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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (SecurityHeadersFilterSpec.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (SecurityHeadersFilterSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, concurrent, deny, fakerequest, filter, future, java, none, play, play framework, requestheader, securityheadersfilter, securityheadersfilterspec, t, test, withapplication

The SecurityHeadersFilterSpec.scala Play Framework example source code

 *  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.filters.headers

import play.api.test.{WithApplication, FakeRequest, FakeApplication, PlaySpecification}
import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Action, Result}
import play.api.mvc.Results._
import play.api.Configuration
import scala.concurrent.Future

class SecurityHeadersFilterSpec extends PlaySpecification {

  import SecurityHeadersFilter._


  def configure(rawConfig: String) = {
    val typesafeConfig = com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.parseString(rawConfig)

  def defaultConfig: DefaultSecurityHeadersConfig = {
    new SecurityHeadersParser().parse(configure("")).asInstanceOf[DefaultSecurityHeadersConfig]

  def withApplication[T](result: Result, filter: play.api.mvc.Filter)(block: => T): T = {
    running(FakeApplication(withRoutes = {
      case _ => filter.apply(Action(result))

  "security headers" should {

    "work with default singleton apply method with all default options" in new WithApplication {
      val filter = SecurityHeadersFilter()
      // Play.current is set at this point...
      val rh = FakeRequest()
      val action: (RequestHeader) => Future[Result] = {
        requestHeader =>
      val result = filter(action)(rh)

      header(X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("DENY")
      header(X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER, result) must beSome("1; mode=block")
      header(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("nosniff")
      header(X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER, result) must beSome("master-only")
      header(CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER, result) must beSome("default-src 'self'")

    "work with singleton apply method using configuration" in {
      val typesafeConfig = com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.parseString("")
      val config = play.api.Configuration(typesafeConfig)

      val filter = SecurityHeadersFilter(config)
      // Play.current is set at this point...
      val rh = FakeRequest()
      val action: (RequestHeader) => Future[Result] = {
        requestHeader =>
      val result = filter(action)(rh)

      header(X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("DENY")
      header(X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER, result) must beSome("1; mode=block")
      header(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("nosniff")
      header(X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER, result) must beSome("master-only")
      header(CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER, result) must beSome("default-src 'self'")

    "work with new zero argument constructor for Java option" in new WithApplication() {
      // Doesn't use the above construct because we have to be in the scope of the application here.
      val filter = new SecurityHeadersFilter()
      // Play.current is set at this point...
      val rh = FakeRequest()
      val action: (RequestHeader) => Future[Result] = {
        requestHeader =>
      val result = filter(action)(rh)
      header(X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("DENY")
      header(X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER, result) must beSome("1; mode=block")
      header(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("nosniff")
      header(X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER, result) must beSome("master-only")
      header(CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER, result) must beSome("default-src 'self'")

    "work with zero argument constructor before application starts" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter()) {
      val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

    "frame options" should {

      "work with custom frame options" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(configure(
          |play.filters.headers.frameOptions=some frame option
        """.stripMargin))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("some frame option")

      "work with no frame options" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(defaultConfig.copy(frameOptions = None))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beNone

    "xss protection" should {

      "work with custom xss protection" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(configure(
          |play.filters.headers.xssProtection=some xss protection
        """.stripMargin))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER, result) must beSome("some xss protection")

      "work with no xss protection" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(defaultConfig.copy(xssProtection = None))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER, result) must beNone

    "content type options protection" should {

      "work with custom content type options protection" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(configure(
          |play.filters.headers.contentTypeOptions="some content type option"
        """.stripMargin))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beSome("some content type option")

      "work with no content type options protection" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(defaultConfig.copy(contentTypeOptions = None))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER, result) must beNone

    "permitted cross domain policies" should {

      "work with custom" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(configure(
          |play.filters.headers.permittedCrossDomainPolicies="some very long word"
        """.stripMargin))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER, result) must beSome("some very long word")

      "work with none" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(defaultConfig.copy(permittedCrossDomainPolicies = None))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER, result) must beNone

    "content security policy protection" should {

      "work with custom" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(configure(
          |play.filters.headers.contentSecurityPolicy="some content security policy"
        """.stripMargin))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER, result) must beSome("some content security policy")

      "work with none" in withApplication(Ok("hello"), SecurityHeadersFilter(defaultConfig.copy(contentSecurityPolicy = None))) {
        val result = route(FakeRequest()).get

        header(CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER, result) must beNone

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework SecurityHeadersFilterSpec.scala source code file:

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