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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
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 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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package org.netbeans.editor;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;

* Utility methods for managing settings
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00

public class SettingsUtil {

        = "token-coloring-initializer"; // NOI18N

    public static final PrintColoringEvaluator defaultPrintColoringEvaluator
    = new PrintColoringEvaluator();

    private static final float defaultPrintFontSize = 10;

    /** Get either the cloned list or new list if the old
    * one was null.
    * @param l list to check
    * @return the cloned list if it was non-null or the new list
    public static List getClonedList(List l) {
        return (l != null) ? new ArrayList(l) : new ArrayList();

    public static List getClonedList(Class kitClass, String settingName) {
        return getClonedList((List)Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName));

    /** Useful for initializers */
    public static List getClonedList(Map settingsMap, String settingName) {
        if (settingsMap != null) {
            return getClonedList((List)settingsMap.get(settingName));
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Map getClonedMap(Map m) {
        return (m != null) ? new HashMap(m) : new HashMap();

    public static Map getClonedMap(Class kitClass, String settingName) {
        return getClonedMap((Map)Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName));

    /** Useful for initializers */
    public static Map getClonedMap(Map settingsMap, String settingName) {
        if (settingsMap != null) {
            return getClonedMap((Map)settingsMap.get(settingName));
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Object getValue(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                  Object defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value != null) ? value : defaultValue;

    public static int getInteger(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                 int defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value instanceof Integer) ?  ((Integer)value).intValue() : defaultValue;

    public static int getInteger(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                 Integer defaultValue) {
        return getInteger(kitClass, settingName, defaultValue.intValue());

    public static int getPositiveInteger(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                         int defaultValue) {
        int ret = getInteger(kitClass, settingName, defaultValue);
        if (ret <= 0) {
            ret = defaultValue;
        return ret;

    public static int getPositiveInteger(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                         Integer defaultValue) {
        return getPositiveInteger(kitClass, settingName, defaultValue.intValue());

    public static int getNonNegativeInteger(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                            int defaultValue) {
        int ret = getInteger(kitClass, settingName, defaultValue);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ret = defaultValue;
        return ret;

    public static int getNonNegativeInteger(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                            Integer defaultValue) {
        return getNonNegativeInteger(kitClass, settingName, defaultValue.intValue());

    public static boolean getBoolean(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                     boolean defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value instanceof Boolean) ? ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() : defaultValue;

    public static boolean getBoolean(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                     Boolean defaultValue) {
        return getBoolean(kitClass, settingName, defaultValue.booleanValue());

    public static String getString(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                   String defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value instanceof String) ? (String)value : defaultValue;

    public static Acceptor getAcceptor(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                       Acceptor defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value instanceof Acceptor) ? (Acceptor)value : defaultValue;

    public static List getList(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                               List defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value instanceof List) ? (List)value : defaultValue;

    public static List getCumulativeList(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                                         List defaultValue) {
        Settings.KitAndValue[] kva = Settings.getValueHierarchy(kitClass, settingName);
        if (kva != null && kva.length > 0) {
            List l = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < kva.length; i++) {
                if (kva[i].value instanceof List) {
            return l;
        } else {
            return defaultValue;

    public static Map getMap(Class kitClass, String settingName,
                             Map defaultValue) {
        Object value = Settings.getValue(kitClass, settingName);
        return (value instanceof Map) ? (Map)value : defaultValue;

    public static void updateListSetting(Class kitClass,
                                         String settingName, Object[] addToList) {
        if (addToList != null && addToList.length > 0) {
            List l = getClonedList(kitClass, settingName);
            Settings.setValue(kitClass, settingName, l);

    public static void updateListSetting(Map settingsMap,
                                         String settingName, Object[] addToList) {
        if (settingsMap != null && addToList != null && addToList.length > 0) {
            List l = getClonedList(settingsMap, settingName);
            settingsMap.put(settingName, l);

    private static String getColoringSettingName(String coloringName,
    boolean printingSet) {
        return (coloringName
                + (printingSet ? SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_PRINT_SUFFIX : SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_SUFFIX)

    public static Coloring getColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
    boolean printingSet) {
        return (Coloring)getColoring(kitClass, coloringName, printingSet, true);

    public static Object getColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
    boolean printingSet, boolean evaluateEvaluators) {
        return Settings.getValue(kitClass,
            getColoringSettingName(coloringName, printingSet),

    public static Coloring getTokenColoring(TokenContextPath tcp,
    TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, boolean printingSet) {
        return (Coloring)getTokenColoring(tcp, tokenIDOrCategory, printingSet, true);

    public static Object getTokenColoring(TokenContextPath tcp,
    TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, boolean printingSet, boolean evaluateEvaluators) {
        return getColoring(BaseKit.class, tcp.getFullTokenName(tokenIDOrCategory),
                printingSet, evaluateEvaluators);

    /** Get the coloring setting from the map that holds the settings values
    * for the particular kit.
    * @param settingsMap map that holds the [setting-name, setting-value] pairs
    *  for some kit-class.
    * @param coloringName name of the coloring to retrieve
    * @param printingSet retrieve the value of printing coloring
    *  instead of component coloring.
    public static Object getColoring(Map settingsMap, String coloringName,
    boolean printingSet) {
        return settingsMap.get(getColoringSettingName(coloringName, printingSet));

    public static void setColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
    Object newValue, boolean printingSet) {
        Settings.setValue(kitClass, getColoringSettingName(coloringName, printingSet), newValue);

    public static void setColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
    Object componentColoringNewValue) {
        setColoring(kitClass, coloringName, componentColoringNewValue, false);
        setColoring(kitClass, coloringName, defaultPrintColoringEvaluator, true);

    public static void setColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
    Object componentColoringNewValue, Object printColoringNewValue) {
        setColoring(kitClass, coloringName, componentColoringNewValue, false);
        setColoring(kitClass, coloringName, printColoringNewValue, true);

    /** Put the coloring into a map holding the settings for the particular kit.
    public static void setColoring(Map settingsMap, String coloringName,
    Object newValue, boolean printingSet) {
        settingsMap.put(getColoringSettingName(coloringName, printingSet), newValue);

    /** Put the coloring into a map holding the settings for the particular kit and assign
    * a default print coloring Evaluator to the print coloring setting.
    public static void setColoring(Map settingsMap, String coloringName,
    Object componentColoringNewValue) {
        setColoring(settingsMap, coloringName, componentColoringNewValue, false);
        setColoring(settingsMap, coloringName, defaultPrintColoringEvaluator, true);

    public static void setColoring(Map settingsMap, String coloringName,
    Object componentColoringNewValue, Object printColoringNewValue) {
        setColoring(settingsMap, coloringName, componentColoringNewValue, false);
        setColoring(settingsMap, coloringName, printColoringNewValue, true);

    /** Get the map holding [coloring-name, coloring-value] pairs for all the colorings
    * defined for the given kit. The SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_LIST setting
    * is used to the coloring names that will apear in the map.
    * @param kitClass kit class for which the colorings are retrieved from the settings.
    * @param printingSet retrieve the printing colorings instead of component colorings.
    * @param evaluateEvaluators evaluate all the Settings.Evaluator instances or not.
    public static Map getColoringMap(Class kitClass, boolean printingSet,
                                     boolean evaluateEvaluators) {
        HashMap coloringMap = new HashMap();
        List nameList = getCumulativeList(kitClass, SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_LIST, null);

        // First take the name of the colorings
        if (nameList != null) {
            for (int i = nameList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                String name = (String)nameList.get(i);
                Object coloring = getColoring(kitClass, name, printingSet, evaluateEvaluators);
                if (coloring != null) {
                    coloringMap.put(name, coloring);

        // Add the colorings from syntaxes
        List tokenContextList = getList(kitClass, SettingsNames.TOKEN_CONTEXT_LIST, null);
        if (tokenContextList != null) {
            for (int i = tokenContextList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                TokenContext tc = (TokenContext)tokenContextList.get(i);
                TokenContextPath[] allPaths = tc.getAllContextPaths();
                for (int j = 0; j < allPaths.length; j++) {
                    TokenContext firstContext = allPaths[j].getContexts()[0];

                    // Add token-categories colorings
                    TokenCategory[] tokenCategories = firstContext.getTokenCategories();
                    for (int k = 0; k < tokenCategories.length; k++) {
                        Object coloring = getTokenColoring(allPaths[j],
                                tokenCategories[k], printingSet, evaluateEvaluators);
                        if (coloring != null) {
                            String fullName = allPaths[j].getFullTokenName(tokenCategories[k]);
                            coloringMap.put(fullName, coloring);

                    // Add token-ids colorings
                    TokenID[] tokenIDs = firstContext.getTokenIDs();
                    for (int k = 0; k < tokenIDs.length; k++) {
                        Object coloring = getTokenColoring(allPaths[j],
                                tokenIDs[k], printingSet, evaluateEvaluators);
                        if (coloring != null) {
                            String fullName = allPaths[j].getFullTokenName(tokenIDs[k]);
                            coloringMap.put(fullName, coloring);

        return coloringMap;

    /** Update the settings according to the changes provided in the coloringMap.
     * @param kitClass class of the kit for which the colorings are being updated.
     *   Only the colorings with the names contained in COLORING_NAME_LIST
     *   will be updated for the kitClass settings. The rest is considered
     *   to be the token colorings so they are updated in BaseKit settings.
     * @param coloringMap map containing [coloring-name, coloring-value] pairs.
     * @param printingSet whether printing colorings should be updated instead
     *   of component colorings.
    public static void setColoringMap( Class kitClass, Map coloringMap, boolean printingSet ) {
        List colNameList = getCumulativeList(kitClass, SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_LIST, null);
        if (colNameList != null && coloringMap != null && coloringMap.size() > 0) {
            HashSet nameSet = new HashSet(colNameList);

            for( Iterator i = coloringMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                String name = (String);
                Object coloring = coloringMap.get( name );
                if( nameSet.contains( name ) ) {
                    setColoring( kitClass, name, coloring, printingSet );
                } else {
                    setColoring( BaseKit.class, name, coloring, printingSet );
    /** Create initializer that reflects the colorings given by the coloring map.
     * @param kitClass class of the kit for which the colorings will be updated
     *   by the initializer.
     *   Only the colorings with the names contained in COLORING_NAME_LIST
     *   will be updated for the kitClass settings. The rest is considered
     *   to be the token colorings so they are updated in BaseKit settings
     *   by the initializer.
     * @param coloringMap map containing [coloring-name, coloring-value] pairs.
     * @param printingSet whether printing colorings should be updated instead
     *   of component colorings.
     * @param initializerName name that will be assigned to the initializer.
    public static Settings.Initializer getColoringMapInitializer(
    Class kitClass, Map coloringMap, boolean printingSet,
    String initializerName) {
        return new ColoringMapInitializer(kitClass, coloringMap, printingSet,
    /** Evaluator that translates the regular coloring to the print coloring
    * by the default black-and-white rules.
    public static class PrintColoringEvaluator implements Settings.Evaluator {

        /** Translates the regular coloring to the print coloring
        * @param kitClass kit class for which the coloring is being retrieved
        * @param coloringName name of the coloring without the suffix
        * @param componentColoring component coloring retrieved from the settings. It's provided
        *   for convenience because the majority of Evaluator will derive
        *   the particular print coloring from the given component coloring.
        protected Coloring getPrintColoring(Class kitClass,
                                            String coloringName, Coloring componentColoring) {
            Coloring printColoring = componentColoring;
            if (printColoring != null) {
                // Make the background color white
                if (printColoring.getBackColor() != null) {
                    printColoring = Coloring.changeBackColor(printColoring, Color.white);
                // Make the foreground color black
                if (printColoring.getForeColor() != null) {
                    printColoring = Coloring.changeForeColor(printColoring,;
                // Update the font height
                float pfh = getPrintFontSize();
                if (pfh >= 0) {
                    Font f = printColoring.getFont();
                    if (f != null) {
                        printColoring = Coloring.changeFont(printColoring, f.deriveFont(pfh));
            return printColoring;

        /** Return the font size to which the coloring font should be updated.
        * Negative value means not to update the coloring font.
        protected float getPrintFontSize() {
            return defaultPrintFontSize;

        public Object getValue(Class kitClass, String settingName) {
            if (settingName.endsWith(SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_PRINT_SUFFIX)) {
                String coloringName = settingName.substring(0,
                                      settingName.length() - SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_PRINT_SUFFIX.length());
                Coloring c = getColoring(kitClass, coloringName, false);
                return getPrintColoring(kitClass, coloringName, c);
            return null;


    /** Print coloring Evaluator that changes the font style. It's available here
    * because it's often used.
    public static class FontStylePrintColoringEvaluator extends PrintColoringEvaluator {

        private int fontStyle;

        public FontStylePrintColoringEvaluator(int fontStyle) {
            this.fontStyle = fontStyle;

        protected Coloring getPrintColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
                                            Coloring componentColoring) {
            Coloring printColoring = super.getPrintColoring(kitClass, coloringName, componentColoring);
            Font f = printColoring.getFont();
            if (f != null) {
                printColoring = Coloring.changeFont(printColoring, f.deriveFont(fontStyle));
            return printColoring;


    /** Print coloring Evaluator that changes the foreground color to the color given
    * in the constructor. It's available here because it's often used.
    public static class ForeColorPrintColoringEvaluator extends PrintColoringEvaluator {

        private Color foreColor;

        public ForeColorPrintColoringEvaluator(Color foreColor) {
            this.foreColor = foreColor;

        protected Coloring getPrintColoring(Class kitClass, String coloringName,
                                            Coloring componentColoring) {
            return Coloring.changeForeColor(
                       super.getPrintColoring(kitClass, coloringName, componentColoring),


    /** Evaluator for the token coloring. */
    public static class TokenColoringEvaluator
    implements Settings.Evaluator, {

        private String parentFullTokenIDName;

        private Coloring coloring;

        private boolean printingSet;

        /** Create new token-coloring evaluator.
        * @param tokenContextPath token-context path for which the evaluator
        *  is being created. The parent path is retrieved and full token name
        *  will be got on it for the token-id or category provided.
        * @param tokenIDOrCategory token-id or category for which the evaluator
        *  is being created.
        * @param coloring additional coloring that, if non-null will be applied
        *  to the coloring of the parentTokenID to form the resulting coloring.
        * @param printingSet whether this evaluator is for component or printing set coloring
        public TokenColoringEvaluator(TokenContextPath tokenContextPath,
        TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, Coloring coloring, boolean printingSet) {
                    coloring, printingSet);

        /** Create new token-coloring evaluator.
        * @param parentFullTokenIDName name of the token from which is this token (for which
        *  is this evaluator created) derived.
        * @param coloring additional coloring that, if non-null will be applied
        *  to the coloring of the parentTokenID to form the resulting coloring.
        * @param printingSet whether this evaluator is for component or printing set coloring
        public TokenColoringEvaluator(String parentFullTokenIDName, Coloring coloring,
        boolean printingSet) {
            this.parentFullTokenIDName = parentFullTokenIDName;
            this.coloring = coloring;
            this.printingSet = printingSet;

        public Object getValue(Class kitClass, String settingName) {
            Coloring ret;
            ret = getColoring(BaseKit.class, parentFullTokenIDName, printingSet);

            if (coloring != null) { // make change only if coloring is non-null
                if (ret != null) { // parent is non-null
                    ret = coloring.apply(ret); // apply to parent

            return ret;


    /** Initializer for the token-coloring settings.
    public static abstract class TokenColoringInitializer
    extends Settings.AbstractInitializer {

        /** Token context for which the colorings are being initialized. */
        private TokenContext tokenContext;

        /** Create settings-initializer for the colorings of the tokens
        * in the given context and all its context-paths. The name for the new
        * initializer is composed from the prefix of the tokenContext.
        * @param tokenContext context for which the colorings are being
        *   initialized.
        public TokenColoringInitializer(TokenContext tokenContext) {
            this(tokenContext, tokenContext.getNamePrefix()

        /** Create settings-initializer for the colorings of the tokens
        * in the given context and all its context-paths.
        * @param tokenContext context for which the colorings are being
        *   initialized.
        * @param initializerName name that will be given to the initializer.
        public TokenColoringInitializer(TokenContext tokenContext,
        String initializerName) {
            this.tokenContext = tokenContext;

        public void updateSettingsMap(Class kitClass, Map settingsMap) {

            if (kitClass == BaseKit.class) { // all token colorings on base-kit level

                TokenContextPath[] allPaths = tokenContext.getAllContextPaths();
                for (int i = 0; i < allPaths.length; i++) {
                    TokenContextPath tcp = allPaths[i]; // current path

                    boolean printingSet = false; // process both sets
                    do {

                        TokenContext firstContext = tcp.getContexts()[0];
                        TokenCategory[] tokenCategories = firstContext.getTokenCategories();
                        for (int j = 0; j < tokenCategories.length; j++) {
                            Object catColoring = getTokenColoring(tcp, tokenCategories[j],
                            if (catColoring != null) {
                                String fullName = tcp.getFullTokenName(tokenCategories[j]);
                                SettingsUtil.setColoring(settingsMap, fullName, catColoring, printingSet);

                        // Add token-ids
                        TokenID[] tokenIDs = firstContext.getTokenIDs();
                        for (int j = 0; j < tokenIDs.length; j++) {
                            Object tokenColoring = getTokenColoring(tcp, tokenIDs[j],
                            if (tokenColoring != null) {
                                String fullName = tcp.getFullTokenName(tokenIDs[j]);
                                SettingsUtil.setColoring(settingsMap, fullName, tokenColoring, printingSet);

                        printingSet = !printingSet;

                    } while (printingSet);


        /** Get either coloring or settings evaluator for the given target token-id.
        * @param tokenContextPath token-context-path for which the coloring
        *  is being created. All the context paths for the given token-context
        *  are processed.
        * @param tokenIDOrCategory token-id or token-category for which
        *  the coloring or evaluator is being created.
        * @param printingSet whether the set of the colorings used for printing
        *  is created instead of the colorings used for the component coloring.
        * @return either Coloring instance or an evaluator that returns a coloring.
        public abstract Object getTokenColoring(TokenContextPath tokenContextPath,
        TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, boolean printingSet);

    /** Coloring map initializer is used when coloring map is given
     * and it's necessary to provide the same settings through initializer.
    static class ColoringMapInitializer extends Settings.AbstractInitializer {
        private Class kitClass;
        private HashMap baseKitMap;
        private HashMap kitClassMap;
        ColoringMapInitializer(Class kitClass, Map coloringMap, boolean printingSet,
        String initializerName) {

            this.kitClass = kitClass;
            baseKitMap = new HashMap(31);
            kitClassMap = new HashMap(37);

            List colNameList = getCumulativeList(kitClass, SettingsNames.COLORING_NAME_LIST, null);
            if (colNameList != null && coloringMap != null && coloringMap.size() > 0) {
                HashSet nameSet = new HashSet(colNameList);

                for( Iterator i = coloringMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                    String name = (String);
                    Object coloring = coloringMap.get( name );
                    if( nameSet.contains( name ) ) {
                        setColoring( kitClassMap, name, coloring, printingSet );
                    } else {
                        setColoring( baseKitMap, name, coloring, printingSet );
        public void updateSettingsMap(Class kitClass, Map settingsMap) {
            if (kitClass == BaseKit.class) {

            } else if (kitClass == this.kitClass) {

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