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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.modules.javacore.jmiimpl.javamodel;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;
import javax.jmi.reflect.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured;
import javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.*;
import org.netbeans.mdr.handlers.AttrListWrapper;
import org.netbeans.mdr.handlers.BaseObjectHandler;
import org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID;
import org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.StorageException;
import org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.StorableBaseObject;
import org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.StorableObject;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.ClassIndex;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.ExclusiveMutex;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.JMManager;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.parser.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

 * Implementation of the JavaClass model element.
 * @author  Martin Matula
 * @author  Vlado Hudec
 * @author  Pavel Flaska
public abstract class JavaClassImpl extends FeatureImpl implements JavaClass {
    static final ElementInfo DEFAULT_INFO = new ClassInfo(null, ClassInfo.CLASS_TYPE, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null);

    public static boolean DEBUG = false;
    public static final String CONTENTS_ATTR = "contents"; // NOI18N

    private LightAttrList contents = null;

    /** List of interfaces */
    private ReferenceListWrapper interfaces = null;

    private WeakReference subClasses = null;
    private WeakReference implementors = null;

    private boolean internalSetName = false;

    private boolean elementsInited = false;
    private MultipartId superClassName;
    private LightAttrList interfaceNames;
    private final List featuresList;
    private LightAttrList typeParameters;

    /** Creates a new instance of JavaClassImpl */
    public JavaClassImpl(StorableObject s) {
        featuresList = new FeaturesList(this);

    // overrides functionality from FeatureImpl which extracts modifiers from ASTInfo
    public int getModifiers() {
        int mods = super_getModifiers();
        if (isInner()) {
            ClassDefinition cd = getDeclaringClass();
            if (cd instanceof JavaClass && ((JavaClass)cd).isInterface()) {
                mods |= Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC;
        return ~DEPRECATED & mods;

    protected abstract void super_setName(String name);

    /** This method enables to set the whole name of the class (including the package prefix).
     * It is for internal use to synchronize name with changes of the parent package.
     * Users are not able to change other than the simple name part of the name via the standard
     * API.
    void internalSetName(String name) {
        internalSetName = true;
        try {
            if (JMManager.INCONSISTENCY_DEBUG) System.err.println("JavaClassImpl: Changing name of a class using internalSetName.");
        } finally {
            internalSetName = false;

    public void setName(String name) {
        if (name.equals(getName())) return;
        if (JMManager.INCONSISTENCY_DEBUG) System.err.println("JavaClassImpl: Renaming class " + getName() + " to " + name);
        if (!internalSetName && getResource()!=null && getResource().getPackageName() != null && !name.startsWith(getResource().getPackageName())) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(null, null, "Unable to change the package of the class by setting its name (old name: " + getName() + " new name: " + name + " resource package name: " + getResource().getPackageName() + ").");
        if (isInitialized() && !isNew()) {
        JavaModelPackage srcExtent=(JavaModelPackage)refOutermostPackage();
        ClassIndex index=ClassIndex.getIndex(srcExtent);
        if (getName() != null) {
            // we have to do rename in class index only in case of there was
            // any name in this class. (Old name was not null.) This is
            // related to issue #44244.
            index.renameClass(this, name);
        } else {
            // the class has no name yet, we have to create it in index
            // right now.
            index.addClass(this, name, this.getSimpleName(name));
        if (isPersisted()) {
            for (Iterator it = getContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Object temp =;
                if (temp instanceof JavaClassImpl) {
                    JavaClassImpl cls = (JavaClassImpl) temp;
                    boolean changes = cls.disableChanges;
                    cls.disableChanges |= this.disableChanges;
                    try {
                        cls.internalSetName(name.concat('.' + cls.getSimpleName()));
                    } finally {
                        cls.disableChanges = changes;
                } else if ((temp instanceof ConstructorImpl) && !disableChanges) {
                    ((ConstructorImpl) temp).objectChanged(CHANGED_NAME);
        } else {
            // [TODO] iterate through inner classes?

    public boolean isInner() {
        String name=getName();
        int lastDot=name.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (lastDot!=-1) {
            String outerName=name.substring(0, lastDot);
            ClassIndex index=ClassIndex.getIndex((JavaModelPackage)refImmediatePackage());
            return !index.doesnotExist(outerName);
        return false;
     * Returns the value of attribute isInterface.
     * @return Value of attribute isInterface.
    public boolean isInterface() {
        return Modifier.isInterface(getSourceModifiers());

     * Sets the value of isInterface attribute. See {@link #isInterface} for description
     * on the attribute.
     * @param newValue New value to be set.
    public void setInterface(boolean newValue) {
        if (newValue) {
            setModifiers(getSourceModifiers() | Modifier.INTERFACE);
        } else {
            setModifiers(getSourceModifiers() & ~Modifier.INTERFACE);

     * Returns the value of reference superInterfaces.
     * @return Value of reference superInterfaces.
    public List getInterfaces() {
        if (interfaces == null) {
        return interfaces;
    private void initInterfaces() {
        List interfaceNames = getInterfaceRefs();
        if (interfaceNames == null) {
            interfaceNames = new ArrayList();
        } else if (!(interfaceNames instanceof ArrayList)) {
            interfaceNames = new ArrayList(interfaceNames);
        // list of superinterfaces is transient
        TypeList _interfaces = new TypeList(this, (ArrayList) interfaceNames) {
            protected void updateParent() {
        if (interfaces == null) {
            ImplementsImpl implementsImpl = (ImplementsImpl)(((JavaModelPackage) refImmediatePackage()).getImplements());
            interfaces = new ReferenceListWrapper(_getDelegate().getMdrStorage(), implementsImpl, this, "interfaces", this, CHANGED_IMPLEMENTS, _interfaces); // NOI18N
        } else {

     * Sets the value of reference superClass. See {@link #getSuperClass} for
     * description on the reference.
     * @param newValue New value to be set.
    public void setSuperClass(JavaClass newValue) {
        Extends source = ((JavaModelPackage) refImmediatePackage()).getExtends();
        if (_getMdrStorage().eventsEnabled()) {
            AssociationEvent event = new AssociationEvent(
            _getMdrStorage().getEventNotifier().ASSOCIATION.firePlannedChange(source, event);
        NameRef sc;
        if (newValue == null) {
            sc = NameRef.java_lang_Object;
            newValue = (JavaClass) resolveType(sc);
        } else {
            sc = (NameRef) typeToTypeRef(newValue);            
        _setSuperClass(sc, (MultipartId) typeRefToTypeReference(sc));
    private void _setSuperClass(NameRef superClass, MultipartId superClassName) {
        if (elementsInited) {
            changeChild(getSuperClassName(), superClassName);
            this.superClassName = superClassName;

    public org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.MultipartId getSuperClassName() {
        if (!elementsInited) {
        return superClassName;

    public void setSuperClassName(org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.MultipartId newValue) {
        NameRef sc = (NameRef) typeReferenceToTypeRef(newValue);
        if (sc == null) {
            sc = NameRef.java_lang_Object;
        _setSuperClass(sc, newValue);

     * Returns the value of reference superClass.
     * @return Value of reference superClass.
    public JavaClass getSuperClass() {
        JavaClass result;

        // for interfaces and java.lang.Object the superclass is always null
        if ("java.lang.Object".equals(getName())) {
            result = null;
        } else if (isInterface()) {
            result = (JavaClass) resolveType(NameRef.java_lang_Object);

        // if the superclass has changed, the superClass variable is
        // initialized -> return its content
        } else {
            NameRef superClass = getSuperclassRef();
            if (superClass == null) {
                superClass = NameRef.java_lang_Object;
            result = (JavaClass) resolveType(superClass);

        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("getSuperClass: "+result); // NOI18N
            if (result != null)
                System.out.println("getSuperClass: "+result.getName()); // NOI18N
        return result;

    private Collection getSubClasses(boolean deterministicProgress) {
        if (isInterface()) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        // see whether there already is a reference to the collection of subClasses for
        // the passed class/interface
        ReferenceColWrapper subClasses;
        if (this.subClasses == null || (subClasses = (ReferenceColWrapper) this.subClasses.get()) == null) {
            SubClassesCollection coll = new SubClassesCollection(this, deterministicProgress);
            subClasses = new ReferenceColWrapper(_getMdrStorage(), null, this, null, null, 0, coll);
            this.subClasses = new WeakReference(subClasses);
        return subClasses;
    private Collection getImplementors(boolean deterministicProgress) {
        if (!isInterface()) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        ReferenceColWrapper implementors;
        if (this.implementors == null || (implementors = (ReferenceColWrapper) this.implementors.get()) == null) {
            ImplementorsCollection coll = new ImplementorsCollection(this, deterministicProgress);
            implementors = new ReferenceColWrapper(_getMdrStorage(), null, this, null, null, 0, coll);
            this.implementors = new WeakReference(implementors);
        return implementors;
    public Collection getSubClasses() {
        return getSubClasses(true);
    public Collection getImplementors() {
        return getImplementors(true);
    public Collection findSubTypes(boolean transitively) {
        if (!transitively) {
            return isInterface() ? getImplementors() : getSubClasses();
        } else {
            LinkedList q = new LinkedList(getImplementors(false));
            HashSet result = new HashSet();
            while (!q.isEmpty()) {
                JavaClassImpl clazz = (JavaClassImpl) q.removeFirst();
            return result;

    public List getPersistentContents() {
        AttrListWrapper list = (AttrListWrapper) super_getContents();
        return ClassDefinitionImpl.getPersistentContent(list);

     * Returns the value of attribute contents.
     * @return Value of contents attribute.
    public List getContents() {
        if (contents == null) {
            contents = createChildrenList(CONTENTS_ATTR, (AttrListWrapper) super_getContents(), null, CHANGED_FEATURES);
        return contents;

    public List getFeatures() {
        return featuresList;

    public List getTypeParameters() {
        if (typeParameters == null) {
            typeParameters = createChildrenList(TYPE_PARAMETERS_ATTR, (AttrListWrapper) super_getTypeParameters(), null, CHANGED_TYPE_PARAMETERS);
        return typeParameters;

    protected abstract List super_getContents();

    public Field getField(String name, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return ClassDefinitionImpl.getField(this, name, includeSupertypes);

    public Method getMethod(String name, List parameters, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return ClassDefinitionImpl.getMethod(this, name, parameters, includeSupertypes);

    public JavaClass getInnerClass(String simpleName, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return ClassDefinitionImpl.getInnerClass(this, simpleName, includeSupertypes);

    public Constructor getConstructor(List parameters, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return ClassDefinitionImpl.getConstructor(this, parameters, includeSupertypes);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -- Non-JMI public methods -------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void reinitContents() {
        assert contents!=null;
        contents.setInnerList(getPersistentContents(), false);
    public boolean contentsInited() {
        return contents != null;
    public void setParentClass(JavaClassImpl jcls) {
        try {
            ((StorableObject) _getDelegate()).setComposite(jcls._getDelegate(), null, null);
        } catch (StorageException ex) {

    private void addInnerClass(JavaClass javaClass) {
        StorableBaseObject delegate = _getDelegate();
        List inner = (List) delegate.getSlot3();
        if (inner == null) {
            inner = new ArrayList();

    private void removeInnerClass(JavaClass javaClass) {
        StorableBaseObject delegate = _getDelegate();
        List inner = (List) delegate.getSlot3();
        if (inner == null) return;
        if (!inner.remove(javaClass)) {
            inner.remove(((BaseObjectHandler) javaClass)._getDelegate().getMofId());

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --- Infrastructural methods ------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    protected ElementInfo getDefaultInfo() {
        return DEFAULT_INFO;

    protected void matchName(ElementInfo info) {
        if (!Utilities.compareObjects(, this.getName())) {
    protected void matchPersistent(ElementInfo info) {

        ClassInfo newInfo = (ClassInfo) info;
        if (!isPersisted()) {
            persistChildren(super_getContents(), newInfo.features);
            persistChildren(super_getTypeParameters(), newInfo.typeParams);
        } else {
            if (!Utilities.compareObjects(newInfo.superclass, getSuperclassRef())) {
                setSuperClass((JavaClass) resolveType(newInfo.superclass));
            processMembers(getInterfaces(), newInfo.interfaces);
            processMembers(getContents(), newInfo.features);
            processMembers(getTypeParameters(), newInfo.typeParams);
    /** The method has to make sure that the AST infos of children are also updated.
    protected void matchElementInfo(ElementInfo newInfo) {

    public String toString() {
        return "class " + getName(); // NOI18N

    protected void resetChildren() {
        if (contents != null) contents.setInnerList(getPersistentContents());
        if (typeParameters != null) typeParameters.setInnerList(getPersistentList(TYPE_PARAMETERS_ATTR, super_getTypeParameters()));
        if (childrenInited) {
        if (interfaces != null) {

    protected List getInitedChildren() {
        List list=new ArrayList();
        if (childrenInited)
        if (elementsInited) {
            addIfNotNull(list, superClassName);
        return list;

    public List getChildren() {
        List list = new ArrayList();
        addIfNotNull(list, getSuperClassName());
        return list;

    /** This method is called when this element is accessed while bypassing
     * parent (e.g. using getByMofId()) and thus its ASTInfo needs to be
     * initialized by its parent.
     * Preciselly: This method is invoked from getElementInfo of a child object
     * if it finds out that ASTInfo was not initialized by its parent (i.e.
     * this object), yet.
     * This method should also be called whenever a getter method
     * for children of this object is called and the children have not
     * been initialized yet.
    protected void initChildren() {
        // initialization of contents requires writable lock
        boolean fail = true;
        try {
            childrenInited = false;
            FeatureInfo[] featureInfos = ((ClassInfo) getElementInfo()).features;
            List featuresCollection = ClassDefinitionImpl.getNakedFeatures(this);
            boolean needsReset = false;
            // contents collection was not empty, so it was initialized
            // in the past and should be in sync. - we just need to
            // set ASTInfo to all the elements
            if (!isNew() && (featuresCollection.size() != featureInfos.length)) {
                JMManager.getLog().log("Inconsistent storage. (" + featuresCollection.size() + " != " + featureInfos.length + ")");
                fixMembers(featuresCollection, featureInfos);
                needsReset = true;
            } else {
                ListIterator it = featuresCollection.listIterator();
                for (int i = 0; i < featureInfos.length; i++) {
                    SemiPersistentElement element = (SemiPersistentElement);
                    if (element instanceof FieldGroup && featureInfos[i] instanceof FieldInfo) {
                        element = createElement(featureInfos[i]);
                        needsReset = true;
                    } else {
                        if (checkElementType(featureInfos[i], element)) {
                        } else {
                            JMManager.getLog().log("Inconsistent storage - feature types do not match. Recovering...");
                            fixMembers(featuresCollection, featureInfos);
                            needsReset = true;

            // now we need to either create a new wrapper for the
            // contents collection, or if the wrapper already exists,
            // we need to set the collection to it.
            // It is important not to discard the wrapper when doing
            // rollback, so that clients that hold references to it
            // will not break (we will just replace the inner list of
            // the wrapper)
            if (contents != null && needsReset) {

            typeParameters = createChildrenList(typeParameters, TYPE_PARAMETERS_ATTR, (AttrListWrapper) super_getTypeParameters(), ((ClassInfo) getElementInfo()).typeParams, CHANGED_TYPE_PARAMETERS); // NOI18N

            childrenInited = true;

            if (elementsInited) {
            fail = false;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } finally {
            // I do not need to set featuresInitialized to false in
            // case fail == true, since rollback will follow, thus the
            // reset method that already does that will be invoked

    protected void setData(List annotations, java.lang.String javadocText, JavaDoc javadoc, List features, MultipartId superClassName, List interfaceNames, List typeParameters) {
        super.setData(annotations, javadocText, javadoc);
        this.contents = createChildrenList(CONTENTS_ATTR, (AttrListWrapper) super_getContents(), features, CHANGED_FEATURES); // NOI18N
        changeChild(null, superClassName);
        this.superClassName = superClassName;
        this.interfaceNames = createChildrenList("interfaceNames", interfaceNames, CHANGED_IMPLEMENTS); // NOI18N
        this.typeParameters = createChildrenList(TYPE_PARAMETERS_ATTR, (AttrListWrapper) super_getTypeParameters(), typeParameters, CHANGED_TYPE_PARAMETERS); // NOI18N
        elementsInited = true;
    protected abstract List super_getTypeParameters();

    // .........................................................................
    // printing and formatting fuctionality
    // .........................................................................

     * For the top level classes, do not do indent (use empty string),
     * otherwise use default indentation.
     * @return indentation or empty string in case of top level class
    protected String getIndentation() {
        // if this is inner class, use default indentation defined in
        // semipersitent element, otherwise return empty string as indentation
        RefFeatured composite = refImmediateComposite();
        if (composite instanceof JavaClass || !isNew())
            return super.getIndentation();
            return "";

    public String getSourceText() {
        String origElem;
        if ((origElem = checkChange()) != null)
            return origElem;
        // we have element which is new or changed and moved.
        // todo (#pf): it is possible to leave formatting and comments section
        // as they are in the original element if the element is regenerated.
        // Because it is only rare case, we do not solve it now.    }
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (!isInterface())
            buf.append("class "); // NOI18N
        if (superClassName != null) {
            formatElementPart(EXTENDS_KEYWORD, buf);
        ClassDefinitionImpl.generateNewFeatures(this, buf, true);
        return buf.toString();

    private void generateNewTypeParameters(StringBuffer buf) {
        Collection typeParameters = getTypeParameters();
        if (!typeParameters.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator it = typeParameters.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (it.hasNext()) {
                    formatElementPart(COMMA, buf);

    public void getDiff(List diffList) {
        ClassInfo astInfo = (ClassInfo) getElementInfo();
        ASTProvider parser = getParser();
        ASTree[] children = getASTree().getSubTrees();

        // javadoc print
        // print modifiers
        if (isChanged(CHANGED_MODIFIERS)) {
            diffModifiers(diffList, parser.getToken(children[IDENTIFIER].getFirstToken() - 1), parser);
        // print name
        if (isChanged(CHANGED_NAME)) {
            replaceNode(diffList, parser, children[IDENTIFIER], getSimpleName(), 0, null);

        if (astInfo.typeParams.length == 0) {
            if (isChanged(CHANGED_TYPE_PARAMETERS)) {
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                int endOffset = getEndOffset(parser, children[IDENTIFIER]);
                diffList.add(new DiffElement(endOffset, endOffset, buf.toString()));
        } else if (getTypeParameters().isEmpty()) {
            if (isChanged(CHANGED_TYPE_PARAMETERS)) {
                replaceNode(diffList, parser, children[2], "", 0, null);
        } else {
            getCollectionDiff(diffList, parser, CHANGED_TYPE_PARAMETERS, astInfo.typeParams, getTypeParameters(), parser.getToken(children[2].getLastToken()).getStartOffset(), ", "); // NOI18N

        // print superclass

        if (isChanged(CHANGED_EXTENDS)) {
            int startOffset, endOffset;
            String extendsText = superClassName == null?"":((MetadataElement) superClassName).getSourceText();
            // if the extends clause exists
            if (children[SUPERCLASS] != null) {
                startOffset = parser.getToken(children[SUPERCLASS].getFirstToken()+(superClassName==null?0:1)).getStartOffset();
                endOffset = parser.getToken(children[SUPERCLASS].getLastToken()).getEndOffset();
            // add whole extends clause
            else {
                startOffset = endOffset = parser.getToken(children[IDENTIFIER].getLastToken()).getEndOffset();
                extendsText = formatElementPart(EXTENDS_KEYWORD) + extendsText;
            diffList.add(new DiffElement(startOffset, endOffset, extendsText));
        } else {
            getChildDiff(diffList, parser, children[SUPERCLASS], (MetadataElement) getSuperClassName(), CHANGED_EXTENDS);

        // interfaces
        int startOffset = parser.getToken(children[children[SUPERCLASS] == null ? IDENTIFIER : SUPERCLASS].getLastToken()).getEndOffset();
        String prefix = isInterface() ? formatElementPart(EXTENDS_KEYWORD) : formatElementPart(IMPLEMENTS_KEYWORD);
        getCollectionDiff(diffList, parser, CHANGED_IMPLEMENTS, getASTree().getSubTrees()[INTERFACES],
                getInterfaceNames(), startOffset, formatElementPart(COMMA), prefix);
        // contents diff
        Token closeBrace = parser.getToken(getASTree().getLastToken());
        Token[] pad = closeBrace.getPadding();
        int endOffset = pad.length > 0 ? pad[0].getStartOffset() : closeBrace.getStartOffset();
        getCollectionDiff(diffList, parser, CHANGED_FEATURES, astInfo.features, getContents(), endOffset, "\n"); // NOI18N

    protected ASTree getPartTree(ElementPartKind part) {
        if (ElementPartKindEnum.NAME.equals(part)) {
            return getASTree().getSubTrees()[IDENTIFIER];
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid part for this element: " + part); // NOI18N

    public void replaceChild(Element oldElement, Element newElement) {
        if (oldElement instanceof JavaClass && newElement == null) {
            removeInnerClass((JavaClass) oldElement);
        List contents, typeParameters;
        if (isPersisted()) {
            contents = getContents();
            typeParameters = getTypeParameters();
        } else {
            contents = super_getContents();
            typeParameters = super_getTypeParameters();
        if (replaceObject(contents, oldElement, newElement)) return;
        if (replaceObject(typeParameters, oldElement, newElement)) return;
        if (elementsInited) {
            if (oldElement.equals(superClassName)) {
                setSuperClassName((MultipartId) newElement);
            if (replaceObject(interfaceNames, oldElement, newElement)) return;
        super.replaceChild(oldElement, newElement);

    protected ASTree getPartStartTree(ElementPartKind part) {
        if (ElementPartKindEnum.HEADER.equals(part)) {
            return getASTree();
        return super.getPartStartTree(part);

    protected ASTree getPartEndTree(ElementPartKind part) {
        if (ElementPartKindEnum.HEADER.equals(part)) {
            for (int i = 4; true; i--) {
                ASTree result = getASTree().getSubTrees()[i];
                if (result != null) {
                    return result;
        return super.getPartEndTree(part);

    // useful constants
    private static final int IDENTIFIER = 1;
    private static final int SUPERCLASS = 3;
    private static final int INTERFACES = 4;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --- Private methods -------------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Prints the whole interfaces clause with the appropriate formatting.
     * (E.g. ' implements, ').
     * @param  buf  buffer to append implements clause to
    protected void generateNewImplements(StringBuffer buf) {
        Collection interfaces = getInterfaceNames();
        if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
            if (isInterface()) {
                formatElementPart(EXTENDS_KEYWORD, buf);
            } else {
                formatElementPart(IMPLEMENTS_KEYWORD, buf);
            Iterator it = interfaces.iterator();
            MultipartIdImpl impl = (MultipartIdImpl);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                formatElementPart(COMMA, buf);
                impl = (MultipartIdImpl);

    public static String getSimpleName(String name) {
        if (name == null) return null;
        int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');

        if (lastDot != -1)
            return name.substring(lastDot + 1);
        return name;

    public String getSimpleName() {
        return getSimpleName(getName());

    public void setSimpleName(String name) {
        String fullName = getName();
        if (fullName!=null) {
            int index = fullName.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (index >= 0) {
                name = fullName.substring(0, index + 1) + name;

    protected void _delete() {
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("removing class: " + getName() + " MOFID: " + refMofId()); // NOI18N
            if (refImmediateComposite() != null) {
                System.out.println("    in resource: " + ((NamedElement) refImmediateComposite()).getName()); // NOI18N
        boolean deleteInners = true;
        // --- delete components -------------------------------------------
        // delete all parameters (if initialized)
        deleteChildren(TYPE_PARAMETERS_ATTR, (AttrListWrapper) super_getTypeParameters());
        // delete all contents
        for (Iterator it = getPersistentContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            RefObject feature = (RefObject);
            deleteInners = false;
        // delete innerclasses
        if (deleteInners) {
            List inner = (List) _getDelegate().getSlot3();
            if (inner != null) {
                for (Iterator it = inner.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Object temp =;
                    if (temp instanceof MOFID) {
                        temp = _getRepository().getByMofId((MOFID) temp);
                    JavaClass cls = (JavaClass) temp;

    protected void parentChanged() {
        parent = refImmediateComposite();
        String prefix;
        if (parent instanceof Resource) {
            prefix = ((Resource) parent).getPackageName();
        } else if (parent instanceof JavaClass) {
            prefix = ((JavaClass) parent).getName();
        } else {
            prefix = "";
        boolean changes = disableChanges;
        disableChanges = true;
        try {
            internalSetName((prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) ? getSimpleName() : (prefix + '.' + getSimpleName()));
        } finally {
            disableChanges = changes;

    public java.util.List getInterfaceNames() {
        if (!elementsInited) {
        return interfaceNames;

    private void initASTElements() {
        elementsInited = false;
        if (!childrenInited) {
        ClassInfo info = (ClassInfo) getElementInfo();
        ASTree superClass = info.getTypeAST(this);
        ASTree[] interfaces = info.getInterfacesAST(this);
        superClassName = (MultipartId) initOrCreate(superClassName, superClass);
        interfaceNames = createChildrenList(interfaceNames, "interfaceNames", interfaces, CHANGED_IMPLEMENTS, false); // NOI18N
        elementsInited = true;

    private void resetASTElements() {
        if (elementsInited) {
            if (superClassName != null) {
                MultipartId temp = superClassName;
                changeChild(superClassName, null);
                superClassName = null;
            interfaceNames = null;
            elementsInited = false;
    public boolean isSubTypeOf(ClassDefinition clazz) {
        return ClassDefinitionImpl.isSubTypeOf(this, clazz);
    protected void setSuperclassRef(NameRef sc) {
    public NameRef getSuperclassRef() {
        return (NameRef) _getDelegate().getSlot1();
    protected void setInterfaceRefs(List ifcs) {
    public List getInterfaceRefs() {
        return (List) _getDelegate().getSlot2();
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