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Java example source code file (

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Java - Java tags/keywords

enumeration, interfaceentry, interfacestate, methodentry, primitiveentry, printwriter, sequenceentry, string, stringentry, symtabentry, typedefentry, util, valueentry, valuegen, vector

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.
 * COMPONENT_NAME: idl.toJava
 * ORIGINS: 27
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * 5639-D57 (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 1999
 * RMI-IIOP v1.0


// -F46082.51<daz> Remove -stateful feature; javaStatefulName() obsolete.
// -D57067 <klr> suppress default init if an emit init explicitly specified.
// -D59071 <daz> Clone method entries when their content needs modification.
// -D59092 <klr> Valuetype supporting interfaces should implement interface.
// -D59418 <klr> Custom values implement org.omg.CORBA.CustomMarshal
// -D59418 <klr> Invert read/read_Value, write/write_Value for Simon
// -D60929 <klr> Update for RTF2.4 changes
// -D62018 <klr> write_value for value with value field x calls xHelper.write.
// -D62062 <klr> Add _write to value Helper to marshal state.
//   write_value for value subclass calls parent._write
// -D61650<daz> Remove '\n' from generated strings; use println()'s.

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;


public class ValueGen implements, JavaGenerator
   * Public zero-argument constructor.
  public ValueGen ()
  } // ctor

  public void generate (Hashtable symbolTable, ValueEntry v, PrintWriter str)
    this.symbolTable = symbolTable;
    this.v = v;
    init ();

    openStream ();
    if (stream == null)
    generateTie ();
    generateHelper ();
    generateHolder ();
    writeHeading ();
    writeBody ();
    writeClosing ();
    closeStream ();
  } // generate

   * Initialize members unique to this generator.
  protected void init ()
    emit = ((Arguments)Compile.compiler.arguments).emit;
    factories = (Factories)Compile.compiler.factories ();
  } // init

  protected void openStream ()
    stream = (v, ".java");
  } // openStream

   * Generate a Tie class only when the user specifies the TIE option
   * and the valuetype does support an interface.
  protected void generateTie ()
    boolean tie = ((Arguments)Compile.compiler.arguments).TIEServer;
    if (v.supports ().size () > 0  && tie)
      Factories factories = (Factories)Compile.compiler.factories ();
      factories.skeleton ().generate (symbolTable, v);
  } // generateTie

  protected void generateHelper ()
    ((Factories)Compile.compiler.factories ()).helper ().generate (symbolTable, v);
  } // generateHelper

  protected void generateHolder ()
    ((Factories)Compile.compiler.factories ()).holder ().generate (symbolTable, v);
  } // generateHolder

  protected void writeHeading ()
    Util.writePackage (stream, v);
    Util.writeProlog (stream, ((GenFileStream)stream).name ());

    if (v.comment () != null)
      v.comment ().generate ("", stream);

    if (v.isAbstract ())
      writeAbstract ();
      stream.print ("public class " + ());

    // There should always be at least one parent: ValueBase
    SymtabEntry parent = (SymtabEntry) v.derivedFrom ().elementAt (0);

    // If parent is ValueBase, it's mapped to
    String parentName = Util.javaName (parent);
    boolean impl = false;

    if (parentName.equals (""))
//    stream.print (" implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueBase, org.omg.CORBA.portable.Streamable");
      stream.print (" implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueBase"); // <d60929>
      impl = true;
    else if ( !((ValueEntry)parent).isAbstract ())
      stream.print (" extends " + parentName);

    // if inheriting from abstract values
    for (int i = 0; i < v.derivedFrom ().size (); i++) {
      parent = (SymtabEntry) v.derivedFrom ().elementAt (i);
      if ( ((ValueEntry)parent).isAbstract ())
        if (!impl)
          stream.print (" implements ");
          impl = true;
          stream.print (", ");
        stream.print (Util.javaName (parent));
// <d59092-klr> Valuetype supporting interface implement Operations interface
// for supported IDL interface
    if (((ValueEntry)v).supports ().size () > 0) {
      if (!impl)
        stream.print (" implements ");
        impl = true;
        stream.print (", ");

      InterfaceEntry s =(InterfaceEntry)((ValueEntry)v).supports().elementAt(0);
      // abstract supported classes don't have "Operations"
      if (s.isAbstract ())
         stream.print (Util.javaName (s));
          stream.print (Util.javaName (s) + "Operations");

//  <d59418> Custom valuetypes implement org.omg.CORBA.CustomMarshal.
    if ( ((ValueEntry)v).isCustom ()) {
      if (!impl)
        stream.print (" implements ");
        impl = true;
        stream.print (", ");

      stream.print ("org.omg.CORBA.CustomMarshal ");

    stream.println ();
    stream.println ("{");
  } // writeHeading

  protected void writeBody ()
    writeMembers ();
    writeInitializers ();
    writeConstructor (); // <d57067>
    writeTruncatable (); // <d60929>
    writeMethods ();
  } // writeBody

  protected void writeClosing ()
   if (v.isAbstract ())
     stream.println ("} // interface " + ());
     stream.println ("} // class " + ());
  } // writeClosing

  protected void closeStream ()
    stream.close ();
  } // closeStream

  protected void writeConstructor ()
   // Per Simon, 9/3/98, emit a protected default constructor
   if (!v.isAbstract () && !explicitDefaultInit) { // <d57067 - klr>
        stream.println ("  protected " + () + " () {}");
        stream.println ();
  } // writeConstructor

  protected void writeTruncatable () // <d60929>
   // Per Simon, 4/6/98, emit _truncatable_ids()
   if (!v.isAbstract ()) {
        stream.println ("  public String[] _truncatable_ids() {");
        stream.println ("      return " + Util.helperName(v, true) + ".get_instance().get_truncatable_base_ids();"); // <d61056>
        stream.println ("  }");
        stream.println ();
  } // writeTruncatable

  protected void writeMembers ()
    // if the value type contains no data members, a null return is expected
    if (v.state () == null)

    for (int i = 0; i < v.state ().size (); i ++)
      InterfaceState member = (InterfaceState) v.state ().elementAt (i);
      SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry) member.entry;
      Util.fillInfo (entry);

      if (entry.comment () != null)
        entry.comment ().generate (" ", stream);

      String modifier = "  ";
      if (member.modifier == InterfaceState.Public)
        modifier = "  public ";
      Util.writeInitializer (modifier, (), "", entry, stream);
  } // writeMembers

  protected void writeInitializers ()
    Vector init = v.initializers ();
    if (init != null)
      stream.println ();
      for (int i = 0; i < init.size (); i++)
        MethodEntry element = (MethodEntry) init.elementAt (i);
        element.valueMethod (true);
        ((MethodGen) element.generator ()). interfaceMethod (symbolTable, element, stream);
        if (element.parameters ().isEmpty ()) // <d57067-klr>
          explicitDefaultInit = true;
  } // writeInitializers

  protected void writeMethods ()
    // contained vector contains methods, attributes, const, enums, exceptions,
    // structs, unions, or typedefs that are declared inside the value object.
    // State members of the nested types are also included in this vector.
    // Thus, if the declaration of a constructed type is nested in the decl.
    // of a state member, e.g   struct x {boolean b;}  memberx;
    // the generation of the nested type must be handled here.
    Enumeration e = v.contained ().elements ();
    while (e.hasMoreElements ())
      SymtabEntry contained = (SymtabEntry)e.nextElement ();
      if (contained instanceof MethodEntry)
        MethodEntry element = (MethodEntry)contained;
        ((MethodGen)element.generator ()).interfaceMethod (symbolTable, element, stream);
        // Generate the type referenced by the typedef.
        if (contained instanceof TypedefEntry)
          contained.type ().generate (symbolTable, stream);

        // Note that we also need to generate the typedef itself if
        // contained is a typedef.
        contained.generate (symbolTable, stream);

    // Abstract values are mapped to interfaces. There is no need to generate
    // the bindings for inheriting methods in case of inheritance from other
    // abstract values or supporting interface
    if (v.isAbstract ())

    // workaround: if the value type doesnot support any interfaces, a null
    // return is expected instead of an empty vector

    // if supporting an interfaces, generate bindings for inheriting methods
    if (v.supports ().size () > 0)
      InterfaceEntry intf = (InterfaceEntry) v.supports ().elementAt (0);
      Enumeration el = intf.allMethods ().elements ();
      while (el.hasMoreElements ())
        MethodEntry m = (MethodEntry) el.nextElement ();
        // <d59071> Don't alter the symbol table/emit list elements!
        //m.container (v);
        //((MethodGen)m.generator ()).interfaceMethod (symbolTable, m, stream);
        MethodEntry mClone = (MethodEntry)m.clone ();
        mClone.container (v);
        ((MethodGen)mClone.generator ()).interfaceMethod (symbolTable, mClone, stream);

    // if inheriting from abstract values, generating bindings for all
    // inheriting methods
    for (int i = 0; i < v.derivedFrom ().size (); i++) {
      ValueEntry parentValue = (ValueEntry) v.derivedFrom ().elementAt (i);
      if (parentValue.isAbstract ())
        Enumeration el = parentValue.allMethods ().elements ();
        while (el.hasMoreElements ())
           MethodEntry m = (MethodEntry) el.nextElement ();
          // <d59071> Don't alter the symbol table/emit list elements!
          //m.container (v);
          //((MethodGen)m.generator ()).interfaceMethod (symbolTable, m, stream);
          MethodEntry mClone = (MethodEntry)m.clone ();
          mClone.container (v);
          ((MethodGen)mClone.generator ()).interfaceMethod (symbolTable, mClone, stream);

  //writeStreamableMethods ();
  } // writeMethods

  protected void writeStreamableMethods ()
    stream.println ("  public void _read (org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream istream)");
    stream.println ("  {");
    read (0, "    ", "this", v, stream);
    stream.println ("  }");
    stream.println ();
    stream.println ("  public void _write (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream)");
    stream.println ("  {");
    write (0, "    ", "this", v, stream);
    stream.println ("  }");
    stream.println ();
    stream.println ("  public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode _type ()");
    stream.println ("  {");
    stream.println ("    return " + Util.helperName (v, false) + ".type ();"); // <d61056>
    stream.println ("  }");
  } // writeStreamableMethods

  // From JavaGenerator

  public int helperType (int index, String indent, TCOffsets tcoffsets, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
    ValueEntry vt = (ValueEntry) entry;
    Vector state = vt.state ();
    int noOfMembers = state == null ? 0 : state.size ();
    String members = "_members" + index++;
    String tcOfMembers = "_tcOf" + members;

    stream.println (indent + "org.omg.CORBA.ValueMember[] "
                    + members + " = new org.omg.CORBA.ValueMember["
                    + noOfMembers
                    + "];");
    stream.println (indent + "org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode " + tcOfMembers + " = null;");
    //stream.println (""); // <d61650>

    String definedInrepId = "_id";
    String repId, version;

    for (int k=0; k<noOfMembers; k++)
      InterfaceState valueMember = (InterfaceState)state.elementAt (k);
      TypedefEntry member = (TypedefEntry)valueMember.entry;
      SymtabEntry mType = Util.typeOf (member);
      if (hasRepId (member))
        repId = Util.helperName (mType, true) + ".id ()"; // <d61056>
        if (mType instanceof ValueEntry || mType instanceof ValueBoxEntry)
          // OBV spec is silent on defining VersionSpec for valuetype RepIds
          version = "\"\"";
          String id = mType.repositoryID ().ID ();
          version = '"' + id.substring (id.lastIndexOf (':')+1) + '"';
        repId = "\"\"";
        version = "\"\"";

      // Get TypeCode for valuetype member and store it var. name given by tcOfMembers
      stream.println (indent + "// ValueMember instance for " + ());
      index = ((JavaGenerator)member.generator ()).type (index, indent, tcoffsets, tcOfMembers, member, stream);
      stream.println (indent + members + "[" + k + "] = new org.omg.CORBA.ValueMember ("  // <d61650>
          + '"' + () + "\", ");                               // name
      stream.println (indent + "    " + repId + ", ");                    // id
      stream.println (indent + "    " + definedInrepId + ", ");           // defined_in
      stream.println (indent + "    " + version + ", ");                  // version
      stream.println (indent + "    " + tcOfMembers + ", ");              // type
      stream.println (indent + "    " + "null, ");                        // type_def
      stream.println (indent + "    " + "org.omg.CORBA." +
          (valueMember.modifier == InterfaceState.Public ?
              "PUBLIC_MEMBER" : "PRIVATE_MEMBER") + ".value" + ");");     // access
    } // end for

    stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_value_tc ("
                    + "_id, "
                    + '"' + () + "\", "
                    + getValueModifier (vt) + ", "
                    + getConcreteBaseTypeCode (vt) + ", "
                    + members
                    + ");");

    return index;
  } // helperType

  public int type (int index, String indent, TCOffsets tcoffsets, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream) {
    stream.println (indent + name + " = " + Util.helperName (entry, true) + ".type ();"); // <d61056>
    return index;
  } // type

  // Check for types which don't have a Repository ID: primitive,
  // string, arrays and sequences.

  private static boolean hasRepId (SymtabEntry member)
    SymtabEntry mType = Util.typeOf (member);
    return !( mType instanceof PrimitiveEntry ||
              mType instanceof StringEntry ||
              ( mType instanceof TypedefEntry &&
                !(((TypedefEntry)mType).arrayInfo ().isEmpty ()) ) ||
              ( mType instanceof TypedefEntry && member.type () instanceof SequenceEntry) );
  } // hasRepId

  private static String getValueModifier (ValueEntry vt)
    String mod = "NONE";
    if (vt.isCustom ())
      mod = "CUSTOM";
    else if (vt.isAbstract ())
      mod = "ABSTRACT";
    else if (vt.isSafe ())
      mod = "TRUNCATABLE";
    return "org.omg.CORBA.VM_" + mod + ".value";
  } // getValueModifier

  private static String getConcreteBaseTypeCode (ValueEntry vt)
    Vector v = vt.derivedFrom ();
    if (!vt.isAbstract ())
      SymtabEntry base = (SymtabEntry)vt.derivedFrom ().elementAt (0);
      if (!"ValueBase".equals ( ()))
        return Util.helperName (base, true) + ".type ()"; // <d61056>
    return "null";
  } // getConcreteBaseTypeCode

  public void helperRead (String entryName, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
  // <d59418 - KLR> per Simon, make "static" read call istream.read_value.
  //                put real marshalling code in read_value.

    if (((ValueEntry)entry).isAbstract ())
      stream.println ("    throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION (\"abstract value cannot be instantiated\");");
    stream.println ("    return (" + entryName +") ((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) istream).read_value (get_instance());"); // <d60929>
    stream.println ("  }");
    stream.println ();

    // done with "read", now do "read_value with real marshalling code.

    stream.println ("  public read_value (org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream istream)"); // <d60929>
    stream.println ("  {");

    // per Simon, 3/3/99, read_value for custom values throws an exception
    if (((ValueEntry)entry).isAbstract ())
      stream.println ("    throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION (\"abstract value cannot be instantiated\");");
      if (((ValueEntry)entry).isCustom ())
        stream.println ("    throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION (\"custom values should use unmarshal()\");");
        stream.println ("    " + entryName + " value = new " + entryName + " ();");
        read (0, "    ", "value", entry, stream);
        stream.println ("    return value;");
    stream.println ("  }");
    stream.println ();
    // End of normal read method

    // Per Simon, 8/26/98 - Value helpers get an additional overloaded
    // read method where the value is passed in instead of "new'd" up. This is
    // used for reading parent value state.

    // Per Simon, 3/3/99 - Don't change this "read" for custom marshalling
    stream.println ("  public static void read (org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream istream, " + entryName + " value)");
    stream.println ("  {");
    read (0, "    ", "value", entry, stream);
  } // helperRead

  public int read (int index, String indent, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
    // First do the state members from concrete parent hierarchy
    Vector vParents = ((ValueEntry) entry).derivedFrom ();
    if (vParents != null && vParents.size() != 0)
      ValueEntry parent = (ValueEntry) vParents.elementAt (0);
      if (parent == null)
        return index;
      // Per Simon, 4/6/99 - call parent read. <d60929>
      if (! Util.javaQualifiedName(parent).equals ("")) // <d60929>
          stream.println(indent + Util.helperName (parent, true) + ".read (istream, value);"); // <d60929> // 

    Vector vMembers = ((ValueEntry) entry).state ();
    int noOfMembers = vMembers == null ? 0 : vMembers.size ();

    for (int k = 0; k < noOfMembers; k++)
      TypedefEntry member = (TypedefEntry)((InterfaceState)vMembers.elementAt (k)).entry;
      String memberName = ();
      SymtabEntry mType = member.type ();

      if (mType instanceof PrimitiveEntry ||
          mType instanceof TypedefEntry   ||
          mType instanceof SequenceEntry  ||
          mType instanceof StringEntry    ||
          !member.arrayInfo ().isEmpty ())
        index = ((JavaGenerator)member.generator ()).read (index, indent, name + '.' + memberName, member, stream);
      else if (mType instanceof ValueEntry)
        String returnType = Util.javaQualifiedName (mType);
        if (mType instanceof ValueBoxEntry)
          // <f46082.51> Remove -stateful.
          //returnType = Util.javaStatefulName (mType);
          returnType = Util.javaName (mType);
        stream.println ("    " + name + '.' + memberName + " = (" + returnType +
                        ") ((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream)istream).read_value (" + Util.helperName (mType, true) +  // <d61056>
                        ".get_instance ());"); // <d61056>
        stream.println (indent + name + '.' + memberName + " = " +
                        Util.helperName (mType, true) + ".read (istream);"); // <d61056>

    return index;
  } // read

  public void helperWrite (SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
    // <d59418 - KLR> per Simon, make "static" write call istream.write_value.
    //              put real marshalling code in write_value.
    stream.println ("    ((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream) ostream).write_value (value, get_instance());"); // <d60929>
    stream.println ("  }");
    stream.println ();

    // <d62062>
    // per Simon, 4/27/99, add static _write that marshals the state of this
    //  value for non-custom valuetypes
    if (!((ValueEntry)entry).isCustom ())
       stream.println ("  public static void _write (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, " + Util.javaName (entry) + " value)");
       stream.println ("  {");
       write (0, "    ", "value", entry, stream);
       stream.println ("  }");
       stream.println ();

    // done with "_write", now do "write_value
    stream.println ("  public void write_value (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, obj)"); // <d60929>
    stream.println ("  {");

    // per Simon, 3/3/99, write_value for custom values throws an exception
    if (((ValueEntry)entry).isCustom ())
      stream.println ("    throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION (\"custom values should use marshal()\");");
    else {
      String entryName = Util.javaName(entry);
      stream.println ("    _write (ostream, (" + entryName + ") obj);"); // <d62062>
//      write (0, "    ", "value", entry, stream); <d62062>
  } // helperWrite

  public int write (int index, String indent, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
    // First do the state members from concrete parent hierarchy
    Vector vParents = ((ValueEntry)entry).derivedFrom ();
    if (vParents != null && vParents.size () != 0)
      ValueEntry parent = (ValueEntry)vParents.elementAt (0);
      if (parent == null)
        return index;
      // Per Simon, 4/06/99 - call parent write. <d60929>
      // Per Simon, 4/27/99 - call parent _write. <d62062>
      if (! Util.javaQualifiedName(parent).equals ("")) // <d60929>
          stream.println(indent + Util.helperName (parent, true) + "._write (ostream, value);"); // <d60929>  

    Vector vMembers = ((ValueEntry) entry ).state ();
    int noOfMembers = vMembers == null ? 0 : vMembers.size ();
    for (int k = 0; k < noOfMembers; k++)
      TypedefEntry member = (TypedefEntry)((InterfaceState)vMembers.elementAt (k)).entry;
      String memberName = ();
      SymtabEntry mType = member.type ();

      if (mType instanceof PrimitiveEntry ||
          mType instanceof TypedefEntry   ||
          mType instanceof SequenceEntry  ||
          mType instanceof StringEntry    ||
          !member.arrayInfo ().isEmpty ())
        index = ((JavaGenerator)member.generator ()).write (index, indent, name + '.' + memberName, member, stream);
        stream.println (indent + Util.helperName (mType, true) + // <d61056>
                              ".write (ostream, " + name + '.' + memberName + ");");

    return index;
  } // write

  protected void writeAbstract ()
    stream.print ("public interface " + ());

    // workaround: if the abstract value type does not have any parent, a vector
    // containing ValueBase should be returned instead of an empty vector
    if (v.derivedFrom ().size () == 0)
      stream.print (" extends org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueBase"); // <d60929>
      SymtabEntry parent;
      // list the values the abstract value type inherits
      for (int i = 0; i < v.derivedFrom ().size (); i++)
        if (i == 0)
           stream.print (" extends ");
           stream.print (", ");
        parent = (SymtabEntry) v.derivedFrom ().elementAt (i);
        stream.print (Util.javaName (parent));

    // list the interface the abstract value type supports
    if (v.supports ().size () > 0)
      stream.print (", ");
      SymtabEntry intf = (SymtabEntry) v.supports ().elementAt (0);
      stream.print (Util.javaName (intf));
    stream.println ();
    stream.println ("{");

  protected int emit = 0;
  protected Factories factories   = null;
  protected Hashtable  symbolTable = null;
  protected ValueEntry v = null;
  protected PrintWriter stream = null;
  protected boolean explicitDefaultInit = false; // <d57067 - klr>
} // class ValueGen

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