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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import org.netbeans.editor.SyntaxSupport;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;
import org.netbeans.editor.TextBatchProcessor;
import org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory;
import org.netbeans.editor.Syntax;
import org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenID;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenContextPath;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport;

* Support methods for syntax analyzes
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00

abstract public class JavaSyntaxSupport extends ExtSyntaxSupport {

    // Internal java declaration token processor states
    static final int INIT = 0;
    static final int AFTER_TYPE = 1;
    static final int AFTER_VARIABLE = 2;
    static final int AFTER_COMMA = 3;
    static final int AFTER_DOT = 4;
    static final int AFTER_TYPE_LSB = 5;
    static final int AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE_LSB = 6;
    static final int AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE = 7;
    static final int AFTER_EQUAL = 8; // in decl after "var ="

    private static final TokenID[] COMMENT_TOKENS = new TokenID[] {

    private static final TokenID[] BRACKET_SKIP_TOKENS = new TokenID[] {

    private static final char[] COMMAND_SEPARATOR_CHARS = new char[] {
                ';', '{', '}'

    private JavaImport javaImport;

    /** Whether java 1.5 constructs are recognized. */
    private boolean java15;

    public JavaSyntaxSupport(BaseDocument doc) {

        tokenNumericIDsValid = true;

    abstract protected JCFinder getFinder();
    protected JavaImport createJavaImport(){
        return new JavaImport(this);
    protected void documentModified(DocumentEvent evt) {
        if (javaImport != null) {
            javaImport.documentModifiedAtPosition(evt.getOffset(), getDocument());
    protected void setJava15(boolean java15) {
        this.java15 = java15;

    public TokenID[] getCommentTokens() {
        return COMMENT_TOKENS;

    public TokenID[] getBracketSkipTokens() {
        return BRACKET_SKIP_TOKENS;

    /** Return the position of the last command separator before
    * the given position.
    public int getLastCommandSeparator(int pos)
    throws BadLocationException {
        TextBatchProcessor tbp = new TextBatchProcessor() {
                                     public int processTextBatch(BaseDocument doc, int startPos, int endPos,
                                                                 boolean lastBatch) {
                                         try {
                                             int[] blks = getCommentBlocks(endPos, startPos);
                                             FinderFactory.CharArrayBwdFinder cmdFinder
                                             = new FinderFactory.CharArrayBwdFinder(COMMAND_SEPARATOR_CHARS);
                                             int lastSeparatorOffset = findOutsideBlocks(cmdFinder, startPos, endPos, blks);
                                             if (lastSeparatorOffset<1) return lastSeparatorOffset;
                                             TokenID separatorID = getTokenID(lastSeparatorOffset);
                                             if (separatorID.getNumericID() == JavaTokenContext.RBRACE_ID) {
                                                 int matchingBrkPos = findMatchingBlock(lastSeparatorOffset, true)[0];
                                                 int prev = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteBwd(getDocument(), matchingBrkPos);
                                                 if (getTokenID(prev).getNumericID() == JavaTokenContext.RBRACKET_ID)
                                                     return getLastCommandSeparator(prev);
                                             if (separatorID.getNumericID() != JavaTokenContext.LBRACE_ID &&
                                                 separatorID.getNumericID() != JavaTokenContext.RBRACE_ID &&
                                                 separatorID.getNumericID() != JavaTokenContext.SEMICOLON_ID){
                                                     lastSeparatorOffset = processTextBatch(doc, lastSeparatorOffset, 0, lastBatch);
                                             return lastSeparatorOffset;
                                         } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                                             return -1;
        return getDocument().processText(tbp, pos, 0);

    /** Get the class from name. The import sections are consulted to find
    * the proper package for the name. If the search in import sections fails
    * the method can ask the finder to search just by the given name.
    * @param className name to resolve. It can be either the full name
    *   or just the name without the package.
    * @param searchByName if true and the resolving through the import sections fails
    *   the finder is asked to find the class just by the given name
    public JCClass getClassFromName(String className, boolean searchByName) {
        JCClass ret = JavaCompletion.getPrimitiveClass(className);
        if (ret == null) {
            ret = getJavaImport().getClazz(className);
        if (ret == null && searchByName) {
            if (isUnknownImport(className)) return null;    
            List clsList = getFinder().findClasses(null, className, true);
            if (clsList != null && clsList.size() > 0) {
                if (clsList.size() > 0) { // more matching classes
                    ret = (JCClass)clsList.get(0); // get the first one

        return ret;
    public synchronized JavaImport getJavaImport(){
        if (javaImport == null) {
            javaImport = createJavaImport();
        return javaImport;
    protected boolean isUnknownImport(String className){
        return getJavaImport().isUnknownImport(className);
    /** Returns all imports that aren't in Code Completion DB yet */
    protected List getUnknownImports(){
        return getJavaImport().getUnknownImports();
    /** Returns true if the given class is in the import statement directly or
     *  indirectly (*) */    
    public boolean isImported(JCClass cls){
        return getJavaImport().isImported(cls);

    public void refreshJavaImport() {
        if (javaImport != null) {

    protected void refreshClassInfo() {

    protected List getImportedInnerClasses(){
        return getJavaImport().getInnerClasses();
    /** Get the class that belongs to the given position */
    public JCClass getClass(int pos) {
        return null;

    public boolean isStaticBlock(int pos) {
        return false;

    protected DeclarationTokenProcessor createDeclarationTokenProcessor(
        String varName, int startPos, int endPos) {
        return java15
            ? (DeclarationTokenProcessor)new JavaDeclarationProcessor(this, varName)
            : (DeclarationTokenProcessor)new JavaDeclarationTokenProcessor(this, varName);

    protected VariableMapTokenProcessor createVariableMapTokenProcessor(
        int startPos, int endPos) {
        return java15
            ? (VariableMapTokenProcessor)new JavaDeclarationProcessor(this, null)
            : (VariableMapTokenProcessor)new JavaDeclarationTokenProcessor(this, null);
    /** Checks, whether caret is inside method */
    private boolean insideMethod(JTextComponent textComp, int startPos){
            int level = 0;
            BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)textComp.getDocument();
            for(int i = startPos-1; i>0; i--){
                char ch = doc.getChars(i, 1)[0];
                if (ch == ';') return false;
                if (ch == ')') level++;
                if (ch == '('){
                    if (level == 0){
                        return true;
            return false;
        } catch (BadLocationException e) {
            return false;

    /** Check and possibly popup, hide or refresh the completion */
    public int checkCompletion(JTextComponent target, String typedText, boolean visible ) {
        if (!visible) { // pane not visible yet
            int dotPos = target.getCaret().getDot();                            
            switch (typedText.charAt(0)) {
                case ' ':
                    BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
                    if (dotPos >= 2) { // last char before inserted space
                        int pos = Math.max(dotPos - 8, 0);
                        try {
                            String txtBeforeSpace = doc.getText(pos, dotPos - pos);
                            if ( txtBeforeSpace.endsWith("import ") // NOI18N
                                && !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(txtBeforeSpace.charAt(0))) {
                                return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_POPUP;
                            if (txtBeforeSpace.endsWith(", ")) { // NOI18N
                                // autoPopup completion only if caret is inside method
                                if (insideMethod(target, dotPos)) return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_POPUP;
                        } catch (BadLocationException e) {

                case '.':
                    return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_POPUP;
                case ',':
                    // autoPopup completion only if caret is inside method
                    if (insideMethod(target, dotPos)) return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_POPUP;
                    if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(typedText.charAt(0))) {
                        if (dotPos >= 5) { // last char before inserted space
                            try {
                                String maybeNew = target.getDocument().getText(dotPos - 5, 4);
                                if (maybeNew.equals("new ")){ // NOI18N
                                    return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_POPUP;
                            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_CANCEL;
        } else { // the pane is already visible
            switch (typedText.charAt(0)) {
                case '=':
                case '{':
                case ';':
                    return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_HIDE;
                    return ExtSyntaxSupport.COMPLETION_POST_REFRESH;
    public boolean isAssignable(JCType from, JCType to) {
        JCClass fromCls = from.getClazz();
        JCClass toCls = to.getClazz();
        if (fromCls.equals(JavaCompletion.NULL_CLASS)) {
            return to.getArrayDepth() > 0 || !JavaCompletion.isPrimitiveClass(toCls);
        if (toCls.equals(JavaCompletion.OBJECT_CLASS)) { // everything is object
            return (from.getArrayDepth() > to.getArrayDepth())
            || (from.getArrayDepth() == to.getArrayDepth()
            && !JavaCompletion.isPrimitiveClass(fromCls));
        if (from.getArrayDepth() != to.getArrayDepth()) {
            return false;
        if (fromCls.equals(toCls)) {
            return true; // equal classes
        if (fromCls.isInterface()) {
            return toCls.isInterface()
            && (JCUtilities.getAllInterfaces(getFinder(), fromCls).indexOf(toCls) >= 0);
        } else { // fromCls is a class
            TokenID fromClsKwd = JavaTokenContext.getKeyword(fromCls.getName());
            if (fromClsKwd != null) { // primitive class
                TokenID toClsKwd = JavaTokenContext.getKeyword(toCls.getName());
                return toClsKwd != null
                && JCUtilities.getPrimitivesAssignable(fromClsKwd.getNumericID(), toClsKwd.getNumericID());
            } else {
                if (toCls.isInterface()) {
                    return (JCUtilities.getAllInterfaces(getFinder(), fromCls).indexOf(toCls) >= 0);
                } else { // toCls is a class
                    return (JCUtilities.getSuperclasses(getFinder(), fromCls).indexOf(toCls) >= 0);
    public JCType getCommonType(JCType typ1, JCType typ2) {
        if (typ1.equals(typ2)) {
            return typ1;
        // The following part
        TokenID cls1Kwd = JavaTokenContext.getKeyword(typ1.getClazz().getName());
        TokenID cls2Kwd = JavaTokenContext.getKeyword(typ2.getClazz().getName());
        if (cls1Kwd == null && cls2Kwd == null) { // non-primitive classes
            if (isAssignable(typ1, typ2)) {
                return typ1;
            } else if (isAssignable(typ2, typ1)) {
                return typ2;
            } else {
                return null;
        } else { // at least one primitive class
            if (typ1.getArrayDepth() != typ2.getArrayDepth()) {
                return null;
            if (cls1Kwd != null && cls2Kwd != null) {
                return JavaCompletion.getType(
                JCUtilities.getPrimitivesCommonClass(cls1Kwd.getNumericID(), cls2Kwd.getNumericID()),
            } else { // one primitive but other not
                return null;
    /** Filter the list of the methods (usually returned from
     * Finder.findMethods()) or the list of the constructors
     * by the given parameter specification.
     * @param methodList list of the methods. They should have the same
     *   name but in fact they don't have to.
     * @param parmTypes parameter types specification. If set to null, no filtering
     *   is performed and the same list is returned. If a particular
     * @param acceptMoreParameters useful for code completion to get
     *   even the methods with more parameters.
    public List filterMethods(List methodList, List parmTypeList,
    boolean acceptMoreParameters) {
        if (parmTypeList == null) {
            return methodList;
        List ret = new ArrayList();
        int parmTypeCnt = parmTypeList.size();
        int cnt = methodList.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
            // Use constructor conversion to allow to use it too for the constructors
            JCConstructor m = (JCConstructor)methodList.get(i);
            JCParameter[] methodParms = m.getParameters();
            if (methodParms.length == parmTypeCnt
            || (acceptMoreParameters && methodParms.length >= parmTypeCnt)
            ) {
                boolean accept = true;
                boolean bestMatch = !acceptMoreParameters;
                for (int j = 0; accept && j < parmTypeCnt; j++) {
                    JCType mpt = methodParms[j].getType();
                    JCType t = (JCType)parmTypeList.get(j);
                    if (t != null) {
                        if (!t.equals(mpt)) {
                            bestMatch = false;
                            if (!isAssignable(t, mpt)) {
                                accept = false;
                    } else { // type in list is null
                        bestMatch = false;
                if (accept) {
                    if (bestMatch) {
                    if (bestMatch) {
        return ret;
     * Interface that can be implemented by the values (in the key-value Map terminology)
     * of the variableMap provided by VariableMapTokenProcessor implementations.
    public interface JavaVariable {
         * Get type expression of the variable declaration.
* For example for "List l;" it would be an expression formed * from "List". * * @return type expression for this variable. */ public JCExpression getTypeExpression(); /** * Get variable expression of the variable declaration. *
* Typically it is just the declaration variable but for arrays * it can include array depths - for example * for "int i[];" it would be an expression formed * from "i[]". * * @return type expression for this variable. */ public JCExpression getVariableExpression(); } public static class JavaDeclarationTokenProcessor implements DeclarationTokenProcessor, VariableMapTokenProcessor { protected JavaSyntaxSupport sup; /** Position of the begining of the declaration to be returned */ protected int decStartPos = -1; protected int decArrayDepth; /** Starting position of the declaration type */ protected int typeStartPos; /** Position of the end of the type */ protected int typeEndPos; /** Offset of the name of the variable */ protected int decVarNameOffset; /** Length of the name of the variable */ protected int decVarNameLen; /** Currently inside parenthesis, i.e. comma delimits declarations */ protected int parenthesisCounter; /** Depth of the array when there is an array declaration */ protected int arrayDepth; protected char[] buffer; protected int bufferStartPos; protected String varName; protected int state; /** Map filled with the [varName, type] pairs */ protected HashMap varMap; /** Construct new token processor * @param varName it contains valid varName name or null to search * for all variables and construct the variable map. */ public JavaDeclarationTokenProcessor(JavaSyntaxSupport sup, String varName) { this.sup = sup; this.varName = varName; if (varName == null) { varMap = new HashMap(); } } public int getDeclarationPosition() { return decStartPos; } public Map getVariableMap() { return varMap; } protected void processDeclaration() { if (varName == null) { // collect all variables String decType = new String(buffer, typeStartPos - bufferStartPos, typeEndPos - typeStartPos); if (decType.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { decType = Analyzer.removeSpaces(decType); } String decVarName = new String(buffer, decVarNameOffset, decVarNameLen); // Maybe it's inner class. Stick an outerClass before it ... JCClass innerClass = null; JCClass outerCls = sup.getClass(decVarNameOffset); if (outerCls != null){ String outerClassName = outerCls.getFullName(); innerClass = sup.getFinder().getExactClass(outerClassName+"."+decType); //NOI18N if (innerClass != null){ varMap.put(decVarName, JavaCompletion.getType(innerClass, decArrayDepth)); } } if (innerClass==null){ JCClass cls = sup.getClassFromName(decType, true); if (cls != null) { varMap.put(decVarName, JavaCompletion.getType(cls, decArrayDepth)); } } } else { decStartPos = typeStartPos; } } public boolean token(TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, int tokenOffset, int tokenLen) { int pos = bufferStartPos + tokenOffset; // Check whether we are really recognizing the java tokens if (!tokenContextPath.contains(JavaTokenContext.contextPath)) { state = INIT; return true; } switch (tokenID.getNumericID()) { case JavaTokenContext.BOOLEAN_ID: case JavaTokenContext.BYTE_ID: case JavaTokenContext.CHAR_ID: case JavaTokenContext.DOUBLE_ID: case JavaTokenContext.FLOAT_ID: case JavaTokenContext.INT_ID: case JavaTokenContext.LONG_ID: case JavaTokenContext.SHORT_ID: case JavaTokenContext.VOID_ID: typeStartPos = pos; arrayDepth = 0; typeEndPos = pos + tokenLen; state = AFTER_TYPE; break; case JavaTokenContext.DOT_ID: switch (state) { case AFTER_TYPE: // allowed only inside type state = AFTER_DOT; typeEndPos = pos + tokenLen; break; case AFTER_EQUAL: case AFTER_VARIABLE: break; default: state = INIT; break; } break; case JavaTokenContext.ELLIPSIS_ID: switch (state) { case AFTER_TYPE: arrayDepth++; break; default: state = INIT; break; } break; case JavaTokenContext.LBRACKET_ID: switch (state) { case AFTER_TYPE: state = AFTER_TYPE_LSB; arrayDepth++; break; case AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE: state = AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE_LSB; decArrayDepth++; break; case AFTER_EQUAL: break; default: state = INIT; break; } break; case JavaTokenContext.RBRACKET_ID: switch (state) { case AFTER_TYPE_LSB: state = AFTER_TYPE; break; case AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE_LSB: state = AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE; break; case AFTER_EQUAL: break; default: state = INIT; break; } break; // both in type and varName case JavaTokenContext.LPAREN_ID: parenthesisCounter++; if (state != AFTER_EQUAL) { state = INIT; } break; case JavaTokenContext.RPAREN_ID: if (state == AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE) { processDeclaration(); } if (parenthesisCounter > 0) { parenthesisCounter--; } if (state != AFTER_EQUAL) { state = INIT; } break; case JavaTokenContext.LBRACE_ID: case JavaTokenContext.RBRACE_ID: if (parenthesisCounter > 0) { parenthesisCounter--; // to tolerate opened parenthesis } state = INIT; break; case JavaTokenContext.COMMA_ID: if (parenthesisCounter > 0) { // comma is declaration separator in parenthesis if (parenthesisCounter == 1 && state == AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE) { processDeclaration(); } if (state != AFTER_EQUAL) { state = INIT; } } else { // not in parenthesis switch (state) { case AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE: processDeclaration(); // let it flow to AFTER_VARIABLE case AFTER_VARIABLE: case AFTER_EQUAL: state = AFTER_COMMA; break; default: state = INIT; break; } } break; case JavaTokenContext.NEW_ID: if (state != AFTER_EQUAL) { state = INIT; } break; case JavaTokenContext.EQ_ID: switch (state) { case AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE: processDeclaration(); // flow to AFTER_VARIABLE case AFTER_VARIABLE: state = AFTER_EQUAL; break; case AFTER_EQUAL: break; default: state = INIT; } break; case JavaTokenContext.SEMICOLON_ID: if (state == AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE) { processDeclaration(); } state = INIT; break; case JavaTokenContext.IDENTIFIER_ID: switch (state) { case AFTER_TYPE: case AFTER_COMMA: if (varName == null || Analyzer.equals(varName, buffer, tokenOffset, tokenLen)) { decArrayDepth = arrayDepth; decVarNameOffset = tokenOffset; decVarNameLen = tokenLen; state = AFTER_MATCHING_VARIABLE; } else { state = AFTER_VARIABLE; } break; case AFTER_VARIABLE: // error state = INIT; break; case AFTER_EQUAL: break; case AFTER_DOT: typeEndPos = pos + tokenLen; state = AFTER_TYPE; break; case INIT: typeStartPos = pos; arrayDepth = 0; typeEndPos = pos + tokenLen; state = AFTER_TYPE; break; default: state = INIT; break; } break; case JavaTokenContext.WHITESPACE_ID: // whitespace ignored break; case JavaTokenContext.COLON_ID: // 1.5 enhanced for loop sysntax processDeclaration(); case JavaTokenContext.INSTANCEOF_ID: default: state = INIT; } return true; } public int eot(int offset) { return 0; } public void nextBuffer(char[] buffer, int offset, int len, int startPos, int preScan, boolean lastBuffer) { this.buffer = buffer; bufferStartPos = startPos - offset; } } }
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