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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (ServerStartSpec.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (ServerStartSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, applicationprovider, core, fakeserverprocess, fakeserverprovider, fakeserverstart, file, left, map, play, play framework, server, serverconfig, serverprovider, some

The ServerStartSpec.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.core.server

import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.Properties
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import play.api.{ Mode, Play }
import play.core.ApplicationProvider

object ServerStartSpec extends Specification {


  def withTempDir[T](block: File => T) = {
    val temp = Files.createTempDir()
    try {
    } finally {
      def rm(file: File): Unit = file match {
        case dir if dir.isDirectory =>
        case f => f.delete()

  case class ExitException(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None, returnCode: Int = -1) extends Exception(s"Exit with $message, $cause, $returnCode", cause.orNull)

  def startResult[A](f: => A): Either[String,A] = try Right(f) catch {
    case ServerStartException(message, _) => Left(message)

  def exitResult[A](f: => A): Either[String,A] = try Right(f) catch {
    case ExitException(message, _, _) => Left(message)

  class FakeServerStart(val defaultServerProvider: ServerProvider) extends ServerStart {
    override protected def createApplicationProvider(config: ServerConfig): ApplicationProvider = {
      new FakeApplicationProvider(config.rootDir)

  /** A mocked ServerProcess */
  class FakeServerProcess(
    val args: Seq[String] = Seq(),
    propertyMap: Map[String,String] = Map(),
    val pid: Option[String] = None
  ) extends ServerProcess {

    val classLoader: ClassLoader = getClass.getClassLoader

    val properties = new Properties()
    for ((k, v) <- propertyMap) { properties.put(k, v) }

    private var hooks = Seq.empty[() => Unit]
    def addShutdownHook(hook: => Unit) = {
      hooks = hooks :+ (() => hook)
    def shutdown(): Unit = {
      for (h <- hooks) h.apply()

    def exit(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None, returnCode: Int = -1): Nothing = {
      throw new ExitException(message, cause, returnCode)

  class FakeApplicationProvider(appPath: File) extends ApplicationProvider {
    val path = appPath
    def get = ??? // Never called, because we're not serving requests

  // A family of fake servers for us to test

  class FakeServer(config: ServerConfig, appProvider: ApplicationProvider) extends Server with ServerWithStop {
    def applicationProvider = appProvider
    def mode = config.mode
    def mainAddress = ???
    @volatile var stopCallCount = 0
    override def stop() = {
      stopCallCount += 1

  class FakeServerProvider extends ServerProvider {
    override def createServer(config: ServerConfig, appProvider: ApplicationProvider) = new FakeServer(config, appProvider)

  class FakeServer2(config: ServerConfig, appProvider: ApplicationProvider) extends FakeServer(config, appProvider)

  class FakeServerProvider2 extends ServerProvider {
    override def createServer(config: ServerConfig, appProvider: ApplicationProvider) = new FakeServer2(config, appProvider)

  class InvalidCtorFakeServerProvider(foo: String) extends FakeServerProvider {
    override def createServer(config: ServerConfig, appProvider: ApplicationProvider) = ???

  class PrivateCtorFakeServer private () extends FakeServerProvider {
    override def createServer(config: ServerConfig, appProvider: ApplicationProvider) = ???

  "serverStart.readServerConfigSettings" should {

    "read settings from the current process (root dir in args, default HTTP port)" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(Seq(tempDir.getAbsolutePath))
      startResult(serverStart.readServerConfigSettings(process)) must_== Right(ServerConfig(
        rootDir = tempDir,
        port = Some(9000),
        sslPort = None,
        mode = Mode.Prod,
        properties =
    "read settings from the current process (root dir, HTTP port and HTTPS port in props)" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        propertyMap = Map(
          "user.dir" -> tempDir.getAbsolutePath,
          "http.port" -> "80",
          "https.port" -> "443"
      startResult(serverStart.readServerConfigSettings(process)) must_== Right(ServerConfig(
        rootDir = tempDir,
        port = Some(80),
        sslPort = Some(443),
        mode = Mode.Prod,
        properties =
    "require a root dir path when reading settings" in {
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess()
      startResult(serverStart.readServerConfigSettings(process)) must_== Left("No root server path supplied")
    "require an HTTP or HTTPS port when reading settings" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        args = Seq(tempDir.getAbsolutePath),
        propertyMap = Map("http.port" -> "disabled")
      startResult(serverStart.readServerConfigSettings(process)) must_== Left("Must provide either an HTTP or HTTPS port")
    "require an integer HTTP port when reading settings" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        args = Seq(tempDir.getAbsolutePath),
        propertyMap = Map("http.port" -> "xyz")
      startResult(serverStart.readServerConfigSettings(process)) must_== Left("Invalid HTTP port: xyz")
    "require an integer HTTPS port when reading settings" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        args = Seq(tempDir.getAbsolutePath),
        propertyMap = Map("https.port" -> "xyz")
      startResult(serverStart.readServerConfigSettings(process)) must_== Left("Invalid HTTPS port: xyz")


  "serverStart.readServerProviderSetting" should {

    "return default by default" in {
      val defaultServerProvider = new FakeServerProvider
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(defaultServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess()
      serverStart.readServerProviderSetting(process) must be(defaultServerProvider)
    "create a custom provider when the server.provider property is supplied" in {
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val serverProviderClass = classOf[FakeServerProvider]
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        propertyMap = Map("server.provider" -> serverProviderClass.getName)
      serverStart.readServerProviderSetting(process).getClass must_== serverProviderClass
    "fail if the class doesn't exist" in {
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        propertyMap = Map("server.provider" -> "garble.barble.Phnarble")
      startResult(serverStart.readServerProviderSetting(process)) must_== Left("Couldn't find ServerProvider class 'garble.barble.Phnarble'")
    "fail if the class doesn't implement ServerProvider" in {
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val serverProvider = classOf[String].getName
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        propertyMap = Map("server.provider" -> serverProvider)
      startResult(serverStart.readServerProviderSetting(process)) must_== Left(s"Class $serverProvider must implement ServerProvider interface")
    "fail if the class doesn't have a default constructor" in {
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val serverProvider = classOf[InvalidCtorFakeServerProvider].getName
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        propertyMap = Map("server.provider" -> serverProvider)
      startResult(serverStart.readServerProviderSetting(process)) must_== Left(s"ServerProvider class $serverProvider must have a public default constructor")
    "fail if the class has a private constructor" in {
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val serverProvider = classOf[PrivateCtorFakeServer].getName
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        propertyMap = Map("server.provider" -> serverProvider)
      startResult(serverStart.readServerProviderSetting(process)) must_== Left(s"ServerProvider class $serverProvider must have a public default constructor")


  "serverStart.createPidFile" should {

    "create a pid file with the current id, then remove it on process shutdown" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val pid = "12345"
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(pid = Some(pid))
      startResult(serverStart.createPidFile(process, tempDir)) must_== Right(())
      val pidFile = new File(tempDir, "RUNNING_PID")
      try {
        pidFile.exists must beTrue
        Files.toString(pidFile, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")) must_== pid
      } finally {
      pidFile.exists must beFalse
    "fail to create a pid file if it can't get the process pid" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(pid = None)
      startResult(serverStart.createPidFile(process, tempDir)) must_== Left("Couldn't determine current process's pid")
    "fail to create a pid file if the pid file already exists" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(pid = Some("123"))
      Files.write("x".getBytes, new File(tempDir, "RUNNING_PID"))
      startResult(serverStart.createPidFile(process, tempDir)) must_== Left(s"This application is already running (Or delete ${tempDir.getAbsolutePath}/RUNNING_PID file).")


  "serverStart.start" should {

    "read settings, create a pid file, start the the server and register shutdown hooks" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        args = Seq(tempDir.getAbsolutePath),
        pid = Some("999")
      val server = serverStart.start(process)
      val pidFile = new File(tempDir, "RUNNING_PID")
      try {
        server.getClass must_== classOf[FakeServer]
        pidFile.exists must beTrue
        server.asInstanceOf[FakeServer].stopCallCount must_== 0
      } finally {
      pidFile.exists must beFalse
      server.asInstanceOf[FakeServer].stopCallCount must_== 1

    "read settings, create custom ServerProvider, create a pid file, start the the server and register shutdown hooks" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider2)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess(
        args = Seq(tempDir.getAbsolutePath),
        propertyMap = Map("server.provider" -> classOf[FakeServerProvider2].getName),
        pid = Some("999")
      val server = serverStart.start(process)
      val pidFile = new File(tempDir, "RUNNING_PID")
      try {
        server.getClass must_== classOf[FakeServer2]
        pidFile.exists must beTrue
        server.asInstanceOf[FakeServer2].stopCallCount must_== 0
      } finally {
      pidFile.exists must beFalse
      server.asInstanceOf[FakeServer2].stopCallCount must_== 1

    "exit with an error if settings are wrong" in withTempDir { tempDir =>
      val serverStart = new FakeServerStart(new FakeServerProvider)
      val process = new FakeServerProcess()
      exitResult {
      } must_== (Left("No root server path supplied"))



Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework ServerStartSpec.scala source code file:

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