos(evt.getOffset());
            int lineHeight = editorUI.getLineHeight();
            if (bevt.getLFCount() > 0) { // one or more lines inserted
                int addHeight = bevt.getLFCount() * lineHeight;
                mainHeight += addHeight;

            } else { // inserting on one line

                int syntaxY = getYFromPos(bevt.getSyntaxUpdateOffset());
                // !!! patch for case when DocMarksOp.eolMark is at the end of document
                if (bevt.getSyntaxUpdateOffset() == evt.getDocument().getLength()) {
                    syntaxY += lineHeight;

                if (getComponent().isShowing()) {
                    editorUI.repaint(y, Math.max(lineHeight, syntaxY - y));

        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {

    /** Gives notification from the document that attributes were removed
    * in a location that this view is responsible for.
    * @param e the change information from the associated document
    * @param a the current allocation of the view
    * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
    public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent evt, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
        try {
            BaseDocumentEvent bevt = (BaseDocumentEvent)evt;
            EditorUI editorUI = getEditorUI();
            int y = getYFromPos(evt.getOffset());
            int lineHeight = editorUI.getLineHeight();
            if (bevt.getLFCount() > 0) { // one or more lines removed
                int removeHeight = bevt.getLFCount() * lineHeight;
                mainHeight -= removeHeight;

            } else { // removing on one line
                int syntaxY = getYFromPos(bevt.getSyntaxUpdateOffset());
                // !!! patch for case when DocMarksOp.eolMark is at the end of document
                if (bevt.getSyntaxUpdateOffset() == evt.getDocument().getLength()) {
                    syntaxY += lineHeight;

                if (getComponent().isShowing()) {
                    editorUI.repaint(y, Math.max(lineHeight, syntaxY - y));

        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {

    /** Attributes were changed in the are this view is responsible for.
    * @param e the change information from the associated document
    * @param a the current allocation of the view
    * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
    public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent evt, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
        try {
            if (getComponent().isShowing()) {
                getEditorUI().repaintBlock(evt.getOffset(), evt.getOffset() + evt.getLength());
        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {

    /** Get child view's y base value. Invalid in this case. */
    protected int getViewStartY(BaseView view, int helperInd) {
        return 0; // invalid in this case

    static final class ModelToViewDG extends DrawGraphics.SimpleDG {

        Rectangle r;

        public boolean targetOffsetReached(int pos, char ch, int x,
                                           int charWidth, DrawContext ctx) {
            r.x = x;
            r.y = getY();
            r.width = charWidth;
            r.height = getLineHeight();
            return false;


    static final class ViewToModelDG extends DrawGraphics.SimpleDG {

        int targetX;

        int offset;

        int eolOffset;

        void setTargetX(int targetX) {
            this.targetX = targetX;

        void setEOLOffset(int eolOffset) {
            this.eolOffset = eolOffset;
            this.offset = eolOffset;

        int getOffset() {
            return offset;

        public boolean targetOffsetReached(int offset, char ch, int x,
        int charWidth, DrawContext ctx) {
            if (offset <= eolOffset) {
                if (x + charWidth < targetX) {
                    this.offset = offset;
                    return true;

                } else { // target position inside the char
                    this.offset = offset;
                    if (targetX > x + charWidth / 2) {
                        Document doc = ctx.getEditorUI().getDocument();
                        if (ch != '\n' && doc != null && offset < doc.getLength()) {

                    return false;
            return false;


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