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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.jmi.reflect.JmiException;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import org.netbeans.editor.*;
import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.*;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchy;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldUtilities;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.CallableFeature;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.ClassDefinition;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.ClassMember;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Element;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.JavaClass;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.JavaPackage;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Method;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Parameter;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.NbEditorDocument;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.NbEditorKit;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.NbEditorUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.TryWrapper;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.JavaMetamodel;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.JMIElementCookie;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.awt.Mnemonics;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.util.*;

* Java editor kit with appropriate document
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00

public class JavaKit extends NbEditorKit {

    public static final String JAVA_MIME_TYPE = "text/x-java"; // NOI18N

    private static final String[] getSetIsPrefixes = new String[] {
                "get", "set", "is" // NOI18N

    /** Switch first letter of word to capital and insert 'get'
    * at word begining.
    public static final String makeGetterAction = "make-getter"; // NOI18N

    /** Switch first letter of word to capital and insert 'set'
    * at word begining.
    public static final String makeSetterAction = "make-setter"; // NOI18N

    /** Switch first letter of word to capital and insert 'is'
    * at word begining.
    public static final String makeIsAction = "make-is"; // NOI18N

    /** Add the watch depending on the context under the caret */
    public static final String addWatchAction = "add-watch"; // NOI18N

    /** Toggle the breakpoint of the current line */
    public static final String toggleBreakpointAction = "toggle-breakpoint"; // NOI18N

    /** Debug source and line number */
    public static final String abbrevDebugLineAction = "abbrev-debug-line"; // NOI18N

    /** Menu item for adding all necessary imports in a file */
    public static final String fixImportsAction = "fix-imports"; // NOI18N
    /** Open dialog for choosing the import statement to be added */
    public static final String fastImportAction = "fast-import"; // NOI18N
    /** Opens Go To Class dialog */
    //public static final String gotoClassAction = "goto-class"; //NOI18N

    public static final String tryCatchAction = "try-catch"; // NOI18N

    public static final String gotoSuperImplementationAction = "goto-super-implementation"; // NOI18N

    public static final String javaDocShowAction = "javadoc-show-action"; // NOI18N
    public static final String expandAllJavadocFolds = "expand-all-javadoc-folds"; //NOI18N
    public static final String collapseAllJavadocFolds = "collapse-all-javadoc-folds"; //NOI18N

    public static final String expandAllCodeBlockFolds = "expand-all-code-block-folds"; //NOI18N
    public static final String collapseAllCodeBlockFolds = "collapse-all-code-block-folds"; //NOI18N
    public static final String selectNextElementAction = "select-element-next"; //NOI18N
    public static final String selectPreviousElementAction = "select-element-previous"; //NOI18N
    static final long serialVersionUID =-5445829962533684922L;
    private final boolean compatibleCompletion;

    public JavaKit(){
    private static boolean resolveCompatibleCompletion() {
        // By default return false here to use new JMI-based completion.
        // If desired we can make e.g. a property for it e.g for a standalone editor
        return false; // temorarily use the old JCClass-based completion bridged to JMI
     * Construct the java kit instance.
     * @param compatibleCompletion true if the original code complation
     *  (using JCClass-es) should be used or false if a new JMI-based completion
     *  should be used.
    public JavaKit(boolean compatibleCompletion) {
        this.compatibleCompletion = compatibleCompletion;
    public String getContentType() {
        return JAVA_MIME_TYPE;

    public Document createDefaultDocument() {
        BaseDocument doc = new NbEditorDocument(this.getClass());
        // Force '\n' as write line separator // !!! move to initDocument()
        doc.putProperty(BaseDocument.WRITE_LINE_SEPARATOR_PROP, BaseDocument.LS_LF);
        return doc;

    /** Create new instance of syntax coloring scanner
    * @param doc document to operate on. It can be null in the cases the syntax
    *   creation is not related to the particular document
    public Syntax createSyntax(Document doc) {
        return new JavaSyntax(getSourceLevel((BaseDocument)doc));

    /** Create syntax support */
    public SyntaxSupport createSyntaxSupport(BaseDocument doc) {
        return compatibleCompletion
            ? new NbJavaSyntaxSupport(doc)
            : new NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport(doc);

    public Completion createCompletion(ExtEditorUI extEditorUI) {
        return compatibleCompletion
            ? new NbJavaCompletion(extEditorUI)
            : new NbJavaJMICompletion(extEditorUI, getSourceLevel(extEditorUI.getDocument()));

    public CompletionJavaDoc createCompletionJavaDoc(ExtEditorUI extEditorUI) {
        return compatibleCompletion
            ? new NbCompletionJavaDoc(extEditorUI)
            : new NbJMICompletionJavaDoc(extEditorUI);

    public String getSourceLevel(BaseDocument doc) {
        DataObject dob = NbEditorUtilities.getDataObject(doc);
        return dob != null ? SourceLevelQuery.getSourceLevel(dob.getPrimaryFile()) : null;

    /** Create the formatter appropriate for this kit */
    public Formatter createFormatter() {
        return new JavaFormatter(this.getClass());

    protected void initDocument(BaseDocument doc) {
        doc.addLayer(new JavaDrawLayerFactory.JavaLayer(),
        doc.addDocumentListener(new JavaDrawLayerFactory.LParenWatcher());
              new SyntaxUpdateTokens() {
                  private List tokenList = new ArrayList();
                  public void syntaxUpdateStart() {
                  public List syntaxUpdateEnd() {
                      return tokenList;
                  public void syntaxUpdateToken(TokenID id, TokenContextPath contextPath, int offset, int length) {
                      if (JavaTokenContext.LINE_COMMENT == id) {
                          tokenList.add(new TokenInfo(id, contextPath, offset, length));

    protected Action[] createActions() {
        Action[] javaActions = new Action[] {
                                   new JavaDefaultKeyTypedAction(),
                                   new PrefixMakerAction(makeGetterAction, "get", getSetIsPrefixes), // NOI18N
                                   new PrefixMakerAction(makeSetterAction, "set", getSetIsPrefixes), // NOI18N
                                   new PrefixMakerAction(makeIsAction, "is", getSetIsPrefixes), // NOI18N
                                   new AbbrevDebugLineAction(),
                                   new CommentAction("//"), // NOI18N
                                   new UncommentAction("//"), // NOI18N
                                   new FastImportAction(),
                                   //new GotoClassAction(),
                                   //new TryCatchAction(),
                                   new JavaGenerateGoToPopupAction(),
                                   new JavaGotoSuperImplementation(),
				   new JavaInsertBreakAction(),
				   new JavaDeleteCharAction(deletePrevCharAction, false),
                                   new ExpandAllJavadocFolds(),
                                   new CollapseAllJavadocFolds(),
                                   new ExpandAllCodeBlockFolds(),
                                   new CollapseAllCodeBlockFolds(),
                                   new JavaGenerateFoldPopupAction(),
                                   new SelectCodeElementAction(selectNextElementAction, true),
                                   new SelectCodeElementAction(selectPreviousElementAction, false)
        Action[] jmiAction = new Action[] {
                                   new JavaJMIGotoHelpAction(),
                                   new JavaJMIGotoSourceAction(),
                                   new JavaJMIGotoDeclarationAction(),
                                   new JavaDocJMIShowAction(),
                                   new JavaFixAllImports()
        Action[] jcAction = new Action[] {
                                   new JavaGotoHelpAction(),
                                   new JavaGotoSourceAction(),
                                   new JavaGotoDeclarationAction(),
                                   new JavaDocShowAction()                                   
        Action[] mergedActions = resolveCompatibleCompletion() ? 
                                    TextAction.augmentList(javaActions, jcAction) :
                                    TextAction.augmentList(javaActions, jmiAction);
        return TextAction.augmentList(super.createActions(), mergedActions);

    public static class JavaDefaultKeyTypedAction extends ExtDefaultKeyTypedAction {

        protected void insertString(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos,
                                    Caret caret, String str,
                                    boolean overwrite) throws BadLocationException {
            super.insertString(doc, dotPos, caret, str, overwrite);
            BracketCompletion.charInserted(doc, dotPos, caret, str.charAt(0));


    public static class JavaGotoDeclarationAction extends GotoDeclarationAction {

        public JavaGotoDeclarationAction () {
            putValue ("helpID", JavaGotoDeclarationAction.class.getName ()); // NOI18N

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                Completion completion = ExtUtilities.getCompletion(target);
                SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
                NbJavaSyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaSyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaSyntaxSupport.class);
                if (completion != null) {
                    if (completion.isPaneVisible()) {
                        Object item = JCExtension.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                        nbJavaSup.openSource(item, true, false);
                        boolean found = false;
                        int dotPos = target.getCaret().getDot();
                        BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
                        try {
                            int[] idFunBlk = NbEditorUtilities.getIdentifierAndMethodBlock(doc, dotPos);
                            if (idFunBlk != null && idFunBlk.length == 2) { // id but not function
                                int pos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteBwd(doc, idFunBlk[0]);
                                if (pos < 0 || doc.getChars(pos, 1)[0] != '.') { // because 'this.var' could search for local var
                                    found = gotoDeclaration(target);
                            if (!found) {
                                Object item = JCExtension.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                                nbJavaSup.openSource(item, true, false);
                        } catch (BadLocationException e) {
    public static class JavaJMIGotoDeclarationAction extends JavaGotoDeclarationAction {

        public JavaJMIGotoDeclarationAction () {
            putValue ("helpID", JavaJMIGotoDeclarationAction.class.getName ()); // NOI18N

        protected boolean asynchonous() {
            return true;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
                NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport.class);

                BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
                JMIUtils jmiUtils = JMIUtils.get(doc);

                try {
                    Object item = jmiUtils.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                    if (item instanceof NbJMIResultItem.VarResultItem) {
                        int pos = nbJavaSup.findLocalDeclarationPosition(((NbJMIResultItem.VarResultItem)item).getItemText(), target.getCaretPosition());
                    } else {
                        if (item instanceof ClassDefinition)
                            item = JMIUtils.getSourceElementIfExists((ClassDefinition)item);
                        nbJavaSup.openSource(item, true, false);
                } finally {

    public static class JavaGotoSourceAction extends BaseAction {
        public JavaGotoSourceAction() {
            super(gotoSourceAction, SAVE_POSITION);
            putValue ("helpID", JavaGotoSourceAction.class.getName ()); // NOI18N
                "org/netbeans/modules/editor/resources/gotosource.gif"); // NOI18N

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                String msg = openSource(target, false);
                if (msg != null) { // not found
                    org.openide.DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(msg));

        public String openSource(JTextComponent target, boolean simulate) {
            String itemDesc = null;
            SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
            NbJavaSyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaSyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaSyntaxSupport.class);

            Object item = JCExtension.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
            itemDesc = nbJavaSup.openSource(item, false, simulate);
            return retMessage(itemDesc, item, simulate);

        private String retMessage(String itemDesc, Object item, boolean simulate){
            String msg = null;
            if (itemDesc != null) {
                boolean isPkg = (item instanceof JCPackage);
                msg = NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString(
                          simulate ? (isPkg ? "goto_source_explore_package" : "goto_source_open_source") // NOI18N
          : (isPkg ? "goto_source_package_not_found" : "goto_source_source_not_found") // NOI18N
                msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, new Object [] { itemDesc } );
            return msg;
        public String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target) {
            return NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("goto_source_open_source_not_formatted"); //NOI18N//openSource(target, true); // simulate open
    public static class JavaJMIGotoSourceAction extends JavaGotoSourceAction {

        protected boolean asynchonous() {
            return true;

        public String openSource(JTextComponent target, boolean simulate) {
            String itemDesc = null;
            SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
            NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport.class);

            BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
            JMIUtils jmiUtils = JMIUtils.get(doc);

            Object item = null;
            try {
                item = jmiUtils.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                if (item instanceof NbJMIResultItem.VarResultItem) {
                    item = ((NbJMIResultItem.VarResultItem)item).getType();
                if (item instanceof ClassDefinition)
                    item = JMIUtils.getSourceElementIfExists((ClassDefinition)item);
                itemDesc = nbJavaSup.openSource(item, false, simulate);
            } finally {
            return retMessage(itemDesc, item, simulate);

        private String retMessage(String itemDesc, Object item, boolean simulate){
            String msg = null;
            if (itemDesc != null) {
                boolean isPkg = (item instanceof JavaPackage);    
                msg = NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString(
                          simulate ? (isPkg ? "goto_source_explore_package" : "goto_source_open_source") // NOI18N
          : (isPkg ? "goto_source_package_not_found" : "goto_source_source_not_found") // NOI18N
                msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, new Object [] { itemDesc } );
            return msg;
        public String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target) {
            return NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("goto_source_open_source_not_formatted"); //NOI18N//openSource(target, true); // simulate open
    public static class JavaGotoSuperImplementation extends BaseAction {
        public JavaGotoSuperImplementation() {
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("goto-super-implementation"));
            putValue(ExtKit.TRIMMED_TEXT, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("goto-super-implementation-trimmed"));
//        public String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target) {
//            return openSource(target, true); // simulate open
//        }
        private Method findOverridenMethods(Method method) {

            ClassDefinition declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();

            List params = new ArrayList();
            for (Iterator i = method.getParameters().iterator(); i.hasNext(); params.add(((Parameter);
            ClassDefinition parent = declaringClass.getSuperClass();
            parent = JMIUtils.getSourceElementIfExists(parent);
            Method m = parent.getMethod(method.getName(), params, true);
            if (m!=null) {
                return m;
            Iterator i = declaringClass.getInterfaces().iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                ClassDefinition jc = (ClassDefinition);
                jc = JMIUtils.getSourceElementIfExists(jc);
                m = jc.getMethod(method.getName(), params, true);
                if (m!=null) {
                    return m;
            return null;

        protected boolean asynchonous() {
            return true;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            Node selNode = NbEditorUtilities.getTopComponent(target).getActivatedNodes()[0];
            JMIElementCookie elementCookie = (JMIElementCookie) selNode.getCookie(JMIElementCookie.class);
            if (elementCookie == null) {
                return ;
            Element feature = elementCookie.getElement();

            if (!(feature instanceof Method)) { 
            BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
            JMIUtils jmiUtils = JMIUtils.get(doc);

            Method f;
            try {
                f = findOverridenMethods((Method) feature);
            } finally {

            SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
            NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport.class);
            nbJavaSup.openSource(f, false, false);

    public static class JavaGenerateGoToPopupAction extends NbGenerateGoToPopupAction {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {

        private void addAcceleretors(Action a, JMenuItem item, JTextComponent target){
            // Try to get the accelerator
            Keymap km = target.getKeymap();
            if (km != null) {
                KeyStroke[] keys = km.getKeyStrokesForAction(a);
                if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) {
                }else if (a!=null){
                    KeyStroke ks = (KeyStroke)a.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY);
                    if (ks!=null) {
        private void addAction(JTextComponent target, JMenu menu, Action a){
            if (a != null) {
                String actionName = (String) a.getValue(Action.NAME);
                JMenuItem item = null;
                if (a instanceof BaseAction) {
                    item = ((BaseAction)a).getPopupMenuItem(target);
                if (item == null) {
                    // gets trimmed text that doesn' contain "go to"
                    String itemText = (String)a.getValue(ExtKit.TRIMMED_TEXT); 
                    if (itemText == null){
                        itemText = getItemText(target, actionName, a);
                    if (itemText != null) {
                        item = new JMenuItem(itemText);
                        Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(item, itemText);                        
                        addAcceleretors(a, item, target);
                        Object helpID = a.getValue ("helpID"); // NOI18N
                        if (helpID != null && (helpID instanceof String))
                            item.putClientProperty ("HelpID", helpID); // NOI18N
                        if (ExtKit.gotoSourceAction.equals(actionName)){
                            item = new JMenuItem(NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("goto_source_open_source_not_formatted")); //NOI18N
                            addAcceleretors(a, item, target);

                if (item != null) {

        protected void addAction(JTextComponent target, JMenu menu,
        String actionName) {
            BaseKit kit = Utilities.getKit(target);
            if (kit == null) return;
            Action a = kit.getActionByName(actionName);
            if (a!=null){
                addAction(target, menu, a);
            } else { // action-name is null, add the separator
        protected String getItemText(JTextComponent target, String actionName, Action a) {
            String itemText;
            if (a instanceof BaseAction) {
                itemText = ((BaseAction)a).getPopupMenuText(target);
            } else {
                itemText = actionName;
            return itemText;
        public JMenuItem getPopupMenuItem(final JTextComponent target) {
            String menuText = NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("generate-goto-popup"); //NOI18N
            JMenu jm = new JMenu(menuText);
            addAction(target, jm, ExtKit.gotoSourceAction);
            addAction(target, jm, ExtKit.gotoDeclarationAction);
            addAction(target, jm, gotoSuperImplementationAction);
            addAction(target, jm, ExtKit.gotoAction);
            addAction(target, jm, JavaFastOpenAction.getInstance());
            return jm;

    public static class JavaDocShowAction extends BaseAction {

        public JavaDocShowAction() {
            putValue ("helpID", JavaDocShowAction.class.getName ()); // NOI18N

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                Object obj = JCExtension.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                CompletionJavaDoc javadoc = ExtUtilities.getCompletionJavaDoc(target);
                if (javadoc!=null){
    public static class JavaDocJMIShowAction extends JavaDocShowAction {

        protected boolean asynchonous() {
            return true;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
                JMIUtils jmiUtils = JMIUtils.get(doc);

                try {
                    Object obj = jmiUtils.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                    CompletionJavaDoc javadoc = ExtUtilities.getCompletionJavaDoc(target);
                    if (javadoc!=null){
                } finally {
    public static class JavaGotoHelpAction extends BaseAction {

        public JavaGotoHelpAction() {
            super(gotoHelpAction, SAVE_POSITION);
            putValue ("helpID", JavaGotoHelpAction.class.getName ()); // NOI18N
            // fix of #25090; [PENDING] there should be more systematic solution for this problem
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("java-desc-goto-help"));

        public URL[] getJavaDocURLs(JTextComponent target) {
            SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
            NbJavaSyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaSyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaSyntaxSupport.class);

            Object item = JCExtension.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
            return (item == null) ? null : nbJavaSup.getJavaDocURLs(item);                    

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                URL[] urls = getJavaDocURLs(target);
                if (urls != null && urls.length > 0) {
                    org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.URLDisplayer.getDefault().showURL(urls[0]); // show first URL
                } else {
                    Utilities.setStatusText (target, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("cannot_find_javadoc"));
                    java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().beep ();

        public String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target) {
            return NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("show_javadoc"); // NOI18N


    public static class JavaJMIGotoHelpAction extends JavaGotoHelpAction {

        protected boolean asynchonous() {
            return true;

        public URL[] getJavaDocURLs(JTextComponent target) {
            SyntaxSupport sup = Utilities.getSyntaxSupport(target);
            NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport nbJavaSup = (NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport)sup.get(NbJavaJMISyntaxSupport.class);

            BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
            JMIUtils jmiUtils = JMIUtils.get(doc);

            try {
                Object item = jmiUtils.findItemAtCaretPos(target);
                return (item == null) ? null : nbJavaSup.getJavaDocURLs(item);
            } finally {

    public static class AbbrevDebugLineAction extends BaseAction {

        public AbbrevDebugLineAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                if (!target.isEditable() || !target.isEnabled()) {
                BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("System.out.println(\""); // NOI18N
                String title = (String)doc.getProperty(Document.TitleProperty);
                if (title != null) {
                try {
                    sb.append(Utilities.getLineOffset(doc, target.getCaret().getDot()) + 1);
                } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                sb.append(' ');

                BaseKit kit = Utilities.getKit(target);
                if (kit == null) return;
                Action a = kit.getActionByName(BaseKit.insertContentAction);
                if (a != null) {
                        new ActionEvent(target, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, sb.toString()),

    public static class FastImportAction extends BaseAction {
        public FastImportAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                new NbJavaJMIFastImport(target).setDialogVisible(true);

    public static class GotoClassAction extends BaseAction {

        static final long serialVersionUID =8425585413146373256L;

        public GotoClassAction() {
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("NAME_JavaFastOpenAction"));
            putValue(ExtKit.TRIMMED_TEXT, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("goto-class-trimmed"));

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {


    public static class TryCatchAction extends BaseAction {
        public TryCatchAction() {

        protected boolean asynchonous() {
            return true;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            if (target != null) {
                BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
                Position caretPosition = null;
                TryWrapper wrapper;
                try {
                    wrapper = new TryWrapper(NbEditorUtilities.getDataObject(doc).getPrimaryFile(), target.getSelectionStart(), target.getSelectionEnd());
                } catch (JmiException e) {
                    Utilities.setStatusText(target, e.getLocalizedMessage());
                    return ;
                finally {
                boolean fail = true;
                try {
                    caretPosition = wrapper.wrap(); 
                } catch (JmiException e) {
                    NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(e.getLocalizedMessage());
                finally {
                    if (caretPosition != null) { 
                        try {
                            if (fail==false) {
                                int caret = caretPosition.getOffset(); 
                                for (int i=0; i< wrapper.getCatchesCount(); i++) {
                                    caret = Utilities.getPositionAbove(target, caret, 0);
                                caret = Utilities.getRowEnd(target, caret);
                                if(!"{".equals(doc.getText(caret-1,1))) { // NOI18N
                                   caret = Utilities.getPositionAbove(target, caret, 0);
                                   caret = Utilities.getRowEnd(target, caret);
                                doc.insertString(caret, "\n", null); // NOI18N
                                caret = Utilities.getPositionBelow(target, caret, 0);
                                Utilities.reformatLine(doc, caret);
                                caret = Utilities.getRowEnd(target, caret);
                        } catch (BadLocationException e) {


    public static class JavaInsertBreakAction extends InsertBreakAction {
        static final long serialVersionUID = -1506173310438326380L;
        protected Object beforeBreak(JTextComponent target, BaseDocument doc, Caret caret) {
            int dotPos = caret.getDot();
            if (BracketCompletion.posWithinString(doc, dotPos)) {
                try {
                    doc.insertString(dotPos, "\" + \"", null); //NOI18N
                    dotPos += 3;
                    return new Integer(dotPos);
                } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
            } else {
                try {
                    if (doc.getChars(dotPos-1,1)[0] == '{') {
                        BracketCompletion.completeOpeningCurly(doc, dotPos-1, caret);
                        return Boolean.TRUE;
                } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
            return null;
        protected void afterBreak(JTextComponent target, BaseDocument doc, Caret caret, Object cookie) {
            if (cookie != null) {
                if (cookie instanceof Integer) {
                    // integer
                    int nowDotPos = caret.getDot();


    public static class JavaDeleteCharAction extends ExtDeleteCharAction {
        public JavaDeleteCharAction(String nm, boolean nextChar) {
            super(nm, nextChar);

        protected void charBackspaced(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, Caret caret, char ch)
        throws BadLocationException {
            BracketCompletion.charBackspaced(doc, dotPos, caret, ch);
    public static class ExpandAllJavadocFolds extends BaseAction{
        public ExpandAllJavadocFolds(){
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("expand-all-javadoc-folds"));
            putValue(BaseAction.POPUP_MENU_TEXT, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("popup-expand-all-javadoc-folds"));

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            FoldHierarchy hierarchy = FoldHierarchy.get(target);
            // Hierarchy locking done in the utility method
            FoldUtilities.expand(hierarchy, JavaFoldManager.JAVADOC_FOLD_TYPE);
    public static class CollapseAllJavadocFolds extends BaseAction{
        public CollapseAllJavadocFolds(){
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("collapse-all-javadoc-folds"));
            putValue(BaseAction.POPUP_MENU_TEXT, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("popup-collapse-all-javadoc-folds"));

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            FoldHierarchy hierarchy = FoldHierarchy.get(target);
            // Hierarchy locking done in the utility method
            FoldUtilities.collapse(hierarchy, JavaFoldManager.JAVADOC_FOLD_TYPE);
    public static class ExpandAllCodeBlockFolds extends BaseAction{
        public ExpandAllCodeBlockFolds(){
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("expand-all-code-block-folds"));
            putValue(BaseAction.POPUP_MENU_TEXT, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("popup-expand-all-code-block-folds"));

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            FoldHierarchy hierarchy = FoldHierarchy.get(target);
            // Hierarchy locking done in the utility method
            List types = new ArrayList();
            FoldUtilities.expand(hierarchy, types);
    public static class CollapseAllCodeBlockFolds extends BaseAction{
        public CollapseAllCodeBlockFolds(){
            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("collapse-all-code-block-folds"));
            putValue(BaseAction.POPUP_MENU_TEXT, NbBundle.getBundle(JavaKit.class).getString("popup-collapse-all-code-block-folds"));
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) {
            FoldHierarchy hierarchy = FoldHierarchy.get(target);
            // Hierarchy locking done in the utility method
            List types = new ArrayList();
            FoldUtilities.collapse(hierarchy, types);
    public static class JavaGenerateFoldPopupAction extends GenerateFoldPopupAction{
        protected void addAdditionalItems(JTextComponent target, JMenu menu){
            addAction(target, menu, collapseAllJavadocFolds);
            addAction(target, menu, expandAllJavadocFolds);
            addAction(target, menu, collapseAllCodeBlockFolds);
            addAction(target, menu, expandAllCodeBlockFolds);

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