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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands;

import org.openide.util.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Dialog;

//import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.update.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.add.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.status.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.checkout.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.remove.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.commit.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.admin.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.JavaCvsFileSystem;
// vcscore cache import !!!
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.caching.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.JavaCvsStatusManager;

 * @author  mkleint
 * @version
public abstract class CacheUpdatingFsCommand extends FileSystemCommand {
    public static final String UPD_CONFLICT = "C"; // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_MODIFIED = "M"; // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_ADDED = "A"; // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_REMOVE = "R"; // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_UPDATE = "U";     // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_PATCH = "P";     // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_UNKNOWN = "?";  // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_TAG = "T"; // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_DEL_TAG = "D"; // NOI18N
    public static final String UPD_MERGED = "G"; // NOI18N
    private static final String STATUS_NO_REVISION_CONTROL_FILE = "No revision control file";  // NOI18N
    private HashMap dirs;
    private HashSet newAddedDirs;
    private boolean refreshing;
    /** Holds value of property fullEntriesUpdate. */
    private boolean fullEntriesUpdate;
    public CacheUpdatingFsCommand() {
        dirs = new HashMap();
        newAddedDirs = new HashSet();
        refreshing = false;
    public CacheUpdatingFsCommand(ClientProvider provider) {
    public void setRefreshing(boolean refreshing) {
        this.refreshing = refreshing;
    public boolean isRefreshing() {
        return refreshing;
    protected void updateCache(DefaultFileInfoContainer updInfo) {
        if (updInfo == null || updInfo.getFile() == null) return;       
        HashMap dir = getDirMap(updInfo.getFile().getParentFile());
        String type = updInfo.getType();
        String status = ""; // NOI18N
        if (type.equals(UPD_TAG) || type.equals(UPD_DEL_TAG)) {
        if (type.equals(UPD_UPDATE) || type.equals(UPD_PATCH)) {
            // we are up-to-date
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.UPTODATE;
        // TODO- HACK ?? - MAYBE ADDED SHOULD BECOME Up-to-date.. are just A because being added to repository??
        else if (type.equals(UPD_ADDED)) {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCALLY_ADDED;
        else if (type.equals(UPD_REMOVE)) {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCALLY_REMOVED;
        else if (type.equals(UPD_MODIFIED)) {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCALLY_MODIFIED;
        else if (type.equals(UPD_CONFLICT)) {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.CONFLICT;
        else if (type.equals(UPD_UNKNOWN)) {
            // TODO unknown or Local???
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.UNKNOWN;
        } else if (type.equals(UPD_MERGED)) {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCALLY_MODIFIED;
        } else if (type.equals(DefaultFileInfoContainer.PERTINENT_STATE)) {
            status = null;
        dir.put(updInfo, status);
    private HashMap getDirMap(File parentFile) {
        HashMap dir = (HashMap)dirs.get(parentFile);
        if (dir == null) {
            dir = new HashMap(20);
            dirs.put(parentFile, dir);
        return dir;
    protected void prepareCache(File[] files, boolean recursive) {
        if (files != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                File dir = null;
                if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
                    dir = files[i];
                } else {
                    dir = files[i].getParentFile();
                createDirMap(dir, recursive);
    private void createDirMap(File dir, boolean recursive) {
        if (recursive) {
            File[] subs = dir.listFiles();
            if (subs != null && subs.length > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
                    if (subs[i].isDirectory()) {
                        createDirMap(subs[i], recursive);
    private File[] lockedFiles;
    private boolean lockedFilesRecursively;
     * Lock the set of files so that they can not be modified in the IDE.
     * This is necessary for commands, that make changes to the processed files.
     * It's crutial, that the file does not get modified twice - externally via
     * the update command and internally (e.g. through the Editor).
     * One MUST call {@link #unlockFilesToBeModified} after the command
     * finish.
     * @param files The array of files that are to be locked.
     * @param recursively Whether the files in directories should be locked recursively.
    protected void lockFilesToBeModified(File[] files, boolean recursively) {
        if (files != null) {
            lockedFiles = files;
            lockedFilesRecursively = recursively;
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                FileObject[] fos = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.fromFile(files[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < fos.length; j++) {
                    FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) fos[j].getAttribute("VcsFileSystemAttributeIdentifier"); // VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_FS
                    if (fs instanceof JavaCvsFileSystem) {
                        String nativePath = (String)fos[j].getAttribute("VcsFileSystemNativeFOPath"); // VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_PACKAGE_NAME_EXT
                        ((JavaCvsFileSystem) fs).lockFilesToBeModified(nativePath, recursively);
     * Unlock the files that were previously locked by {@link #lockFilesToBeModified}
     * method. It's necessary to call this method after the command finish
     * so that the user can edit the files.
    protected void unlockFilesToBeModified() {
        if (lockedFiles != null) {
            File[] files = lockedFiles;
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                FileObject[] fos = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.fromFile(files[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < fos.length; j++) {
                    FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) fos[j].getAttribute("VcsFileSystemAttributeIdentifier"); // VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_FS
                    if (fs instanceof JavaCvsFileSystem) {
                        String nativePath = (String)fos[j].getAttribute("VcsFileSystemNativeFOPath"); // VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_PACKAGE_NAME_EXT
                        ((JavaCvsFileSystem) fs).unlockFilesToBeModified(nativePath, lockedFilesRecursively);
    protected void updateCache(AddInformation addInfo) {
        HashMap dir = getDirMap(addInfo.getFile().getParentFile());
        String status;
        if (addInfo.isDirectory()) {
            String cacheFilePath = addInfo.getFile() + File.separator + 
                                   "CVS" + File.separator + "netbeans.cache"; //NOI18N
            File emptyCacheFile = new File(cacheFilePath);
            try {
            } catch (IOException exc) {
                // just ignore, it will be created when te first command is run.
            status = " "; // NOI18N
        } else {
            String type = addInfo.getType();
            if (type.equals(AddInformation.FILE_RESURRECTED)) {
                status = JavaCvsStatusManager.UPTODATE;
            } else {
                status = JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCALLY_ADDED;
        dir.put(addInfo, status);

    protected void updateCache(RemoveInformation removeInfo) {
        HashMap dir = getDirMap(removeInfo.getFile().getParentFile());
        String status;
        if (removeInfo.isRemoved()) {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCALLY_REMOVED;
            dir.put(removeInfo, status);        

    protected void updateCache(CommitInformation commitInfo) {
        HashMap dir = getDirMap(commitInfo.getFile().getParentFile());
        String status;
        if (commitInfo.getType().equals(CommitInformation.REMOVED)) {
            dir.put(commitInfo, null);        
        } else {
            status = JavaCvsStatusManager.UPTODATE;
            dir.put(commitInfo, status);

    /** TEMPORARY solution until I write the correct stuff.
     *  It should be similar to the way refresh works in the cache.
     * However it should use less force than refresh.
     * checkServer(File rootDir, List returnedInfo)
     * 1. prepare and locks the rootDir recursively.
     * 2. perform the cache updating activities on known files.
     * 3. unlock the fileobjects.
     * this assumes I create a new Strategy for access into the cache.. COMMANDS = 6.
     *  (needs to be higher then Disk, but should IMHO load the disk level as well)
/*    protected void checkServer(File[] filesToCheck, boolean recursive) {
            getFileSystem().doRefresh(filesToCheck, recursive);
    protected void updateCache(StatusInformation info) {
        HashMap dir = getDirMap(info.getFile().getParentFile());
        if (STATUS_NO_REVISION_CONTROL_FILE.equals(info.getRepositoryRevision()) &&
            (!org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.file.FileStatus.ADDED.equals(info.getStatus()))) {
           dir.put(info, JavaCvsStatusManager.convertStatus(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.file.FileStatus.UNKNOWN));
        dir.put(info, JavaCvsStatusManager.convertStatus(info.getStatus()));
    protected void fireCacheEvents() {
        CacheHandler handler = CacheHandler.getInstance();
        JavaCvsCache cacheObject = (JavaCvsCache)handler.getCache(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
        HashSet set = new HashSet();
        File[] fls = getFiles();
        for (int index = 0; index < fls.length; index++) {
            File file = fls[index];
            if (file != null) {
                if (file.isDirectory()) {
                } else {
//                System.out.println("added to set=" + file.getName());
        Iterator it = set.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            File dir = (File);
//            System.out.println("looking for =" + dir.getName());
            CacheFile dirCache = handler.getCacheFile(dir,
                  CacheHandler.STRAT_NONE, JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
            if (dirCache != null) {
                  cacheObject.fireCacheHandlerEvent(cacheObject.EVENT_ADD, dirCache);
//                    System.out.println("fired!");
        if(newAddedDirs.size() == 0)
        Iterator itDir = newAddedDirs.iterator();
            CacheFile dirCache = handler.getCacheFile((File),
                  CacheHandler.STRAT_NONE, JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
            if(dirCache != null){
                dirCache.setStatus(" ");
                cacheObject.fireCacheHandlerEvent(cacheObject.EVENT_ADD, dirCache);

    protected void fireUpdateCache() {
        CacheHandler handler = CacheHandler.getInstance();
        JavaCvsCache cacheObject = (JavaCvsCache)handler.getCache(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
        CacheHandler.getInstance().registerCacheType("JavaCvs_Refreshing", new JavaCvsCache());  //NOI18N

        TreeSet drs = new TreeSet(dirs.keySet());
        Iterator it = drs.iterator();
        // iterate through the directories
        //        System.out.println("cacheObject=" + cacheObject);
        //        boolean dirToRefresh;
        StandardAdminHandler adminHandler = new StandardAdminHandler();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            //            dirToRefresh = false;
            File dir = (File);
            if (dir == null) continue;
            CvsCacheDir dirCache = new CvsCacheDir("JavaCvs_Refreshing", dir); // NOI18N
//            System.out.println("dir=" + dir.getName());
            if (!isRefreshing()) {
                boolean ok = dirCache.readFromDisk();
//                System.out.println("read from disk = " + ok);
            Entry[] entriesArray = null;
            try {
                entriesArray = adminHandler.getEntriesAsArray(dir);
                if (isFullEntriesUpdate()) {
                    updateFromEntries(dir, entriesArray, dirCache);
            } catch ( exc) {
                entriesArray = new Entry[0];
            HashMap fileList = (HashMap)dirs.get(dir);
            Iterator innerIt = fileList.keySet().iterator();
            while (innerIt.hasNext()) {
                // perform update
                FileInfoContainer info = (FileInfoContainer);
                CvsCacheFile file = (CvsCacheFile)dirCache.getFile(info.getFile().getName());
                if (file != null) {
                    String status = (String)fileList.get(info);
                    applyInfo(file, info, entriesArray);
                    if (status == null) {
                        // status is null->> means to remove the file
                        dirCache.removeFile(info.getFile().getName(), false);
                        //and probably from the original cache as well..
                        // no way to find out later when reloading..
                        CacheFile f2 =CacheHandler.getInstance().getCacheFile(dir, CacheHandler.STRAT_NONE, JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
                        if (f2 != null && f2 instanceof CvsCacheDir) {
//                            System.out.println("removing obsolete cache file=" + info.getFile().getName());
                            CvsCacheDir cd2 = (CvsCacheDir)f2;
                            cd2.removeFile(info.getFile().getName(), false);
                } else {
//                    if (info.getFile().isFile()) {
                        file = new CvsCacheFile("JavaCvs_Refreshing", info.getFile().getName()); // NOI18N
//                        dirCache.addFile(file, false);
                        String status = (String)fileList.get(info);
                        if (file != null && status != null) {
                            dirCache.addFile(file, false);
                            applyInfo(file, info, entriesArray);
//                    }
            } // end of file iteration within the directory

            CacheFile originalFile = handler.getCacheFile(dir, CacheHandler.STRAT_NONE, JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
            if (originalFile != null && originalFile instanceof CvsCacheDir) {
                CvsCacheDir originalDir = (CvsCacheDir)originalFile;
                if (originalDir.getAppliedLevel() >= CacheHandler.STRAT_LOCAL) {
//                    System.out.println("lowering level for dir.." + originalDir.getAbsolutePath());
            // release locks
//            cacheObject.removeLockedFileObjects(dir.getAbsolutePath());
        dirs = new HashMap();
    protected void updateFromEntries(File dir, Entry[] entries, CvsCacheDir cacheDir) {
        if (entries != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
                Entry entry = entries[i];
                if (entry.isDirectory()) {
                CvsCacheFile cFile = (CvsCacheFile)cacheDir.getFile(entry.getName());
                if (cFile == null) {
                    cFile = new CvsCacheFile("JavaCvs_Refreshing", entry.getName()); // NOI18N
                    cacheDir.addFile(cFile, false);
                if (!isRefreshing() && cFile.getStatus() == null || cFile.getStatus().equals(JavaCvsStatusManager.LOCAL)) {
                    //now we can try to guess what the status will be..
                    if (cFile.getRevision().startsWith("-")) { //NOI18N
                    } else if (cFile.getRevision().equals("0")) { //NOI18N
                    } else {
                        if (entry.getLastModified() == null) {
                        long entryLast = entry.getLastModified().getTime()/1000;
                        File file = new File(cFile.getAbsolutePath());
                        if (!file.exists()) {
                        long fileLast = file.lastModified() /1000;
                        if (entryLast == fileLast) {
                        } else {

    private void applyInfo(CacheFile file, FileInfoContainer updInfo, Entry[] entries) {
        if (updInfo instanceof StatusInformation) {
            applyInfo(file, (StatusInformation)updInfo, entries);
        if (updInfo.getClass().equals(DefaultFileInfoContainer.class)) {
            applyInfo(file, (DefaultFileInfoContainer)updInfo, entries);
        if (updInfo instanceof CommitInformation) {
            applyInfo(file, (CommitInformation)updInfo, entries);
        if (updInfo instanceof AddInformation) {
            applyInfo(file, (AddInformation)updInfo, entries);
        if (updInfo instanceof RemoveInformation) {
            applyInfo(file, (RemoveInformation)updInfo, entries);

    private void applyInfo(CacheFile file, DefaultFileInfoContainer updInfo, Entry[] entries) {
        Entry entry = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
            if (file.getName().equals(entries[i].getName())) {
                entry = entries[i];
        if (entry != null) {
    private void applyInfo(CacheFile file, AddInformation addInfo, Entry[] entries) {
        if (addInfo.isDirectory()) return;
        if (addInfo.getType().equals(AddInformation.FILE_ADDED)) { // NOI18N
            file.setRevision(NbBundle.getBundle(CacheUpdatingFsCommand.class).getString("CacheUpdatingFsCommand.newRevision")); // NOI18N
        else if (addInfo.getType().equals("M")) { //NOI18N
        Entry entry = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
            if (file.getName().equals(entries[i].getName())) {
                entry = entries[i];
        if (entry != null) {

    private void applyInfo(CacheFile file, RemoveInformation removeInfo, Entry[] entries) {
        if (!(file instanceof CacheDir)) {
            Entry entry = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
                if (file.getName().equals(entries[i].getName())) {
                    entry = entries[i];
            if (entry != null) {
            } else {
                file.setRevision("-"); //NOI18N
/*            if (!file.getRevision().startsWith("-")) { // NOI18N
                file.setRevision("-" + file.getRevision()); // NOI18N

    private void applyInfo(CacheFile file, CommitInformation commitInfo, Entry[] entries) {
        String revision = commitInfo.getRevision();
        Entry entry = null;
        if (revision != null && revision.lastIndexOf('.') > 1) {
            // check only if the revision in question is on a branch..
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
                if (file.getName().equals(entries[i].getName())) {
                    entry = entries[i];
                    if (entry.getStickyInformation() != null) {

    private void applyInfo(CacheFile file, StatusInformation info, Entry[] entries) {
        String rev = info.getWorkingRevision();
        if (rev != null && rev.length() == 0) {
            rev = null;
        if (rev != null) {
            if ("New file!".equals(rev)) { //NOI18N
                file.setRevision(NbBundle.getBundle(CacheUpdatingFsCommand.class).getString("CacheUpdatingFsCommand.newRevision")); // NOI18N
            if (rev.startsWith("No entry")) { //NOI18N
                file.setRevision(NbBundle.getBundle(CacheUpdatingFsCommand.class).getString("CacheUpdatingFsCommand.noWorkingEntry")); // NOI18N
        String sticky = info.getStickyTag();
        if (sticky != null && !sticky.equals("(none)")) { // NOI18N
            if (sticky.charAt(0) == '(' && sticky.charAt(sticky.length()) == ')') {
                sticky = sticky.substring(1, sticky.length() - 1);
            int index = sticky.indexOf('(');
            if (index > 0) {
                sticky = sticky.substring(0, index - 1);
        sticky = info.getStickyDate();
        if (sticky != null && !sticky.equals("(none)")) { // NOI18N
            if (sticky.charAt(0) == '(' && sticky.charAt(sticky.length()) == ')') {
                sticky = sticky.substring(1, sticky.length() - 1);
    /** Getter for property fullEntriesUpdate. This property is used for cases when no fileinfo 
     * object is generated, however the cache should update (cvs update -r )
     * We will use the CVS/Entries file for the cache update..
     * @return Value of property fullEntriesUpdate.
    public boolean isFullEntriesUpdate() {
        return this.fullEntriesUpdate;
    /** Setter for property fullEntriesUpdate. This property is used for cases when no fileinfo 
     * object is generated, however the cache should update (cvs update -r )
     * We will use the CVS/Entries file for the cache update..
     * @param fullEntriesUpdate New value of property fullEntriesUpdate.
    public void setFullEntriesUpdate(boolean fullEntriesUpdate) {
        this.fullEntriesUpdate = fullEntriesUpdate;
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