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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.modules.javacore.jmiimpl.javamodel;

import java.util.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import javax.jmi.model.MofClass;
import javax.jmi.model.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.jmi.reflect.*;
import org.netbeans.api.mdr.MDRObject;
import org.netbeans.api.mdr.MDRepository;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.*;
import org.netbeans.mdr.handlers.InstanceHandler;
import org.netbeans.mdr.handlers.BaseObjectHandler;
import org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.StorableObject;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.JMManager;

 * @author  Dusan Balek, Martin Matula
public abstract class ParameterizedTypeImpl extends InstanceHandler implements ParameterizedType {

    JavaClass definition = null;
    List parameters = null;
    ParameterizedType outerCls = null;
    Map substMap = null;
    int wildcards[];

    private WrapperList featureList = null;
    private WrapperList contentsList = null;

    public ParameterizedTypeImpl(StorableObject s) {

    // ParameterizedType implementation .........................................

    public JavaClass getDefinition() {
        return definition;

    public List getParameters() {
        return parameters;
    public int getWildCardStatus(int paramIndex) {
        return wildcards != null ? wildcards[paramIndex] : 0;
    public void setWildCardStatus(int paramIndex, int status) {
        if (wildcards == null) {
            wildcards = new int[parameters.size()];
        wildcards[paramIndex] = status;
    public boolean isValid() {
        return true;

    public void setDefinition(JavaClass newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "definition"); // NOI18N

    // JavaClass implementation .................................................

    public String getSimpleName() {
        return constructName(definition, parameters, outerCls, false);

    public boolean isInterface() {
        return definition.isInterface();
    public boolean isInner() {
        return definition.isInner();
    public void setInterface(boolean newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "interface"); // NOI18N

    public void setSimpleName(String newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "simpleName"); // NOI18N

    public java.util.Collection findSubTypes(boolean recursively) {
        return definition.findSubTypes(recursively);

    public java.util.Collection getImplementors() {
        return definition.getImplementors();
    public java.util.Collection getSubClasses() {
        return definition.getSubClasses();
    // Feature implementation ...............................................

    public boolean isDeprecated() {
        return definition.isDeprecated();

    public void setDeprecated(boolean newValue) {
    // ClassMember implementation ...............................................

    public ClassDefinition getDeclaringClass() {
        return outerCls != null ? outerCls : definition.getDeclaringClass();

    public JavaDoc getJavadoc() {
        return definition.getJavadoc();

    public String getJavadocText() {
        return definition.getJavadocText();

    public int getModifiers() {
        return definition.getModifiers();

    public void setJavadoc(JavaDoc newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "javaDoc"); // NOI18N

    public void setJavadocText(String newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "javaDocText"); // NOI18N

    public void setModifiers(int newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "modifiers"); // NOI18N

    // AnnotableElement implementation ..........................................

    public List getAnnotations() {
        return definition.getAnnotations();

    // NamedElement implementation ..............................................

    public String getName() {
        return constructName(definition, parameters, outerCls, true);

    public void setName(String newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "name"); // NOI18N

    // ClassDefinition implementation ...........................................

    public Constructor getConstructor(List parameters, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return (Constructor)wrap(definition.getConstructor(parameters, includeSupertypes));

    public List getContents() {
        if (contentsList == null)
            contentsList = new WrapperList(definition.getContents(), "contents"); // NOI18N
        return contentsList;

    public List getFeatures() {
        if (featureList == null)
            featureList = new WrapperList(definition.getFeatures(), "features"); // NOI18N
        return featureList;

    public Field getField(String name, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return (Field)wrap(definition.getField(name, includeSupertypes));

    public JavaClass getInnerClass(String simpleName, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return (JavaClass)wrap(definition.getInnerClass(simpleName, includeSupertypes));

    public List getInterfaceNames() {
        return definition.getInterfaceNames();

    public List getInterfaces() {
        return new SubstitutionList(definition.getInterfaces());

    public Method getMethod(String name, List parameters, boolean includeSupertypes) {
        return (Method)wrap(definition.getMethod(name, parameters, includeSupertypes));

    public JavaClass getSuperClass() {
        return (JavaClass) rebuildObject(definition.getSuperClass());

    public MultipartId getSuperClassName() {
        return definition.getSuperClassName();

    public void setSuperClass(JavaClass newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "superClass"); // NOI18N

    public void setSuperClassName(MultipartId newValue) {
        throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "superClassName"); // NOI18N
    public boolean isSubTypeOf(ClassDefinition cls) {
        return definition.isSubTypeOf(cls);

    // GenericElement implementation ............................................

    public List getTypeParameters() {
        return definition.getTypeParameters();

    // Element implementation ............................................
    public Resource getResource() {
        return definition.getResource();

    // helper methods ...........................................................
    static ConstraintViolationException constructIsReadOnly(RefObject obj, String attrName) {
        RefObject attr = null;
        try {
            attr = ((MofClass) obj.refMetaObject()).lookupElementExtended(attrName);
        } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
            // ignore
        attrName = attrName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + attrName.substring(1);
        return new ConstraintViolationException(obj, attr, attrName + " is readonly."); // NOI18N

    static String constructName(JavaClass definition, List parameters, ParameterizedType outerCls, boolean useFQN) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (useFQN) {
            if (outerCls != null) {
                sb.append('.'); // NOI18N
            } else {
        } else {
        if (parameters != null && parameters.size() > 0) {
            sb.append('<'); // NOI18N
            for (Iterator it = parameters.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Type param = (Type);
                sb.append(!useFQN && param instanceof JavaClass ? ((JavaClass)param).getSimpleName() : param.getName());
                if (it.hasNext())
            sb.append('>'); // NOI18N
        return sb.toString();
    void initSubstitutionMap() {
        if (substMap != null) return;
        substMap = new HashMap();
        ClassDefinition cd = this;
        while (cd instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            List parameters = ((ParameterizedType)cd).getParameters();
            Iterator itt = parameters.iterator();
            if (itt.hasNext()) {
                for (Iterator it = ((ParameterizedType)cd).getDefinition().getTypeParameters().iterator(); it.hasNext() && itt.hasNext();) {
            cd = ((ParameterizedType)cd).getDeclaringClass();

    private void lock() {
        ((BaseObjectHandler) definition).repository().beginTrans(false);

    private void unlock() {
        ((BaseObjectHandler) definition).repository().endTrans(false);

    private class WrapperList implements List {

        private List list;
        private String attrName;

        public WrapperList(List list, String attrName) {
            this.list = list;
            this.attrName = attrName;

        public int size() {
            return list.size();

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return list.isEmpty();

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
            Object obj = o;
            if (obj instanceof Wrapper) {
                obj = ((Wrapper)obj).getWrappedObject();
            return list.contains(obj);

        public Iterator iterator() {
            return listIterator();

        public Object[] toArray() {
            try {
                Object[] result = new Object[size()];
                Iterator it = iterator();
                for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++) {
                    result[i] =;
                return result;
            } finally {

        public Object[] toArray(Object a[]) {
            try {
                int size = size();
                if (a.length < size) {
                    a = (Object[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size);
                Iterator it = iterator();
                for (int i = 0; i size)
                    a[size] = null;
                return a;
            } finally {

        public boolean add(Object o) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public boolean remove(Object o) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(null, attrName);

        public boolean containsAll(Collection c) {
            try {
                for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    if (!contains( {
                        return false;
                return true;
            } finally {

        public boolean addAll(Collection c) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public void clear() {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public Object get(int index) {
            try {
                return listIterator(index).next();
            } finally {

        public Object set(int index, Object element) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public void add(int index, Object element) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public Object remove(int index) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

        public int indexOf(Object o) {
            try {
                for (ListIterator it = listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    if ( {
                        return it.previousIndex();
                return -1;
            } finally {

        public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {
            try {
                int result = -1;
                for (ListIterator it = listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    if ( {
                        result = it.previousIndex();
                return result;
            } finally {

        public ListIterator listIterator() {
            return new WrapperListIterator(list.listIterator());

        public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {
            try {
                ListIterator result = listIterator();
                while (result.nextIndex() < index) {
                return result;
            } finally {

        public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        private class WrapperListIterator implements ListIterator {

            private ListIterator delegate;

            public WrapperListIterator(ListIterator delegate) {
                this.delegate = delegate;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return delegate.hasNext();

            public Object next() {
                return wrap(;

            public boolean hasPrevious() {
                return delegate.hasPrevious();

            public Object previous() {
                return wrap(delegate.previous());

            public int nextIndex() {
                return delegate.nextIndex();

            public int previousIndex() {
                return delegate.previousIndex();

            public void remove() {
                throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

            public void set(Object o) {
                throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

            public void add(Object o) {
                throw constructIsReadOnly(ParameterizedTypeImpl.this, attrName);

    public abstract class Wrapper implements MDRObject {

        private Object obj;

        public Wrapper(Object obj) {
            this.obj = obj;

        public Object getWrappedObject() {
            return obj;
        public MDRepository repository() {
            return ((MDRObject) obj).repository();

        public void addListener(MDRChangeListener listener) {
            ((MDRObject) obj).addListener(listener);
        public void addListener(MDRChangeListener listener, int mask) {
            ((MDRObject) obj).addListener(listener, mask);
        public void removeListener(MDRChangeListener listener) {
            ((MDRObject) obj).removeListener(listener);
        public void removeListener(MDRChangeListener listener, int mask) {
            ((MDRObject) obj).removeListener(listener, mask);

    private Object wrap(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof Field)
            return new FieldWrapper(obj);
        if (obj instanceof Method)
            return new MethodWrapper(obj);
        if (obj instanceof Constructor)
            return new ConstructorWrapper(obj);
        if (obj instanceof Parameter)
            return new ParameterWrapper(obj);
        if (obj instanceof TypeParameter)
            return substitute((Type)obj);
        if (obj instanceof JavaClass) {
            ParameterizedTypeClass ptc = ((JavaModelPackage)((JavaClass)obj).refImmediatePackage()).getParameterizedType();
            return ptc.resolveParameterizedType((JavaClass)obj, null, this);
        return obj;

    private Type substitute(Type typ) {
        if (typ instanceof TypeParameter) {
            Type subst = (Type) substMap.get(typ);
            if (subst == null) {
                subst = JMManager.getManager().getDefaultExtent().getType().resolve("java.lang.Object"); // NOI18N
                substMap.put(typ, subst);
            typ = subst;
        } else if (typ instanceof Array) {
            Type subst = substitute(((Array)typ).getType());
            return subst != null ? ((ArrayClass)typ.refClass()).resolveArray(subst) : typ;
        return (Type) rebuildObject(typ);
    private Object rebuildObject(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof ParameterizedTypeImpl) {
            ParameterizedTypeImpl pt = (ParameterizedTypeImpl) obj;
            List parameters = pt.getParameters();
            List newParameters = new ArrayList(parameters.size());
            boolean createNew = false;
            for (Iterator it = parameters.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Type oldType = (Type);
                Type newType = substitute(oldType);
                if (!oldType.equals(newType)) {
                    createNew = true;
            if (createNew) {
                obj = ((ParameterizedTypeClass) pt.refClass()).resolveParameterizedType(pt.definition, newParameters, pt.outerCls);
        return obj;

    private class TypedElementWrapper extends Wrapper implements TypedElement {

        public TypedElementWrapper(Object typedElement) {
        private TypedElement typedElement() {
            return (TypedElement) getWrappedObject();

        public Type getType() {
            return substitute(typedElement().getType());

        public void setType(Type newValue) {
            throw constructIsReadOnly(this, "type"); // NOI18N
        public Element duplicate() {
            return typedElement().duplicate();

        public List getChildren() {
            return typedElement().getChildren();

        public int getEndOffset() {
            return typedElement().getEndOffset();

        public int getPartEndOffset(ElementPartKind part) {
            return typedElement().getPartEndOffset(part);

        public int getPartStartOffset(ElementPartKind part) {
            return typedElement().getPartStartOffset(part);

        public Resource getResource() {
            return typedElement().getResource();

        public int getStartOffset() {
            return typedElement().getStartOffset();

        public boolean isValid() {
            return typedElement().isValid();

        public void replaceChild(Element oldChild, Element newChild) {
            typedElement().replaceChild(oldChild, newChild);

        public RefClass refClass() {
            return typedElement().refClass();

        public void refDelete() {

        public RefFeatured refImmediateComposite() {
            return typedElement().refImmediateComposite();

        public boolean refIsInstanceOf(RefObject refObject, boolean b) {
            return typedElement().refIsInstanceOf(refObject, b);

        public RefFeatured refOutermostComposite() {
            return typedElement().refOutermostComposite();

        public Object refGetValue(RefObject refObject) {
            return typedElement().refGetValue(refObject);

        public Object refGetValue(String s) {
            return typedElement().refGetValue(s);

        public Object refInvokeOperation(RefObject refObject, List list) throws RefException {
            return typedElement().refInvokeOperation(refObject, list);

        public Object refInvokeOperation(String s, List list) throws RefException {
            return typedElement().refInvokeOperation(s, list);

        public void refSetValue(RefObject refObject, Object o) {
            typedElement().refSetValue(refObject, o);

        public void refSetValue(String s, Object o) {
            typedElement().refSetValue(s, o);

        public RefPackage refImmediatePackage() {
            return typedElement().refImmediatePackage();

        public RefObject refMetaObject() {
            return typedElement().refMetaObject();

        public String refMofId() {
            return typedElement().refMofId();

        public RefPackage refOutermostPackage() {
            return typedElement().refOutermostPackage();

        public Collection refVerifyConstraints(boolean b) {
            return typedElement().refVerifyConstraints(b);

    private class FeatureWrapper extends TypedElementWrapper implements Feature {

        public FeatureWrapper(Object feature) {
        private Feature feature() {
            return (Feature) getWrappedObject();

        public ClassDefinition getDeclaringClass() {
            return feature().getDeclaringClass();

        public int getModifiers() {
            return feature().getModifiers();

        public void setModifiers(int newValue) {
        public boolean isDeprecated() {
            return feature().isDeprecated();

        public String getJavadocText() {
            return feature().getJavadocText();

        public void setJavadocText(String newValue) {

        public JavaDoc getJavadoc() {
            return feature().getJavadoc();

        public void setJavadoc(JavaDoc newValue) {

        public List getAnnotations() {
            return feature().getAnnotations();

        public String getName() {
            return feature().getName();

        public void setName(String newValue) {

        public Collection getReferences() {
            return feature().getReferences();
        public void setDeprecated(boolean deprecated) {

    private class FieldWrapper extends FeatureWrapper implements Field {

        public FieldWrapper(Object field) {
        private Field field() {
            return (Field) getWrappedObject();

        public InitialValue getInitialValue() {
            return field().getInitialValue();

        public void setInitialValue(InitialValue newValue) {

        public String getInitialValueText() {
            return field().getInitialValueText();

        public void setInitialValueText(String newValue) {

        public boolean isFinal() {
            return field().isFinal();

        public void setFinal(boolean newValue) {

        public TypeReference getTypeName() {
            return field().getTypeName();

        public void setTypeName(TypeReference newValue) {

        public int getDimCount() {
            return field().getDimCount();

        public void setDimCount(int newValue) {

        public String toString() {
            return "field " + getName(); // NOI18N

    private class CallableFeatureWrapper extends FeatureWrapper implements CallableFeature {

        private WrapperList paramList = null;
        private WrapperList exceptionList = null;

        public CallableFeatureWrapper(Object callableFeature) {
        private CallableFeature callableFeature() {
            return (CallableFeature) getWrappedObject();

        public List getParameters() {
            if (paramList == null)
                paramList = new WrapperList(callableFeature().getParameters(), "parameters"); // NOI18N
            return paramList;

        public List getExceptionNames() {
            return callableFeature().getExceptionNames();

        public List getExceptions() {
            if (exceptionList == null)
                exceptionList = new WrapperList(callableFeature().getExceptions(), "exceptions"); // NOI18N
            return exceptionList;

        public StatementBlock getBody() {
            return callableFeature().getBody();

        public void setBody(StatementBlock newValue) {

        public String getBodyText() {
            return callableFeature().getBodyText();

        public void setBodyText(String newValue) {

        public List getTypeParameters() {
            return callableFeature().getTypeParameters();

    private class MethodWrapper extends CallableFeatureWrapper implements Method {

        public MethodWrapper(Object method) {
        private Method method() {
            return (Method) getWrappedObject();

        public TypeReference getTypeName() {
            return method().getTypeName();

        public void setTypeName(TypeReference newValue) {

        public int getDimCount() {
            return method().getDimCount();

        public void setDimCount(int newValue) {
        public Collection findDependencies(boolean usages, boolean overridenMethods, boolean fromBaseClass) {
            return method().findDependencies(usages, overridenMethods, fromBaseClass);
        public boolean signatureEquals(Method method) {
            return method().signatureEquals(method);
        public String toString() {
            return "method " + getName(); // NOI18N

    private class ConstructorWrapper extends CallableFeatureWrapper implements Constructor {

        public ConstructorWrapper(Object constructor) {

    private class ParameterWrapper extends TypedElementWrapper implements Parameter {

        public ParameterWrapper(Object parameter) {
        private Parameter parameter() {
            return (Parameter) getWrappedObject();

        public boolean isVarArg() {
            return parameter().isVarArg();

        public void setVarArg(boolean newValue) {

        public boolean isFinal() {
            return parameter().isFinal();

        public void setFinal(boolean newValue) {

        public TypeReference getTypeName() {
            return parameter().getTypeName();

        public void setTypeName(TypeReference newValue) {

        public int getDimCount() {
            return parameter().getDimCount();

        public void setDimCount(int newValue) {

        public List getAnnotations() {
            return parameter().getAnnotations();

        public String getName() {
            return parameter().getName();

        public void setName(String newValue) {

        public Collection getReferences() {
            return parameter().getReferences();
    private class SubstitutionList extends AbstractList {
        private final List inner;
        SubstitutionList(List inner) {
            this.inner = inner;
        public void add(int index, Object object) {
            inner.add(index, object);
        public Object remove(int index) {
            return rebuildObject(inner.remove(index));
        public Object set(int index, Object object) {
            return rebuildObject(inner.set(index, object));
        public Object get(int index) {
            return rebuildObject(inner.get(index));
        public int size() {
            return inner.size();
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