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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.editor.EditorDebug;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenID;

* Expression generated by parsing text by java completion
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00

public class JCExpression {

    /** Invalid expression - this ID is used only internally */
    private static final int INVALID = -1;
    /** Constant - int/long/String/char etc. */
    public static final int CONSTANT = 0;
    /** Variable 'a' or 'a.b.c' */
    public static final int VARIABLE = 1;
    /** Operator '+' or '--' */
    public static final int OPERATOR = 2;
    /** Special value for unary operators */
    public static final int UNARY_OPERATOR = 3;
    /** Dot between method calls 'a().b()' or 'a().b.c.d(e, f)' */
    public static final int DOT = 4;
    /** Dot between method calls and dot at the end 'a().b().' or 'a().b.c.d(e, f).' */
    public static final int DOT_OPEN = 5;
    /** Opened array 'a[0' or 'a.b.c[d.e' */
    public static final int ARRAY_OPEN = 6;
    /** Array 'a[0]' or 'a.b.c[d.e]' */
    public static final int ARRAY = 7;
    /** Left opened parentheses */
    public static final int PARENTHESIS_OPEN = 8;
    /** Closed parenthesis holding the subexpression or conversion */
    public static final int PARENTHESIS = 9;
    /** Opened method 'a(' or 'a.b.c(d, e' */
    public static final int METHOD_OPEN = 10;
    /** Method closed by right parentheses 'a()' or 'a.b.c(d, e, f)' */
    public static final int METHOD = 11;
    /** Constructor closed by right parentheses 'new String()' or 'new String("hello")' */ // NOI18N
    public static final int CONSTRUCTOR = 12;
    /** Conversion '(int)a.b()' */
    public static final int CONVERSION = 13;
    /** Data type */
    public static final int TYPE = 14;
    /** 'new' keyword */
    public static final int NEW = 15;
    /** 'instanceof' operator */
    public static final int INSTANCEOF = 16;
     * Generic type in jdk 1.5.
* It gets returned as expression with two or more parameters. *
* The first expression parameter is the type itself - VARIABLE * or DOT (or DOT_OPEN) expression. *
* The next expression parameters are type arguments (comma separated). * They are either VARIABLE, DOT, DOT_OPEN or GENERIC_TYPE. *
* The tokens added to the expression are * "<" and zero or more "," and ">". */ // e.g. List // or List> // or HashMap public static final int GENERIC_TYPE = 17; /** * Unclosed generic type. * It's not closed by >. */ // e.g. List> // or HashMap public static final int GENERIC_TYPE_OPEN = 18; /** * Annotation in jdk1.5. */ public static final int ANNOTATION = 19; /** 'import' keyword */ public static final int IMPORT = 20; public static final int CASE = 21; /** Last used id of the expression ids. */ private static final int LAST_ID = CASE; private static final int javaTokenIDsLength = JavaTokenContext.context.getTokenIDs().length; /** Array that holds the precedence of the operator * and whether it's right associative or not. */ private static final int[] OP = new int[javaTokenIDsLength + LAST_ID + 1]; /** Is the operator right associative? */ private static final int RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE = 32; static { OP[JavaTokenContext.EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.LT_ID] = 10; OP[JavaTokenContext.GT_ID] = 10; OP[JavaTokenContext.LSHIFT_ID] = 11; OP[JavaTokenContext.RSSHIFT_ID] = 11; OP[JavaTokenContext.RUSHIFT_ID] = 11; OP[JavaTokenContext.PLUS_ID] = 12; OP[JavaTokenContext.MINUS_ID] = 12; OP[JavaTokenContext.MUL_ID] = 13; OP[JavaTokenContext.DIV_ID] = 13; OP[JavaTokenContext.AND_ID] = 8; OP[JavaTokenContext.OR_ID] = 6; OP[JavaTokenContext.XOR_ID] = 7; OP[JavaTokenContext.MOD_ID] = 13; OP[JavaTokenContext.NOT_ID] = 14; OP[JavaTokenContext.NEG_ID] = 14; OP[JavaTokenContext.EQ_EQ_ID] = 9; OP[JavaTokenContext.LT_EQ_ID] = 10; OP[JavaTokenContext.GT_EQ_ID] = 10; OP[JavaTokenContext.LSHIFT_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.RSSHIFT_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.RUSHIFT_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.PLUS_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.MINUS_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.MUL_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.DIV_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.AND_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.OR_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.XOR_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.MOD_EQ_ID] = 2 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.NOT_EQ_ID] = 9; OP[JavaTokenContext.DOT_ID] = 15; OP[JavaTokenContext.COLON_ID] = 3 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.QUESTION_ID] = 3 | RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE; OP[JavaTokenContext.LBRACKET_ID] = 15; OP[JavaTokenContext.RBRACKET_ID] = 0; // stop OP[JavaTokenContext.PLUS_PLUS_ID] = 15; OP[JavaTokenContext.MINUS_MINUS_ID] = 15; OP[JavaTokenContext.AND_AND_ID] = 5; OP[JavaTokenContext.OR_OR_ID] = 4; OP[JavaTokenContext.COMMA_ID] = 0; // stop OP[JavaTokenContext.SEMICOLON_ID] = 0; // not-recognized OP[JavaTokenContext.LPAREN_ID] = 16; OP[JavaTokenContext.RPAREN_ID] = 0; // not-recognized OP[JavaTokenContext.LBRACE_ID] = 0; // not-recognized OP[JavaTokenContext.RBRACE_ID] = 0; // not-recognized OP[javaTokenIDsLength + INVALID] = 0; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + CONSTANT] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + VARIABLE] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + UNARY_OPERATOR] = 15; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + DOT] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + DOT_OPEN] = 0; // stop OP[javaTokenIDsLength + ARRAY_OPEN] = 0; // stop OP[javaTokenIDsLength + ARRAY] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + PARENTHESIS_OPEN] = 0; // stop OP[javaTokenIDsLength + PARENTHESIS] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + METHOD_OPEN] = 0; // stop OP[javaTokenIDsLength + METHOD] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + CONSTRUCTOR] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + CONVERSION] = 1; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + TYPE] = 0; // stop OP[javaTokenIDsLength + NEW] = 0; // stop OP[javaTokenIDsLength + INSTANCEOF] = 10; OP[javaTokenIDsLength + IMPORT] = 0; // stop } private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0]; private JCExpression parent; /** ID of the expression */ private int expID; /** Result type name */ private String type; /** Current token count * 3 */ private int tokenCountM3; /** token info blocks containing tokenID * token's text and the position of the token in the document */ private Object[] tokenBlocks = EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; /** List of parameters */ private ArrayList prmList; /** * Construct JCExpression instance. * * @param expID valid expression id. */ JCExpression(int expID) { if (expID < 0 || expID > LAST_ID) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expID=" + expID); // NOI18N } this.expID = expID; } /** Create empty variable. */ static JCExpression createEmptyVariable(int pos) { JCExpression empty = new JCExpression(VARIABLE); empty.addToken(JavaTokenContext.IDENTIFIER, pos, ""); return empty; } /** Return id of the operator or 'new' or 'instance' keywords * or -1 for the rest. */ static int getOperatorID(TokenID tokenID) { int id = -1; if (tokenID.getCategory() == JavaTokenContext.OPERATORS) { id = tokenID.getNumericID(); } else { switch (tokenID.getNumericID()) { case JavaTokenContext.NEW_ID: id = javaTokenIDsLength + NEW; break; case JavaTokenContext.INSTANCEOF_ID: id = javaTokenIDsLength + INSTANCEOF; break; } } return id; } static int getOperatorID(JCExpression exp) { int expID = (exp != null) ? exp.getExpID() : INVALID; switch (expID) { case OPERATOR: return exp.getTokenID(0).getNumericID(); } return javaTokenIDsLength + expID; } static int getOperatorPrecedence(int opID) { return OP[opID] & 31; } static boolean isOperatorRightAssociative(int opID) { return (OP[opID] & RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE) != 0; } /** Is the expression a valid type. It can be either datatype * or array. */ static boolean isValidType(JCExpression exp) { switch (exp.getExpID()) { case ARRAY: if (exp.getParameterCount() == 1) { return isValidType(exp.getParameter(0)); } return false; case DOT: int prmCnt = exp.getParameterCount(); for (int i = 0; i < prmCnt; i++) { if (exp.getParameter(i).getExpID() != VARIABLE) { return false; } } return true; case GENERIC_TYPE: // make no further analysis here case TYPE: case VARIABLE: return true; } return false; } /** Get expression ID */ public int getExpID() { return expID; } /** Set expression ID */ void setExpID(int expID) { this.expID = expID; } public JCExpression getParent() { return parent; } void setParent(JCExpression parent) { this.parent = parent; } public String getType() { return type; } void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public int getTokenCount() { return tokenCountM3 / 3; } public String getTokenText(int tokenInd) { tokenInd *= 3; return (String)tokenBlocks[tokenInd + 2]; } public int getTokenOffset(int tokenInd) { tokenInd *= 3; return ((Integer)tokenBlocks[tokenInd + 1]).intValue(); } public int getTokenLength(int tokenInd) { tokenInd *= 3; return ((String)tokenBlocks[tokenInd + 2]).length(); } public TokenID getTokenID(int tokenInd) { tokenInd *= 3; return (TokenID)tokenBlocks[tokenInd]; } void addToken(TokenID tokenID, int tokenOffset, String tokenText) { if (tokenCountM3 == tokenBlocks.length) { Object[] tmp = new Object[Math.max(3, tokenBlocks.length * 2)]; if (tokenBlocks.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(tokenBlocks, 0, tmp, 0, tokenBlocks.length); } tokenBlocks = tmp; } tokenBlocks[tokenCountM3++] = tokenID; tokenBlocks[tokenCountM3++] = new Integer(tokenOffset); tokenBlocks[tokenCountM3++] = tokenText; } public int getParameterCount() { return (prmList != null) ? prmList.size() : 0; } public JCExpression getParameter(int index) { return (JCExpression)prmList.get(index); } void addParameter(JCExpression prm) { if (prmList == null) { prmList = new ArrayList(); } prm.setParent(this); prmList.add(prm); } void swapOperatorParms() { if ((expID == OPERATOR || expID == INSTANCEOF) && getParameterCount() == 2) { JCExpression exp1 = (JCExpression)prmList.remove(0); prmList.add(exp1); exp1.swapOperatorParms(); ((JCExpression)prmList.get(0)).swapOperatorParms(); } } private static void appendSpaces(StringBuffer sb, int spaceCount) { while (--spaceCount >= 0) { sb.append(' '); } } static String getIDName(int expID) { switch (expID) { case CONSTANT: return "CONSTANT"; // NOI18N case VARIABLE: return "VARIABLE"; // NOI18N case OPERATOR: return "OPERATOR"; // NOI18N case UNARY_OPERATOR: return "UNARY_OPERATOR"; // NOI18N case DOT: return "DOT"; // NOI18N case DOT_OPEN: return "DOT_OPEN"; // NOI18N case ARRAY: return "ARRAY"; // NOI18N case ARRAY_OPEN: return "ARRAY_OPEN"; // NOI18N case PARENTHESIS_OPEN: return "PARENTHESIS_OPEN"; // NOI18N case PARENTHESIS: return "PARENTHESIS"; // NOI18N case METHOD_OPEN: return "METHOD_OPEN"; // NOI18N case METHOD: return "METHOD"; // NOI18N case CONSTRUCTOR: return "CONSTRUCTOR"; // NOI18N case CONVERSION: return "CONVERSION"; // NOI18N case TYPE: return "TYPE"; // NOI18N case NEW: return "NEW"; // NOI18N case INSTANCEOF: return "INSTANCEOF"; // NOI18N case GENERIC_TYPE: return "GENERIC_TYPE"; // NOI18N case GENERIC_TYPE_OPEN: return "GENERIC_TYPE_OPEN"; // NOI18N case ANNOTATION: return "ANNOTATION"; // NOI18N case IMPORT: return "IMPORT"; // NOI18N case CASE: return "CASE"; // NOI18N default: return "Unknown expID " + expID; // NOI18N } } public String toString(int indent) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); appendSpaces(sb, indent); sb.append("expID=" + getIDName(expID)); // NOI18N if (type != null) { sb.append(", result type="); // NOI18N sb.append(type); } // Debug tokens int tokenCnt = getTokenCount(); sb.append(", token count="); // NOI18N sb.append(tokenCnt); if (tokenCnt > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tokenCountM3;) { TokenID tokenID = (TokenID)tokenBlocks[i++]; int tokenOffset = ((Integer)tokenBlocks[i++]).intValue(); String tokenText = (String)tokenBlocks[i++]; sb.append(", token" + (i / 3 - 1) + "='" + EditorDebug.debugString(tokenText) + "'"); // NOI18N } } // Debug parameters int parmCnt = getParameterCount(); sb.append(", parm count="); // NOI18N sb.append(parmCnt); if (parmCnt > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < parmCnt; i++) { sb.append('\n'); appendSpaces(sb, indent + 4); sb.append("parm" + i + "=[" + getParameter(i).toString(indent + 4) + "]"); // NOI18N } } return sb.toString(); } public String toString() { return toString(0); } }
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