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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Cached.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Cached.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, application, cached, concurrent, duration, essentialaction, int, library, play, play framework, requestheader, responseheader, result, seconds, string, time

The Cached.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.cache

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.iteratee.{ Iteratee, Done }
import play.api.http.HeaderNames.{ IF_NONE_MATCH, ETAG, EXPIRES }
import play.api.mvc.Results.NotModified

import play.core.Execution.Implicits.internalContext

import scala.concurrent.duration._

 * Cache an action.
 * Uses both server and client caches:
 *  - Adds an `Expires` header to the response, so clients can cache response content ;
 *  - Adds an `Etag` header to the response, so clients can cache response content and ask the server for freshness ;
 *  - Cache the result on the server, so the underlying action is not computed at each call.
 * @param key Compute a key from the request header
 * @param caching A callback to get the number of seconds to cache results for
case class Cached(key: RequestHeader => String, caching: PartialFunction[ResponseHeader, Duration]) {
  import Cached._

  def apply(action: EssentialAction)(implicit app: Application) = build(action)

   * Compose the cache with an action
  def build(action: EssentialAction)(implicit app: Application) = EssentialAction { request =>
    val resultKey = key(request)
    val etagKey = s"$resultKey-etag"

    // Has the client a version of the resource as fresh as the last one we served?
    val notModified = for {
      requestEtag <- request.headers.get(IF_NONE_MATCH)
      etag <- Cache.getAs[String](etagKey)
      if requestEtag == "*" || etag == requestEtag
    } yield Done[Array[Byte], Result](NotModified)

    notModified.orElse {
      // Otherwise try to serve the resource from the cache, if it has not yet expired
      Cache.getAs[Result](resultKey).map(Done[Array[Byte], Result](_))
    }.getOrElse {
      // The resource was not in the cache, we have to run the underlying action
      val iterateeResult = action(request)

      // Add cache information to the response, so clients can cache its content, etagKey, resultKey, app))

   * Eternity is one year long. Duration zero means eternity.
  private val cachingWithEternity = caching.andThen { duration =>
    if ( {
      Duration(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, SECONDS)
    } else {

  private def handleResult(result: Result, etagKey: String, resultKey: String, app: Application): Result = {
    cachingWithEternity.andThen { duration =>
      // Format expiration date according to http standard
      val expirationDate = http.dateFormat.print(System.currentTimeMillis() + duration.toMillis)
      // Generate a fresh ETAG for it
      val etag = expirationDate // Use the expiration date as ETAG

      val resultWithHeaders = result.withHeaders(ETAG -> etag, EXPIRES -> expirationDate)

      // Cache the new ETAG of the resource
      Cache.set(etagKey, etag, duration)(app)
      // Cache the new Result of the resource
      Cache.set(resultKey, resultWithHeaders, duration)(app)

    }.applyOrElse(result.header, (_: ResponseHeader) => result)

   * Whether this cache should cache the specified response if the status code match
   * This method will cache the result forever
  def includeStatus(status: Int): Cached = includeStatus(status, Duration.Zero)

   * Whether this cache should cache the specified response if the status code match
   * This method will cache the result for duration seconds
   * @param status the status code to check
   * @param duration the number of seconds to cache the result for
  def includeStatus(status: Int, duration: Int): Cached = includeStatus(status, Duration(duration, SECONDS))

   * Whether this cache should cache the specified response if the status code match
   * This method will cache the result for duration seconds
   * @param status the status code to check
   * @param duration how long should we cache the result for
  def includeStatus(status: Int, duration: Duration): Cached = this.copy(caching = caching.orElse {
    case e if e.status == status => {

   * The returned cache will store all responses whatever they may contain
   * @param duration how long we should store responses
  def default(duration: Duration): Cached = compose(PartialFunction((_: ResponseHeader) => duration))

   * The returned cache will store all responses whatever they may contain
   * @param duration the number of seconds we should store responses
  def default(duration: Int): Cached = default(Duration(duration, SECONDS))

   * Compose the cache with new caching function
   * @param alternative a closure getting the reponseheader and returning the duration
   *        we should cache for
  def compose(alternative: PartialFunction[ResponseHeader, Duration]): Cached = this.copy(caching = caching.orElse(alternative))


object Cached {

   * Convenient implicit class for adding a zero method to Duration
  private implicit class DurationEmpty(d: Duration) {
     * This tests if the duration is currently zero
     * @returns boolean checking whether the duration is zero or not
    def zero(): Boolean = d.neg().equals(d)

   * Cache an action.
   * @param key Compute a key from the request header
  def apply(key: RequestHeader => String): Cached = {
    apply(key, duration = 0)

   * Cache an action.
   * @param key Cache key
  def apply(key: String): Cached = {
    apply(_ => key, duration = 0)

   * Cache an action.
   * @param key Cache key
   * @param duration Cache duration (in seconds)
  def apply(key: RequestHeader => String, duration: Int): Cached = {
    new Cached(key, { case (_: ResponseHeader) => Duration(duration, SECONDS) })

   * A cached instance caching nothing
   * Useful for composition
  def empty(key: RequestHeader => String): Cached = new Cached(key, PartialFunction.empty)

   * Caches everything, forever
  def everything(key: RequestHeader => String): Cached = empty(key).default(0)

   * Caches everything for the specified seconds
  def everything(key: RequestHeader => String, duration: Int): Cached = empty(key).default(duration)

   * Caches the specified status, for the specified number of seconds
  def status(key: RequestHeader => String, status: Int, duration: Int): Cached = empty(key).includeStatus(status, Duration(duration, SECONDS))

   * Caches the specified status forever
  def status(key: RequestHeader => String, status: Int): Cached = empty(key).includeStatus(status)

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Cached.scala source code file:

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