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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands;

import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.Command;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.connection.Connection;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.*;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import java.beans.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.commandLine.GetOpt;
import java.util.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;

 * A general class that acts as wrapper around the library Commands.
 * Each fileSystemCommand is capable of executing 1 or more library commands in sequential order.
The correct working scheme with the FileSystem comamnd is following. *
1. create an instance. *
2.a setClientProvider and files(fileObjects) that the command will use. *
2.b set cvs switches for the command. *
2.c add CommandDisplayerListeners that will display the command's results and handle UI of error handling. *
3. start the command vi the startCommand() method. * * * @author mkleint */ public abstract class FileSystemCommand extends org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.CVSAdapter implements Runnable, Cloneable { private java.util.LinkedList stdErrList; private java.util.LinkedList stdOutList; private Thread thread; /** instance of a Client object that is needed for execution of library commands. * */ protected org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.Client libClient; /** Global options for the library commands. * */ protected org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.GlobalOptions globalOptions; private org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.EventManager eventManager; private boolean dispWasSet; private String root; private Command currCommand; private ArrayList errListeners; private boolean stopCommand; private File[] files; private Object[] paramOptions; private Object[] paramClosingOptions; private boolean defaultSettings; private boolean serverError = false; // vector of commands to run. From first to last. Needs to be set up in InitCommand /** queue of commands to be executed. During the run, this list is iterated and the commands are sequentially executed. * */ protected java.util.Vector toDoCommands; private boolean running; private ClientProvider provider; /** * Registered listeners for events. This is an array for performance when * firing events. We take the hit when adding or removing listeners - that * should be a relatively rare occurrence. */ private CommandDisplayerListener[] displayListeners; /** Creates new FileSystemCommand */ public FileSystemCommand() { initInternals(); initializeCommandList(); } /** Creates a new FileSystemCommand. * @param provider Object implementing the ClientProvider interface. * Each Filesystem object requires to have a ClientProvider in order to run. * */ public FileSystemCommand(ClientProvider provider) { this(); setClientProvider(provider); } /** prepares the internal properties for another run. To be used in CommandFactory */ private void initInternals() { setRunning(false); stopCommand = false; thread = null; serverError = false; setFiles(null); } /** Clones the instance of the command. * @return Returns the cloned object. * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if clone is not supported by subclasses, it throws CloneNotSupportedException */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { FileSystemCommand com = (FileSystemCommand)super.clone(); com.initInternals(); // it's here to make the command ready for execution return com; } public CvsCommand getImpl() { return new CvsCommand(); } /** set the client provider for the to-be-executed FileSystemCommand. * In case the command is created with the constructor without parameters, it needs to be set before starting the command. * This is needed to provide the required enviroment for the execution of the commands. * * @param prov the ClientProvider to use. * */ public void setClientProvider(ClientProvider prov) { provider = prov; setGlobalOptions(provider.getGlobalOptions()); } /** set the files/dirs that the command operates on. Not directly used here, * but subclasses use it in 99% of cases. They should set it before starting a * command, according to the nodes selected or otherwise.. and feed it to * undelying library commands. * @deprecated Use the setFileObjects() methods intead where possible. The setFiles() method might disappear soon. * @param fls array of files that the comamnds is executed upon. */ public void setFiles(File[] fls) { files = fls; } /** set the files/dirs that the command operates on. * * @return array of files that are used by the commands. */ public File[] getFiles() { return files; } public void setFileObjects(FileObject[] fileObjects) { saveFiles(fileObjects); setFiles(convertFileObjects(fileObjects)); } /** Signals to the FileSystemCommand that it should stop.
* The command will no try to abort the undelying server communication and will wait for the next best moment. *
* this method is to be called from within the executeFailed() method (or others) * if you want to stop the command. (do not perform any other activity after the one where it's called) * */ public synchronized void stopCommand() { stopCommand = true; } /** Just like stopCommand(), however ties to abort the server/client communication. * The library takes care not to break in umconsistent state (like writing only 1/2 of a file to disk) * So it may take some time untill the command really stops. * */ public synchronized void hardCommandStop() { libClient.abort(); stopCommand = true; // needs to ne here?? } /** Indicates that the command was stopped. * * @return true is stopped. */ public synchronized boolean isStopped() { return stopCommand; } /** returns the client provider that was set for this FileSystemCommand. * @return ClientProvider that is used by the command. * */ public ClientProvider getClientProvider() { return provider; } /** Sets the Global options to the command. *
The global options object stores the data that equals the global switches of the cvs command. *
When setting a new Clientprovider,the Global options are automagically set from the ClientProvider. * @param glOpt New value of global options. */ public void setGlobalOptions(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.GlobalOptions glOpt) { globalOptions = glOpt; } /** Returns the current value of cvs global option for this command. * * @return Current instance of GlobalOptions */ public org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.GlobalOptions getGlobalOptions() { return globalOptions; } private org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.EventManager getEventManager() throws ClientCreationException { if (libClient == null) { libClient = createClient(); } return libClient.getEventManager(); } public synchronized boolean isRunning() { return running; } /** this method is to be called right BEFORE leaving the run() method */ private synchronized void setRunning(boolean run) { if (run == false) { if (errListeners != null) errListeners.clear(); if (displayListeners != null) { displayListeners = null; } if (libClient != null) { try { Connection conn = libClient.getConnection(); if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch ( ex) {} libClient = null; } if (eventManager != null) { eventManager.removeCVSListener(this); eventManager = null; } if (toDoCommands != null) { toDoCommands.clear(); toDoCommands = null; } } running = run; } /** * Adds an item (generally a FileInfoContainer) the the command's resultList. */ // protected void addToResultList(Object item) { // resultList.add(item); // } /** * Returns a list with all the returned results. */ // protected java.util.List getResultList() { // return resultList; // } /** * Clears the result list of FileInfoContainers returned and parsed by the cvs client. */ // protected void clearResultList() { // resultList = new java.util.LinkedList(); // } protected Command getCurrentCommand() { return currCommand; } private void setCurrentCommand(Command comm) { currCommand = comm; } /** default way of getting instances of cvs commands for use in the FileSystemObjects */ protected Command loadCommand(Class type) { Command comm = null; try { comm = (Command)type.newInstance(); return comm; } catch (Exception exc2) { // System.out.println("error while creating library command"); } return comm; } /** Starts the thread with the command - executes the run() method. */ public void startCommand() { setRunning(true); //create thread thread = new Thread(this, "JavaCvsFileSystem.CVSCommand"); //NOI18N // register with the filesystems command stack // ?? thread.start(); } public abstract String getName(); protected void initializeCommandList() { toDoCommands = new java.util.Vector(2); } protected void clearCommandList() { toDoCommands.clear(); } /** This method is used for setting up the filesystem command. Here the queue of commands should be created, depending on the value of the properties. * Fires the StartDisplayerEvent * @param commandIsRunning True is called from within the run() method. Otherwise needs to be set to false. * */ protected void initCommand(boolean commandIsRunning) { fireDisplayerEvent(new; } /** This method is called when all commands in the queue were already successfully finished. *
* Fires the FinishDisplayerEvent */ protected void finishedCommand() { fireDisplayerEvent(new; } /** Gets executed before the current command in queue gets executed. * To access that command use the getCurrentCommand() method * Fires the BeforeEachCommandDisplayerEvent */ protected void beforeEachExecute() { fireDisplayerEvent(new, getCurrentCommand())); } /** Gets executed after the current command in queue successfully finished. *
* Fires the AfterEachCommandDisplayerEvent * */ protected void afterEachExecute() { fireDisplayerEvent(new; } /** Will run only if any of the commands in the queue failed - for whatever reason. *
* Fires the FailedDisplayerEvent * * @param exc The exception that was thrown by the library. * */ protected void executeFailed(Exception exc) { fireDisplayerEvent(new, exc)); } /** when the library command's builder generates a FileInfoContainer object, * this method is run. *
* Fires a InfoGeneratedDisplayerEvent * @param e The FileInfoEvent generated by the builder. Includes the object holding the parsed data (FileInfoContainer) * */ public void fileInfoGenerated(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.FileInfoEvent e) { org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.FileInfoContainer fInfo = e.getInfoContainer(); // if (fInfo != null) { // addToResultList(fInfo); // } fireDisplayerEvent(new,fInfo)); } private org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.Client createClient() throws ClientCreationException { ClientProvider prov = getClientProvider(); if (prov == null) { throw new ClientCreationException("", //NOI18N NbBundle.getBundle(FileSystemCommand.class).getString( "FileSystemCommand.noClientAvailable")); //NOI18N } return prov.createClient(prov.getCvsRootString()); } /** The main loop of the command. * Is executed in it's own thread. */ public void run() { // resultList = new java.util.LinkedList(); try { if (libClient == null) { libClient = createClient(); } eventManager = libClient.getEventManager(); } catch (ClientCreationException exc) { executeFailed(exc); fireCommandErrorListener(true); setRunning(false); return; } eventManager.addCVSListener(this); boolean finished = false; try { initCommand(true); if (isStopped()) { executeFailed(null); fireCommandErrorListener(true); setRunning(false); finished = true; return; } Iterator it = toDoCommands.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Command comm = (Command); setCurrentCommand(comm); beforeEachExecute(); if (isStopped()) { executeFailed(null); fireCommandErrorListener(true); setRunning(false); finished = true; return; } //-- main part of loop ------------------------------------------------------------- try { provider.openConnection(libClient, provider.getCvsRootString()); libClient.executeCommand(comm,globalOptions); libClient.getConnection().close(); if (serverError) { throw new ServerErrorException(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } catch (Exception exc) { executeFailed(exc); fireCommandErrorListener(true); stopCommand(); setRunning(false); finished = true; return; } afterEachExecute(); if (isStopped()) { executeFailed(null); fireCommandErrorListener(true); setRunning(false); finished = true; return; } } // fireCommandErrorListener(serverError); } finally { if (!finished) { finishedCommand(); setRunning(false); } } } public void addCommandErrorListener( commErrListener) { if (errListeners == null) { errListeners = new ArrayList (); } errListeners.add (commErrListener); } public void removeCommandErrorListener( commErrListener) { if (errListeners != null) { errListeners.remove (commErrListener); } } private void fireCommandErrorListener(boolean wasError) { ArrayList list; synchronized (this) { if (errListeners == null) return; list = (ArrayList) this.errListeners.clone(); } event = new, wasError); for (int i=0; i * Fires a MessageGeneratedDisplayerEvent * @param e The undelying MessageEvent */ public void messageSent(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.MessageEvent e) { fireDisplayerEvent(new, e)); } /** Add a CommandDisplayerListener to the FilesystemCommand. *
All UI communication and display of output should be handled via the CommandDisplayerListeners. * * @param listener The listener to add. * */ public synchronized void addDisplayerListener(CommandDisplayerListener listener) { if (displayListeners==null || displayListeners.length==0) { displayListeners = new CommandDisplayerListener[1]; } else { // allocate a new array and copy existing listeners CommandDisplayerListener[] l = new CommandDisplayerListener[displayListeners.length+1]; for (int i=0; i < displayListeners.length; i++) { l[i] = displayListeners[i]; } displayListeners = l; } displayListeners[displayListeners.length-1] = listener; } /** Removes a CommandDisplayerListener from the FilesystemCommand. * All the listeners are removed once the command ends. * * @param listener the listener to remove */ public synchronized void removeDisplayerListener(CommandDisplayerListener listener) { // TODO: test this method!! if (displayListeners.length==1) { displayListeners = null; } else { CommandDisplayerListener[] l = new CommandDisplayerListener[displayListeners.length-1]; int i=0; while (i < l.length) { if (displayListeners[i] == listener) { for (int j=i+1; j < displayListeners.length; j++) { l[j-1] = displayListeners[j]; } break; } else { l[i] = displayListeners[i]; } i++; } displayListeners = l; } } /** * Fire a CVSEvent to all the listeners * @param e the event to send */ private void fireDisplayerEvent( event) { // if we have no listeners, then there is nothing to do if (displayListeners==null || displayListeners.length==0) return; CommandDisplayerListener[] l = null; synchronized(displayListeners) { l = new CommandDisplayerListener[displayListeners.length]; System.arraycopy(displayListeners, 0, l, 0, l.length); } for (int i=0; i < l.length; i++) { event.fireEvent(l[i]); } } /** Sets the cvs switches from the FileSystemCommand to the undelying library command. *
* The algorithm is following:

* For the FileSystem subclass, it reads the BeanDesriptor and gets all the properties.

* It considers these to be the cvs switches.

* It iterates through the properties and tries to find a setter in the library command, * that equals the setter/getter in the FileSystemCommand. If such match is found, it sets * the value to the library command. * * @param command the library command to be set. * @return true if everything succeeded. * */ public boolean setCommandArguments(Command command) { boolean ok = true; java.beans.BeanInfo info = null; try { info = java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(getImpl().getClass()); } catch (java.beans.IntrospectionException exc) { return false; } if (info != null) { java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] desc = info.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < desc.length; i++) { java.beans.PropertyDescriptor descriptor = desc[i]; Method beanGetter = descriptor.getReadMethod(); Method beanSetter = descriptor.getWriteMethod(); Method commandSetter = null; // System.out.println("GetCommandArguments =" + descriptor.getName()); // System.out.println("set=" + beanSetter); // System.out.println("get=" + beanGetter); Object value = null; try { commandSetter = command.getClass().getMethod( beanSetter.getName(), beanSetter.getParameterTypes()); value = beanGetter.invoke(getImpl(), null); if (commandSetter != null) { commandSetter.invoke(command, new Object[] {value}); } } catch (Exception e) { // the exception should nto be thrown is everything is set up correctly. // the only exception is the AddCommand's recursive property // this one is not present in library, so the exception is intentional. ok = false; /* System.out.println("command's class=" + command.getClass()); System.out.print("methods="); Method[] methods = command.getClass().getMethods(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < methods.length; i2++) { System.out.print(methods[i2].getName() + ","); } System.out.println(""); System.out.println("beansetter=" + beanSetter.getName()); System.out.println("beangetter=" + beanGetter.getName()); System.out.println("commandSetter=" + commandSetter); System.out.println("value=" + value); */ // continue; } } } return ok; } /** Sets the cvs switches from the library command to the FIleSystemCommand. *
* For the algorithm, see setCommandArguments(Command). * @param command the library command that is used to set the cvs switches to the FileSystemCommand. * @return true if everything succeeded. */ public boolean getCommandArguments(Command command) { boolean ok = true; java.beans.BeanInfo info = null; try { info = java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(getImpl().getClass()); // System.out.println("trida=" + getClass().getName()); // System.out.println("class=" + getImpl().getClass().getName()); // System.out.println("beandesc=" + info.getBeanDescriptor().getDisplayName()); } catch (IntrospectionException exc) { return false; } if (info != null) { PropertyDescriptor[] desc = info.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < desc.length; i++) { java.beans.PropertyDescriptor descriptor = desc[i]; Method beanGetter = descriptor.getReadMethod(); Method beanSetter = descriptor.getWriteMethod(); // System.out.println("GetCommandArguments =" + descriptor.getName()); // System.out.println("set=" + beanSetter); // System.out.println("get=" + beanGetter); Method commandGetter = null; try { commandGetter = command.getClass().getMethod( beanGetter.getName(), beanGetter.getParameterTypes()); Object value = commandGetter.invoke(command, null); beanSetter.invoke(getImpl(), new Object[] {value}); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("not invoked=" + beanGetter.getName()); // e.printStackTrace(); ok = false; // continue; } } } return ok; } /** Needs to return a correct subclass. *
Is crutial for correct functionality of the parseCvsArguments(String) method. * @return Should return any subclass of subclass that is a cvs command. * */ protected abstract Class getMainCvsCommand(); /** Returns the cvs command's switches as a String. * * @return String representation of the Command's cvs switches. */ public String getCVSArguments() { Command comm = loadCommand(getMainCvsCommand()); boolean ok = setCommandArguments(comm); return comm.getCVSArguments(); } /** Returns the cvs command's name, switches and other arguments as a String. * Does not include files... * * @return String representation of the Command's cvs command */ public String getCVSCommand() { Command comm = loadCommand(getMainCvsCommand()); boolean ok = setCommandArguments(comm); return comm.getCVSCommand(); } /** After running this method you can be sure that all cvs switches are cleared.
* Resets all properties that are considered cvs switches. */ public void clearAllSwitches() { Command comm = loadCommand(getMainCvsCommand()); comm.resetCVSCommand(); getCommandArguments(comm); } public boolean copySwitchesFrom(FileSystemCommand com) { boolean ok = false; if (!com.getClass().equals(getClass())) { return ok; } Command comm = loadCommand(getMainCvsCommand()); ok = com.setCommandArguments(comm); if (!ok) { return ok; } ok = getCommandArguments(comm); return ok; } /** Displays what cvs commands will be run and with what switches.
* Since the FileSystemCommand can consist of more then 1 library cvs command, * the cvs commands are separated by newline.
* Filename/directory names in the commands are only symbolic, with no path. * (The actual path of the files is not displayed.) *
WARNING: Not to be called when command is running.. * @return String representation of the FileSystemCommand. */ public String getCVSEquivalent() { if (isRunning()) return ""; //NOI18N initCommand(false); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); Iterator it = toDoCommands.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Command comm = (Command); buff.append("cvs " + getGlobalOptions().getCVSCommand() + " "); //NOI18N String commandMess = comm.getCVSCommand(); commandMess = commandMess.replace('\n', ' '); buff.append(commandMess + "\n"); //NOI18N } clearCommandList(); return buff.toString(); } /** Returns the command's cvs switches in the follwoing format: [command's name] [switches]. *
Can be used for writing the Command to .cvsrc file where the default switches are stored. * Subclasses can override this to handle special cases like comit -m "multi-line-message" * * @return String consisting of command's name and arguments. */ public String getCvsrcEntry() { Command comm = loadCommand(getMainCvsCommand()); boolean ok = setCommandArguments(comm); if (ok) { return comm.getCVSCommand(); } return ""; //NOI18N } /** Attempts to set it's properties by parsing the string parameter. *
* If the switch is not identified, it's silently ignored. * To learn if all switches were set corrently, check the getCVSArguments() method. *
* For correct functionality of this method, the command needs to have * the getMainCvsCommand() method setup correctly. * * @param arguments Command's arguments as command-line switches. * */ public void parseCvsArguments(String arguments) { Command comm = loadCommand(getMainCvsCommand()); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(arguments, " \"", true); //NOI18N boolean withinString = false; LinkedList stringList = new LinkedList(); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = tokens.nextToken(); if (tok.equals("\"")) { //NOI18N String param = ""; //NOI18N while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String toke2 = tokens.nextToken(); if (toke2.equals("\"")) break; //NOI18N param = param + toke2; } stringList.add(param); } else { if (!tok.equals(" ")) { //NOI18N stringList.add(tok); } } } String[] args = new String[stringList.size()]; args = (String[])stringList.toArray(args); // 2. set the parameters to the command. comm.resetCVSCommand(); final String getOptString = comm.getOptString(); GetOpt go = new GetOpt(args, getOptString); int ch = -1; go.optIndexSet(0); // maybe should be set to another number go.optIndexSet(0); boolean usagePrint = false; String arg; while ((ch = go.getopt()) != go.optEOF) { // System.out.println("option=" + (char)ch + "arg=" + go.optArgGet()); boolean ok = comm.setCVSCommand((char)ch, go.optArgGet()); } getCommandArguments(comm); } /** * Save the files. This is strongly recommended before a command is executed. * @params fileObjects The array of FileObjects */ private void saveFiles(FileObject[] fileObjects) { if (fileObjects == null) return ; Collection folders = new LinkedList(); boolean wasSaved = false; for (int i = 0; i < fileObjects.length; i++) { org.openide.loaders.DataObject dobj = null; try { dobj = org.openide.loaders.DataObject.find(fileObjects[i]); } catch (org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException exc) { // ignored } if (fileObjects[i].isFolder()) { folders.add(fileObjects[i]); } if (dobj != null && dobj.isModified()) { org.openide.nodes.Node.Cookie cake = dobj.getCookie(org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie.class); try { if (cake != null) { ((org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie) cake).save(); wasSaved = true; } } catch ( exc) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(exc); } } } if (!folders.isEmpty()) { DataObject[] modified = DataObject.getRegistry().getModified(); for (int i = 0; i < modified.length; i++) { DataObject dobj = modified[i]; SaveCookie sc = (SaveCookie) dobj.getCookie(SaveCookie.class); if (sc != null) { Set files = dobj.files(); if (isAFileInAFolder(folders, files)) { try {; wasSaved = true; } catch ( exc) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(exc); } } } } } if (wasSaved) { // If we saved some data, we need to wait at least one second. // This will assure, that any further command, that will modify // the conent of a saved file will actually change the modification // time (time resolution is ~1s). See issue #36065 for details. try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException iex) {} } } private static boolean isAFileInAFolder(Collection foldersCollection, Collection filesCollection) { boolean isIn = false; FileObject[] folders = (FileObject[]) foldersCollection.toArray(new FileObject[foldersCollection.size()]); FileObject[] files = (FileObject[]) filesCollection.toArray(new FileObject[filesCollection.size()]); boolean canBeIn = true; while (!isIn && canBeIn) { canBeIn = false; for (int i = 0; i < folders.length && !isIn; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) { if (files[j] == null) continue; files[j] = files[j].getParent(); if (files[j] == null) continue; if (folders[i].equals(files[j])) { isIn = true; break; } else { if (files[j].getPath().startsWith(folders[i].getPath())) { canBeIn = true; } } } } } return isIn; } /** Converts from String fs-related representation of a file (path+name) * to absolute representation in File objects. */ protected File[] convertFileObjects(FileObject[] fileObjects) { // D.deb("getFiles() START"); if (fileObjects == null) return null; File[] files = new File[fileObjects.length]; for (int index = 0; index < fileObjects.length; index++) { FileObject fo = fileObjects[index]; File file = toFile(fo); if (file != null) { files[index] = file; } } return files; } /** That takes one file object and tries to convert it into local file. * The conversion can succeed only if the file object's file system * supports work with FileSystem.Environment. * * @param fo file object to convert * @return for that file object */ public static toFile (FileObject fo) { final String pne = fo.getPackageNameExt(File.separatorChar, '.'); final class Env extends FileSystem.Environment { /** the file found or null */ public File found; /** the file suggested or null */ //public File suggest; /* method of interface Environment */ public void addClassPath(String element) { if (found != null) { // file found, ignore the rest return; } File p = new File (element); if (! p.isDirectory ()) { // JAR entry, for example: return; } File f = new File (p, pne); found = f; } } Env env = new Env (); try { fo.getFileSystem ().prepareEnvironment(env); return env.found; } catch ( ex) { return null; } } /** * called when server responses with "ok" or "error", (when the command finishes) */ public void commandTerminated(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.TerminationEvent e) { super.commandTerminated(e); serverError = e.isError(); } }

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