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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (PlayDocsValidation.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (PlayDocsValidation.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

codesample, concurrent, could, file, int, linkref, missing, none, play, play framework, plugin, sbt, seq, string, time, unit

The PlayDocsValidation.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

import{ Closeable, BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, InputStream }
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import org.pegdown.ast._
import org.pegdown.ast.Node
import org.pegdown.plugins.{ ToHtmlSerializerPlugin, PegDownPlugins }
import org.pegdown._
import play.sbtplugin.Colors
import play.doc.{ FileHandle, JarRepository, CodeReferenceNode, CodeReferenceParser }
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future, ExecutionContext }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import Imports.PlayDocsKeys._

// Test that all the docs are renderable and valid
object PlayDocsValidation {

  case class MarkdownReport(markdownFiles: Seq[File],
    wikiLinks: Seq[LinkRef],
    resourceLinks: Seq[LinkRef],
    codeSamples: Seq[CodeSample],
    relativeLinks: Seq[LinkRef],
    externalLinks: Seq[LinkRef])

  case class LinkRef(link: String, file: File, position: Int)
  case class CodeSample(source: String, segment: String, file: File, sourcePosition: Int, segmentPosition: Int)

  val generateMarkdownReportTask = Def.task {

    val base = manualPath.value

    val markdownFiles = (base / "manual" ** "*.md").get

    val wikiLinks = mutable.ListBuffer[LinkRef]()
    val resourceLinks = mutable.ListBuffer[LinkRef]()
    val codeSamples = mutable.ListBuffer[CodeSample]()
    val relativeLinks = mutable.ListBuffer[LinkRef]()
    val externalLinks = mutable.ListBuffer[LinkRef]()

    def parseMarkdownFile(markdownFile: File): String = {

      val processor = new PegDownProcessor(Extensions.ALL, PegDownPlugins.builder()

      // Link renderer will also verify that all wiki links exist
      val linkRenderer = new LinkRenderer {
        override def render(node: WikiLinkNode) = {
          node.getText match {
            case link if link.contains("|") => {
              val parts = link.split('|')
              val desc = parts.head
              val page = parts.tail.head.trim
              wikiLinks += LinkRef(page, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + desc.length + 3)
            case image if image.endsWith(".png") => {
              image match {
                case full if full.startsWith("http://") =>
                  externalLinks += LinkRef(full, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + 2)
                case absolute if absolute.startsWith("/") =>
                  resourceLinks += LinkRef("manual" + absolute, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + 2)
                case relative =>
                  val link = markdownFile.getParentFile.getCanonicalPath.stripPrefix(base.getCanonicalPath).stripPrefix("/") + "/" + relative
                  resourceLinks += LinkRef(link, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + 2)
            case link => {
              wikiLinks += LinkRef(link.trim, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + 2)
          new LinkRenderer.Rendering("foo", "bar")

        override def render(node: AutoLinkNode) = addLink(node.getText, node, 1)
        override def render(node: ExpLinkNode, text: String) = addLink(node.url, node, text.length + 3)

        private def addLink(url: String, node: Node, offset: Int) = {
          url match {
            case full if full.startsWith("http://") || full.startsWith("https://") =>
              externalLinks += LinkRef(full, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + offset)
            case relative => relativeLinks += LinkRef(relative, markdownFile, node.getStartIndex + offset)
          new LinkRenderer.Rendering("foo", "bar")

      val codeReferenceSerializer = new ToHtmlSerializerPlugin() {
        def visit(node: Node, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer) = node match {
          case code: CodeReferenceNode => {

            // Label is after the #, or if no #, then is the link label
            val (source, label) = code.getSource.split("#", 2) match {
              case Array(source, label) => (source, label)
              case Array(source) => (source, code.getLabel)

            // The file is either relative to current page page or absolute, under the root
            val sourceFile = if (source.startsWith("/")) {
            } else {
              markdownFile.getParentFile.getCanonicalPath.stripPrefix(base.getCanonicalPath).stripPrefix("/") + "/" + source

            val sourcePos = code.getStartIndex + code.getLabel.length + 4
            val labelPos = if (code.getSource.contains("#")) {
              sourcePos + source.length + 1
            } else {
              code.getStartIndex + 2

            codeSamples += CodeSample(sourceFile, label, markdownFile, sourcePos, labelPos)
          case _ => false

      val astRoot = processor.parseMarkdown(
      new ToHtmlSerializer(linkRenderer, java.util.Arrays.asList[ToHtmlSerializerPlugin](codeReferenceSerializer))


    MarkdownReport(markdownFiles, wikiLinks.toSeq, resourceLinks.toSeq, codeSamples.toSeq, relativeLinks.toSeq, externalLinks.toSeq)

  val validateDocsTask = Def.task {
    val report = generateMarkdownReport.value
    val log = streams.value.log
    val base = manualPath.value

    val docsJarRepo: play.doc.FileRepository with Closeable = if (fallbackToJar.value) {
      val classpath: Seq[Attributed[File]] = (dependencyClasspath in Test).value
      val docsJarFile = {
        val f ="play-docs")).head
        new JarFile(f)
      new JarRepository(docsJarFile, Some("play/docs/content")) with Closeable
    } else {
      new play.doc.FileRepository with Closeable {
        def loadFile[A](path: String)(loader: (InputStream) => A) = None
        def handleFile[A](path: String)(handler: (FileHandle) => A) = None
        def findFileWithName(name: String) = None
        def close(): Unit = ()

    val pages = => f.getName.dropRight(3) -> f).toMap

    var failed = false

    def doAssertion(desc: String, errors: Seq[_])(onFail: => Unit): Unit = {
      if (errors.isEmpty) {"[" +"pass") + "] " + desc)
      } else {
        failed = true
        onFail"[" +"fail") + "] " + desc + " (" + errors.size + " errors)")

    def fileExists(path: String): Boolean = {
      new File(base, path).isFile || docsJarRepo.loadFile(path)(_ => ()).nonEmpty

    def assertLinksNotMissing(desc: String, links: Seq[LinkRef], errorMessage: String): Unit = {
      doAssertion(desc, links) {
        links.foreach { link =>
          logErrorAtLocation(log, link.file, link.position, errorMessage + " " +

    val duplicates = report.markdownFiles
      .groupBy(s => s.getName)
      .filter(v => v._2.size > 1)

    doAssertion("Duplicate markdown file name test", duplicates.toSeq) {
      duplicates.foreach { d =>
        log.error(d._1 + ":\n" + d._2.mkString("\n    "))

    assertLinksNotMissing("Missing wiki links test", report.wikiLinks.filterNot { link =>
      pages.contains( || docsJarRepo.findFileWithName( + ".md").nonEmpty
    }, "Could not find link")

    def relativeLinkOk(link: LinkRef) = {
      link match {
        case scalaApi if"api/scala/index.html#") => true
        case javaApi if"api/java/") => true
        case resource if"resources/") =>
        case bad => false

    assertLinksNotMissing("Relative link test", report.relativeLinks.collect {
      case link if !relativeLinkOk(link) => link
    }, "Bad relative link")

    assertLinksNotMissing("Missing wiki resources test",
      report.resourceLinks.collect {
        case link if !fileExists( => link
      }, "Could not find resource")

    val (existing, nonExisting) = report.codeSamples.partition(sample => fileExists(sample.source))

    assertLinksNotMissing("Missing source files test", => LinkRef(sample.source, sample.file, sample.sourcePosition)),
      "Could not find source file")

    def segmentExists(sample: CodeSample) = {
      // Find the code segment
      val sourceCode = {
        val file = new File(base, sample.source)
        if (file.exists()) {
          IO.readLines(new File(base, sample.source))
        } else {
          docsJarRepo.loadFile(sample.source)(is => IO.readLines(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)))).get
      val notLabel = (s: String) => !s.contains("#" + sample.segment)
      val segment = sourceCode dropWhile (notLabel) drop (1) takeWhile (notLabel)

    assertLinksNotMissing("Missing source segments test", existing.collect {
      case sample if !segmentExists(sample) => LinkRef(sample.segment, sample.file, sample.segmentPosition)
    }, "Could not find source segment")

    val allLinks =

    if (!fallbackToJar.value) {
      // A bit hard to do this without parsing all files, so only do it if we're not falling back to the jar file
      val orphanPages = pages.filterNot(page => allLinks.contains(page._1)).filterNot { page =>
        page._1.startsWith("_") || page._1 == "Home" || page._1.startsWith("Book")
      doAssertion("Orphan pages test", orphanPages.toSeq) {
        orphanPages.foreach { page =>
          log.error("Page " + page._2 + " is not referenced by any links")


    if (failed) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Documentation validation failed")

  val validateExternalLinksTask = Def.task {
    val log = streams.value.log
    val report = generateMarkdownReport.value

    val grouped = report.externalLinks.groupBy("http://localhost:9000")).toSeq.sortBy(_._1)

    implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(50))

    val futures = { entry =>
      Future {
        val (url, refs) = entry
        val connection = new URL(url).openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
        try {
          connection.getResponseCode match {
            // A few people use repositories, which will return 403 errors for directory listings
            case 403 if "".equals(connection.getHeaderField("Server")) => Nil
            case bad if bad >= 300 => {
              refs.foreach { link =>
                logErrorAtLocation(log, link.file, link.position, connection.getResponseCode + " response for external link " +
            case ok => Nil
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) =>
            refs.foreach { link =>
              logErrorAtLocation(log, link.file, link.position, e.getClass.getName + ": " + e.getMessage + " for external link " +
        } finally {

    val invalidRefs = Await.result(Future.sequence(futures), Duration.Inf).flatten


    if (invalidRefs.isEmpty) {"[" +"pass") + "] External links test")
    } else {"[" +"fail") + "] External links test (" + invalidRefs.size + " errors)")
      throw new RuntimeException("External links validation failed")

  private def logErrorAtLocation(log: Logger, file: File, position: Int, errorMessage: String) = synchronized {
    // Load the source
    val lines = IO.readLines(file)
    // Calculate the line and col
    // Tuple is (total chars seen, line no, col no, Option[line])
    val (_, lineNo, colNo, line) = lines.foldLeft((0, 0, 0, None: Option[String])) { (state, line) =>
      state match {
        case (_, _, _, Some(_)) => state
        case (total, l, c, None) => {
          if (total + line.length < position) {
            (total + line.length + 1, l + 1, c, None)
          } else {
            (0, l + 1, position - total + 1, Some(line))
    log.error(errorMessage + " at " + file.getAbsolutePath + ":" + lineNo)
    line.foreach { l =>
      log.error(l.take(colNo - 1).map { case '\t' => '\t'; case _ => ' ' } + "^")

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework PlayDocsValidation.scala source code file:

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