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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.mdr.test;

import java.util.*;

import org.netbeans.api.mdr.*;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.xmi.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.*;

import javax.jmi.reflect.*;
import javax.jmi.model.*;

 * Generates random data (instances, attribute values, links) in a given package.

public class RandomDataSupport extends Object {
    // variables ................................................................

    // used random generator
    private Random random = new Random ();

    // extent in which random data are generated
    private RefPackage target;
    private HashSet trackedPackages = new HashSet();

    // maximal number of instances that should be generated per one class proxy
    private int maxInstancesPerClass;
    private RefClass[] allClasses;
    private RefAssociation[] allAssociations;
    private ArrayList toDelete;

    // stores the number of created instaces
    private int instancesCounter = 0;
    // stores the number of created links
    private int linksCounter = 0;
    private int othersCounter = 0;

    private ElementsCache elementsCache;

    private boolean warmUp;
    private boolean testRun;

    // init .....................................................................
    public RandomDataSupport(RefPackage pkg) {
        target = pkg;
        elementsCache = new ElementsCache (target);
    // methods ..................................................................
     * Generates random objects in given extent.
     * @param target extent
     * @param randSeed value to initialize random generator with
     * @param max maximal number of instances that should be generated per one class proxy
    public void generateObjects (long randSeed, int max, boolean warmUp, boolean testRun) {
        random.setSeed (randSeed);
        instancesCounter = 0;
        this.maxInstancesPerClass = max;
        this.warmUp = warmUp;
        this.testRun = testRun;
        for (int i = 0; i < allClasses.length; i++) {
            RefClass proxy = allClasses[i];
            MofClass metaClass = (MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ();
            if (!metaClass.isAbstract ()) {
                int count = (warmUp ? 1 : 1 + random.nextInt (maxInstancesPerClass));
                for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                    generateInstance (metaClass);

    public void modifyObjects (long randSeed, int max, boolean warmUp, boolean testRun) {
        random.setSeed (randSeed);
        instancesCounter = 0;
        this.maxInstancesPerClass = max;
        this.warmUp = warmUp;
        this.testRun = testRun;
        for (int i = 0; i < allClasses.length; i++) {
            RefClass proxy = allClasses[i];
            MofClass metaClass = (MofClass) proxy.refMetaObject ();
            if (!metaClass.isAbstract ()) {
                int count = (warmUp ? 1 : 1 + random.nextInt (maxInstancesPerClass));
                for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                    modifyInstance (metaClass);
    public void prepareAssociationEnds() {
        for (int i = 0; i < allAssociations.length; i++)
            elementsCache.associationEndInstances ((Association)allAssociations[i].refMetaObject());

     * Generates random assiciations in given extent.
     * @param target extent
     * @param randSeed value to initialize random generator with
     * @param max maximal number of instances that should be generated per one class proxy
    public void generateAssociations (long randSeed, int max, boolean warmUp, boolean testRun) {
        random.setSeed (randSeed);
        instancesCounter = 0;
        linksCounter = 0;
        this.maxInstancesPerClass = max;
        this.warmUp = warmUp;
        this.testRun = testRun;
        for (int i = 0; i < allAssociations.length; i++) {
            RefAssociation assoc = allAssociations[i];
            Association metaAssoc = (Association) assoc.refMetaObject ();
            if (!metaAssoc.isAbstract () && !metaAssoc.isDerived ()) {
                int count = (warmUp ? 1 : 1 + random.nextInt (maxInstancesPerClass));
                for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                    generateAssociation (metaAssoc);

    public void findAllOfClass(int idx) {
    public int iterateAllOfClass(int idx) {
        int i = 0;
        for (Iterator it = allClasses[idx].refAllOfClass().iterator(); it.hasNext();
        return i;
    public int queryAssociations(long randSeed, int max) {
        othersCounter = 0;
        int totalNumOfIter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < allAssociations.length; i++) {
            RefAssociation assoc = allAssociations[i];
            if (((Association)assoc.refMetaObject()).isDerived())
            int numOfIter = random.nextInt(max);
            for (int j = 0; j < numOfIter; j++) {
                int end = random.nextInt(2);
                RefObject[] inst = (RefObject[])elementsCache.associationEndInstances((Association)assoc.refMetaObject()).get(end);
                if (inst.length == 0)
                AssociationEnd aEnd = (AssociationEnd)elementsCache.associationEnds((Association)assoc.refMetaObject()).get(end);
                if (!aEnd.otherEnd().isNavigable())
                Collection others = assoc.refQuery(aEnd, inst[random.nextInt(inst.length)]);
                for (Iterator it = others.iterator(); it.hasNext();
        return totalNumOfIter;
    public int prepareObjectsToDelete(long randSeed, int max) {
        toDelete = new ArrayList();
        HashSet composites = new HashSet();
        for (int i = 0; i < allClasses.length; i++) {
            Collection col = allClasses[i].refAllOfClass(); 
            for (Iterator it = col.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                RefObject next = (RefObject);
                RefFeatured composite = next.refOutermostComposite();
                if ((random.nextInt(col.size()) < max) && (!composites.contains(composite))) {
        return toDelete.size();
    public void deleteObjects() {
        for (int i = 0; i < toDelete.size(); i++) {
            RefObject obj = (RefObject)toDelete.get(i);

    public int getInstancesCounter() {
        return instancesCounter;
    public int getLinksCounter() {
        return linksCounter;

    public int getOthersCounter() {
        return othersCounter;
    public int getNumberOfClasses() {
        return allClasses.length;
    // private methods .........................................................
    private RefStruct generateStructure (StructureType type) {
        List fields = elementsCache.structureFields (type);
        List values = new LinkedList ();
        Iterator iter = fields.iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            StructureField field = (StructureField) ();
            Classifier fieldType = field.getType ();
            values.add (generateValue (fieldType));
        RefBaseObject proxy = elementsCache.findProxy (type);
        if (testRun)
            return null;
        if (proxy instanceof RefClass)
            return ((RefClass) proxy).refCreateStruct (type, values);
            return ((RefPackage) proxy).refCreateStruct (type, values);
    private RefEnum generateEnumeration (EnumerationType type) {
        List labels = type.getLabels ();
        int index = random.nextInt (labels.size ());
        RefBaseObject proxy = elementsCache.findProxy (type);
        if (testRun)
            return null;
        if (proxy instanceof RefClass)
            return ((RefClass) proxy).refGetEnum (type, (String) labels.get (index));
            return ((RefPackage) proxy).refGetEnum (type, (String) labels.get (index));
    private Object generatePrimitive (PrimitiveType type) {
        String typeName = type.getName ();
        if (XmiConstants.BOOLEAN_TYPE.equals (typeName))
            return random.nextBoolean () ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        if (XmiConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE.equals (typeName))
            return new Double (random.nextDouble ());
        if (XmiConstants.FLOAT_TYPE.equals (typeName))
            return new Float (random.nextFloat ());
        if (XmiConstants.INTEGER_TYPE.equals (typeName))
            return new Integer (random.nextInt ());
        if (XmiConstants.LONG_TYPE.equals (typeName))
            return new Long (random.nextLong ());
        if (XmiConstants.STRING_TYPE.equals (typeName))
            return generateString ();
        throw new DebugException ("Unknown type: " + typeName);
    private String generateString () {
        int length = random.nextInt (20);
        byte [] chars = new byte [length];        
        random.nextBytes (chars);
        for (int x = 0; x < length; x++)
            chars [x] = (byte) ('a' + Math.abs (chars [x] % 24)); // convert to alpha characters only
        return new String (chars);
    private Object generateValue (Classifier type) {
        while (type instanceof AliasType)
            type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
        if (type instanceof MofClass)
            return generateInstance ((MofClass) type);
        if (type instanceof PrimitiveType)
            return generatePrimitive ((PrimitiveType) type);
        if (type instanceof StructureType)
            return generateStructure ((StructureType) type);
        if (type instanceof EnumerationType)
            return generateEnumeration ((EnumerationType) type);
        throw new DebugException ("Unknown or unsupported type: " + type.getName ());
    private RefObject generateInstance (MofClass mofClass) {
        RefPackage refPackage = (RefPackage) elementsCache.findProxy (mofClass);
        RefClass proxy = refPackage.refClass (mofClass);
        List args = new LinkedList ();
        Iterator iter = elementsCache.instanceAttributes (mofClass).iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
            args.add (generateAttributeValue (attr));
        } // while
        if (testRun)
            return null;
        return proxy.refCreateInstance (args);
    private RefObject modifyInstance(MofClass mofClass) {
        RefObject inst = findInstance(elementsCache.classInstances(mofClass));
        List list = elementsCache.instanceAttributes (mofClass);
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            int idx = random.nextInt(list.size());
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) list.get (idx);
            if (attr.isChangeable()) {
                Object value = generateAttributeValue (attr);
                if (!testRun)
                    inst.refSetValue(attr, value);
        return inst;

    private RefObject findInstance (RefObject[] objs) {
        if (objs == null || objs.length == 0)
            return null;
        return objs[random.nextInt(objs.length)];
    private Object generateAttributeValue (Attribute attribute) {
        MultiplicityType multType = attribute.getMultiplicity ();
        Classifier type = attribute.getType ();
        while (type instanceof AliasType)
            type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
        // check, if type is not an abstract class, if so find a suitable descendant
        if ((type instanceof MofClass) && ((MofClass) type).isAbstract ())
            type = findSubtype ((MofClass) type);
        int upper = multType.getUpper ();        
        int lower = multType.getLower ();
        boolean isMultivalued = upper != 1;
        if ((lower == 0) && random.nextBoolean ()) {
            // if the attribute is optional, generate no value with 50% probality
            return isMultivalued ? new LinkedList () : null;
        if (!isMultivalued)
            return generateValue (type); // [PENDING] it would be better to generate instances of 
                                         // various subtypes of a given type ...
        if (upper == -1) upper = lower + 3;
        int count = lower + random.nextInt (upper - lower + 2);
        // we limit the nuber of generated values to be between 1 and 10
        if (count == 0) count = 1;
        if (count > 10) count = 10;
        List values = new LinkedList ();
        for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
            values.add (generateValue (type));
        return values;
    private MofClass findSubtype (MofClass mofClass) {
        List list = elementsCache.nonAbstractSubtypes (mofClass);
        if ((list == null) || (list.size () == 0))
            throw new DebugException ("Cannot find a non-abstract subtype: " + mofClass.getName ());
        int index = random.nextInt (list.size ());
        return (MofClass) list.get (index);
    private void generateAssociation (Association mofAssoc) {
        RefPackage refPackage = (RefPackage) elementsCache.findProxy (mofAssoc);
        RefAssociation proxy = refPackage.refAssociation (mofAssoc);
        List ends = elementsCache.associationEnds (mofAssoc);
        List endInstances = elementsCache.associationEndInstances (mofAssoc);
        AssociationEnd aEnd = (AssociationEnd) ends.get (0);
        RefObject obj1 = null;
        if (aEnd.otherEnd().getAggregation() == AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE) {
            Classifier type = aEnd.getType ();
            while (type instanceof AliasType)
                type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
            // check, if type is not an abstract class, if so find a suitable descendant
            if ((type instanceof MofClass) && ((MofClass) type).isAbstract ())
                type = findSubtype ((MofClass) type);
            obj1 = generateInstance((MofClass)type);
        else {
            obj1 = findInstance((RefObject[])endInstances.get(0));
            if (obj1 == null)
            int bound = aEnd.getMultiplicity().getUpper();
            if (bound != -1 && proxy.refQuery(aEnd, obj1).size() >= bound)
        aEnd = (AssociationEnd) ends.get (1);
        RefObject obj2 = null;
        if (aEnd.otherEnd().getAggregation() == AggregationKindEnum.COMPOSITE) {
            Classifier type = aEnd.getType ();
            while (type instanceof AliasType)
                type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
            // check, if type is not an abstract class, if so find a suitable descendant
            if ((type instanceof MofClass) && ((MofClass) type).isAbstract ())
                type = findSubtype ((MofClass) type);
            obj2 = generateInstance((MofClass)type);
        else {
            obj2 = findInstance((RefObject[])endInstances.get(1));
            if (obj2 == null)
            int bound = aEnd.getMultiplicity().getUpper();
            if (bound != -1 && proxy.refQuery(aEnd, obj2).size() >= bound)
        if (testRun)
        proxy.refAddLink (obj1, obj2);

    private void prepareAllClasses () {
        Collection col = findAllClasses (target);
        allClasses = (RefClass[]) col.toArray(new RefClass[col.size()]);
    private Collection findAllClasses (RefPackage target) {
        if (trackedPackages.contains (target))
            return null;
        trackedPackages.add (target);
        Collection clss = target.refAllClasses ();
        Iterator iter = target.refAllPackages ().iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ())
            clss.addAll(findAllClasses ((RefPackage) ()));
        return clss;

    private void prepareAllAssociations () {
        Collection col = findAllAssociations (target);
        allAssociations = (RefAssociation[]) col.toArray(new RefAssociation[col.size()]);
    private Collection findAllAssociations (RefPackage target) {
        if (trackedPackages.contains (target))
            return null;
        trackedPackages.add (target);
        Collection assocs = target.refAllAssociations ();
        Iterator iter = target.refAllPackages ().iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ())
            assocs.addAll(findAllAssociations ((RefPackage) ()));
        return assocs;

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