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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (AnormSpec.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (AnormSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

a, b, from, insert, list, none, play, play framework, select, sql, success, world

The AnormSpec.scala Play Framework example source code

package anorm

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

import acolyte.jdbc.AcolyteDSL.{
import acolyte.jdbc.{
import acolyte.jdbc.RowLists
import RowLists.{ stringList, longList, rowList1, rowList2, rowList3 }
import acolyte.jdbc.Rows.{ row1, row2, row3 }
import acolyte.jdbc.Implicits._

import SqlParser.scalar

object AnormSpec extends Specification with H2Database with AnormTest {
  "Anorm" title

  lazy val fooBarTable = rowList3(
    classOf[Long] -> "id", classOf[String] -> "foo", classOf[Int] -> "bar")

  "Row parser" should {
    "return newly inserted data" in withConnection { implicit c =>
      val ex: Boolean =
        SQL("insert into test1(id, foo, bar) values ({id}, {foo}, {bar})")
          .on('id -> 10L, 'foo -> "Hello", 'bar -> 20).execute()

      ex aka "update executed" must beFalse /*not query*/ and {
        SQL("select * from test1 where id = {id}").on('id -> 10L)
          .map(row => row[String]("foo") -> row[Int]("bar"))
          .single must_== ("Hello" -> 20)

    "return defined option of case class" in withQueryResult(
      fooBarTable :+ (11L, "World", 21)) { implicit c =>

        SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = {id}")
          .on("id" -> 11L).as(fooBarParser1.singleOpt)
          .aka("result data") must beSome(TestTable(11L, "World", 21))


    "handle scalar result" >> {
      "return single value" in withQueryResult(20) { implicit c =>
        (SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(scalar[Int].single).
          aka("single value #1") must_== 20).
          and(SQL("SELECT * FROM test").using(scalar[Int]).
            single aka "single value #2" must_== 20)


      "return None for missing optional value" in withQueryResult(
        null.asInstanceOf[String]) { implicit c =>
          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(scalar[String].singleOpt).
            aka("single value") must beNone

      "return 0 for missing optional numeric" in withQueryResult(
        null.asInstanceOf[Double]) { implicit c =>
          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(scalar[Double].singleOpt).
            aka("single value") must beSome(0d)


      "throw exception when single result is missing" in withQueryResult(
        fooBarTable) { implicit c =>

          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(fooBarParser1.single).
            aka("mapping") must throwA[Exception].like {
              case e: Exception => e.getMessage aka "error" mustEqual (
                "SqlMappingError(No rows when expecting a single one)")

      "throw exception when there is more than 1 required or option row" in {
        withQueryResult(stringList :+ "A" :+ "B") { implicit c =>
          lazy val sql = SQL("SELECT 1")

            .aka("single parser") must throwA[Exception].like {
              case e: Exception => e.getMessage aka "error" mustEqual (
                "SqlMappingError(too many rows when expecting a single one)")
              .aka("singleOpt parser") must throwA[Exception].like {
                case e: Exception => e.getMessage aka "error" mustEqual (
                  "SqlMappingError(too many rows when expecting a single one)")

      "return single string from executed query" in withQueryResult(
        "Result for test-proc-1") { implicit c =>

          SQL("EXEC stored_proc({param})")
            .on("param" -> "test-proc-1").executeQuery()
            .aka("single string") must_== "Result for test-proc-1"

    "handle optional property in case class" >> {
      "return instance with defined option" in withQueryResult(rowList2(
        classOf[Int] -> "id", classOf[String] -> "val") :+ (2, "str")) {
        implicit c =>

          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(
  "id") ~ SqlParser.str("val").? map {
              case id ~ v => (id -> v)
            } single) aka "mapped data" must_== (2 -> Some("str"))


      "return instance with None for column not found" in withQueryResult(
        rowList1(classOf[Long] -> "id") :+ 123l) { implicit c =>

          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(
            SqlParser.long("id") ~ SqlParser.str("val").? map {
              case id ~ v => (id -> v)
            } single) aka "mapped data" must_== (123l -> None)


      "throw exception when type doesn't match" in withQueryResult(
        fooBarTable :+ (1l, "str", 3)) { implicit c =>

          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(
            SqlParser.long("id") ~"foo").? map {
              case id ~ v => (id -> v)
            } single) aka "parser" must throwA[Exception].like {
              case e: Exception => e.getMessage aka "error" must startWith(
                "TypeDoesNotMatch(Cannot convert str:")

    "throw exception when type doesn't match" in withQueryResult("str") {
      implicit c =>

        SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as(scalar[Int].single).
          aka("mismatching type") must throwA[Exception]("TypeDoesNotMatch")


  "Instance of case class" should {
    "be parsed using convience parsers with column names" in withConnection {
      implicit c =>
        val uc =
          SQL("insert into test1(id, foo, bar) values ({id}, {foo}, {bar})")
            .on('id -> 11L, 'foo -> "World", 'bar -> 21)

        uc aka "update count" must_== 1 and {
          SQL("select * from test1 where id = {id}")
            .on('id -> 11L).as(fooBarParser1.singleOpt)
            .aka("instance") must beSome(TestTable(11L, "World", 21))

    "be parsed using raw 'get' parser with column names" in withQueryResult(
      fooBarTable :+ (11L, "World", 21)) { implicit c =>
        SQL("insert into test1(id, foo, bar) values ({id}, {foo}, {bar})")
          .on('id -> 11L, 'foo -> "World", 'bar -> 21)

        SQL("select * from test1 where id = {id}")
          .on('id -> 11L).as(fooBarParser2.singleOpt)
          .aka("instance") must beSome(TestTable(11L, "World", 21))


    "be parsed using convience parsers with column positions" in {
      withQueryResult(fooBarTable :+ (11L, "World", 21)) { implicit c =>
        SQL("insert into test1(id, foo, bar) values ({id}, {foo}, {bar})")
          .on('id -> 11L, 'foo -> "World", 'bar -> 21)

        SQL("select * from test1 where id = {id}")
          .on('id -> 11L).as(fooBarParser3.singleOpt)
          .aka("instance") must beSome(TestTable(11L, "World", 21))


    "be parsed using raw 'get' parser with column positions" in {
      withQueryResult(fooBarTable :+ (11L, "World", 21)) { implicit c =>
        SQL("insert into test1(id, foo, bar) values ({id}, {foo}, {bar})")
          .on('id -> 11L, 'foo -> "World", 'bar -> 21)

        SQL("select * from test1 where id = {id}")
          .on('id -> 11L).as(fooBarParser4.singleOpt)
          .aka("instance") must beSome(TestTable(11L, "World", 21))


  "Result mixing named and unnamed columns" should {
    "be parsable using named and positional parsers" in withQueryResult(
      rowList3(classOf[String], classOf[String], classOf[String]).
        withLabel(2, "named") :+ ("a", "b", "c")) { implicit con =>

        SQL("SELECT *").as(mixedParser1.single).
          aka("parsed mixed result") mustEqual (("a", "b", "c"))


  "List" should {
    "be Nil when there is no result" in withQueryResult(QueryResult.Nil) {
      implicit c =>
        SQL("EXEC test").as(scalar[Int].*) aka "list" must_== Nil

    "raise error when non-empty one is required and there is no result" in {
      withQueryResult(QueryResult.Nil) { implicit c =>
        SQL("EXEC test").as(scalar[Int].+).
          aka("non-empty list") must throwA[Throwable]("Empty Result Set")

    "be parsed from mapped result" in withQueryResult(
      rowList2(classOf[String] -> "foo", classOf[Int] -> "bar").
        append("row1", 100) :+ ("row2", 200)) { implicit c =>

        SQL("SELECT * FROM test").map(row =>
          row[String]("foo") -> row[Int]("bar")
        ).list aka "tuple list" must_== List("row1" -> 100, "row2" -> 200)

    "be parsed from class mapping" in withQueryResult(
      fooBarTable :+ (12L, "World", 101) :+ (14L, "Mondo", 3210)) {
        implicit c =>
          val exp =
            List(TestTable(12L, "World", 101), TestTable(14L, "Mondo", 3210))
          val q = SQL("SELECT * FROM test")

          (*) aka "list" must_== exp).
            and( aka "non-empty list" must_== exp)


    "be parsed from mapping with optional column" in withQueryResult(rowList2(
      classOf[Int] -> "id", classOf[String] -> "val").
      append(9, null.asInstanceOf[String]) :+ (2, "str")) { implicit c =>

      SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as("id") ~ SqlParser.str("val").? map {
          case id ~ v => (id -> v)
        } *) aka "parsed list" must_== List(9 -> None, 2 -> Some("str"))

    "include scalar values" in withQueryResult(
      stringList :+ "A" :+ "B" :+ "C" :+ "D") { implicit c =>

        val exp = List("A", "B", "C", "D")
        val q = SQL("SELECT c FROM letters")

        ([String].*) aka "list" must_== exp).
          and([String].+) aka "non-empty list" must_== exp)

  "Stream" should {
    "be empty when there is no result" in withQueryResult(QueryResult.Nil) {
      implicit c => SQL("EXEC test").apply().headOption must beNone

    "be parsed from mapped result" in withQueryResult(
      rowList2(classOf[String] -> "foo", classOf[Int] -> "bar").
        append("row1", 100) :+ ("row2", 200)) { implicit c =>

        SQL("SELECT * FROM test").apply()
          .map(row => row[String]("foo") -> row[Int]("bar"))
          .aka("tuple stream") mustEqual {
            List("row1" -> 100, "row2" -> 200).toStream

    "be parsed from class mapping" in withQueryResult(
      fooBarTable :+ (12L, "World", 101) :+ (14L, "Mondo", 3210)) {
        implicit c =>
          SQL("SELECT * FROM test").apply().map(fooBarParser1).
            aka("parsed stream") must_== List(
              Success(TestTable(12L, "World", 101)),
              Success(TestTable(14L, "Mondo", 3210))).toStream


    "be parsed from mapping with optional column" in withQueryResult(rowList2(
      classOf[Int] -> "id", classOf[String] -> "val").
      append(9, null.asInstanceOf[String]) :+ (2, "str")) { implicit c =>

      lazy val parser ="id") ~ SqlParser.str("val").? map {
        case id ~ v => (id -> v)

      SQL("SELECT * FROM test").apply().map(parser).
        aka("parsed stream") must_== List(
          Success(9 -> None), Success(2 -> Some("str"))).toStream

    "include scalar values" in withQueryResult(
      stringList :+ "A" :+ "B" :+ "C" :+ "D") { implicit c =>

        SQL("SELECT c FROM letters").apply().map(scalar[String]).
          aka("string stream") must_== List(
            Success("A"), Success("B"), Success("C"), Success("D"))

  "Insertion" should {
    lazy implicit val con = connection(handleStatement withUpdateHandler {
      case UpdateExecution("INSERT ?", ExecutedParameter(1) :: Nil) => 1
      case UpdateExecution("INSERT ?", ExecutedParameter(2) :: Nil) =>
        updateResult(2, longList :+ 3L)
      case UpdateExecution("INSERT ?", ExecutedParameter(3) :: Nil) =>
        updateResult(3, stringList :+ "generated")


    "return no generated key" in {
      SQL"INSERT ${1}".executeInsert() aka "insertion" must beNone

    "return numeric key (default)" in {
      SQL"INSERT ${2}".executeInsert() aka "insertion" must beSome(3L)

    "fail to return unsupported generated key" in {
      SQL"INSERT ${3}".executeInsert().
        aka("insertion") must throwA[Exception]("TypeDoesNotMatch")

    "return generated string key" in {
      SQL"INSERT ${3}".executeInsert(scalar[String].singleOpt).
        aka("insertion") must beSome("generated")

sealed trait AnormTest { db: H2Database =>
  import SqlParser.{ get, int, long, str }

  val fooBarParser1 = long("id") ~ str("foo") ~ int("bar") map {
    case id ~ foo ~ bar => TestTable(id, foo, bar)

  val fooBarParser2 =
    get[Long]("id") ~ get[String]("foo") ~ get[Int]("bar") map {
      case id ~ foo ~ bar => TestTable(id, foo, bar)

  val fooBarParser3 = long(1) ~ str(2) ~ int(3) map {
    case id ~ foo ~ bar => TestTable(id, foo, bar)

  val fooBarParser4 = get[Long](1) ~ get[String](2) ~ get[Int](3) map {
    case id ~ foo ~ bar => TestTable(id, foo, bar)

  val mixedParser1 = str(1) ~ str("named") ~ str(3) map {
    case i ~ j ~ k => (i, j, k)

  def withQueryResult[A](r: QueryResult)(f: java.sql.Connection => A): A =
    f(connection(handleQuery { _ => r }))


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework AnormSpec.scala source code file:

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