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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import org.netbeans.modules.form.FormModel;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.FormAwareEditor;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.FormDataObject;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.NamedPropertyEditor;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.I18nPanel;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.I18nString;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.I18nUtil;

import org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.editors.EnhancedCustomPropertyEditor;
import org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.editors.XMLPropertyEditor;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.Repository;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.MapFormat;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;

 * Property editor for editing FormI18nString value in form editor.
 * This editor is registered during installing i18n module
 * as editor for form properties of type String.
 * It provides also a capability to store such object in XML form.
 * Note: This class should be named FormI18nStringEditor, but due to forward compatibility 
 * remains that name.
 * @author  Petr Jiricka
 * @see FormI18nString
 * @see org.netbeans.modules.form.RADComponent
 * @see org.netbeans.modules.form.RADProperty
public class FormI18nStringEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport implements FormAwareEditor, NamedPropertyEditor, XMLPropertyEditor {

    /** Value of ResourceBundleString this editor is currently editing. */
    private FormI18nString formI18nString;
    /** DataObject which have SourceCookie, and which document contains 
     * going-to-be-internatioanlized string.
    private FormDataObject sourceDataObject;

    /** Name of resource string XML element. */
    public static final String XML_RESOURCESTRING = "ResourceString"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of argument XML element (child element of resource string element). */
    public static final String XML_ARGUMENT = "Argument"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of attribute bundle of resource string XML element. */
    public static final String ATTR_BUNDLE   = "bundle"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of attribute key of resource string XML element. */
    public static final String ATTR_KEY      = "key"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of attribute identifier of resource string XML element. */
    public static final String ATTR_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of attribute replace format XML element. */
    public static final String ATTR_REPLACE_FORMAT = "replaceFormat"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of attribute index of argument XML element. */
    public static final String ATTR_INDEX    = "index"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of attribute java code of argument XML element. */
    public static final String ATTR_JAVACODE = "javacode"; // NOI18N

    /** Maximal index of arguments in one argument XML element. */
    private static final int MAX_INDEX       = 1000;
    private final ResourceBundle bundle;

    /** Constructor. Creates new ResourceBundleStringFormEditor. */
    public FormI18nStringEditor() {
        bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(FormI18nStringEditor.class);

    /** Overrides superclass method.
     * @return null as we don't support this feature */
    public String[] getTags() {
        return null;

    /** Sets as text. Overrides superclass method to be dummy -> don't throw
     * IllegalArgumentException . */
    public void setAsText(String text) {}
    /** Overrides superclass method. 
     * @return text for the current value */
    public String getAsText() {
        FormI18nString formI18nString = (FormI18nString)getValue();
        DataObject dataObject = formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getResource();
        if (dataObject == null || formI18nString.getKey() == null) {
            return bundle.getString("TXT_InvalidValue");
        } else {
            DataObject sourceDataObject = formI18nString.getSupport().getSourceDataObject();
            return MessageFormat.format(
                new Object[] {
                                    dataObject.getPrimaryFile(), '/', false ), // NOI18N
        }     }

    /** Overrides superclass method. Gets string, piece of code which will replace the hardcoded
     * non-internationalized string in the source. The default form is:

* .getString("") * or if arguments for the ResoureBundleStrin are set the form: *

* java.text.MessageFormat.format(getString(""), new Object[] {}) */ public String getJavaInitializationString() { return ((FormI18nString)getValue()).getReplaceString(); } /** Overrides superclass method. * @return ResourceBundlePanel fed with FormI18nString value. */ public Component getCustomEditor() { return new CustomEditor(new FormI18nString((FormI18nString)getValue()), getProject(), sourceDataObject.getPrimaryFile()); } private Project getProject() { return org.netbeans.modules.i18n.Util.getProjectFor(sourceDataObject); } /** Overrides superclass method. * @return true since we support this feature */ public boolean supportsCustomEditor() { return true; } /** Overrides superclass method. * @return formI18nString */ public Object getValue() { if(formI18nString == null) { formI18nString = createFormI18nString(); if(I18nUtil.getOptions().getLastResource2() != null) formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().setResource(I18nUtil.getOptions().getLastResource2()); } return formI18nString; } /** Overrides superclass method. * @param value sets the new value for this editor */ public void setValue(Object object) { if(object instanceof FormI18nString) formI18nString = (FormI18nString)object; else { formI18nString = createFormI18nString(); if(I18nUtil.getOptions().getLastResource2() != null) formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().setResource(I18nUtil.getOptions().getLastResource2()); } } /** Creates FormI18nString instance. Helper method. */ private FormI18nString createFormI18nString() { // Note: Only here we can have support without possible document loading. return new FormI18nString(new FormI18nSupport.Factory().createI18nSupport(sourceDataObject)); } /** * Implements FormAwareEditor method. * If a property editor implements the FormAwareEditor * interface, this method is called immediately after the PropertyEditor * instance is created or the custom editor is obtained from getCustomEditor(). * @param model the FormModel representing meta-data of current form */ public void setFormModel(FormModel model) { sourceDataObject = model.getFormDataObject(); } /** * Implements NamePropertyEditor interface method. * @return Display name of the property editor */ public String getDisplayName () { return Util.getString("CTL_PropertyEditorName"); } /** * Implements XMLPropertyEditor interface method. * Called to load property value from specified XML subtree. If succesfully loaded, * the value should be available via the getValue method. * An IOException should be thrown when the value cannot be restored from the specified XML element * @param element the XML DOM element representing a subtree of XML from which the value should be loaded * @exception IOException thrown when the value cannot be restored from the specified XML element * @see org.w3c.dom.Node */ public void readFromXML(Node domNode) throws IOException { if(!XML_RESOURCESTRING.equals (domNode.getNodeName ())) { throw new IOException (); } FormI18nString formI18nString = createFormI18nString(); NamedNodeMap namedNodes = domNode.getAttributes (); try { Node node; // Retrieve bundle name. node = namedNodes.getNamedItem(ATTR_BUNDLE); String bundleName = (node == null) ? null : node.getNodeValue(); // Retrieve key name. node = namedNodes.getNamedItem(ATTR_KEY); String key = (node == null) ? null : node.getNodeValue(); // Set the resource bundle. if(bundleName != null) { DataObject resourceDO = null; FileObject sourceFo = sourceDataObject.getPrimaryFile(); if ( sourceFo != null ) { FileObject fileObject = org.netbeans.modules.i18n.Util. getResource(sourceFo, bundleName); if(fileObject != null) { try { resourceDO = DataObject.find(fileObject); if( resourceDO.getClass().equals(formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getResourceClasses()[0])) // PENDING formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().setResource(resourceDO); } catch (IOException e) { } } } if (resourceDO == null) formI18nString.bundleName = bundleName; } // Set the key property. if(key != null && key.length() > 0) { formI18nString.setKey(key); // Set value and comment. formI18nString.setValue(formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getValueForKey(key)); formI18nString.setComment(formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getCommentForKey(key)); } // Try to get identifier value. ((JavaI18nSupport)formI18nString.getSupport()).createIdentifier(); node = namedNodes.getNamedItem(ATTR_IDENTIFIER); if(node != null) { String identifier = (node == null) ? null : node.getNodeValue(); if(identifier != null) ((JavaI18nSupport)formI18nString.getSupport()).setIdentifier(identifier); } // Try to get init format string value. node = namedNodes.getNamedItem(ATTR_REPLACE_FORMAT); if(node != null) { String replaceFormat = node.getNodeValue(); if(replaceFormat != null && replaceFormat.length() > 0) { // Note: This part of code is only due to use in some development builds of MessageFormat // instead of MapFormat. If somebidy used those builds the replace code is in MessageFormat // so we will convert it to MapFormat. // This could be later extracted. // Note if the replace form at was in the MessageFormat convert to MapFormat // Don't throw away. Map map = new HashMap(6); map.put("0", "{identifier}"); // NOI18N map.put("1", "{key}"); // NOI18N map.put("2", "{bundleNameSlashes}"); // NOI18N map.put("3", "{bundleNameDots}"); // NOI18N map.put("4", "{sourceFileName}"); // NOI18N map.put("fileName", "{sourceFileName}"); // NOI18N String newReplaceFormat = MapFormat.format(replaceFormat, map); formI18nString.setReplaceFormat(newReplaceFormat); } } else { // Read was not succesful (old form or error) -> set old form replace format. formI18nString.setReplaceFormat((String)I18nUtil.getReplaceFormatItems().get(2)); } } catch(NullPointerException npe) { throw new IOException (); } // Retrieve the arguments. if(domNode instanceof Element) { Element domElement = (Element)domNode; NodeList argNodeList = domElement.getElementsByTagName(XML_ARGUMENT); // Find out the highest index. int highest = -1; for(int i = 0; i < argNodeList.getLength(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attributes = argNodeList.item(i).getAttributes(); Node indexNode = attributes.getNamedItem (ATTR_INDEX); String indexString = (indexNode == null) ? null : indexNode.getNodeValue (); if(indexString != null) { try { int index = Integer.parseInt(indexString); if (index > highest && index < MAX_INDEX) highest = index; } catch (Exception e) {} } } // Construct the array. String[] parameters = new String[highest + 1]; // Fill the array. for (int i = 0; i < argNodeList.getLength(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attr = argNodeList.item(i).getAttributes (); Node indexNode = attr.getNamedItem (ATTR_INDEX); String indexString = (indexNode == null) ? null : indexNode.getNodeValue (); if (indexString != null) { try { int index = Integer.parseInt(indexString); if (index < MAX_INDEX) { Node javaCodeNode = attr.getNamedItem (ATTR_JAVACODE); String javaCode = (javaCodeNode == null) ? null : javaCodeNode.getNodeValue (); parameters[index] = javaCode; } } catch (Exception e) {} } } // Fill all the values in case some are missing - make it really foolproof. for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) if (parameters[i] == null) parameters[i] = ""; // NOI18N // Set the parameters. formI18nString.setArguments(parameters); } // Set the value for this editor. setValue(formI18nString); } /** * Implements XMLPropertyEditor interface method. * Called to store current property value into XML subtree. The property value should be set using the * setValue method prior to calling this method. * @param doc The XML document to store the XML in - should be used for creating nodes only * @return the XML DOM element representing a subtree of XML from which the value should be loaded */ public Node storeToXML(Document doc) { Element element = doc.createElement (XML_RESOURCESTRING); String bundleName; if (formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getResource() == null) { bundleName = formI18nString.bundleName; } else { bundleName = org.netbeans.modules.i18n.Util. getResourceName(formI18nString.getSupport().getSourceDataObject().getPrimaryFile(), formI18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getResource().getPrimaryFile(),'/', true); if (bundleName == null) bundleName = ""; // NOI18N } // Set bundle and key property. element.setAttribute(ATTR_BUNDLE, bundleName); element.setAttribute(ATTR_KEY, (formI18nString.getKey() == null) ? "" : formI18nString.getKey()); // NOI18N // Don't save identifier, replace the identifier argument with actual value in format. JavaI18nSupport support = (JavaI18nSupport)formI18nString.getSupport(); if(support.getIdentifier() == null) support.createIdentifier(); Map map = new HashMap(1); map.put("identifier", support.getIdentifier()); // NOI18N element.setAttribute(ATTR_REPLACE_FORMAT, formI18nString.getReplaceFormat() == null ? "" : MapFormat.format(formI18nString.getReplaceFormat(), map) ); // NOI18N // Append subelements corresponding to parameters. String[] arguments = formI18nString.getArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { Element childElement = doc.createElement (XML_ARGUMENT); childElement.setAttribute (ATTR_INDEX, "" + i); // NOI18N childElement.setAttribute (ATTR_JAVACODE, arguments[i]); try { element.appendChild(childElement); } catch (DOMException de) {} } return element; } /** Custom editor for this property editor. */ private static class CustomEditor extends I18nPanel implements EnhancedCustomPropertyEditor { private final ResourceBundle bundle; /** Constructor. */ public CustomEditor(I18nString i18nString, Project project, FileObject file) { super(i18nString.getSupport().getPropertyPanel(), false, project, file); bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(FormI18nStringEditor.class); setI18nString(i18nString); HelpCtx.setHelpIDString(this, I18nUtil.HELP_ID_FORMED); } /** Implements EnhancedCustomPropertyEditor interface. */ public Object getPropertyValue() throws IllegalStateException { I18nString i18nString = getI18nString(); if(i18nString == null || !(i18nString instanceof FormI18nString) || i18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().getResource() == null || i18nString.getKey() == null) { // Notify user that invalid value set. IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException(); String message = bundle.getString("MSG_InvalidValue"); ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate( ise, ErrorManager.WARNING, message, message, null, null); throw ise; } // Try to add new key into resource bundle first. i18nString.getSupport().getResourceHolder().addProperty( i18nString.getKey(), i18nString.getValue(), i18nString.getComment(), true // propagate new value into primary file ); return i18nString; } } }

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