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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (WebSocketSpec.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (WebSocketSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

actor, api, application, concurrent, continuationwebsocketframe, enumerator, handler, library, list, play, play framework, promise, props, string, test, textwebsocketframe

The WebSocketSpec.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

import play.api.test._
import play.api.Application
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import play.api.mvc.{Handler, Results, WebSocket}
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx._
import org.specs2.matcher.Matcher
import{ActorRef, PoisonPill, Actor, Props}
import play.mvc.WebSocket.{Out, In}
import play.core.Router.HandlerDef
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers

object WebSocketSpec extends PlaySpecification with WsTestClient {


  def withServer[A](webSocket: Application => Handler)(block: => A): A = {
    val currentApp = new AtomicReference[FakeApplication]
    val app = FakeApplication(
      withRoutes = {
        case (_, _) => webSocket(currentApp.get())
    running(TestServer(testServerPort, app))(block)

  def runWebSocket[A](handler: (Enumerator[WebSocketFrame], Iteratee[WebSocketFrame, _]) => Future[A]): A = {
    val innerResult = Promise[A]()
    WebSocketClient { client =>
      await(client.connect(URI.create("ws://localhost:" + testServerPort + "/stream")) { (in, out) =>
        innerResult.completeWith(handler(in, out))

  def textFrame(matcher: Matcher[String]): Matcher[WebSocketFrame] = beLike {
    case t: TextWebSocketFrame => t.getText must matcher

  def closeFrame(status: Int = 1000): Matcher[WebSocketFrame] = beLike {
    case close: CloseWebSocketFrame => close.getStatusCode must_== status

  def binaryBuffer(text: String) = ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(text.getBytes("utf-8"))

   * Iteratee getChunks that invokes a callback as soon as it's done.
  def getChunks[A](chunks: List[A], onDone: List[A] => _): Iteratee[A, List[A]] = Cont {
    case Input.El(c) => getChunks(c :: chunks, onDone)
    case Input.EOF =>
      val result = chunks.reverse
      Done(result, Input.EOF)
    case Input.Empty => getChunks(chunks, onDone)

   * Shared tests
  def allowConsumingMessages(webSocket: Application => Promise[List[String]] => Handler) = {
    val consumed = Promise[List[String]]()
    withServer(app => webSocket(app)(consumed)) {
      val result = runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
        Enumerator(new TextWebSocketFrame("a"), new TextWebSocketFrame("b"), new CloseWebSocketFrame(1000, "")) |>>> out
      result must_== Seq("a", "b")

  def allowSendingMessages(webSocket: Application => List[String] => Handler) = {
    withServer(app => webSocket(app)(List("a", "b"))) {
      val frames = runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
        in |>>> Iteratee.getChunks[WebSocketFrame]
      frames must contain(exactly(

  def cleanUpWhenClosed(webSocket: Application => Promise[Boolean] => Handler) = {
    val cleanedUp = Promise[Boolean]()
    withServer(app => webSocket(app)(cleanedUp)) {
      runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
      } must beTrue

  def closeWhenTheConsumerIsDone(webSocket: Application => Handler) = {
    withServer(app => webSocket(app)) {
      val frames = runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
        Enumerator[WebSocketFrame](new TextWebSocketFrame("foo")) |>> out
        in |>>> Iteratee.getChunks[WebSocketFrame]
      frames must contain(exactly(

  def allowRejectingTheWebSocketWithAResult(webSocket: Application => Int => Handler) = {
    withServer(app => webSocket(app)(FORBIDDEN)) {
      implicit val port = testServerPort
        "Upgrade" -> "websocket",
        "Connection" -> "upgrade"
      ).get()).status must_== FORBIDDEN

  "Plays WebSockets" should {
    "allow consuming messages" in allowConsumingMessages { _ => consumed =>
      WebSocket.using[String] { req =>
        (getChunks[String](Nil, consumed.success _), Enumerator.empty)

    "allow sending messages" in allowSendingMessages { _ => messages =>
      WebSocket.using[String] { req =>
        (Iteratee.ignore, Enumerator.enumerate(messages) >>> Enumerator.eof)

    "close when the consumer is done" in closeWhenTheConsumerIsDone { _ =>
      WebSocket.using[String] { req =>
        (Iteratee.head, Enumerator.empty)

    "clean up when closed" in cleanUpWhenClosed { _ => cleanedUp =>
      WebSocket.using[String] { req =>
        (Iteratee.ignore, Enumerator.empty[String].onDoneEnumerating(cleanedUp.success(true)))

    "allow rejecting a websocket with a result" in allowRejectingTheWebSocketWithAResult { _ => statusCode =>
      WebSocket.tryAccept[String] { req =>

    "allow handling a WebSocket with an actor" in {

      "allow consuming messages" in allowConsumingMessages { implicit app => consumed =>
        WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, String] { req => out =>
          Props(new Actor() {
            var messages = List.empty[String]
            def receive = {
              case msg: String =>
                messages = msg :: messages
            override def postStop() = {

      "allow sending messages" in allowSendingMessages { implicit app => messages =>
        WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, String] { req => out =>
          Props(new Actor() {
            messages.foreach { msg =>
              out ! msg
            out ! PoisonPill
            def receive = PartialFunction.empty

      "close when the consumer is done" in closeWhenTheConsumerIsDone { implicit app =>
      WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, String] { req => out =>
          Props(new Actor() {
            out ! PoisonPill
            def receive = PartialFunction.empty

      "clean up when closed" in cleanUpWhenClosed { implicit app => cleanedUp =>
        WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, String] { req => out =>
          Props(new Actor() {
            def receive = PartialFunction.empty
            override def postStop() = {

      "allow rejecting a websocket with a result" in allowRejectingTheWebSocketWithAResult { implicit app => statusCode =>
        WebSocket.tryAcceptWithActor[String, String] { req =>

      "aggregate text frames" in {
        val consumed = Promise[List[String]]()
        withServer(app => WebSocket.using[String] { req =>
          (getChunks[String](Nil, consumed.success _), Enumerator.empty)
        }) {
          val result = runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
              new TextWebSocketFrame("first"),
              new TextWebSocketFrame(false, 0, "se"),
              new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(false, 0, "co"),
              new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(true, 0, "nd"),
              new TextWebSocketFrame("third"),
              new CloseWebSocketFrame(1000, "")) |>>> out
          result must_== Seq("first", "second", "third")


      "aggregate binary frames" in {
        val consumed = Promise[List[Array[Byte]]]()

        withServer(app => WebSocket.using[Array[Byte]] { req =>
          (getChunks[Array[Byte]](Nil, consumed.success _), Enumerator.empty)
        }) {
          val result = runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
              new BinaryWebSocketFrame(binaryBuffer("first")),
              new BinaryWebSocketFrame(false, 0, binaryBuffer("se")),
              new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(false, 0, binaryBuffer("co")),
              new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(true, 0, binaryBuffer("nd")),
              new BinaryWebSocketFrame(binaryBuffer("third")),
              new CloseWebSocketFrame(1000, "")) |>>> out
 => b.toSeq) must_== Seq("first".getBytes("utf-8").toSeq, "second".getBytes("utf-8").toSeq, "third".getBytes("utf-8").toSeq)

      "close the websocket when the buffer limit is exceeded" in {
        withServer(app => WebSocket.using[String] { req =>
          (Iteratee.ignore, Enumerator.empty)
        }) {
          val frames = runWebSocket { (in, out) =>
              new TextWebSocketFrame(false, 0, "first frame"),
              new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(true, 0, new String(Array.range(1, 65530).map(_ => 'a')))
            ) |>> out
            in |>>> Iteratee.getChunks[WebSocketFrame]
          frames must contain(exactly(


    "allow handling a WebSocket in java" in {

      import play.core.Router.HandlerInvokerFactory
      import play.core.Router.HandlerInvokerFactory._
      import play.mvc.{ WebSocket => JWebSocket, Results => JResults }
      import play.libs.F

      implicit def toHandler[J <: AnyRef](javaHandler: J)(implicit factory: HandlerInvokerFactory[J]): Handler = {
        val invoker = factory.createInvoker(
          new HandlerDef(javaHandler.getClass.getClassLoader, "package", "controller", "method", Nil, "GET", "", "/stream")

      "allow consuming messages" in allowConsumingMessages { _ => consumed =>
        new JWebSocket[String] {
          @volatile var messages = List.empty[String]
          def onReady(in: In[String], out: Out[String]) = {
            in.onMessage(new F.Callback[String] {
              def invoke(msg: String) = messages = msg :: messages
            in.onClose(new F.Callback0 {
              def invoke() = consumed.success(messages.reverse)

      "allow sending messages" in allowSendingMessages { _ => messages =>
        new JWebSocket[String] {
          def onReady(in: In[String], out: Out[String]) = {
            messages.foreach { msg =>

      "clean up when closed" in cleanUpWhenClosed { _ => cleanedUp =>
        new JWebSocket[String] {
          def onReady(in: In[String], out: Out[String]) = {
            in.onClose(new F.Callback0 {
              def invoke() = cleanedUp.success(true)

      "allow rejecting a websocket with a result" in allowRejectingTheWebSocketWithAResult { _ => statusCode =>

      "allow handling a websocket with an actor" in allowSendingMessages { _ => messages =>
        JWebSocket.withActor[String](new F.Function[ActorRef, Props]() {
          def apply(out: ActorRef) = {
            Props(new Actor() {
              messages.foreach { msg =>
                out ! msg
              out ! PoisonPill
              def receive = PartialFunction.empty

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework WebSocketSpec.scala source code file:

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